tv [untitled] January 1, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm PST
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we s have 8 digesters operable and would be in construction and this is district 7 that will be back in service in 2015 we expect all the digesters complete by mark 2017. >> it number 5 out of service. >> it is used for gas storage. >> oh this is a so shot of the windmill their installing the pavement and this is over the bio basin it is very exciting seeing this actually materialize that mr. glover project will be done after the holidays i want to spend a moment on staerld engagement in october we focused the meetings open urban watership prospective jurors promotions we heard from the community we like the solid
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projects concern about traffic and evans is a cash corridor we're adjacent to evans on the water shed everyone is interested in the green being part of the method and being available november was really existing we talked about the actual bio solid design and what the community values what heard was something that has since ability not necessarily a hard escape industrial design they want the facility for opportunity for education it's tourable and bring people into the facility so this was really excited to hear this feedback that will lead us as we go down the road in bio solids in december we'll be talking about sequa and we initially breakdown in groups
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and have smaller working groups to work on smaller issues and a b m crews presented and we've kept up our outreach with community groups and street fairs that's an ongoing thing and with that if there're questions on my report. >> commissioners. >> i have a question on your first slide program wide statutes. >> uh-huh. >> under our the digester facilities is 3 trust we have construction from 2018 through half of 22 not to be completed until 23. >> we'll be starting in june 2017 and wrapping up in
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20022 is it so many phases we have to go down and do the site work and demolish the facility if place and really this timeline you see commissioner president caen represents after we've proven the facility works and take the old facility off-line 53 we will have overlap we've been extending time look at other facilities and feel this is pretty aggressive route to getting this project in place. >> are you saying to me it takes about a year to make sure that the new facilities up and running. >> 6 months to a year. >> we build one. >> we built one at washington, d.c. there are things scombr corrected and the pretreatment process that the crews described it depends on steam so we have a steam plant there's a lot of
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facilities that are ended up working together. >> i see thank you. >> okay thank you very much i'll call for public comment now any public comment on this item? mr. brooks. >> yeah. eric brobz san francisco green party and our city i have a thought near the end of the report when the commissioner president caen asked the question seems like we've got a couple of years and it makes sense to see if there's opportunity to as the new facility is built maybe bring it opening o'ly that might be on line or bring it online to some stent and try to close some of the most problematic parts of the old facility now my guess is staff will say now you've got to do it all at
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once i want them to get directions to study the possibilities for shutting down the worst parts of the facility early. >> any other comments seeing none the next item, please. >> item 10 a citizens advisory committee update. >> good afternoon, commissioners arrest my name is wendy i'm the chair of the citizens advisory committee i wanted to talk about our year in review for 2014 in 2014 the citizens advisory committee made up of members representing neighborhoods across the city worked to achieve the following 2014 new membership we curiosity have 16 out of 17 seats filled with various inheritance and passionate people we worked with the mayor's office and accident
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board of supervisors to make up that we have one remaining seat engineering and finance we're actually looking to get someone we have engaged and active participant and we have passionate folks about the past 3 resolutions one on global technology sport and one for clean power sf and the puc's ground water program the resolutions are here i want to express we want action on those 3 items from the commission we working hard and cared about those issues we want to know that the commission hears us we strengthened our relationship with the commission and cac and staff the cac represents the
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report to the commission we have commissioner courtney at our meeting and want to see more p of that in january general manager kelly will be giving his update for the cac pr we'll have impactful meeting we've met ten times this year required to meet 9 and our subcommittees are required to meet 4 times each has met 4 to 6 times we've p had a busy year one of the other things on behalf of the entire cac todd has been one of our biggest allies and champions todd will be at our december meeting thank you for everything you've done and wish you well in your new job.
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>> good. >> yes. vice president. >> thank you for your work i've valued our work cac and want to respond in some way to the senior of being heard i think that maybe perhaps at the next meeting on the general managers report we could have a summary of the resolution maybe a way quarterly or twice a year as they pass resolutions to make sure we said what the ask is this resolution says and appropriate action or response we can take. >> we can provide that to you okay. thank you. >> thank you i would like to say thank you so much for your service. >> thank you for having us and being there for us thank you. >> public comment?
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are you leaving or you going to speak >> i think this is last time. >> eric brooks san francisco green party local grandmothers our city and clean caliber advocates just to really thank the cac for the sleeper work over over the last year and on the clean power sf resolution which mirrors the comments on the earlier item on the internet report it their resolution was a strong statement to start clean power sf for many of the reasons stated earlier but also the ground water issue that is, i think that's something your movdz well with but we need that on or about is crucial and both of those issues have to do with
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global warming so you one thing open clean power sf that get touched on but not sufficiently noble is clean power sf great to deal with the climate crisis and great for jobs and great for building trades but it also the report made clear that caught after the cac did their report it makes it clear that the san francisco public utilities commission will make direct revenue from clean power sf staff can be added now they've shown us a better way to do it and cam malcolm has been saying for several months that could be done to not only important that for environmental reasons we get this off the ground it is important that the cac who represents the board of supervisors and the mayor's
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office on those issues but this is direct benefit that the san francisco public utilities commission budget can get in the million dollars a year if we get it going i don't see any reasons all indications from the report we can move forward thank you, very much to the cac and the previous cacs didn't move on clean power sf this one did it's a testament to this cac and to wendy leadership as well thanks. >> thank you next item, please. >> item 11 is a bosco update. >> good afternoon commissioner president caen and commissioners nicole bosco ceo i'm pleased to be here today two things i want to talk about
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i will provide you an update on the long-term water strategy and stalking talk about our mountain tunnel first, the strategy is an effort that is an ongoing for several years the bosco undertook when it become apparent the agency collectively needed to see how they needed the resources if the future the goal to make sure that the supplies are available for the bosco customers when and where needed as recorded in our staff memo we actually i didn't want the water mandate for part of the project that has highlighted the continuing need for increased dry year the normal needs thankfully has been pushed off as evidenced by the puc reports in 2018 and the 20035 report but
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as we know the demand is hard but we could do to get a 20 percent reduction is sitting down different than what we'll do in 20 years so the bosco board it focused on increasing that dry year reliability so the final report will be completely in a month in early january and included updated normal and dry year through 2040 and interesting increasing the water recycling and water transforms and brackish and gray water and rainwater use pretty much everything we can think of and what we've done is prepared in the final report those projects that raced to the top and the
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combiegz of those are put fully will help to the decisions of the bosco board and recommended and our recommendations we'll incorporate many of those in you're working plan in our proposed budget certainly pleased to provide a more complete presentation on the strategy once the recommendations are prepared to my board at a future hearing if you want on mountain tunnel i'm sure you're aware of we've combresz expressed concerns about the water add this of the mountain tunnel we continue to believe that the failure of mountain tunnel proposes a threat to those served by your system your
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staff has isr panel of experts to look at the engineering studies they've received so for your staff and general manager kelly has given the top access to our experts and staff to really provide them that opportunity to be that outside panel i applaud you for that it is a useful process the draft is out they've released interesting findings and now it the time for the puc to go look at the information you have and say how do we move forward and how are we obligate do resolve this issue and can we get the experts to agree on the actions to move forward with we're continuing i mean this is a complex project no matter what i'll continue to speak about details it's because of where it
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is located and the construction atmosphere and all the work to be done even a repair alternative will take several years to pushing to remove the service area from the risk it needs to stay in the forefront 4 thoughts i want to leave with you in thinking about the mountain tunnel i think the puc should focus on consequences of the tunnel collapse not on its likely hood no one can predict they should assess the improvements immediately with a plan to you shutting down the tunnel in the course next winter to do a inspection but certainly angle intersection to reconform what we see and third we bosco understand it will be expensive
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to fix the tunnel but the one time cost will be relating small and protecting others water yourselves not the cost is incredibly important we stood here many times we've supported your investments to the infrastructure this is the same fourth every effort to make sure to remove the service area from the risk i've put together a statement primarily because i put it together for any board it is a formal statement with that i'll be able to answer questions you might have. >> i'll make a comment our comments are as usual thoughtful and insightful 1942 what has
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grown to be a relationship between our agency and yours your interest in what we do it significant perspectives and knowledge you bring to the table are replaced and valuable and i appreciate our comments on the tone to keep us on track so thank you. >> you're very welcome commissioner. >> any other comments or questions any public comment seeing none move on to the next item. >> item 12 is a consent calendar
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one resolution in the form or forms listed below. if discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. in which event the item will be removed from the calendar item 12 a extending the during by 9 months b approving amendment two enabling the amendment by one hundred and 17 thousand with an extension of 4 months i for the record it should be howe not crews so 12 c approving the award agreement for american people including but not limited to i not to exceed $3 million with a during of seven years and the award contract 2506 in the
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amount of $50 million plus e approve an increase in the contract w w-490 in the amount of $440,000 and increase in the contract of 2 hundred and thirty days and f for a contract amount of $4 million plus and authorize final payment to the contract and g accept the final contract and approve the modification to increase the contract by 2 hundred and 33 thousand and authorize the final payment to the contractor and h award the contract not to exceed of $6 million plus i authorize the
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forever stamp to the mou extending the term by 4 had months. >> commissioners any item you'd like to take over the consent calendar. >> c. >> c all right. to the general public comment any item off the public calendar >> i'd like a motion on all items except item c. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> getting look at punchy here all those beginners not - all right. let's take item 12 c. >> thank you this is another one we have only one response and responsibly bidder that drives me nuts i'd like some discussion from staff as why we think that is the case if you could talk about the
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nature of the work my concern would be especially acute if by virtue of they're being only one bidder if this is the beginning of a process where that contract increases and increases and increases over the time of the will contract with a non-competitive situation. >> so susan or al if you want to get up so to speak to one bidder that's different for a professional service we don't base it on fee or scope of qualifications so the competitive process is on the process so i wanted to point out that so susan you want to - >> susan infrastructure this contract was to get a
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consultant to do investigation as requested by the department of safety and the amount of work they'll find out if the from the initial investigation to see if this in negotiation and discussion will be with the safety of dam depended on the findings with the investigation as far as how much of the contract will actually be used in the event there is work to be done of a construction nature will this firm be precluded from doing the work? >> yes, sir. that is a al of the contract this is a graft of the krafktd of the administration bureau if the sign work in this contract
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they would be precluded from doing construction work down stream and i believe this contract talking to susan this is the particular contract we're optimistic we'll not spend the whole term of this contract and can you respond to the fact we have one bidder. >> we and when we advertise our contract we put them out to bid open this particular one we weren't expecting a lot of firms like 5 or 10 to apply on this particular one i can't speak to only why one firm proposed but looking at the qualifications of the firm that did propose we were satisfied they met the projects minimal qualifications and therefore it was a
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recommendation from the product 25e78 we move forward because we didn't believe we would have been able to solicit or receive additional proposals by opening it as a back up. >> i do recognize the professional services in construction and the purpose of the competitive process is to not to get the lowest price bhi but sets the tone for a relationship when the contractors building they have a sure and easy thing they'll not be as shatter but i think that is competitive process is valuable and that sense i would strongly courage we do what - i also recognize this is
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specialized work and not a lot of firms that can do this you're certainly is capable of spending a lot of money but cal berries but i would courage us to do everything we can to get competitive environment within the services as far as the construction it is noteworthy and important anyway that the nature that have work is such that it will be difficult for them to take that as an opportunity to i know non-competitive work so i'll perfectly willing to let this precede i think within we owe it to ourselves and people who's money we spend to have this 0 competitive process. >> commissioner i'll address
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one point i think you're correct when we're obviously spending money on those projects we want to make sure we have a competitive process they didn't know they were only the one and the rates we saw in this proposal were consistent with other proposals that were bid on a competitive proposal so this is we didn't see any indication that the rates or the multipleers were anything to be a concern about. >> and then the last point i want to make t is chapter 6 if you have one you have negotiate so the fact you get one bidder and feel their price is high you have the opportunity first to see if you could make a change would you be more bidders but if you can't see that you can go in and negotiate through the bidder
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process and the last factor with the contractor we put the fee as part of the selection process they're putting a few down that will bind them as part of the process and that's where alicia is saying their fees are reasonable still igniting quite good ensue i understand that we want to make sure we get a lot of expedition o competition and i believe that on probably one of the next ones under construction we're going to get 13 or 14 bidders but nephews
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specialized people had to weigh in it cost a lot of money to put the proposals together so sometimes, it's hard. >> on this request for proposals we the get requests to reduce the qualifications for other if the court please we didn't think this this case it would be something we should do so we kept the qualifications we went out with. >> or are pleased that that. >> i am and i'll be pleased to move the item. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? the motion carries. >> i am going to call a very, very short recess now i'd like to get this meeting ended by 4:30 or a quarter to 5 rest. >> okay 15 and 16.
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>> well, i think they're kind of late we're going resuming again, we're on item 13. >> and madam chair just to perhaps help people budget their time out there i want to remove from the calendar items 15 and 16 and hope they i am e come back with a clearer presentation with the just want to manuals there are a lot of red lining that's hard to figure out that is new and indifferent. >> is that in agreement with
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