tv [untitled] January 6, 2015 9:30pm-10:01pm PST
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instructions on our app or something like that. >> it's an interesting idea piloting on line we're absolutely looking on lines to eliminating cash other cities have done it london payrolling cash free now one of the supposed drivers moving people off of cash has been differential fairs that's something we contemplate and analyzed this this current budget cycle but unable to myth some of the disproportionate impacts so one of the things i've passed with my staff looking towards doing that and making clipper locations available across the city making sure we're addressing some of the impacts so we might be able to in the next budget
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cycle bring forward differential fairs is one way to move us we're in the high 40s or 50 percent penetration for clipper right now but we've been he pretty sure level for a number of years once the movement passes over we're talking to mp c to move the passes over to bump up the mobile ticketing that could be helpful but an absolute goal with our and the regions to move away from cash we can do so without adverse impact. >> okay. >> this is the citizens advisory committee report mr. chair, i don't see chairman weaver here and having completed general public comment we're motorcycling on to the
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one resolution in the form or forms listed below. if discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. please be advised to remove item 10.2 t from the consent calendar by the members of the public and 10.3 and 4 by director rubke. >> consent calendar minus those is there a motion 2 t and others. >> so moved. >> i i's have it were you able to vote on those two. >> we're saving those so content minus the industry. >> moving on the board moved to paragraph that without 10 point t and four it has to be with establishing a bus zone on new haul on the hudson avenue would
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you like to hear from the public first. >> sure (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i'm judy during that period of timeer we've had that bus stop there before but it was moved which a great thing we have to deal with the for a second of the kids being very loud i have a 90-year-old mother at home very loud and disrespectful and sometimes, i can't get into our garage you have kids sitting on the sidewalk or other people's cars and they don't want to move you don't want to get out and play good cop backing bad cop but because of their bathrooms not so far on the corner of new
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hall and hudson if, in fact any mother had an emergency there is no way the ambulance or the fire department because of the street is kind of narrow with other people parked on the other side of the street would be able to get to her that's any main concern thank you. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names) and those are the last two people. >> my name is shirley hunter on new hall street new hall street is is a residential area surrounded by the commercial property the city wants to take away 5 parking spaces from across in our homes and park the busses there i oppose that i don't think it's a good idea we've been bombarded by people coming and parking for the light
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rail you can't move our car without somebody waiting to take our parking space i disagree and don't think it's a good idea. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> last speaker len yell hunter. >> good afternoon. >> i'm lee necessarily hunter i'm on new haul for 28 years i'm a taxpayer a homeowner i was there when they started talking about putting a bathroom there i went to the meeting so he told me i hope you are not going to put a porter potty there i've seen people turn them over they said it they'll put it on third between third and new hall so what they did they should have gone back 5 feet i understand
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when you're sitting on the bus hall you want to use the bathroom i guess it's already because the bus has to make their turn so i talked to the guys i said you know as i wish i could get a parking space into my backyard and they said the city won't allow that i know it is a problem i guess about two or three weeks we've seen it add saying they're going to put 5 buses in front of our house where are we going to park i know there recent a problem in the city about parking two or three cars everywhere i had to put a gate one downstairs so i guess it is unvenues we don't
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have any where to park when i go home if i move my truck i ain't got anywhere to park i get up in the morning but i have to park two or three blocks from high house everybody is parking there we have no parking and you're going to take 5 parking spaces in the street no longer than a football field you should consider we're taxpayers too i appreciate it if you respect that. >> anyone else staff response to this one or staff? good afternoon mr. chair i'm going to present some of the
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facts of the petition mate by our traffic engineers and ask jeff to shine more light on the muni program as the speakers alluded to an operator roornl was constructed between new hall and hudson street the bus zone in question was for the terminal and which is extended on this block to that the bus lay over area is adjacent to the restroom there was a bus terminal one block to new hall street which takes about 50 feet of space away from parking to the bus and the propriety in items t and q to return that space to public parking and rather to move the bus terminal to this location at
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new hall and hudson engineers that looked at this felt and i agree that is a good location directly in the bus station and reduced the needs for the revenue loops and finally to he'd did point will the street the student is about 34 feet wide in this area we'll move it forward even when the vehicles are on the east side of the street and on the west side of the street it's passedable for vehicles >> okay. >> this is a question so this was one the current spot is that more residential. >> the current which current
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location. >> the one that's being removed a block up what's the nafrpt of that current bus zone. >> it has a well, the location we're proposing is adjacent to a public lot with a billboard on it and the building has been mixed the building to the north is a mixed commercial there's residents on both blocks. >> i'm thinking of looking at the internal what's the process of novelist the neighborhood obviously the bus stop - when the project was noticed for the for the restroom was it also noticed that the potential bus stop might happen in the future was that part of the process. >> we mostly the average to locate the operator restrooms
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the proposal we that we showed in 2012 had did not have the bus zone in this location but has bus zones on new hall streets we talked to the public and the operator restroom would be coming in into the area this is a typical edition. >> and how close to this spot to the people r that have stolen. >> dribble across the street from 701 and 3 directly across the street and it's more of a terminal not people won't be catching the bus only the stop that the bus will start and stop to understand. >> so it will become a new bus stop. >> a new bus stop. >> director nolan.
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>> i thank the residents for coming down we understand the movement of bus stops is always slightly 0 controversial if we add a bus stop it's controversial and the public transportation is a huge benefit in this city and giving people access it that is our first proprietor and the gentleman said it right to allow people to do their jobs i'll go ahead and paragraph that make a motion. >> i want to say i'll support the motion we have to do a better job i know that in terms of understand that the restroom and it makes sense obviously that area a combination of residential and industrial so its challenging i'm sympathetic to the concerns by the neighbors and maybe we can work to make
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sure that the operators don't courage kids to congratulate be in a bus stop to figure out how to create better sensitivity to the residents it seems like there's problems. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? the i's have it. >> thank you next item. >> mr. chair that completes item 10.3 and 4 i'll call them both together with our approval item 10.3 a support of commuter shuttle pilot program near sacramento street and amending the transportation code o to rise the commuter shuttle program at a timely permit fees and penalties as a permanent
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condition and allows the permanent plans to allow the administrative penalties. >> you're taking those off because - we need a motion and second to allow director rubke to recuse. >> all in favor, say i. on 10.3 and 4 is there a motion? >> all in favor, say i. arrest opposed? the i's have it. >> mr. chair item 11 is an item approving the mta's protective program. >> good afternoon good afternoon mr. chair and directors it's nice to see you kate government affairs once a year we propose a draft elective program i want to note based on coming with the state protective
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committee this body will act before it is concerned on the 14th we work in calculation with the mayor's office and make sure we're in alignment we want to be clear as you consider the program before you program itself is divided into local, state, and federal as in the past and part of the local section i want to introduce if you haven't been introduced to our local affairs manager an incredible addition to our team in building close relationships with the board of supervisors if you haven't met him, i should. >> with regards to the local protective program it is fairly broad description of things that typically occur over the course of the year in city hall with the mayor's office and the board of supervisors as well as the san francisco county
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transportation authority there's a lot going on all the time as you're well aware and this portion of the protective program tries to anticipate that with regards as the transportation sustainable fee that is under consideration here this year as well as looking forward under the efforts of transportation 2030 to the transportation and an increase in the transportation in 2016 it's great the measures passed this fall that's the beginning in the local portion we'll talk about this more at the state level is the mindfulness and attention to vision zero this is embraced by the departments and the mayor's office we'll be doing everything we can to practitioner lists that commitment to make sure we're
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successful and again, the last piece on the local level focusing on the major projects you're familiar with that will need separate action from the board of supervisors on the city of perspective priorities we're now gina new two year session we have a new member i'm sure you're aware of from san francisco david chiu how joins senator leno as our representatives in sacramento i would characterize the state program into a couple of categories clurgd the efforts on the state budget and opportunity as well as keep that in mind the governor in his state of the state he combined his navigation reference to the need to reinvest in the highways he's on
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record to his commitment to high speed rail what is included in his state budget that embodies that i think it is not able that one of the recent appoint in sacramento is will commissioner mckeen ton some of you have worked with him tis the appoint director of the transportation a wealth of experience at all levels i think we're seeing an alignment, if you will, for folks who know how to advance the issues at state level xaipd and there's 3 particular programs that the transportation is eligible for we're working with our finance folks to make sure it san francisco is lined up to compete for the sfmta as well as the city family since
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some of the programs like affordable housing and the sustainable communities are multi dimension all arrest you've read in the paper transportation fuels come under the cap that means more funds will be available for the projects to advance the goals of advancing the green house gas emissions our building capacity with regards to the cap & trade with our finance team to make sure we're positioning ourselves the best we can for cap & trade funds third area if we move beyond the funding is vision zero it will be the anchor of our state program in sacramento specifically there are specific
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proposals weighing we're developing and vance in the coming year the first and are timed full director brinkman attention other than the automatic safety enforcement we will be developing a proposal we'll be advancing for consideration in sacramento to authorize at least out of the gate to implement a automated enforcement program it is killer crafted and thoughts and questions to focus it on areas around schools and citizen centers looking at for the best practices across the country and the proposals we're starting with will try to you would call it come out of the gate low volume fashion it is decrim listed the surrounding areas of citizen centers and schools that
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builds a coalition that doesn't engender out of the state the governor's propensity to voteeto those things that the person is receiving one citation is unduly burdened we're looking at limitation to lower the speed the concept that 20 is plenty and socialized that concept and work with others who are interested in understanding how the enforcement is really the key along with engineering and education to achieving the goals of vision zero you know we have we're fortunate to have tom here from new york to bring the experience of new york who was competitive in achieving lower limits in
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automated achievement improvements they've highlighted their success in reducing the pedestrian accidents as a result of those measures and lastly there's been attention to the blocking the box block the box is in the explicitly vision zero but we can say there are safety benefits to all when cars don't block the box we currently have before the attorney general request an opinion whether automated enforcement could be used and contingent been the opinion we're bays it on the opinion on market and octavia allowing you guess to use the blocking box violations next one is a must do if under the umbrella of muni forward it is time to authorize our camera program it was authorized in
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2007 and reauthorized as a pilot in 2011 and now it will sunset at the end of this year unless authorized it is a goal to make it a permanent program our coaches are installed with the program we're egg standing it to double parking beyond the bus stops we're trying to embrace the technology that will help advance the original purpose of the prom you'll be hearing more at the workshop the next one the program you're all incredibly familiar with you've implement it united states muni for youth the change in state law is that one is in line with the policy will decrime list the youth vision when the law was changed to
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allow for the decrimtion there was a juvenile court commissioner that made the case that juveniles should remain in the court system this was 7 years ago we are hearing from others around the state san diego in particular that are interested in considering very reduced or free transit for youth the ground has shifted on this issue so we're seeking to change the stating state law so deputies can be issued decrim listed citations we've join with our partners around the state we actually brought it to the california transit association they'll be sponsoring this at our request for stating change to decrime list the system and those are monitoring parking policies as issues come up we
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won't be advancing anything recommended to the parking policy but the conversations be continue on this issue and taxi regulations there was a lot of activity on tncs and working with kate torrance so that's the state and lastly and more recently on the federal level we have a republican majority a lot of experience in those committees for the reauthorization in the senate as well as the house and folks that were in the minority are returning to chair and will be tasked with the as far as i am concerned of the transportation program that expires september 21st that is extending the program beyond one or two
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cycles there was a comment the republicans chad from south carolina actually made a committed it's time to raise the gas take you wouldn't take that to the bank the conversation is being taken seriously if we can't find a long term source there's no basis for reauthorizing it and the last couple of things relate to funding we'll have a regular appropriation cycle to continue to get the funding foreign the subway and the nsb pa practicing project that insures the $75 million for that program is achieved with the tiger program 24 is the federal government's d ot discretionary grant san francisco has been successful in this drive as well as mission bay loop was opportunity out of
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this program this year we'll be funding the 16th street corridor he'll hear more about the tiger is for the longshoreman investment in this corridor the 16th centuryth street corridor and lastly i have on here it was put to print before the tax but this issue of par it's between the transit if you drive the president signed into law it retroactively when the taxpayers do their takes those who use transit and park get the same benefit from the take into consideration perspective by r7d we turn into one hundred and thirty while people get a benefit of $250 that park we're aligned with the city family trying to change that it's a tax
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question so that's the full program i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. and thanks yourself attention. >> thank you kate for all the work this is one of those things that makes at least me release how important it is we sit up here and do the work for $200 a month it makes it feel worthwhile i'm particularly pleased to see the pilot program we feel confident moving forward so as much do i want i feel around the handprint abuse that will be baby steps we can build on this the speed bombardment is near and dear to my heart i feel that a palatable idea for
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communities might be streets that carry a specific and clear volume of cyclists even they're our vulnerable users maybe we are seeing the highest recite of pedestrians the block the box is a great one he appreciate the pcos on market street when i'm on the 5 or 21 and my bus moves through an intersection because a they've stopped the cars i see the there's signs over their heads but i think the ability to preventive that action to our point of penalty of fine not so high it feels like urgey but stops people from doing that this is a good protective agenda thank you. >> thank you director nolan. >> i want to second all
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director brinkman points a couple of things in this report it looks like a business year for you and it's exciting thank you cheryl brinkman for all your tasks going forward looking at this the things in the report are the ever increasing gas prices and what this means for an opportunity to get a gas tax for the region or the state but somehow, i used to pay 4 bucks a gallon now 3 it seems like there's leave things that can happen i don't know if there's a strategize effort on the part of the agency but i'll courage us to think about that and take advantage of the void i also really want and i stressed this in the past there are actively cities tha
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