tv [untitled] January 1, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PST
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office. the d. district attorneys office has not ruled on that. the officers have returned to duty examination of that officer involved shooting. that return to duty evaluation was evaluated by this commission. prior to awarding those medals of val or, we asked the occ director for her review and that was done. when asked whether or not there was any investigations, we don't take into account the da's office of investigation. there is talk about doing that because of timeliness. sometimes it takes 2 years. the police department has profrd this and the occ had not object and it's thoroughly vetted. so i find it very disturbing that these are very emotional and tragic experiences for all involved. the families, the police officers, to write an
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inaccurate article to say that we did not study this is wrong. i would like to set the record straight and there will be a discussion about a final hearing before the d. a.'s office. we are working on that. i stand behind those heroic officers and support those medals of valor. >> any other announcements? >> commissioner dejesus? >> i want to respond. i did get a phone call. we talked about this before. we are going to put on policy and how we are going to handle this going forward. i did ask whether there were any charges pending and i was told know. i understand the district attorney is way slow and behind on that, when i meant charges i meant everything, is
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there anything pending. we can talk about the policy because we can vote anyway we want and we have to decide what weight we are going to give to that. i would suggest in january or february we need to talk about the agenda what policy or form or actually establishing a policy of with an information should be provided to this commission before we vote as a commission, as a whole as a medal of valor. so we get the terminology straight if there is a civil case pending or charges pending, any type of investigation pending. i hear what you are saying but we need to put it firmly in a policy to vote. >> just to make the report clear myself and inspector told the writer what the policy is. the police department profrs it and it's viewed and the
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consultant and we both explained that the writer. >> commissioners, any other reports? city clerk: line item 3d commission announcements. action, this is the last meeting of the year. the next three weeks in december there will be no meetings. the next scheduled commission meeting is january 7th. and then not including the meetings that was mentioned. >> i will put on when the schedule is up in february or martha we talked about putting on the policy for the awards.
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>> line item four. presentation of district station boundary assessment report, discussion, excuse me, that was an action item, we need public comment on that. >> i'm sorry, that's correct. ladies and gentlemen, is there any public comment online item no. 3, the chiefs report. occ directors report, the commission reports or commission announcements. is there any public comment? hearing no public comments, we will now move on to the next line item. city clerk: that would be the presentation of the district station boundary report discussion. >> good evening, commissioners, my name is randy mcclure and i'm the project manager with the controllers office in the performance unit. i'm here tonight to introduce a discussion about the
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district station boundaries assessment that we have performed along with the san francisco police department as well as an expert consultant in the area of policing called public safety strategies group who is here tonight. as required by city charter and prip taetd by the move to 2015, the ptsd p.d. and expert consultant by making the boundary changes. you have the power presentation in powerpoint and the rest of the information will come as well where the internal office is making that report. now i would like to introduce you to kim craven, the director of public's
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strategies group. shhh e will walk you through a short presentation describing this analysis and afterwards we'll be available to be questions and answers, but i do ask that we limit the scope of those questions to the project currently in front of us here. thank you. >> thank you, mr. mcclure, ms. craven. commissioners you will find the packet and i believe it will be displayed. >> thanks for having us here tonight. i would like to start briefly giving you the timeline of the project. it started with the search back in october. we were selected and started having conversations in december. we scoped the work back in the spring and until that time and now what has occurred a multimedia analysis and sfpd which we'll detail in just a
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bit. as randy mentioned there was are a few project drivers which will happen in the early part of 2015. the new southern station is for the bayview that means it has to change. also the fact that there is anticipated growth both commercial and residential properties in the city and there is a balance within the district and as mentioned the board of supervisors legislation which is required every ten years. so this will start that ten year mark now for the p.d.. the objective of the project was to consider the parody across the district, the imbalances of the work load meaning the most calls for service and that occur within each of the district. we wanted to look at the neighborhood themselves trying to preserve neighborhood integrity and natural boundaries things such as parks and areas as the
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masconi center and we didn't want to split thing that would naturally belong together. we want to talk about the operational considerations for the district so maybe one street pairs or making continuous borders for their pd's for their district to be aligned. when possible to consider the amount of time that it takes an officer to patioer from a call if aligned with the boundaries and the data. one of the things is to allow for implementation when considering your facilities and how many officers can go in a particular location in the it constraints where the dispatch center is housed to facilitate the radio changes required to operate effectively within the new line alignments.
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we had the multi-tier structure. this is the start of 90-day public comment as you mentioned for the community to now weigh in on the line changes. the top of that is this city's team. you heard from randy mcclure and you have the conduct here tonight and captain from the sfpd who is the project manager. we had a series of focus group interviews consisted of the command staff members specialized units within the p.d. within each of the districts ranging from the patrol to supervisor within the station along with city stakeholders such as public works an planning and folks that were having either information that would be valuable to us such as expansion or facilities. we interested -- interviewed
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all of those and then we had convening the work with five representative captains and we had the steering community which consist of the controller and chief to effect the final recommendations. our process as you can see had an overall methodology that you follow. if you start from the left we have the working group that i just described. we had those series of interviews with all of those city level stakeholders and then we had a very high commitment to data analysis. i will describe some of those points to you next. we were analyzing all of the data then producing maps that we brought to the working group. we met in a series of meetings in the working groups, sometimes 2 days at a time reviewing all the maps and data from the information and then to the final
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recommendations that went to the steering committee which made the final choice that brought us where we are today. some of the data we reviewed, i won't go into detail. the first questions is kad for services and a map put in the data set that the work can review or discuss. this was some information that maybe there wasn't information that we could potentially map, but it was something that we wanted to talk about such as the influx of folks to the city during the daytime that's a concern to the p.d. but not necessarily mappable. we did follow all the legislation. if it was available it was reviewed and discussed and data important to the p.d. but not necessarily listed in the legislation such as the
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location for shootings in addition to homicide. it reviewed each one of those pieces. the selection product brought us over 50 suggestions in those interviews and we created the map for the working group. they reviewed those maps brought them down to nine and within the next month made refinements to and reviewed all the data in the discussion slide that they brought down to four maps that they thought would be workable and then sent to the steering committee for the final selection. the slide that everyone is mostly interested is what is this going to look like. as shown in the map is in read the current district outlines and in blue, the proposed district lines that would be considered for each district.
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if we start with the bayview district, the change here again, blew is the proposed and red is the current. the northernmost border of the bayview station comes down from the china basin area to 16th street. that is the only change in the bayview district, so just it's northern border. the next map shows the tenderloin station. so, if we start at it's northern border which is gary street that goes east to market, you will see that gary at powell, that eastern border drops down along powell street to market and then goes east to third and then if you look at it's far west border, south of market. the western border now starts at south van ness going down to m -- mission street to
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third street. >> i can't see it on this map. so commissioner, dejesus if you look there, again, geary, at powell to south. >> go on, i will just listen. >> okay, and then east at powell over to its third street border. we have some other printed maps if after we can hand those out to you you can see it a little bit clearer. >> maybe if we can make it easier when i first saw the map i had some questions and captain bama explained to me which ones shrunk. >> i guess the easiest one to
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see on this particular map. for all intents and purpose for all of those streets that run south and market street about k -- become the tenderloin. >> okay, that makes it simple. >> the next one is southern and that if you look at its former northern border near market street it drops to van ness to the mission to the bay. it's dropping south and you will learn on the next map what happens to a little part of it and then because of the move, the southern border is now at 16. so it drops south from the
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china basin area. the next map chose the southern district down powell then along market and it goes east to the bay at mission street now instead of market. so it drops at third in market to third in mission and east to the bay. so what that does is tenderloin and central southern most border is creating that border for southern. >> it's mission street.
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>> for the next one is currently at western border starting at broadway street. it will now move west starting at the northern point on broadway street to visadero to castro street to end on market street. it's that border to west of the divisadero to castro to market street. that would be the only change for the northern station. what that does is it picks up the housing that is west of the space now in the western addition. it's expanding to that area.
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>> it picks up marcus garvey even though it's across from the northern station. it moves to this. >> so with that change in northern it will change the richmond's border and we'll talk about the park as well. essentially the eastern border of richmond is now divisadero and you can see on the red line that a part of that area from masonic to divisadero used to be on the park district, that section now will be in the richmond. so the next one is how do these impact the park station now along the border of the street, it will now continue
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along fulton to divisadero street and that reflect from masonic to divisadero and it will no longer going to steiner. that is the change for park station. we mentioned that we looked at the data and this slide that you see here shows the impact on the kad, the cultural services and the cable, the incident and you can see the current and the proposed. so the standard deviation that which the data changes from the average or the mean is better for cable. it's slightly a little worse for the kad end of it, but when we look at the range for the kad and cable, the difference between the lowest amount of calls and the highest amount of calls, it improves that for the cable which is the incident. you might ask what does that mean for the kad, the akkad that calls for services means
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there can be multiple calls for one incident. we began to focus more on the cable which are the accident levels, the ones that officers tend to spend their time on solving that for the city. so there was some improvement with the objective trying to balance that work load between the districts when it comes to the incident level. so that concludes what our formal presentation entails. i'm sure you have specific questions about the districts. >> one of the other things as you will notice that the line are cleaner on the new maps. there is not as many for lack of a better phrase, nukes and crannies. not a lot of pockets. to the south of divisadero to
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market from point a to point b. everybody knows pretty much that that's a straight line. the other fact that both sides of divisadero are the responsibility of northern station just like both sides of mission street are the responsibility of southern and both sides of larkin street are the responsibility of tenderloin. because the problem was for the people that live on larkin street and divisadero and it used to be on market street was that one side of the street would belong to one station and the other side of the street would belong to the other station and that just created problems. we just thought it was easier to make the division on major blvd and major streets straight shot as possible and on those borders create that street to belong to one station or the other.
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>> okay. thank you for your presentation. i want to thank you for helping to clarify some of the issues. my first question is i want to go back to your project line. can we talk a little bit about go back to april 2014 and may 2014. can you describe for me your interviews with city stakeholders and that process, and i will tell you this is what my concern is. we are now going to meet with committee. i understand there is a specific community process in place, but i'm also concerned that if perhaps rgs i want to make sure, i want to know where the community did come into maybe informing the plan. sometimes just hearing the impressions from them early on also helps to shape the plan as well and it also helps to
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alleviate some of the concerns that may come at this particular state. i'm just wondering what kind of community involvement did we have in may 2014, p working groups and the city stakeholders interviews? >> for this scope of the project the work included working with the internal stakeholders and the city department and leaving the public comments to start tonight with the lines that were proposed and then for the police department to hear that public comment starting now. our actual scope for this department did not include you the community engagement piece. >> it's not my contention that anyone did anything wrong. i mean there is legislation and i'm sure you follow it. >> commissioner, if i might. the community input now is now, a 90-day period from now
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until march 10th for community input. you can tell from that earlier slide that it went from an ocean of maps to a near ocean of maps to getting to a point where we wanted to get to a map that was data driven with explanation because i think the final input and i was stress this very much to the public that this map is in pencil. now we have a map that everybody that pretty much works these districts and with all the information put in, there can be an explanation. i think the folks in the district and some commentary in the crowd approval that having both sides of larkin street belong to 1st district is what most communities would like to see. there is one other district and we have to get as close
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to a consensus that we can. >> another thing to add is there was a group of sf p.d. personnel that work in the district. so concerns weren't going unnoticed and it was reflected upon during their meetings. it was the access part of the community. that p.d. had to get to their public comments. >> i appreciate that and there is a process and this process allows for that community voice and i also have to allow the community voice which has been ringing on my phone asking why didn't we ask sooner. the answer to that question, the answer is certainly their voice is important and we want to solicit that input now. this is the process, but
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going forth perhaps we should consider is there an early on stage which we might have some type of meeting just to hear from folks before hand. maybe that's not your responsibility, maybe that's our responsibility, maybe it's something we have to look at but because of phone calls i have received, i would like to raise it. thank you. commissioner dejesus? >> that was my concern. this process is new to us. and that is we have gone to many community meetings and we have heard exactly that, which is that i belong in one district and nighttime -- i'm in no man's land. we have heard that and it was brought
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to the table. i'm glad it's in pencil. >> i want to ensure the community that the process was prescribed by the ordinance, right. so we are now at the where to go to the public with a draft to get to a finish point and three months is a long time and we'll have some input. >> that's for getting the stages that are across and we are not familiar with it and the community not familiar and so you go to meetings to get information. >> commissioner hwang? >> i have a couple questions. moving forward what is the next method for hearing, is
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there e-mail address for information. how is that going to be packaged and given back to you. >> we are not contracted to do the community engagement piece. we are contracted to help change the maps that the p.d. gets the input on. there is a packet going out to the p.d. to use at the community level. >> right, certainly at the risk of my staff killing me, anybody could send an e-mail to chief greg suhr at i think people need to understand that the questions or comments are important. you won't necessarily get a response back from these e-mails but there will be a packet for these to be heard at community meetings and
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considered. everybody's input will be considered. >> my question in conjunction with the commission if we are holding these input sessions are we collecting these ones to give. >> we are taking any and all commentary to try and figure out what works best. i mean absent, we are trying to have common sensical redistricting. the primary driver of this whole thing is to get the police station in the district it belongs in and when the tenderloin station, when tenderloin task force was created, it wasn't a station. then it was formalized as a station and then every other station in san francisco has a minimum of five sectors and tenderloin station only has three. by giving them this
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additional run up and down market street will give them more and formalize and make it permanent. now it really does make tenderloin station the tenth formal police station in san francisco. >> if the data is primarily driven off the kad and cable was there something in place to account for the english proficiency communities. where people don't feel comfortable calling the police in these communities. >> we did look at a variety of demographic databases from the transbase to map and look at so they can see where the current lines and proposed lines would fall within special populations, and they were very
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