tv [untitled] January 1, 2015 3:30am-4:01am PST
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package of prop a relies open trickery shell will cut it you tricked those voters into passing prop a when you already solid bonds in the system and i already received federal money federal grants they have grant programs to do do same thing you're asking the citizens of san francisco to kick in for this is criminal this is corrupt this agency needs to be revamped reconstructed and investigated by the department of justice for appropriation of public funds this system is not working
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in its current state so we are going to put a petition together for he mayor ed lee to appoint transit members on this board not people from the bicycle commission not people from the taxi commission we want people that are transit literate that knows how to move transportation in the system and city and we have qualified people to make the decisions thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> is mr. stewart here? >> good afternoon. i'm actually speaking on behalf of the john peck from the gladstone institute that's a resident
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transit rider and a mta board member we're here today. >> state your name. >> i'm wendy with the mission bay t m a to ask you to wave the 2 hundred and 50 days penalty per day for not meeting the shuttle pilot program next the fox required in the format that is used by the transit parties their not business owner be able to convert it to the new format and they can't do so until january our inability to push the data to you in this new format is the only reason we're innovate in compliance with the program the reporting is for one stop the
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caltrain the fin of $250 per day we're here because your policy meeting isn't instill mid january our third over all expense is charpg community services like ours that are acceptable to the city transportation goal is counter productive and step in the wrong direction and reducing the caltrain is not a good solution for the mta or ourself especially 0 disservice to transcript riders thank you thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> luke stewart
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(calling names). >> good afternoon classroom north korean i'm luke stewart currently the president of the mission bay t m a i'm to explain our history the mission bay he shuttle was implement as part of the original agreement the goal to provide a reliable transit for caltrain muni and bart that's our motioning mission we augment transition and don't replace that unlike each hoa we're funded by the community at large and that includes workers and visitors but many purposes do pay specifically properties that are owned by i did state our nonprofit agents to provide
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shuttle because the demand is there but the subsidy explicit is come cheaper for example if the new pedestrian safety building were occupied by a tenant 66 thousand there's per year we serve hundreds of students and workers who depend on on the shuttle for their finish of their days our community-based shuttle has exceeded capacity and 40 percent of our rirpd is unfund we ask for mta's consideration in two areas the mta allocate additional curb space specifically for shuttle boarding and repurposing the spaces for peak times that are metered for cars
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we're also asking for temporary relieve of the 2 hundred and involving there's >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> and (calling names). >> ms. benedict. >> hi chairman nolan and the rest of the people i'm here speaking to you as a member of senior disability action to please consider doing what santa fe is doing give free muni for citizens and as a person with disability living in low income housing i have an extremely low budget every month if i have an issue with my services animal i have to buy her medication i have to make which i see that effect my quality of life
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well, to many of you who are working no standard positions the idea of having to make a choice of 25 conflict of interests a or $50 or $100 is not subsequent bits it's at my level the $23 i use in getting my bus pass every month is a portion that is believe it or not significant i can choose to have an old pair of shoes repaired or get my muni pass i choose to go to a negotiates for vegetation or keep my muni pass it doesn't so you would a lot to people people spend $25 to go to a restaurant i don't have that luxury please consider others in my neck bracket and
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enact free >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> hi, i'm jerry grace. >> we are the people first being but all three of us in the alameda's county we're the first in san francisco. >> in san francisco. >> thank you sarah we're here to talk about the busses we ride all the time and the train we really want to have a free ride and in the city and i used my clipper card many, many times and also pay a there's every
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time i use my clipper card. >> is there a way to ride free and not have to pay extra $23. >> you want to say something. >> i agree with people i'm a slight income and hopefully, we'll get to see the results soon in the coming years. >> will you please do something about it and i know everybody in the city will love >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> sir. >> good afternoon i appreciate you allowing me to speak again, i want to bring up
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a few issues first congratulate you for asking good questions and points from previous meetings by others from the taxi industries and stakeholders the point that director heinecke perpetrate about fly wheel is that the rules set by the top management didn't allow fly wheel to be in the peak times a lot of the drivers with getting calls too far away i've eye summon a wonderful apathy have a departure radius and they only go so for the drivers are unoccupied and the drivers accepts levels have gone down and they've not turned open the
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app and they've been not permitted to use the app for almost a whole hallway a shift or more because of the fact they've got cancelled orders because the traffic is so bad they've been punished interpreting for that that's a major problem for fly wheel and the other thing about enforcement if i enforce the rolls open the book if you call the complaint line the people are nice and but the time the person gets to the complaint e.r. the violation either the violation is gone or the person's complaint is no longer around to deal with it you've got to have nor stephanie during the off-peak times to deal with the complaints you need to look at the staffing levels what
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happened to the sunday meter >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. i'm joel dean beat up a resident of the dog patch area first i'm to thank and congratulate our staff on a series of meetings performed last month or presented lalia's month on water in issues related to transportation from the site of the warriors stadium, however i want to be sure the board is aware of a less successful meeting our staff presented on november 18th regarding the microbe t line the loop that meeting left a lot of people in the eastern neighborhoods in an uproar and left our staff because of the
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hostility of the school parents and residents and business owners and those who work and park in the area because of the loop no one questions the need and the desirability of a loop for the central subway with you the issue is the location which was study and chosen 14 years ago in 1999 that was before the huge amount of residential and business development in the area occurred the loop, in fact, as the contract has been signed would stack and turn trains directly toward the egress route to the south from the warriors stadium and from at&t park illinois street two blocks of warriors stadium and 18th a primary route
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and a 19th street that's been designated as a primary entry lane that is a shipyard. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please (calling names). >> alec. >> good afternoon about the medallions who are getting those medallions did you ever see not on the medallion list the drivers that drove once upon a time and back to the area so if people with going to keep coming from everywhere to claim a medallion you're not going to get to the year i started or the drivers like me when i say people i don't consider them drivers they're not driving on the other hand, the drivers like
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me who have been driving 19 years or 27 years owned a medallion for 17 years have been go forward by you we are the drivers that really deserve and quality for those medallions but unqualified drivers radio not the ones getting the medallions i with respect why therefore i ask the board to revisit this item and bring those medallions back, back and gives those to the drivers on the waiting lists that also have a seniority and don't qualify and it should be checked before you give them a medallion which is 4 years out of directors this is a public record so you have
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that information including those who have received the medallion by the way people that come here to any public comment? for their rights will get the punishment you live for one year and have already decided behind the doors what you wanted to do and doesn't matter what the public asks you to do stop having public meeting >> (calling names). >> thank you again two items director heinecke mentioned about the advertising of taxi apps they've named a new ceo he's raised 25 millions here within our industry there's been a committee called the recruitment and retention we've talked the advertising and k cbs
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made a presentation the mta didn't feel of want to feel it's appropriate to participate but they could fund commissioners, that places you under president reports and announcements life it period of time better to stack a taxi additional fly wheels can advertise for themselves the main issue is the fraud it's committed agreement t nc driver picks up it has outlawed the uber and lift every ride 20 percent of the money goes to silicon valley technology cartel investors by virtual of the insurance commission it was made clear they need commercial insurance we know they don't have it because of they're low
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overhead they offer a 10 there's rate from peer 39 to downtown it is $30 for an airport ride instead of 40 the enforcement is 0 spread anti over the puc and the mr. johnson and the mta board and the airport commission what i agree i'm going to run out of time have area hearing to discuss that matter at hand frankly at your board or use your compensation to see if you can enforce the t nc drivers to have >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> actually i believe they were offering $4 rides around time can't compete with that one of your approved taxi school is a
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former students to derive uber i came across the e-mails the current students they're being pouched before that he get their jobs because it takes awhile is get the licensee came back came by this text on facebook he don't want to put it on the overhead i called the number and the person was a teacher and identified himself i spoke to him and he assured me this was a real job not beauty school good figure i wonder if at the says that to the men and i'll be driving for his company he hung up on me when i asked him pointed out questions first of
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all they explicit give them their information they listed that by uber and lift there's another issue by information given to uber itself so i don't know if you're aware of this i'm assuming you're not so heroism you can deal with that another text enter accepted was from the list launch the mess board the first person said let me ask about the law which i can't find if i drive to san bruin can i get even though benefit he said there's so many people to get knows that so those people are abusing the privilege and can't track their vehicles they need transforms .
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>> (calling names). >> howard good afternoon again directors i want to report on xhaefks and consider the obligating driverless car in the using u uber business in relation to cars and trains it's effecting us now just think what privately driven automobiles have over all the cities in the world they're able to do this in despite of the missing a park place and having to pay for the parking now year what google is trying to do they're providing i with a list you don't have to do anything tap occupying on your
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telephone and not have to find a parking space i point this out you guys are going to have to deal with this you wait for it to overwhelm you urge you to be here 5 or 10 years from now help you imagine in no one pays for parking you're down $200 million in our budget you can't afford that but you can afford to work with google you have to because if you don't they're to flood it and make it harder if people take the car and make congestion they have none of the expenses of a car and the car has to get out of the way that's double commemorating so you have to deal with this i think you have
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to spend a small amount of effort to get ahead of this curve >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names) >> those are the last 3 people are that have expressed an interest. >> he will director and board members i'm the chair of the board of the senior disability action some of the members had to leave we want to speak about free muni for seniors and folks with disabilities now that is election is over i'm sure you're aware of a movement not only of our organization but many others came and testified before you during the this year and prier as well as many rallies but it
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began with you granted free muni for the youth and the youth came to testify before you as you remember we were very gratified to hear the young people speak for the elderly they talked about the need for their grandparents to have this free muni they were considered about the isolation and just eagle over social security as deborah spoke before they have to decide whether going to the store for fresh fruits and vegetables or their muni pass we're working together with young people and seniors and people with disabilities we urge you in 2015 to vote for free manipulating for seniors and folks with
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>> thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names) the last two people that have turned in a speaker card. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm not here to blame or complain but one of my pet projects for some time to get competitive equality with the apps that are hurting us a little bit one of the things i'll recommend that is will be coming before you in due course is fee flexibility apps that are out there the commercial apps they charge a connect activities fee and this money they generate for infrastructure if we had the same option taxi cabs that have apps to have the kind of fee flexibility they have will helps
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quite a bit so fee flexibility i'll appreciate our >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> hi berp born gold san francisco taxi service alliance i know this snit our jurisdiction but clear up misconception but the problems with the t nc not a matter of them paying the same fees they don't have any of the expenses like vehicle inspections and background checks of the drivers permit fees i know they don't have to get medallions and full-time insurance and don't have to register their cars commercially so how at the do the commercial work directly
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competing with us it's a public safety hazard there's a background checks no fingertip background checks not ada compliance no ramp vehicles why are those people able to go and undercut us and essentially charge us less than cabs because they don't have the requirements as far as the aggravation and frustration by cab dpriefrz we have to follow all those rules and surround by cars that don't that's agree elevating when i go to work i don't like it anywhere why don't do i have to follow the rules and of the streets that are clogged on friday and saturday nights it's gridlock they're using the transit lanes
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and committing insurance fraud and the cab drivers association as documented over 10 thousand of those vehicles 2 thousand cabs do the math it's not a matter of being cheaper or more convenient but they don't have the overhead. >> mr. chairman he's the last person that turned in a speaker card. >> do you want to speak. >> just as a member of public. >> my name it being a person that is directly qualified i'm not in favor of that i know a lot of people signed behind me i get the rebates why but this is on temporary like the youth pass is temporary it has to be rebuttal the problem with the
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youth pass it's very abused i see people pop the somewhat hey can i have our card i've seen parents fall underneath the fair gate i understand why people want the free manipulating but it's a choice i've minding in the city for 45 years and being a person with a disability i choose to be active i'm not in favor of it there's so many ways to get what you need in the city it's ridiculous and the word i almost hear and think people are entitled to it and need to budget our entire life and its difficult sometimes, it's harder than others. >> that includes public comment period
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our friends and folks of the ada community this will be recountered in january of the entire budget i think you roman numeral the members of this board have gone on record of being supportive we're looking forward to this hearing and we'll have a set time for that one or two clock to people know when it is thank you for interest andng to do do consent calendar and circle to the honors 0 consent calendar arrest all right. directors i understand no members of the public have indicated american people interest in severing and discussing an item on the consent calendar i do you i know you w have a board member we have to recuse the member so
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