tv [untitled] December 29, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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>> item 15 is an ordinance to deappropriate rate [inaudible] funds and reappropriate the funds to the water system improvement program bond commercial paper expense. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you. just want to acknowledge there are a few items come before us related to the public utility commission and when it comes to moving the work of the public utility commission forward that the board of supervisors has been a very willing partner to make sure that our water system improvement program can proceed to make sure that we are actually approving legislation that's going to be before us later about how we put wireless facilities on public ewe 'til 'til poles. we don't face the same cooperation from the public utility commission when it comes to our clean power sf program. i want to acknowledge that
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it's a two way street to look how we move or city forward on policy that's important to san francisco. i believe that our clean power policies are are important for doing our part around clooi mate change. we've been trying to schedule a meeting with the public utility commission, a joint meeting with the commission for months now and it hasn't happened. i'm noting changing my vote moving forward on these items that i have already helped to approve in budget and finance committee, but i actually just think it's important to note that we need to be met halfway on policy goals that are important to jointly to the public utility commission and board of supervisors and our lafco and so far we haven't seen that cooperation. i'm hoping that can change. i don't know if i want to be able to continue to just do the the regular work i'm doing without asking for more of them so i wanted to
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acknowledge that before voting in favor of this measure and hopefully i'll continue that conversation with the puc staff as well about my concerns about our ability to move our joint climate change goals forward. >> thank you. >> supervisor campos. >> if i may ask the puc specifically if they can comment on the point that supervisor avalos made, what's the level of commitment in many terms of the implementation of community choice application. >> i have don't know that we have someone here from the puc, do we? our representative here is actually formerly free the puc. >> formerly. maybe we can hear from the mayor's off then?
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>> thank you. i am happy to ask somebody from the puc to come speak to that if that's something you'd prefer to here. >> let me ask you, since we don't have anyone from the puc right now, what's the mayor's office position in terms of the commitment to implement community choice communication? >> i think the mayor is very supportive of a local program as long as it's tied to loi cal jobs. >> is the mayor interested in many the puc setting rates as quickly as possible? >> that is a good question and i'm happy to call in our senior advisor roger kim to talk about that if you want to talk about timeframes. >> sure, thank you. >> if i may ask,
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>> same house same call? without objection this resolution is adopted. item 18. >> item 18 is a resolution to authorize the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute master license agreements for outdoor distributed system and antenna pole and gte mobile net of california doik business as verizon wireless each for a term of 12 years to commence following board approval. >> colleagues, any discussion on item 18? seeing none, same house same call. this resolution is adopted. >> item 19 is the peninsula corridor joint powers board in related actions as defined herein. >> same house same call. without objection this resolution is adopted. item 20. >> item 20 is a resolution to
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authorize the office of assessor recorder to act septd a state county program grant from the california state department of finance in the approximate amount of 1.28 million. >> same house same call. without objection this resolution is adopted. item 21. >> item 21 is a resolution to authorize the public utilities commission to accept a grant from the department of water resources storage and recovery project. >> same house same call. without objection this resolution is adopted. >> item 22 is a resolution to authorize the be inrefunding bonds in amount not to exceed 430 million. >> same house same call. without objection this resolution is adopted. >> item 23 is the special tax bonds for the community
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facilities district for the transway transit center and determining other matters in connection therewith. >> same house same call. >> item 24 is a resolution to [inaudible] work force development to accept $24 is a resolution to [inaudible] work force development to accept and expand ab890,000 grant for the h 1b ready to work projects. >> same house same call. wout objection this resolution is adopted. >> item 25, resolution to retroactively authorize expend a $60,000 grant from humboldt state university from the go business capital improvement program. >> same house same call. >> item 26, resolution to improve agreement with new flyer of america with low floor diesel l hybrid buses in an amount not to exceed 6.
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>> if you can call items 27 and 28 together. >> items 27 and 28 are [inaudible] apartment projects in the combined not to exceed amount of 65 million total for both projects. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. colleagues, you should have received copies of some non substantive amendments for items 27 and 28. these amendments update the session on page 5 on the resolution to clarify proper offices of the city are authorized to execute and deliver required documents associated with this bond inducement including indemnities or other security required by lenders. these two items are key components to rebuild alice griffith housing sites.
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with these bonds more than 30 million in grants we will be breaking ground on this revitalization next year. we will rebuild the existing public housing units and build new affordable housing on this particular site without moving or displacing any existing residents so i ask for you support on these technical amendments and the underlying items. thank you. >> is there a second to that? seconded by supervisor farrell. without objection those amendments are adopted for item 27 and 2 8 and on the underlying items, same house, same call. without objection those resolutions are adopted as amendsed. item 29. >> item 29 is a resolution to approve the issuance and sale of revenue bonds by the [inaudible] school in the
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amount not to exceed 13.5 million. >> same house same call. without objection this resolution is adopted. >> item 30 is a resolution to authorize expenditures for the soma community stable aigs fund in the amount of 500,000 and for college preparatory services. >> supervisor kim. >> i want to acknowledge united players, who is one of the beneficiaries of the grant from the soma fund for buy back this past weekend. we were successful in purchasing 101 guns this weekend that were taken off the streets of san francisco. i think this was an incredible work on behalf of this organization. i want to recognize sfpd and our resident volunteers that came out and the folks that came to sell their guns and our local medical marijuana
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dispensaries including green door and [inaudible] who contributed all the funds so we could purchase these guns off the streets. the resolution before us today, i'm excited about. it is the first time we'll be using the soma stabilization fund to make a capital purchase. the fund for some of you that remember in 2007 was set up to mitigate the displacement of the affects of development in the south of market and for the first time the cac has recommended allocating funds for the capital projects. $400,000 will be used along with the help of private sector partners so united partners can enter into escrow so thaz can purchase this bidding. it's exciting because this vital program that's doing violence prevention in the south of market will not be
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subject to the widely swinging speculation in our market, but will be property owners and will stay firmly in their site and neighborhood and serve our young people. the last portion will continue to work with our young people as they apply to college. i'm excited to sponsor this resolution and way tonight thank my colleagues and budget and finance for their recommendation and colleagues, i ask for your support as well. >> thank you. item 30, same house same call. without -- actually, i think we need a roll call vote on this one. p >> on item 30, supervisor wiener. >> i. >> wiener, i. avalos. >> i. >> avalos i. breed. breed absent. supervisor campos. >> i. >> campos i. supervisor cohen. >> i. >> supervisor farrell. >> i.
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>> supervisor kim. >> i. >> supervisor mar. >> i. >> supervisor tang. >> i. >> supervisor breed. >> breed i. there are nine is. >> this resolution is adopted unanimously. now if we can go back to item 15. >> and one of the challenge es we have seen is trying to gauge the commitment of that agency and city to the implementation of community choice aggregation and clean power sf. so i'm wondering if the mayor's office can address that issue. >> we have here mr. roger kim from the mayor's office. welcome. >> thank you. good afternoon.
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senior advisor to the mayor. i think we're waiting from staff from the puc to come over, but we were pleased to see the study and draft version we've been able to take a look at and glad it pointed out the contract is not necessary and that was a big issue that the mayor was very concerned about. i know that the puc has some additional questions about the study with respect to jobs and how the numbers are calculated in the study and we're looking forward to seeing the final report. i know there was a joint meeting where that report will be discussing and i think it's more appropriate to wait and see the results of than meeting before we comment about the future of what the cca is. >> the focus here sb how the puc is spending some of the budget items we're talking about, but in the context of
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cca, one of the challenges we have is the time to do the joint meeting. i'm wondering if if it's possible for the mayor's office to help expedite finding a time that actually works. i'm happy to take that to the puc commission. it's in their purview to schedule their immediating but happy to talk with them. >> thank you. >> welcome. >> and with that, then do we need a roll call vote on item 15? no. why don't we take item 15, same house, same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on first reading unanimously. if we can go over to item 31, please. >> item 31 is a resolution to declare the intent of the multihousing revenue bonds for 588 mission boulevard north in an amount not to exceed 62.5 million. >> all right, same house same call? without objection this
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resolution is adopted. >> item 32 is an ordinance to eliminate the requirement that fwas stations provide separate toilet facilities for men and women. >> this is legislation i offered a scholarship opportunity for undergraduate that our office announced back in in april. they asked that they cared about and admit suggestions for new laws or suggestions to updated laws. the new website that our office and a national non profit helped create what was called san francisco, along with the mayor's office last year. the website allows users to comment directly on the specific different section b sections of our city's laws and students participating
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stems directly from a comment on the health code from cooper, a student at ss state who foelt that the current requirement that gas stations require separate toilet facilities for the people who own these gas stations. m i agreed and in turned agreed to propose cooper's suggestion into law. the ordinance itself, which was unanimously supported by small business commission strikes men and women and updates what i felt was an outdated section of the code to allow gas stations to provide one unisex bath ream. supervisor kim introduced an amendment saying dph will have the responsibility for the enforcement of the section and she cease been working on other amendments as well. the proposal scholar sipship was less about the if he can any cal ordinance we have in front of us but more about
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encouraging and underrepresented voice to participate in the legislative process. it was about showcasing our technology tools that can empower our residents listen and remain accountable to those they were elected to represent. i continue to be a firm believer that technology and the tools that are coming out can be a power mechanism to increase civic engagement and believe this is an example of that. >> thank you supervisor farm. supervisor kim. >> and i'd like to add my name to the legislation and i think it's great supervisor farrell has launch a project to get young people engaged. it was great to pass restricting how we permit tobacco licenses in our city as well, something that came from young youth leaders here in san francisco. i have want to add again my
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support. on a separate note, i think this is a step in the right direction. working in the board of edgeuation weave been working towards unisex bathrooms because when we have an increasing number of individuals that are questioning their gender and sexual identity i think that unisex bathrooms in general is the direction we should be moving forward as a city, but as a neighborhood issue, at the gas stations, we have their toilet that silties open oeven to their patrons at night so i was happy to seize this laegs slags move forward. i was not aware this was even in our staytive code or health code and so i'm looking forward to follow up with trailing legislation so we can enforce this part of our health code in our city. thank you to the individual who brought this forward and supervisor farrell. >> thank you supervisor kim.
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can we take this ordinance? same house same call. without objection this ordinance is passed. on first reading. >> item 33. is an urgency ordinance to [inaudible] in the proposed central south of market plan area. >> same house same call. without objection this ordinance is finally passed unanimously. we do not have any special 2:30 accommodations today. we are not at the hour for our 3 pm special order. >> we have a special 2:30 commendation? officer cohen. >> is officer mike here? >> oh, we do. may i? >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you. so today colleagues, i'm honoring officer michael
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rivera for his work. he have's busy out in the field, but doesn't come to the chamber very often. the wilderness program is administered by the san francisco police department's community relations unit and funded by grants and donations. this has been a ten year endeavor to break down areas and build better youth relations with police officers, teachers, parents and community at large. the wilderness program takes students who live in challenged communities right here on day hikes, river, rafting, kayaking as well as backpacking trips. if you ask people what this means to them, you'll get all different answers. i think it's important for us to recognize and highlight there are many good police officers out there in other forces across cities, but in
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our hometown here in san francisco. officer mike here has been with the wilderness program since the beginning of this program, which has been for ten years and embodies the definition of what true community policing means. it is a privilege to present him to you today and present this certificate of honor. take a few words if you'd like. >> i'd just like to thank everybody for the opportunity to be able to serve our children because they are our future and we need to teach them correctly while they're young. thank you. >> thank you very much. [applause]
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>> thank you supervisor cohen. and now i believe we have a request from supervisor wiener.. >> yes, if i could move to rescind the vote on item 18, i wanted to offer a small amendment to that and neglected to do so. >> there's been a motion to rescinds. without objection that vote has been rescinded and supervisor if you want to discuss your amendment. >> i support in item, but the item allows the puc to lease poll space to private entities for different kind of installations and as you'll recall, we have been really struggling with our street light system in san francisco
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and in fact we recently passed legislation a few weeks ago to set new standard for improving our street light system, trying to invest in in it, but the public utility commission is underinvesting in our street light system which is key to public safety and quality of life in san francisco. so supervisor breed and i have been working on an amendment which i'd like to read an additional resolve clause basically providing that it is the intent of the board of supervisors -- of course we can't bind ourselves in the budget process -- the proceeds from this item that the public utility commission earns would be dedicated to reinvesting in street lights so would read as follows, further resolved that the board of supervisors intend in the annual
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appropriation ordinance to appropriate funds generated by these leases for the street light program and be -- and then it continues from there. so that's the amendment that supervisor breed and i would like to offer. >> all right, there's been an amendment offered by supervisor wiener, seconded by supervisor breed. without objection amendment is adopted and same house same call from item 18. that item is adopted unanimously. now if we can go to items 49. >> item #49 was considered by the land use and economic development commit tee on december 19 and forwarded to the board committee report. okay pie a portion of the public right of way to install and maintain a public art
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project comprise edd op the market street and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act and making findings of consistency. >> before us is a resolution that will authorize the installation of what is called the light rail art project along market street from to van necessary. we know spine of our transportation system, and plays a dig significant role in the life of sf.
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this proposal, the light rail project, i think will help to move us in that direction in terms of improving the the look and feel and vibrant feel of market street. it is the first of its kind in the world in h that it will install lights along market street that will allow people to visualize the movement of trains and the lights will move up and down market street, reflect in the movements of the trains below ground, there will be different colors of lights for different subway lines and it will be a very interesting and exciting change to market street. this art installation, which
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is privately funded is brought to us by illuminate the arts, which is the same organization that has installed the bay lights on the bay bridge, which have been a very positive change for people viewing the bridge. so this is a really terrific project. it's visionary. i want to thank illuminate the arts for its work to really make our city and region an even more beautiful and artistic place than it already is so colleagues, i ask for you support for this installation, which will be temporary, which we hope will become permanent in the future. >> supervisor mar. >> i want to encourage you to go to and see what it will look like. it's pretty amazing. please add me as a cosponsor
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as well. >> thank you. so l coleagues, if we can take this resolution, same house same call. without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. if we can proceed to roll call, with the understanding that at 3:00 pm we will be interrupt roll call for our special orders. with that, madam clerk. >> supervisor wiener is the first supervisor to introduce new business. >> okay. >> supervisor wiener will submit. supervisor avalos. >> submit. >> breed. >> colleagues, i have one item today. i am introducing a package of legislative changes to help preserve san francisco's live music venues. with amendment ps to the building administrative planning and police codes this legislation is the result of months of work of collaboration with the entertainment commission, five
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music venues, owners and residential developers. san francisco nightclubs, bars, and entertainers attract 16 million customers each year and generate over 800 million in spending according to a 2012 report from the controller's office, but more than the dollars, these venues are an integral part of our culture of what makes us san francisco. as we build more housing for everyone who wants to live here we have to protect the reasons why they want to live here in the first mrats. place. there are currently 351 permitted places of entertainment in the city. the live music hall, nightclubs and bars with djs. in recent years, residential development have increased dramatically in areas where traditionally they were more industrial or commercial. this has purt increasing
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