tv [untitled] January 7, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PST
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supervisor kim has a number of public speaker cards as well. >> hi, i'm the director of san francisco clean city i'm one of the people that has been talking about this for the last 10 years when we become the service providers with so many children living in the tenderloin what was so step up be was the number of needles on the ground and the number of human waste on the ground i feel stroong this is effective and has the potential to be the big piece of puzzle around cleaning in the tenderloin i really want to publicly thank supervisor kim and sam dodge to have a team of people to come pile this and do it this a strategic way in addition what was not mentioned; right when they're not using the
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toilet our staff is cleaning the blocks we're a whole component and i hear the presence of that person in having additional people out there has really been a addressed bonus of the promissory note program thank you for bringing this to the board of supervisors it's been long overdue and look forward to moving this along in the community we have structural changes we've been cleaning for 10 years and now time to take 9 next steps and look at the structural issues and providing things that are needed we have services in the tenderloin it is something about human dignity so thank you, again. >> thank you, ms. grant and thank you supervisor mar i have a number of speakers that i
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want to call up for public comment so i'm going to call up the first 10 speaker cards (calling names). >> good morning members find board and supervisors my name is jordan louis a small business owner in the selma area fulsome street foundry i was alerted to this program 55 supervisor kim's office and it sounds very exciting and i'm just wanted to
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speak in support and i'll be excited to see it hopefully grow to the western selma area it's a problem we're experiencing it is not only in the tenderloin i want to say any two bits and want to see it grow thank you thank you. next speaker. >> hi my name is kevin that stall i work with the collaborative and i'm a resident of the tenderloin and one of the locations of the pit stop is half a block from where i live on turk i've totally seen a big difference in the improvement of the tenderloin neighborhood and the other two locations as well its about so much cleaner and so much more nicer and been a huge
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important part of improving this neighborhood a lot of the people who've come to visit the area have noticed a difference and have another location to help to use the bathroom in case they can't reach a restaurant or store i've noticed there there or so. less needles on the street it's easier to walk on the sidewalk, of course, to not step on any feces or needles or any of the sort of i really hope this program continues and expands as well so i want to thank you you all and hope to have you fund this program thank you. >> good morning, supervisors john of san francisco travel we see the current conditions in san francisco on the streets and sidewalks having a negative
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impact on the quality of life and the effect on the visitor experience san francisco travel annually surveys our visitors and the number one issue they say distinguish the quality of their visit is the conditions they encounter on the streets they cite dirty streets and feces on the sidewalks and watching people relieve themselves publicly that prevents them from returning to our city this will provide those without regular assess those to types of personal services with dedicated options for those reasons we see tremendous value in continuing the program and possibly we encourage you to seek ways to expand this program into other areas so thank you very much.
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>> good morning i'm sorry kelly the program manager for latino i'm here on behalf of the families we represent to express our strong support and for not only the expansion but the expansion of this program in the short 6 months it has on a impact on the community we are sfant looking at the concerns that the unattended bathrooms in the neighborhood present we're happy to see this grow thank you. i have a quick question i know you and your position is working on improving the activation of the program i've heard about the bathroom in front of which the park i want you to talk about that we're trying to make this program different than what
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we've seen in this bathroom. >> absolutely so we've been doing since july of 2014 we started that park that i surveying families within a two block rad with us the number one concern was the restroom at middle alley and larkin so we've been in conversation with partners and the dpw to bring ways to bring the pit stop itself to maybe replace or work nuance with or create that to bring that model to the restroom he see when we're there in the park and activating the space it the nuisance subsides but after a few minutes it attracts a lot of unsafe activities at that park in particular that park is
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underutilized and a lot of families are afraid to go to the park mainly around that restroom that's not to consider the fact you take our child to a park and naturally the child will have to use the bathroom but they're afraid to go to the restroom so it's a great concern that impacts the quality of life. >> good morning. i'm doug one of the co-directors in providing 4 hundred and 50 units primer in the tenderloin and the chair of the police advisors board i'm here along with my fellow community members to talk about the expansion we've seen in the tenderloin to work to increase cleanliness and the beautification and it's working in the park with the efforts of the police department that is
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using in the park protection to make the tenderloin and even more thriving and beautiful place so i hope you'll grant us your support. >> before the next speaker comes up i want to call off the remainder speaker cards (calling names) even if you have not filled out a card feel free to line up after those speakers thank you. >> hello supervisors my name is ms. pears a community organizer added central city collaborative i'm here to represent the tenants we work with we're definitely in favor of expanding the program i've been working at the program for 2 and a half months it sounds like a good improvement thank you for the work it's not a pretty project
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but something it needs to be done i hope you expand it thank you. >> good morning, supervisors thank you for the opportunity to present my comment first of all, i'd like to thank supervisor jane kim for this program and the department of public works for the great work they're doing i work for the todco group i'm an advocate on the significant street corridor on a daily basis i see the need for pit stops i'm hoping that the supervisors will vote to expand this program and extend it especially in our community we now have the services of the community benefit district which has improved our district immensely but when you have homeless who have no where to go what do they do the services in
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the communities are inundated with the needs of homeless now they're using the bathroom at rec center and the children are seeing naked homeless in the bathroom and the director of the rec center said you can't stop people from a using the bathroom i admonish you look at the significant street corridor thank you thank you for the opportunity to be here i'm paul the hiv program manager at gliet services and gliet is behind this program i run the street outreach program for that glade i've been in the tenderloin for 14 years this is a fantastic program something long overdue the benefits are
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self-evident but this is a week ago to get rid of the feces and thanks to sam for emphasis encourage to go through with this project i've noticed barriers and thanks to supervisor kim you have our eye on what is going on in the community what you're seeing is hidden aspects you can't measure things like that the nonprofits people are using the bathrooms constantly and that takes place some of staffs time so people that are coming in for case management it takes away their focus it easy the burden by having those extra toilets it should be continued and expanded and like i say i'm in the street
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i'm a manager i'm a hands-on guy i pound the pavement and have noticed a difference thank you very much. >> good afternoon. i'm pat i'm the area director for the tenderloin visitacion valley and citywide arts for the boy and girl san francisco i want to thank supervisor kim and san francisco for all the work basically, we're here in support of and continued and increased funding for this spit stop and those types of efforts personally we have a club on jones and golden gate and had folks come into the club wanting to us a the room we have hundreds of kids that walk
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through the neighborhood i'm sure you're aware of faces a premium so kids tracking in excrement on their shoes and extra activities opens the carpet there wish factors there are so many stories this is appreciated and needed we also opened bowing deck park own december 8th and are appreciative prior to the park on opening there were needles we found on site during the construction that was being thrown over the fence so like i think one day we found 6 so those things are so important thank you and they have such a huge ripple effect on the whole community. >> good morning. i'm susan with the north of market
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tenderloin benefit district thank you supervisor jane kim and dpw for this program we've been ref monthly updates from the dpw and sam dodge and the service providers nothing but consistent positive about this program just to reiterate what sam has said there is increasing usage and instruction in the steam cleaning and precipitation of increased safety due to the monitoring component this is a key component of this program we're here to support the program we hope with the increased support and holy it will continue to address the ongoing issues in the neighborhood thank you. >> thank you.
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>> good morning. i'm jose just to have a brief description we on the church doors to let the homeless come in and sleep in the pews we're on golden after a half blackwell block away from the pit stops we get up to 3 hundred uses without any government funding as we're closing when we are cleaning the bathroom this see the go to place for guests when we can't use our bathrooms on mondays that's the one day i personally hear the most complaints about no place to use the bathroom there's a special place for people that sleep on the block overnight our more than crew has seen a directing feces on the
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floor in the monday morning when they on up it will have a bigger impact on the syringes and needles with the feces we think there is it will decrease if it was expanded and continued so again, we are here to support and hope it continues thanks. >> thank you, mr. lopez. >> so is there anyone else who would like to speak in the public i guess we've completed public utilities public comment is closed and last remarks from supervisor kim. >> thank you supervisor mar i want to appreciate the members of the public that come out to speak today and waited, of course to dpw mohammed nuru and rachel gordon and sam dodge for working closely with our office and coming up with the concepts
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of how to make a potential toilet program to work when it was an issue that been going on since i was in office i appreciated dpw staff members sitting down in terms of how to provide this important need and provide a dedicated space for people to use the bathroom awhile hearing the concerns about other toilets that might not have worked with the community and ended up not being used for toilets in the neighborhood because of safety concerns 0 so the concept of their cleaned everyday and monitored and rolled 2340u9 everyday it came from the brainstorming of the staff at the staff of the department of public works we're excited to see the outcomes and wanted to call the hearing being a pilot program what we intended this to
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be our office is introducing a supplemental that comes and later hearing with the budget committee and our office is interested in expanding this program in the tenderloin but something we hear a lot of feedback from in the south of market and while the impetus came from the people that claimed about the smell and the feces on the street it is not something you want to see myself included at the end of the day what we are providing is a place for people to go to the bathroom not something that anyone can control and if i don't have a home or business by which you can do this or the service program you're going to have to use the street there's no other option i never met an individual that
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times to defecate if in public people want to see this in other ways what's great about the tenderloin pit stop that provides another avenue we have a variety of issues to work on in reducing the homeless it is not just the homeless that are using the pit stop there's a storage of public restrooms for anyone p if you can't find a place to go but i'm glad we've been able to collaborate and when this comes back before us as a spill we can talk about the cost savings i know that wasn't a number we had today but the estimated savings and the cleaning and how total fund available from the savings we could use potentially use for the continuance and what source of funding we can use for the expansion and the opposing
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future we'll be talking about the hours and days and all of that and also how we store and move the pit stop at night looking forward to that discussion thanks again for everyone involved and the budget committee supervisor avalos i'll say i'm appreciative of a great presentation i like the comment from mr. dodge to the presence of the 3 pit stops are to be helpful to people and not to be invading by real an example of city government supporting a better quality of life for people i wanted to say that the expansion to the south of market area with the other locations including the 6th street corridor i know having worked there for many years is critical
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and appreciatively of the data driven approach we're seeing good results and strongly support this as well and it's extremely cost effective but the driving is giving people dignity and supporting the community-based organizations to try to help people are better lives thank you so much for supervisor kim can we have a motion to table and the supplemental will be coming at some point in the future or the supplemental has already been. >> filed. >> we'll filed this without objection thank you ms. wong madam clerk, any other business before this committee? >> no supervisor. >> thank you, everybody this meeting is adjourned
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to
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make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features. >> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that
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something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪
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>> just a few steps away from union square is a quiet corner stone of san francisco's our community to the meridian gallery has a 20-year history of supporting visual arts. experimental music concert, and also readings. >> give us this day our daily bread at least three times a day. and lead us not into temptation to often on weekdays. [laughter] >> meridians' stands apart from the commercial galleries around union square, and it is because of their core mission to increase social, philosophical
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and spiritual change my isolated individuals and communities. >> it gives a statement, the idea that a significant art of any kind, in any discipline, creates change. >> it is philosophy that attracted david linger to mount a show at meridian. >> you want to feel like your work this summer that it can do some good. i felt like at meridian, it could do some good. we did not even talk about price until the day before the show. of course meridian needs to support itself and support the community. but that was not the first consideration, so that made me very happy. >> his work is printed porcelain. he transfers images onto and spoils the surface a fragile shes of clay. each one, only one-tenth of an inch thick. >> it took about two years to get it down. i would say i lose 30% of the
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pieces that i made. something happens to them. they cracked, the break during the process. it is very complex. they fall apart. but it is worth it to me. there are photographs i took 1 hours 99 the former soviet union. these are blown up to a gigantic images. they lose resolution. i do not mind that, because my images are about the images, but they're also about the idea which is why there is text all over the entire surface. >> marie in moved into the mansion on powell street just five years ago. its galleries are housed in one of the very rare single family residences around union square. for the 100th anniversary of the mansion meridian hosted a series of special events, including a world premiere reading by lawrence ferlinghetti. >> the birth of an american corporate fascism the next
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