tv [untitled] January 3, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PST
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e motions but incorporate that thinking so that major upheaval has a benefit component involved a lot of the planning department involvement has been more about answering funding issues where can we address density no right in order to find the funding i'm interested in the duck tailing and things that surround the public helm we have plaza not sites for drug dealing and trash but rather a place for community to come together it is an asset rather than a negative i don't want my neighborhood to be destroyed mr. larkin is doing that kind of work in fisherman's wharf planning around conrad square and james weldon johnson street to improve fisherman's wharf from a pedestrian and action point of view i say keep
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going i want santa clause to bring me this and have it for access and stanley and know it's there to aggregate all the stuff that goes that the station. >> thank you lastly i'd like to acknowledge mr. wong all of this needed to be looked at and the inconvenience and displacement what times to people with the affordability if the land crisis raising i'm all for that but the construction after work i think ms. christensen about the neighborhood character was addressed i'm for moving forward with some type of study if the money is available. >> commissioner hillis. >> thank you for this i agree that commissioner antonini and the other commissioners the
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central subway is half done there's something wrong about where it has and not continuing on to connecting it to the density it part of san francisco it is newer growing sdenlser areas of san francisco i agree if we're going to take ourselves seriously and get people out of cars it's the way to do it i don't know if i've heard people in paris or washington, d.c. or other cities it was a blunder to spend that kind of money but those are home sharers they need to get people around regardless of the getting people around in fisherman's wharf that has to be better connected can i ask specifically about the
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theatre site you mentioned you know there's kind of funding restrictions where mta could diagonally get that site. >> first of all, i'm going to comment i think i'm smart enough not to touch an electric rod from an engineering prospective having a piece of property adjacent to where you're going to build a station it's a huge benefit i don't know if chuck is still in the audience they've piloted that most of my background is in trait planning i've leader a lot but whether it's that site or another stuart site yeah. it is great to have it if you don't have it it is
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more difficult to construct if i could use this opportunity to address commissioner antonini raised regarding kirkland mta has no plans to leave kirkland it's a site we're stressed for space if we did something with the property o project and envision keeping the bus there i agree if we can make it work underground this is our goal and it provides emergency benefits i can talk to people off-line the buses operate all over the city and have a preference for the northern part of the city but operate all over the city. >> thank you commissioner moore. >> this is an interesting discussion the extension of the t line and the third phase is a
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kickoff to broaden our transportation system in san francisco i'm happy to sit in on the comments i am supportive of the tuitions of the discussion i want to start with the comprehensive that's it is 2, 3, 4 berlin or any of the cities like new york that successfully operates older yet also expand lower grade systems i'm looking for a prioritization of areas of where we're also expecting as to whether or not in the end this is the beginning point of an capacity system i'm not here to say that i'm asking for more comprehensive evaluation than just using today's thoughts and
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just so to speak about one small piece of the citywide system that piece will be high appropriate i want to see a boarder discussion i'm not prepared to the going get into another yearlong fight of what doesn't work i think you'll get support if a large sector of the population that is what we need given the costs given the fight for funding including the support we need in washington, d.c. i think we need to come up with formulating a big idea but thank you anyway, i think this is a wonderful beginning. >> director ram. >> sorry go ahead. >> thank you. i want to acknowledge those xhiments comments 9 transportation authority is in agreement with
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you won of the things that come out of this this is highly ranked project will there are a lot of projects in san francisco that's why the next step for this project are to go into that mix of priorities so san francisco update that will be taking place and the mta's efforts will be going on and do what you're asking and hopefully, we'll have update next year as it progresses. >> i appreciate that we sit here often and looking at plans and completely underserved areas we have very large plans in front of us there are huge transportation needs in underserved areas. >> that's a great segue follow-up on our question
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earlier what is before us in the next year is an important planning effort with the city's own transportation efforts as well as the regional plan and the city's plan and i think what i find encouraging about the discussions we've been having with the sister agencies there is strong acknowledgement this is not the mta or the sfmta it's ta and public works and the regional partners all talking about that and prioritizing those projects and in particular looking at the growth areas south of market is a concern and the transportation needs south of market which is a substantially growing area so we are having those discussions and engaged if those i think we should be hearing about those projects as they precede. >> that's great we'll have the
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joint hearing first hearing the 3 efforts going forward this is a lot of back and forth here thank you to the staff for the presentation and the public. >> commissioners that places you on item 10 arcadia in the european market street transit district. >> good afternoon determining sanchez prior to my presentation i want to present from supervisor wiener the chance to present. >> good afternoon power from supervisor wiener office this legislation before you is similar to what was before you a few months ago authorized by supervisor breed today is legislation permits arcades in the upper market and ct we're all in agreement the
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arresting cads are fun and great active he addition to our corridor i'll let diego talk about this and thank you for hearing this special legislation and also the commissioner is in support of this legislation thank you thank you. >> commissioners as mentioned the proposed ordinance will allow the arcades in the first and second market story with the zoning control table with mechanic device as arcades instead of other entertainment use apparently arcades are a not allowed and currently the planning code allows other uses those uses
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often require neighborhood notification in the condominium conversion staff recommends the following to amend the planning code to allow the arcades in auto cds and where it is allowed on the second story staff recommends they be there as well and two to amend the planning planning code to a number of arresting cascade games and amended the arresting cascade up to 4 the changes represent a moderation of use of arresting cascades those changes see those are operable concerns are address in the nuisance regulations on allowing the arcades on the second floor railroads a use of non-arcades
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and it provides a sensitive to those smaller scale and the last thing the distinction of arresting cascades and allowing up to four it expedites this and eliminates an additional progress such a minor use commissioners i'd like to make a note should you make the proposed represents the board of supervisors will not be back to them for the arresting cascade recommendations that concludes my presentation. i'm here for questions you. >> opening it up for public comment any public comment on this item? okay seeing none, public comment is closed can i confirm with the city attorney what the represents is i think that there's some question about what
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was noticed versus the staff recommendation is. >> deputy city attorney marilyn burns on your agenda for today is the title of the legislation as it is currently pending before the board that only makes the change modification in allowing arcades to be a permanent use to the upper market cd in the staff recommendations staff recommendations this change. >> be applied citywide all mcd so all are permanent use so i certainly know think the commission can hold it's recommendation this is a legislation of the board and so the board needs to act in order to make the change and the actual amendment to the legislation i want to note it is is a board change in the legislation that can you remember the protective only
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prices to the you were market street mcd and the recommendation adapted will make it citywide and okay. thank you commissioner johnson >> thank you very much i definitely agree with staffs represents i ask a quick question if this ordinance were to pass with administrations as identified would this create on overall phase with the police code and it is trying to metrological the arresting cascades games throughout the city. >> would this do anything to the hate street legislation that is already passed or super keyed it. >> supersede it right before it allows arcade amazement games on
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the second floor. >> commissioner moore. >> i feel hesitant because the diversity entities are varied and complex we very specific neighborhood commercial districts rules for certain neighborhood and i feel i'm kind of jumping offer what it constitutes to the appropriate supervisors as well as to the neighborhood organizations for forms who are involved i feel i can support supervisor wiener's legislation for the upper market but i don't want to broadly endorse it for everything else. >> commissioner antonini. >> i'll agree with commissioner
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moore this might be beneficial citywide but a jump maybe we should ask for today what is being asked we the supervisor what the supermarket will provide arcades on the first or second floor and other entertainment use i will make a motion to approve that with that being the action we're taking. >> second. >> if i could intersect i think we should look at more comprehensive things i know it's the right move to signify approval for upper market but don't need every entities to come back for the legislation of the cd i don't want to jump to
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citywide with the public or the staff with those. >> commissioner richards. >> i completely agree with commissioner moore and commissioner antonini that commissioner president wu it is premature to go citywide it makes sense i'll support that. >> commissioner moore. >> 3rd district was our supervisor and while president chiu might have supported supervisor wiener i've not heard discussion that she has engaged in having a larger discussion on being citywide it's for that reason i would ask to move some of the other commissioners are already supporting. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you again supportive of the staff recommendations but also supportive of supervisor wiener's reason for coming to us in the fingertip i ask can we
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add a finding that the board of supervisors should consider citywide legislation is that - >> i don't know is that stronger i would like a comment how are we're going to transmit we said it here we said the peripheries to collaborate. >> if you can make that part of our motion and have a recommendation that the board of supervisors consider that. >> i would accept that as you know a recommendation to the supervisors to study citywide. >> thanks. >> into the seconder. >> the simplify is it is the planning department initiated by the supervisors so it has to be first a discussion a staff represents to the supervisors just as a discussion we're having today whether or not other supervisors are interested
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and we'll pick it up as a separate matter the supervisor is made of by the people if the district. >> i understand but it needs to be an official way to say a citywide question would be fine. >> my pd is that the commission would like there to be more analysis to do this citywide and asking the supervisors in reality the supervisors b will ask us to do the analysis but it is also engaging their personal preference of what they want to include it i see no harm in making the recommendations to the board it to engage their preferences and incorporate such analysis if necessary into our work. >> i've worded it that captures
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that spirit. >> commissioner moore if i may this requires a different discussion i want to see the department that recommended this in the first place i can't decide on the recommendation and diego sanchez we believe that the arresting cascades mechanic devices the existing controls over three-quarters of the mcd were based on on the uses of the 1980s it is changed we see those at low impact recreational use we see that the community that span metropolitan regions are formerly the communities around the use if we can ged get ahead of you without coming back to you, we he can get here and approve it all.
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>> to reinforce that from the 80's those are considered high impact uses because of the activities it is completely different now we don't see them deft from retail use so that's why we are recommending citywide. >> so i heard that the maker of the motion was amenable to the secondary. >> depends on how you phrase the recommendation. >> as i heard the motion it is to dpaupt a recommendation for approval as amended to limit the amendment for only the upper market street and ct with the recommendation to the board to expand it citywide and to continue the discussion for possible citywide i'm more comfortable with the open-ended type of -
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>> i'm sorry to - >> continue the discussions. >> to consider a that's correct it's a different meaning and seeing the discussion of the legislation. >> commissioner johnson. >> thanks i know yeah, that gets us there before now we were talking about the use of words analysis that is specific important the planning department it is not necessary if we didn't pass it today there's no analysis so i agree that it one thing about the motion it sounds like if we are recommending supervisor wiener's legislation that we're n reprimanding it with no modification that makes it styling there are no substantial changes to supervisor wiener's legislation. >> okay. thank you. >> i know excuse me. rarp
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through the chair there was a modification of the definition what an accessory use not the other entertainment but considered a remarkably game. >> okay yes. >> thank you so commissioners there is a motion and second to death penalty a recommendation of approval with modifications to limit the amendment to the upper market street and ct with the recommendation to the board to continue the execution of expanding the legislation citywide. >> commissioner moore. >> director ram i have a question does the change of the word changing the definition of accessory apply only for upper market or citywide otherwise we're undercutting the process. >> understood i understand it
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is from upper market that's the only place our changing the controls. >> if you can confirm that i'm supportive if not citywide i can't it will have to be preceded by the action. >> i'll ask the maker of the motion to clarify. but >> actually what i was proposing i read into the motion i put that away i read the two parts included in 9 second part the definition of lone 10 m ads it was not other entertainment it would be a use asked by the supervisor as what it would be. >> the question is it only applies to europe market. >> right. >> city attorney and the language here part two was the you were market consider
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businesses with 10 or few m ad instead of other eyes but it says the upper market that's part two of the motion it both parts of motion have confined to the upper market mc t. >> i actually have relied the question is the commission intent should this move forward to our question commissioner moore no action on this gil until there's no board meeting until the district reappointment but is it the commissions intent if something broader happens it comes back to the commission or is the commission instructing to the board to come back. >> i prefer something come
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back. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you. i agree with commissioner president wu some should come back and the upper market legislation passes than if were something subsequent it will supersede this like hate street i'm considering on upper market it clears up condominium conversion if we take out the word limited to europe market ct it was for upper market ct we're not limiting it that's itself legislation and we're only asking for the modification of talking about accessory uses i think that will make things clearer. >> oh, oh. >> my understanding we're only limiting it to the zoning district and then the
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distinction is being changed to the modification. >> i'm sorry, i heard you say something different the legislation itself come through us is for the upper market we're not futuristic limiting it. >> the limits is because you've amended staffs resolution recommending to the board. >> we're not taking it. >> you know what i mean we're not amending staffs recommendation. >> through the chair this is a formatting thing and but you're not recommending of the portion as it applies to the upper market ct. >> thank you mr. star. >> commissioner moore. >> i want to ask the city attorney has a whether or not the discussion operates on two scales one is that the arresting
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cascades to only focusing on this moment at&t's another upper market and the second part changing the accessory use in this particular case we ask it only applies to europe market is going is that a correct interpretation or am i missing something. >> deputy city attorney marilyn burn the recommendation is clear to me and it seems clear to staff i'm not sure what our concerned you're leaving out. >> the redistinction of accessory use that's all i'm asking you want to make sure and it's your recommendation you can choice what you want it only applies to europe market. >> you as a director confirm that i'm comfortable.
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>> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. as i said i'm reading from what the staff report the way it would be before the more expansive staff recommendation this about applied to other things it says the market ct to permit the arresting cascades on the first and second floor and instead of other entertainment use so no where does it say it's limited by even though nature of the words themselves tare only speaking to the upper market ct and the rest of the motion calls for staff to study with recommendations to the supervisors to keep the discussion open for other parts of city but that doesn't has nothing to do with to the first parts of motion. >> i believe we have consensus we're only recommending to
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change to allow the arcades as described in the upper market mc t and the few minutes ago only applies to the mc t. >> commissioner richards it would be great to separate those before we get into the back and forth and not having the recommendation to apply it to citywide that's all. >> please call the question. >> all right. commissioners on that motion commissioner antonini commissioner hillis excuse me. commissioner johnson. >> commissioner moore. commissioner richards and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero commissioners that place you on item 11 dimension and controls for
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