tv [untitled] January 3, 2015 8:30am-9:01am PST
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he city but complicate in the east side of the city and the same for sdrshlts that is a significant concentration around where is the produce market is associated in this area here so this shows regional trends in san francisco as i mentioned the food and beverage manufacturers and district courts are one and one fourth of all manufacturers jobs in san francisco that's 25 percent of the larger economy here so it's quite a few and significant contribution and that's one of the reasons we wanted to focus on that here's some regional trend san francisco is the purple line
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this is a tlien in the businesses from 2008 to 2006 we started to see a pickup in the businesses and the number of jobs. >> again, some employment trends highlighting around 2006 when we started to see a general increase in the number of jobs and businesses in the foods and distribution this data is 2012 anecdotally we know that there's been a continual increases in jobs some additional trends in san francisco that embarcadero from jobs this shows a general wage chart it shows that the acholic beverage wholesale and distribution you can generally
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make a nice saliva if you're in that business it is comparison other other sectors where people can access jobs generally speaking those are really good jobs for folks in the low to mid income in jobs in san francisco we held a business affirm with over 60 businesses here in the city and also businesses that have left the city and asked them what are their challenges and what they're facing those are what bubbled up to the top dribbling real estate and difficulty getting financing developing their workforce and transportation and just we have a highly regulated environments that's one the challenges
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this summarizes some of the things we've heard in the industry and some of the reasons why it is important to pursue helping them resolve their issues again quality wages and career lard and the recent growth those are things that are driving us to understand the issues and our recommendations fell into those 4 categories that match the issues that they were facing first is affordable and suitable space we're definitely trying to promote a model those folks can start and grow their biz in the city one it working with nonprofits and looking at community development corporations and trying to mold the model to help those businesses adapt space to accommodate in their will unique
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space needs i'm going to turn it over to they have unique space needs unlike businesses in the city they need floor drains and loading docks and those kinds of things that developers today do want to spend the mind and money promoting when there's other kinds of land use that are lucrative so it is important for those folks this is about technical assistance and looking at the kind of work we do in the city to target those city's and help them understand the workforce challenges they may not to overcome and those businesses have simultaneously profit margins they learn on the job it is very important to help give them a leg up we're looking at creating a new position or
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possibility reallocating work from one if you remember staff member in office of economic workforce development so help strategize on how to solve those issues we're designating someone with the planning department's besides myself to help folks said the new codes so they have a dick line to understand the direct challenges a little bit more of the same the workforce development helps those folks to look at the existing tax credits to start and grow their businesses and to just promoting new training and job safety programs access and mobility is quite a
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challenge for folks when i'm come back coming to folk a lot of folks are wrapping and going home our transportation is built to get even though mass to work downtown and it doesn't necessarily serve the areas of the city very well especially for folks that have jokes that start and end at peak times that don't account for the mass of the people we provide jobs for in the city so this is a representation to work closely with mta and the ta try to help folks to understand the options out there and really pair up those mta and ta with those folks so they can understand what their issues are and try to resolve for them we're entertainment commission we have a late night entertainment group
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we're working with as well just a little bit artist information from the businesses that donated their time and answered surveys and providing their time to answer questions and to interview with us we're very grateful they're contribution. >> i wanted to if it's okay to introduce my colleagues who that might say a few things about the study. >> thank you pr good evening, commissioners i don't want to take up too much of our time i'm a manager at spur i was one of the project leads with diane in a and tiffany one of the things i wanted to say the city put in a lot of time and effort to make that happen it's great to see if you haven't
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seen it i mention in this case you know someone in the industry we're transitioning to pushing for the recommendation and i might ask if you know anyone especially business owners that might be interested in the recommendations there's a need forces voices to continue to push the city is committed to the recommendation it helps to have voices on the inside and outside if you know anyone that is a business owner i'd like to have their contract name we're planning on having a business gathering in full board february and like to invite them there so get them on the page to implement recommendations with that. >> great. >> thank you thank you i don't have anything
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further i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> do we have questions let's take public comment. >> just the basic report. >> public comment any one have items on number 5 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> that was a very good presentation thank you very much that was awesome and it's nice i'm happy yourself working with spur and oewd because commissioner drith it is starting to become an issue in the city i notice on our map you have fisherman's wharf scrapes and it's busy over there when you go into especially the southeast section of the city we're losing space right now it is i'm really, really happy that planning is involved with spur
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and oewd and everything o everybody is coming together. >> we definitely come total with ray gunmen we've been working together and and spur does great work so i'm glad spur is involved thank you next item. >> thank you diane next item is an update and discussion on the legacy business program so for today in our packet under item 7 i want to walk through kind of some of the tasks and the timelines that are before the commission i also want to introduce sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, eddy apologize going i don't know your last name that is part
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of the dr. hudson's studies that did permanent work so he's going to work through and then dr. hudson has provided you an overview and he'll walk through that and to sort of end our conversation and presentation is i have dr. isabel la guiles and dr. ill bell i'm going to say is a business harpoon and working with dr. hudson shield e she'll lend her expertise to you commissioners think about the quality active components to need to ply to some of the legacy business program once
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it's officially passed so first so that's going to be the order of which we have our presentations and then what i need to start what hey what staff is going to need as we start to develop this program is likely every meeting some point of constitution this is the beginning we'll take the information and flush out the meetings for the creation of the criteria to give you an update of the legislation it is still in committee it will not be heard the earliest sometime in john january there are a few items that supervisor campos office wants to refine so this give us an opportunity if we need to effect some of the items that
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are in the legislation that helps us to provide have some clarity put spot legislation if it's needed so a list of the timeline in terms of acts and things that need to be done is by january 2015 we need a sort of good list of our legacy what are businesses that are in business that are thirty years old that fall within the criteria i need to meet with the controller's office to set up the criteria to take payments and during the january february period is to start to develop the guidelines for the registry for the designation of a legacy business including the obligations a procedures and the documentation and you know probably an appeals process should a business want to appeal
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a decision and another other necessary provisions then during the january february period our office is required to insure that we conduct a survey to businesses and to property owners is there a need for technical assistance what are some of the issues brown around lease and acquisitions financial incentives and what kind of marketing pr program mini public education and continuity issues that need to be developed those needs to be defined because they will likely require is budget ask and so the timeline that i'mic with is so we have a good idea of what this is by the end of the march i
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need if we're going to have this budgeted for the we're in the 2014-2015 the 2015- 2016 to run the program and have to have a good idea of our budget ask beyond the 50 discolors current registration fee currently in the legislation and again february march program is gsi also to develop the rules and regulations along the legacy program and the rebate was the transfer tax for the property owner provides for the property and extends the lease for 10 years for the legacy business or what the legacy business are purposes the property than the property tax rebate we need the
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rules and regulations and then the finalizing the program and per the legislation currently the we need to have by june 30th go before the wrvrz with a fully developed program that's the timeline this could adjust some depending on the passage of the legislation but i want to be more prepared than wait he until the legislation is pass before we especially thinking about the timeline to be able to get the budget allocations. >> you need staff. >> what and you need staff. >> and we're partnering with the ucsf and the gallery to help with this as well just a reminder under the legacy
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program it's thirty year to year of businesses currently in the legislation dnsz as bars and restaurant and performance venues and distribution and repair activities and businesses that contributed to thirty i mean to neighborhood history and identity of a particular neighborhood or community and businesses that committed to making physical features or traditions that are defined as businesses including the crafts and other forms it's not worded i think there's a lot of clarity that needs to be put in here so that's kind of the overview which we need to expand and provide definition and direction so workman's comp i think i'd like to steve if you could come up and go through the work that
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your class did and provide a summary with that, i tablet the presentations and there was some actual good questions that came up for us to think about. >> good evening, commissioners and on behalf of the university of the san francisco school management and resource center thank you for giving me and my peers to work 0 the adaptation the implementation of supervisor wiener's legislation the ordinance lazy the foundation for expanded support for businesses that have existed in san francisco for more than thirty years we know their family owned and part of the population for the gay resource center was created for in fall of 2014 we provided the
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reduction and vested community engagement for the legislation our i'm sure you're aware of students collaboratively worked the association first one i was involved with was for the members we had an analysis of the displacement of the cultural report and piece together the most important information from the documents and enforced them that can be used for the business owners for the landlords that be affiliated with the legacy program there's a lot of information and we figure it's best to consolidate some of the most i'll have information in a way that the business owners and lymph gland can use that's already and . >> and that's in our packet.
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>> we've actually included idiotable version of the document there maybe for information added and taken out but one thing my team suggested was that for the community impact of the legacy business f this is still vaguely defined we're not sure based on the documents what exactly what constitutes impacts and how that's determined by the community and network by neighboring businesses perhaps so maybe ones that information is a little bit more clearly defined that can be at and include into the graphic because this what it is important this issue came up next group was the legacy business mask to capture the
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years of experience and ownership rental and commercial space and gross receipts, etc. as part of the legacy so initially the group was given a list of addresses and with that, they weren't should you what kinds of businesses so they took that and they identified over one hundred fields that need to be part the legacy field registry and edited in time they evaluated 3 lists and they recommended that salesforce as a product with the greatest capacity to support the registry in organizing all the day for all the businesses we're going to be working with for this group deciding going forward to finalize the list to narrow it
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down to one hundred i different fields but this is obviously need to be reviewed by experts like ourselves and figure out if this is what is needed and to incorporate the data field and adding or taking out other fields and developing an action plan to obtain the missing information from the legacy businesses as mentioned we only had did addresses initially to go off of there is not information missing the third group what two different groups this was the legacy history collection group the purpose were you to compasses two main businesses that typify the legacy businesses those embody what we're trying to pursue and get a
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business we're trying to adrenalin the culture of collect personal serious from older generation businesses and community residents and document community impact two legacy businesses we contact were cellists hardware and more than times book store so nets not on this one industry in general what those groups ended up doing they development data to determine the community impact and try to understand how it is that cliff hardware n and modern times fit into the neighborhoods they're related to in how much of an impact they've made outside of customer good reasons how they've impacted the community and in sight personal
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stories some things can't be quantify if i had by finances so it's good to take a look at other ways their impact determine whether a legacy ordinance is not in a position to acquire they're building and identified other areas with technology assistance it required like technical support and legal support for falts landlord and city regulations making it more difficult to flip building and housing legacy businesses important informing 20/20 groups going forward we have a practicum that will work out if we get enough students to register to encourage the spring students to - we've got a little bit of a understanding of where those businesses come from and how they've impacted from
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themselves on behalf of people that work in the businesses and it's good to talk to people that are located near those businesses but also the next step ford forward to investigate the retail community impact for the modifications of san francisco it's hard to define how a business can i know impact a community it a what about financial but other ways and how to gage this community impact is really important this is the for the collections group the next 2 the legacy best practices and upon the idea for this trying to rely what is going on in san francisco and trying to understand how it is globally how other best
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practices are done this is you know a origin that the globally it seems to have taken a full effect on as citywide scale we wanted to look at other countries how they've dealt with this as well expand been san francisco heritage by identifying the national heritage and identifying the building acquisitions and support through the 504 and other commercial programs to determine the efforts. >> so for this one we've taken two examples one of which from london and the other from barcelona to research the first right of purchase agreements in london and the programs in barcelona in london they have
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identified programs where they have walking tours to promote tourism in specific areas where legacy businesses businesses that have been around a long time in the region so that's the way is promotes tourism and people can appreciate it it promotes small businesses bogging because we're xurm sales and those types of companies so for the 504 we've identified both programs maybe useful for businesses who wish to purchase the building only if certain conditions are met the most important we've identified the occupancy of a minimal of 50 percent of the facility for business persons this is difficult especially in san francisco we have a lot of businesses that are occupancy
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spaces above them but if a company is based on the bottom of the building and they have three or four stories above them this makes it so it self-apply to the 504 program this is a big issue it contradicts all the work first place residential places the hub above they can be thrown out wife identified many businesses are not aware of the acquisition in general you know this as mentioned maintained you know it is something that is obviously a national program but is going to coincide with the directly business he even though it's a
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federal program we've identified many of the open space programs may not serve as a land base program and the next step going forward as decided was for the best practice is to consider working with spur i believe this gentleman left but as well as the heritage to create urban aeshlths and other folks to brainstorm the effective model and with the 504 program we recommend that potential commercial condominium legislation which may be necessary to adjunct the businesses to allow them to have loan offering so if we can convert those residential areas on top to some of the businesses
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they have residential areas on off and on top if we convert those to condominiums that will help them to apply for real estate that is effecting the business if in their not individually purchased by people they can be contributing to businesses downstairs whether related or unrelated the final group their project to go expand been the legislation analysis with historical and counter represents and data for designating corridors what was originally gichlg i given us was the lower 24th to lower 24th as well as sectors of the castro and so what this team is doing they're not completely done with the infor
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