tv [untitled] January 1, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PST
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additional run up and down market street will give them more and formalize and make it permanent. now it really does make tenderloin station the tenth formal police station in san francisco. >> if the data is primarily driven off the kad and cable was there something in place to account for the english proficiency communities. where people don't feel comfortable calling the police in these communities. >> we did look at a variety of demographic databases from the transbase to map and look at so they can see where the current lines and proposed lines would fall within special populations, and they were very vat for lower than
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average income, youth and senior population, things of that nature were mapped and shown and discussed. either multiple variables along that line around demographics that were included. >> thank you, my final question for the chief and perhaps you already answered in in your last answer. if we do end up with these districts that have some kind of variation that has a call for service would be adjusting for the police personnel by station to account for this? >> right, tenderloin is the great example for that. right now the market belongs to the station and they are at 24 and full staff at 36. so, that personnel would then be assigned to tenderloin. because of union rules and --
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seniority, you can't just move them around. the other piece is that each sector car, it takes 12 officers inform staff a sector car seven days a week 24 hours a day. that would be 7 additional officers that aren't any place right now. that would be a bump of 24 officers to tenderloin station. tenderloin station will bump somewhere around 60 officers counting the market foot beat from the market which is very significant for tenderloin. i think what ms. craven would tell you with the exception of southern station going down to about 5 percent and they were in the highest volume station calls for service already. it doesn't impact their
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service for calls already to serve police. as the 300 officers coming back, tepid lion -- tenderloin station picks up more than they had before. >> commissioner mall era? >> yes, sitting on a task force for years, i want to tell you this process went through the most difficult part. i welcome community input and what the public has to say, but in the end, there is probably going to be whatever are the needs for each district depending on what the department experiences. so i'm looking forward to the input by the public to see some of what their concerns or needs are, but, again, in the end is where we are really going to have to balance that with the needs of the department.
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>> commissioner, dejesus? >> what i'm hearing you are not part of the city department. how are we going to do that. i heard people that said they never went and never heard about it. we are starting january 28th in the tenderloin, how are we going to get this to the district to the people who want to come? >> it will be on the e-mails and website. >> it's not in a lot of our websites. >> i'm open to suggestions. >> there are many groups in the neighborhood that aren't on there. >> we would ask of the captains to aggressively solicit all of their community groups especially in the tenderloin areas with many neighborhood associations what have you. it doesn't appear the tenderloin had a tough time getting the word out about
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tonight. [ laughter ] but the reason we picked the four stations that we picked to have the meetings is those are the boundaries that change the most. we wanted the station, the districts to -- that change the most to host the meetings. so there is no doubt about it that they have their time. >> going back too commissioner hwang's suggestion how are we going to get the notices out and are we going to get the notices out to the communities with the language to the communities so they are notified of it? >> we'll make sure that whatever flies we do sent out will go out in spanish or chinese. >> all right, any other questions from commissioners? >> captain, do you have anything you want to add? >> there was a lot of work and effort put in by this office.
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[inaudible] >> >> so i was actually as commissioner dejesus well knows, i was partners with captain obamaer for a long time. he's been nothing short of heroic for this whole thing. he will be retiring in 2015. so it will be a big loss but i think he's being modest and passionate and he did a lot of work himself. so i appreciate it.
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>> all right. commissioners, if there is no more discussion, i want to describe that this is the beginning of the process. we will be meeting in the districts which are most affected boo the redistricting proposals in the tenderloin january 28th at 6:00. the location is not decided but will be publicized. we'll be meeting in the northern station, february 11th, location to be determined. in the southern section, location to be determined and the
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bayview section march 4th. the location is not stated yet. it will be posted through our website posting and publishing in different languages so it gets out so the access community and the greater community itself has access to this information and the commission is able to solicit the comments as commissioner melara points out. the public voice is important and we are open to hearing this. we want to hear from the p be on this proposal. before we move on, chief greg suhr? >> to be able to finish the process we are able to get our work done and reach the point where the commission believes where we have the final product then we would work with dem to get the new boundaries established and the new maps and the like.
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dem tells us it will be about 4-6 weeks to get that done so in mid-march, it will be no later than mid-may that the boundaries will take effect. >> thank you, chief. to begin our process of public input, do we have any public comment on our line item no. 4, the presentation of the district station boundaries assessment report. public comment. please step to the podium. >> david elliot louis, commenting strictly for myself as a resident of the tenderloin. i technically live in the northern precinct but i suffer the problem of the precinct. i live in the corner of larkin and valero and there is a
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honduran rock cocaine that are there. when gang members had a stay away order from the tenderloin they stayed on the larkin street. i don't know if that worked for them. somehow the dealers persisted. this is dealing right across from a community playground. it's a huge public safety issue. i was hoping that by maybe moving the western boundary of tenderloin out to van mess, that could help solve the problem certainly enforcing both sides of the streets of the tenderloin precinct is a huge help but i'm still going to advocate and hope that commissioners move the boundary to van ness. that will be helpful to
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giving the tenderloin the precinct power to deal with persistent drug dealing along with the western border. again, speaking as a private citizen is my concern. >> thank you, mr. louis. any other public comment? >> good evening, mary harris. i understand and i'm just doing this for clarification because there were some people interested but they are watching on tv. they didn't want to come down, that side on mission stay the same on the boundaries? >> particularly, there is a pocket on the northern end of mission, no, they stay the same. >> okay, i wanted to clarify that and just say thank you. some people in the omi have said that they would prefer
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that we were in the ingleside and i told them that we have a fixed car that is always in our area. they think because the ingleside station is closer. but we actually do get good service and we as a neighborhood organization that as long as we stay whole as a community, both ocean view, merced and ingleside, that wherever you decide is fine with us. thank you very much. >> thank you, ms. harris. yes, sir? >> hi, my name is michael cameron. i also live in the tenderloin and i'm also pretty much in agreement with the line that. but larkin street, the drug dealers would just move further down between larkin
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and polk. i would like to see the boundary lines at least of polk street because that would be different people they are serving. from larkin street from the park, it is extremely dangerous and they are also very crafty. i really appreciate that you guys are willing to accept community input on this because i do understand that, you know, every area has only so many police so the gap can't be too big, but just one more block wouldn't be that go of a difference. and it should would be a help for us in the tenderloin. thank you. >> thank you, mr. cameron. any other public comment? >> hearing no other public comment, this item line item is now closed. mr. second. >> city clerk: line item 5,
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public comment on all matters puerto rico r pertaining to item 7 below closed session including public comment whether to hold item 7 in closed session. >> any public comment on whether to consider those items. hearing no public comment, that item is now closed. city clerk: item 6. vote on whether to hold item 7 in closed session. action. >> do i have a motion? >> second. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? . ladies and gentlemen we are now moving into closed session, we will reconvene in open session as soon as > >> we are back in open
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session. line item 7d. excuse me. line item eight. vote whether to disclose on item 7. action. >> thank you. moved and seconded. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? >> line item. >> line item 9. adjournment. >> before we adjourn, i would like to again to adjourn this meeting in memory of officer hope nakuda who served from 1996, to november 30, 2014, after a long battle with
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cancer. he worked in the northern station and southern in the mission. his long time partner so this commission meeting will be adjourned in the memory of officer hope nakuda. can i have a motion. >> so moved. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? thank you. ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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good morning today is december 16, 2014, welcome to the san francisco transportation authority i'm supervisor avalos the chair and today's ta meeting is brought by sfgovtv charles and jessie larson mr. clerk, call the roll and supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos absent supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim absent supervisor mar absent supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent we have quorum >> very good okay. we can go on to our before the next item own item number 17 which is the closed
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session i'm going to entertain a motion to continue that to the january meeting so we can actually go to the tandem memorial issue a that's not pressing but if we continue we'll be able to get over to attend the service so okay. mr. clerk call the next item you already did so colleagues - 17 and 18 thank you it will be items 17 and 18 continued to the january meeting so colleagues, we have before us the meeting and we'll gone to the public comment any member of the public seeing none, public comment is closed a roll call vote. >> on item 2 supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos absent supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim pr absent
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supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent this item passes. >> the this item passes very good next item, please. >> item 3 the chairs recorded an informational item. >> okay. thank you colleagues as the year draws to a close we look at the many accomplishments of the last year and thank you for the opportunity to look at the contributors to the city's work first of all, our colleagues and staff and the ta for working together on the business of transportation authority we had a busy year your work is appreciated my thanks to the citizens advisory committee that helped us with valuable input for his dedication in elite the articulation c i'm to recognize and thank glen davis the
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outgoing chair of the citizens advisory committee for his service he joined the cac in 2009 and represented 8 and 9 and served for the last 3 unlawful years involving all committee members in the policy decisions at the citizens advisory committee next i'd like to remember jennifer who sadly passed away earlier this month any thoughts and condolences to jennifer's family i'm sure you're aware of jennifer was most recently, the director of the waterfront of the office of economic workforce development and tireless leader she had a keen understanding the enter play between government and the private sector she was involved in many of the projects
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including the golden gate warriors and the project led by the giants her contributions were more than those projects her work guided by a vision the city must do to remain a vibrate place she loved i know i speak for no one who met jennifer here humor and warm ethic and passion will not be forgotten i close my right arms with the appreciation of the executive director of the san francisco bicycle coalition after 12 years at helm of the bike coalition growing the largest he city based bicycle advocate organization in the nation over 12 thousand members he is stepping down and prep for the next endeavors that include a stent as a marshall scholarly
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to study vision zero we can barely imagine san francisco without her we're glad she'll bring her learnings back to inform we've seen exponent e possibly growth with innovative facilities and treatments in more and more locations citywide i appreciate the protected bike lanes on san jose avenue and can't wait for the market street and another fats she's helped with the outreach and laid the next bicycle generation with the bike coalition connecting the vision she leaves the bicycle coalition in good hands with the outreach tests underway we're successor noah of the
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transportation is coming next february under our leadership leah letting present this certificate of accomodation in recognition of 12 years as a executive director of the san francisco bike coalition of a persistence and tireless efforts to make bicyclists save from 8 to and her leadership in advocating for the city of san francisco to adapt vision zero policy with the goal of eliminating all traffic related facilitate by 2024 present that day the 16th of dos december in the year 2014
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(clapping). >> i promise to be quick leah of the san francisco bicycle contradiction i want to thank you and particularly call out the ta i mean that i met with the staff yesterday it's been one of the best part of my job working with the ta authority and i think you bring a can do attitude dealing through the bureaucracy you trying to get things done it has helped me as an advocate and i know the
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bicycle clition achieved more we feel oftentimes we were hitting calls wall but the transportation authority has been the agency it gets through the walls and helps us to make sure we make the positive changes i thank you for your leadership on the board and commend the staff and it is a pleasure you'll be hearing from me i'll be coming back early summer with a lot of lessons learned around vision zero and countries in europe have implemented it successfully and we have room to improve i hope to see you again, thank you (clapping). >> thank you leah and the city's in a better place because of our leadership much appreciated okay. colleagues that concludes my remarks i
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would like to conclude by worrying about you a happy holidays opening it up for public comment is there any public comment on this chairs remarks please come forward seeing none, public comment is closed and go on to the next item. >> item 4 the executive directors recorded an informational item. >> colleagues tilly chang happy holidays i'll keep my remarks short there's an fell transportation bill that was passed through the house and senate there is a progress report in the felt memorial at 12 i want to keep my remark short happy holidays. >> thank you very much colleagues, any questions or comments okay. on to public comment and seeing none, public
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comment is closed and we'll, go on to items from the finance which he. >> item 57 increase the amount of the professional services with the d h by $5 million plus nooifd to complete the engineering environmental analysis for the yerba buena bridge structures and authorize the executive director to authorize the contract this is an action item. >> colleagues questions or comments opening it up for public comment is there any additional public comment we'll close public comment have a roll call vote. >> on item 5 supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent pr this item passes. >> very good let's go on to the next item and item 6 greatness
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the one year anyhow anyhow with the office of economic workforce development and increase the amount not to exceed 5 hundred thousand for city build for phase two of the city apartment to modify now and then agreement terms and conditions an action item and seeing no one on the comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. and have a roll call vote. >> item 67 supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent this item passes. >> okay. very good let's go on to the next item and item 7 adapt the state legislation this is an action item.
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>> seeing no comments on the roster board go on to public comment seeing none, public comment is closed can we do same house, same call? or a roll call vote. >> roll call vote please. on item 7 supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent this item passes. >> very good let's go on to item number 8. >> item 8 adapt a 2015 state and federal program this is an action item. >> okay no one on the roster opening it up for public comment and seeing no member coming forward we'll close and have a roll call vote. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos
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supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent this item passes. >> okay item 9 please. item 9 authorize the executive director to chateau the anyhow anyhow with the city and county of san francisco through the san francisco planning department for a 3 year period needing one hundred thousand plus and negotiate an agreement with the terms and conditions this is an action item. >> seeing no one on the roster and seeing no members of the public come to the podium seeing none, public comment is closed and have another roll call vote. >> item 9. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor campos? i supervisor cohen
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