tv [untitled] January 2, 2015 8:00am-8:31am PST
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ve the blessing of the first people in san francisco. thank you very much. >> and i give you back the 18 seconds that i have here. >> thank you, next speaker? >> i haven't started yet. but this machine is going. thank you. my name is (inaudible) jackson. and this is the first time of my knowledge knowing that these two commissions have met together.
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it will be very good if you the commissioners would come out into the community which you was doing at one time and meet with the people that live in the community, i have brought some information to you because i have a greater concern because of the fact bay view hunter's point was mentioned. and here is a map. that is supposed to be showing an area where homes are to be built. and shipyards. this is a bogus map. and i would like to say this. where goals are in the behind the close doors come to light and there is a lot of things going on hyped closed doors that is really ridiculous. you know, i hate saying being a
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resident of san francisco since 1943, a city that i love, and i have lived in bay view hunter's point since 1948, i have been before both of you commissioners, submissions, not you commissioners, and you know, and it is sad i also brought and i was at a meeting last night. okay, sweetheart. this was never approved. in fact the map was changed. and added to another area. and it is sad. you know i would like for the health commission to do something about bay view
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hunters point. and no statistics have been given and last 15 years of the depth of how many people have died all of the cancer. when the police department went out to the shipyard, i begged them not to go. because of all of the toxic that were out there and they went and came down with cancer, you know you all should be concerned about the citizens of san francisco the health of the people, my people, and when i say my people, i am not talking about black people, i am talking about all of the people that live in the south east sector of san francisco. why don't you look up the reports about the health conditions of that community. no one is doing anything about the health problems that we are having. in bay view hunter's point. i would like to say... >> thank you. >> your time is up. >> okay don't bring in the corn
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ner's office because if you do he will be dead in five years. >> i have to get that one for you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> mcgel vines and maria lavera and justin ho, brian tang, tina tiani and sarah crolac. >> is there additional speakers you can line up behind the speakers that i have called. >> good morning, my name is mary, and i am a long time employee of saint lukes hospital and i am a nurse. i want to address the services that are not offered at saint lukes any more. basically what we do is for some of the most simplest things. we are in the ambulance, and they travel over to cpmc and
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they have whatever procedure they are going to have done and they return to us and i have heard from many people that they are actually getting an ambulance bill for this services. i am having trouble understanding what services might be in the new saint lukes given that we have none in the old saint lukes. we have been really dismated with the amount to provide basic procedures. which we have done for years and no longer do. i understand that there is a hill physician's group that has a contract with some of our doctors that if a patient, let's just pick out a child is seen in that doctor's office we cannot have an x-ray done at saint lukes hospital they must go over to cmp c and then return to the primary care
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doctor. my concern with the previous speaker who identified the sore spots within the care of the saint lukes hospital i do remember being in the previous board of supervisors meeting the last one where one of the representatives of cpmc did speak about being excited about the opportunities in the area and being that we had more high-tech people moving in that would give a better economic support for saint lukes hospital and that being said, my concern is that we may be forgetting some vital pockets of need, thoroughly outlined by the previous
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>> my name is marila and i am the employment service coordinator at the community united for health and justice, helping residents find a job. since june, this year, i work with the clients all of them apply for different positions either clinical or clinical ones, and from representative and security visitors and nutrition service positions. we together took the time to go through cpmc website, and follow the instructions to open an account and apply for the jobs. three of them, have been calling for the first interview and one of them actually went for the second and third interview, but, they did not get me kind of response back,
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and they felt very disappointed and they don't feel confident to apply again to work at cpmc. my clients populations come from the community. and they are filipino and latino and their english is good enough and their resume shows them with the qualifications to perform the position that they are applying for. and actually, they the (inaudible) resume is taking for an example. to you know how to do it. >> and to make the resume. if it is difficult and not
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transspire anding they don't know whether the application is to stay active or if they are, or if they all v8 has been formally rejected. i say this same jobs they applied for reposted and do not feel confident for the new client for those jobs. i hope this process is fixed. and service providers like me, can have all of the information that we need to recommend successful applicants to this cpmc jobs thank you. >> thank you. >> and i see supervisor campos here, want to offer him the opportunity to make comments. >> sorry mr. marcos. >> thank you very much. madam president and commissioners it is impressive to see this historic meeting and i know that it does not happen often and so thank you
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to the planning commission and the health commission for this meeting and i reason that i am here is because in my six years as a supervisor this has been one of the most important development agreements, and projects that we have worked with as something that is very critical and very important to this community. and quite frankly to the city, at large. if you look at the healthier services master plan which actually both of these bodies help to put together, you know that cpmc and suter play an important role in addressing the healthcare needs of the city and i want to make a couple of points here, one, as you have heard from a number of people and will hear from the other people there are some concerns that the community has about the implementation of this development agreement and the concerns have to do with issues that involve for instance, the health of the neighborhoods like the tender
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loin and the though sapeds of people that are impacted by what happens there. and issues around job creation, and making sure that jobs are created in some of the most vulnerable communities. that are struggling in this economy which is the intent of the hope of the development agreement and something as basic as simply helping the workers at these hospitals access public transportation and it is also something that needs to be addressed. and there are issues around healthcare and issues around the future of saint lukes and there are issues around what is happening with the diabetes center. and there are a number of those issues. and i think that it is really important for us to make sure that there is proper implementation of the development agreement and not only following the letter, but really the spirit of that agreement. and the other thing that i would say in, and this is why, i am, and i actually am very hopeful is that this project is
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an example of how something that was for a long time very divisive can bring the people together and here we have an example of the project where you had two sides of an issue who are fighting for a very long time, being able to resolve a lot of those issues and i am grateful to the community and i am grateful to the cpmc and suter and i can see dr. browner here and so i am confident and hopeful that we can work together to address some of the concerns that have been raised and i want to be here to say that as supervisor for district nine, and as someone who was involved in the mediation that got us to this point, i remain committed, to helping work with the various parties to helping work with the community with cpmc to figure out how do we address some of the concerns that have been raised. and we are opened to doing that in whatever capacity or whatever way is needed whether it is through, you know,
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facilitating informal meetings, whether it is you know, providing a forum, at the board of supervisors, through foral hearing to discuss on these issues. i am opened to that. and i know that there is an interest on both sides to address these issue and to make sure that we live up to the letter and the spirit of the agreement. and i am confident that we will be able to do that and obviously there is a very important role for each one of these two commissions to play in that process. so, i look forward to that, and we will be following up with all sides and i see that our director of public health here as well. and she has been very useful in also helping to bring the people together and so i think that that and there is, and there are issues but there is also a lot of common ground and so i am confident that we will be able to move forward with everyone's cooperation. >> thank you.
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>> director of (inaudible) and some of our staff is here with me. my first child was born to saint lukes and went through 17 hours of labor to bring her into the world and some of my first shots at saint lukes just like the mission high school and the neighborhood food and santana was the neighborhood band
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and you know how important that mark construction project will bring to the city and we are always ready to stand before anybody to provide our services. and get the people jobs. and we supported it and we expect in return support of cpmc, directly and not make us stand in line for it. with that said, however, we anticipate that we can help if we need to catch up with the placement, and referral and we are ready to do that and as a matter of fact, they have been doing that with the general contractors and with the bolt who has hired some of our referral and hired some of our interns in the program that oewd administers, and so,
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please consider the neighborhood, and again, thank you for this opportunity to speak. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> my name is brian and i am a volunteer with the physician's organizing committee and we are very critical of how the city is allowing this development agreement to proceed with all of the failings and the compliance clauses that we are seeing. and we talk about charity care. and the standards are not being met. and the city is failing to hold suter to it and they gets tens of millions of more each year in tax breaks than they provide in care and they made national media that they charge 38 percent higher rates across the board in for california. they have abandoned the 100 bed skilled nursing and 100 skilled nursing bed requirement and we
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talk about cultural and appropriate services they fired three out of the five workers of the diabetic treatment center where saint lukes has the 25 percent diabetes rate and three of those were the only spanish speaking workers there. they created that program specifically because women with diabetes were having children born with disoshia because they were not able to come out of the wo mb properly and needed c-sections and they have laid these people off. and i know from the nurses and the other people in the community and the physicians that we represent, we are calling for the immediate reinstatement for warta and warner and it would be resenos as well and unfortunately she has been able to find another position, we have seen hospital take over issues and government issues plaquing up and down the
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state. at moren and other hospitals our organizations have been very vocal about the fact that these guys do not deserve, non-profit status and if they are going to get it at least take all of this extra, like, 80 million dollars, with the surplus around there and the actual care, and provide it in the hiring the workers who said to provide the muni cards and that is an easy one and we would like to see this come up to the full board, the diabetes treatment centers and the other issues around mental health. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good morning commissioners my name is justin and i am a volunteer with the physician's organizing community, and but that is questions, that is... and window amendment and he is also the medical director for the diabetes center but he is not able to come today. he is seeing patients but he is with the following, as a medical director of the
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diabetes center i was not given the notification of the decision until after the staff members who already laid off. the concern that i share with my colleagues is that the administration did not ask for any input from the doctors who utilize the diabetes center before they also announce, among the concerns that we have two of the three staff members let go are latino and bilingual in spanish and english, they do not speak spanish and we do not have the staff members in the center whose population is spanish and latino. diabetes care is extremely new one, because it is requiring understanding of the patient's cultural background and lifestyle and personal life and, family involvement and etc., and there in that will be shock because of the loss of of the spanish speaking staff members. silvia was one of the staff members laid off and she has workd for 27 years.
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in the center and has been a vital part of what the center does, and is a permanent member of the community. and being laid out without any prior warning is called into yesterday the larger and reasoning behind the layoffs. and they replacement are not specialties 35 for the treatment of diabetes and damage in the population served by the woman's center at saint lukes hospital. this puts and the unborn child and mother, and doctor and hospital at meet risk if the patients are not seen in a timely manner and treated appropriately to prevent the complications associated with diabetes. the reasons for the layoff, was financial and the administration promised that they will not close the diabetes center and will maintain all of the services as a medical director of the center and i am afraid with the recent changes we will not be able to maintain the same level of service because of the above
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cited concerns. that level to the human terms, we are talking about subjecting the low income spanish speaking population with the diabetes to a loss of five years of life and loss of eight years of sight and unsettled kidney diseases, 6 years earlier than they had gotten and the control. and the safe members must be reinstated with full benefits and seniority thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> my name is tina and i am the communication and health policy analyst, nems, and it is a non-profit community health center serving the san francisco bay area, established in the san francisco china town north beach area, 1968 and providing comprehensive quality and affordable and compassionate healthcare services for four years, we operate ten clinics throughout the bay area including seven clinicks in san francisco.
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the majority of the patients are low income with limited professioncy and face the challenges accessing the healthcare and up until late of 2013, the majority of the patients were also unininsured and participated in the program for uninsured adults, it served over 61,000 patients each year and of these, 49,000 live in the city and county of san francisco. and this represents nearly six percent of all san francisco residents. and since 1997, we have partnered to provide primary care and hospital service to patients covered by the san francisco health plan, over the last 17 years and especially with the recent changes as part of the affordable care act, they are now jointly responsible for the care of over 30,000 medical managed care patients in san francisco. and including over 9,000 children under the age of 18. and enrollment has grown by 75 percent, compared to just a
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year ago. and another 5,000 patients in the healthy san francisco continues to have access to it as well. it provides, specialty and emergency, and inpatient, hospital care with both medical and managed care and healthy san francisco patients also provides, world class, and it provides the labor and services with over 500 newborn babies each year and close to 100 patients received the preeye surgery, and they are helping them to eliminate infection business offering free screenings and last but not least, we are partnering with the child development center in ucberkeley on a joint program. this new program is unique and it is accommodations for both english and chinese speaking patients. it has been a great neighborhood and present to the low income and under served
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patient population and we look forward to working with them in the future. >> thank you. >> hello, my name is sarah and i am a registered nurse, and i am also a san francisco residents as a nurse i am very concerned about the 1500 tender loin residents getting the healthcare promised to them, right now we know of the need in the tender loin, particularly when it comes to especially care that the neighborhood clinics can't provide and often don't have access to, you need the city to step up to work pro-actively to insure that the 1500 residents, benefit from the da. and they need to develop, and publicize a back up plan, and explore modifications to the da, and to provide alternate paths or obligations thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker?
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compliance and not doing something as simple as the cliper cards, you know? in today, the mayor announced that the biggest concern was transportation. well, this is and you have the power to make it and enforce it. we are urging you to say that they are not in compliance because if they take away the base services which they are going in healthcare and doing.
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the da instead. is there additional public comment? >> good morning. my name is pam, and i am with sf tears which is a non-profit group representing the church and the welcome in the other community members. i am an on and i am also an occupational health nurse and i live in the neighborhood of saint lukes and i go to the doctor there. and this is a really good hospital and i see the suter stripping of it service and they started with the psych unit and that is one of the casualties now they are after the smith beds and they are after the wonderful diabetic center. and it is a flag ship program. and it is won awards and it has
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saved millions of dollars, in preventing diabetes and in treating and if you look at the neighborhood and you say, where are the people obese, where are these types of needs? it is very much in the mission, and in that area. it would be a shame to not have this diabetic center fully staffed, with the translaters that are needed for that particular population. and all that i see is that suter is very greety. and i would ask you to please, think about what i am saying, and think about what this means to the city, if you don't prevent diabetes and you don't treat things early you are going to have a whole bunch more dollars that you will have to spend. the city is going to pay for it. >> i know that each hospital should be doing their fair share of charity and i know that the board here and the city supervisors can
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