tv [untitled] January 9, 2015 2:30am-3:01am PST
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new years eve he'll touch on the further step and commissioner frost in the back of our book are the police code 1060 if you've got a 20.2 we'll talk to the directors powers and 1050.30 talks about the suspension by the director and 1060.20.4 talks about revocation you can read that to really be clear on when the grounds are there was a point in the history we didn't have the power to revoke at all it wasn't in the code so there you go. >> so that moving on i'm going to let the inspections tell you about new years eve.
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>> thank you commissioners in our packets this week you may notice there are a little bit bulkier than average we put together examples of you know some of the things in my packet that you'll find an example of a notice of violation from the entertainment commission and example from a notice of violation from the san francisco police department we have something i meant to include next time a sound inspectors report when we do a sound test to make sure that you see in a little bit more detail we'll be doing each weekend and have direct insight how we rate people faumd in keeping tabs on
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the permittees and couple of things in our packet is a new complaint from a resident on polk street about the maze in process prior to complaint working with the ownership there and doing improvements to their sound like system in improvement and the chapel i issued a notice of violation for the communications with them it's a matter of really regulating stage volumes and communicating to staff as to how better to control the sound coming off their stage i didn't communicate too much with officer mathis of carbon but you have a notice of violation in our packet unpermitted it is something i'll
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be following up with and 3 examples of some deeper inspectors on new years eve one with the region and one with stewart and the temple and there was a party that i viewed at 8 mission hotel no issues at the property but as far as i can telling me tell their unpermitted and we are in talks to get them permitted and with that if there are questions. >> did you create this form. >> f this was a form that was pared down from a form in the office. >> it's a good form. >> so maze they can't keep their coarse closed can they in
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the this a side door it was causing a lot of problems. >> they fixed that issue haven't heard from the original complainant since they've been keeping the door closed. >> this is a new complaint. >> i think the physical address is on polk their across from polk in the alley so any last visit they had their front windows and doors closed on new years eve that past saturday and keeping their front doors and windows closed i passed by twice they're stepping up their game and now a matter of trying to control the outside. >> inspector pauly. >> good evening commissioners did a lot of new years eve
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inspections as well the main one is brunn's i stopped by brunn's a bar on mission street stopped by because of the sidewalks we wanted to make sure we got ahead of problems on new years eve i stopped by and talked to their general manager and about the issue there and then also a couple of security were not identifiable so i'm going to be issuing them a notice of violation in regards to those two things. >> there was an issue with the american krookt center they
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found robs are the entertainment permit and other things specifically i issued them a citation and will be following up to make sure they're in compliance the weekend of december 19th and the 26th were slow it was regular patrol and nothing to report there's one issue that really sticks out right now in regards to the seller we've been talking about security and the need for security plan, which is mandated in the municipal police code in 1015 and the last couple of commission hearings i made an issue about it also with the seller they've added security they have and their - i actually
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talked to the security company joann executive officer of s i s security specialist and they make sure they put they're most aggressive guys to make sure that guy's were aggressive about managing the sidewalks but the liability is the parking lot that is managed by another companies and recently an issue happened in the parking lot that thought seller recorded to the police and it was a attempted robbery that happened on sunday night involving a warriors player that underscores the kind of my concern from being there and seeing that because people can congregate in the parking lot it is deep enough not to see what is going on there there needs to be security and in
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addition right next door managed by the same company it is a parking garage and what happens is when the seller moves there the people that own the club down the street they go as farts or for a as hundred feet and start to congregate there and the people will go down there a that's another issue where if the parking garage had you know as required in the legislation they have security in place and have security guards that will help to manage the issue and it's part of their responsibility they're making off the parking lot so that's my issue i wanted to bring that up i've been working with the
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seller the seller has been working hard to stay out of cross hairs of the commission i respect that i've seen what happened in the sfaerp i don't think it is the same things the atmospheric there's problems there they're not vigilant enough to handle the problems but the seller has been good about doing what they can with that i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> so i have questions also for officer ma emphasize officer isn't is true that david chiu put through with parking lots when we talk about the police there has to be a request from the chiefs officer for there to
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be security or demand from the chiefs office to have security in the parking lot commissioner lee was involved in the legislation the fact that the parking lot didn't have sufficient security and the police a ska could something but getting the owner to provide security there i'm not sure with the legislation has i don't have it in front of me. >> in the past entertainment we did it two sessions ago i ran the states status for the parking lot the calls for service were minimal you, however since a month and a half going ago we've seen an increase for service and the e-mail from jordan the conjugating i've contacted the
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bureau of police department in charge of the parking lot i want to set up a meeting with the seller and the parking lot and also the police department one of the things about the seller is it's not just friday and saturday club they have events monday 7 days a week we have to look at what's the most appropriate level of security to something we have to have ever night or go on certain in itself before coming here i did a search real quick it is no means an intensify search the violent crimes that happen in and around seller but the wednesday and thursday and sunday and monday, monday morning and friday and
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saturday and sunday saturday and sunday friday and saturday most of them are during the weekends how events during the week that will want security there i'm going to ask the seller people to see what the needs are in having security there. >> can some of the calls for service of the seller be for the parking lot. >> what we do the crime mapping so that shows a radius that gives me the ability to see where it is the proximity of the area once you read the narrative if there's an aggravated assault it can be the narrative that's something we'll downtown that has nothing to do with with the
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seller it looks at the seismic narrative the good thing about the map it gives us a general area and start looking there and weed out the things that are associated with the seller or with the lot and the things that are not. >> okay. so i'm glad to hear you're doing something with the lot we've heard about that lot it's great. thank you very much. >> i have a comment so if you can get a lease it will probably reduce our costs as a maintenance for the parking lot it's easier to maintain so i think even though there's not much call for service like the last incident a robbery attempt
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in that place but having a guard that robbery wouldn't have happened i'm saying they might not have a lot in the garage portion it only takes one, if there's a chronic seems like it comes up a lot and maybe the police department will ask them to at least friday and saturdays. >> that's why we have as i said before if it's a club operating on thursday and friday and saturday that's one thing but we have multiple nights and we have to look at it. >> can you condition it security friday and saturday and sunday. >> we'll do it to caterer to the needs if they're not meeting with a certain time we won't put that burden but if we have leave issues going on we're able to accommodate. >> why have a security if
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there's no business i understand but the fridays and saturdays you guys can deal with that great. >> thank you i have no idea where we are. >> are we finished with the report then okay public comment on the executive orders report all right. seeing none, on to police departments questions or comments. >> we should have just stayed there. >> commissioners steve again to recap the last few weeks have been relating quiet new years eve is quiet but the clubs we the go back i was happy i'll go over a few incidents on new
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years eve so on new years eve a patron from the western france we had a thousand people one period of time coordinated out he attacked security as well as another person he outside on the street was arrested and taken to the county jail and a and one woman slapped a manager and was arrested notice of carbon at 383 awe skatsdz from the location this was on january 1st about 135 really quick i'll recap the notice of violation a violation of the good neighbor policy populate and excessive noise and no permit and blocking the sidewalk no probation officer permit and yelling after i dealt
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with a robbery in the area searching a parking lot i could clearly hear it from the parking lot a second story they were given a notice of violation. >> excuse me. how is it possible that any event were able to happen at 383 bay i think that if i remember correctly supervisor chiu along with the support of herrera's office was going to make that building not zoneable for entertainment. >> correct. >> so i mean do you think it will happen again and that the neighbors across the street must have been nuts when this happened. >> i didn't get complaint from them being nufdz but i've
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contacted the owners of the club and i've sent them a copy felt notice of violation we're going to be meeting this week not to have entertainment. >> you kind of stumbled on it. >> no actually, i did an 1950 it was loud i heard the noise i went to the everybody else and clear across the street you could hear the noise. >> did you close it down. >> that night we didn't have the resources we - there weren't any fights or violence so from that standpoint it shouldn't have happened but at this point we wanted to get to as much places as possible to insure
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public safety. >> go ahead. >> the parlor this is now called for the one i think they'll be on calendar they were supposed to be but they did a continuance we went there on new years eve my captain and lieutenant called me there briefly i'll go over an e-mail this is from any captain on new years eve between 1:30 and 2 o'clock itch was in uniform in my patrol vehicle we were approaching the beach and notice on any right a female throwing up behind a vehicle i got out of the vehicle and get out and approached the people she had been in the parlor she was so intoxicated they had to assist her the owners were losing
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control of the establishment i went to the owner and he was greatly intoxicated he couldn't stand up as i reached him the security guard opened the door and asked had a was going on and the security said the person throwing up outside the club was intoxicated a group of people began to take care of him, i asked the group if this person had alcohol prior to the club they said no, i realized the club was serving drinks to the patrons and they were in violation of the police code i went to security and ask they handle the loitering and asks the manager to come speak to my i noticed that the music was allowed to the parlor and anyone
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standing across the street could hear the club i took a short video with high thump it should be noted the video depicted the problem i requested the back up from the unit both responded and took over the investigation i so to speak spoke in person with a person who identified himself as the owner and the owner was intoxicated he continued to say it's new years eve so in addition to being the l u generated the report literally the violations once we get a copy we'll forward that to the commission. >> let's see - we talked about
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the brandishing felt gun in parking lot across from the seller the patron was from the seller and the statement from the superintendant caught with the gun he seven hundred he was at the seller it was outside and then the los angeles was atmosphere the sunday the fourth of january one patron assaulted another the police were called but no citizens arrest so whether that was handled as well questions or comments? >> nope thank you
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vice chair hide san francisco police department just a couple anymore condemns over all i meet with the commander of our patrol division after nufdz we were overall pleased with the entertainment in the city we had large crowd with the fireworks but in totality the city performed pretty well that night as did our guests that were reck creating and celebrating nufdz interesting i did spend time in the northern district it was surprisingly quiet both chestnut and the old union street around the area mission was average i'll say the northern that was active in the
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northern was polk street but manageable but we know over the years what was once the hot spot embarcadero has moved and now it's quiet and now on polk street i think the crowd that was once interested if broadway has moved to polk street we had a lot of activity with regard to the one comment broadway went amazing let well, i'll underscore one of our preliminary atmosphere was closed that night it reflected in that we had little problems other than the crowd that was manageable those are my comments outside of central station but the commander were pleased with everything that's a credit to
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all of you thank you. >> any public comment on that item on please questions or comments. >> seeing none that's closed and we'll have hearing and possible action regarding the applicants under the jurisdiction. >> good evening commissioner so we have consent agenda two items one would be horns corner i'll gladly do this they're going for a limited live performance permit we did get submitted conditions from the admission station and the applicant is fin with those conditions very is it no problem and the second with the mad dog they're coming into combriens with the permit we can vote on the consent agenda. >> is there anyone in the audience that wants to have a
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discussion on either of the items on the consent calendar embed with the consent calendar. >> on that commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner perez commissioner hyde. >> both those are approved all right. so moving right along joerd is here for two items c and d the first one is the empire room it is 555 golden gate stars tradeer vikings was there right around the corner and of course i know the gentleman from pier 70 with this location close to city hall with the happy hours and the club into the evenings he'll thank you. >> good evening, commissioners
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happy new the first golden gate and the second washburn i think we're doing the 555 the first was the jeremy tower well known chiefs and this was his basis for many, many years after it was his space it turned into trader vikings that closed in 2008, and in 2012 a restaurant tour from bugle came up and unfortunately didn't do that well and shut the doors after 9 months of operating the building was sold to j s sullivan a developer in san francisco they've most recently developed a project on harrison and fourth and plan on developing this space to the developer
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approached us said hey, guys would you be interested in a lease we said walking through the doors it was pretty close to how jeremy 24 hours left it we said, yes the plan is for this space leveled in about 3 to 5 years we have a 3 year lease term at the location and we're going to activate the space before we went into an agreement i sat down with officer of permit officer of northern, etc. burn and captain of the northern station we sat down and asked them how they felt about the entertainment and they're overall opinion they were
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excited i don't want to speak to them they're not here to speak for themselves but they're excited it's a dormant hardly used area of the city after 5 o'clock and very rare that folks around there as well in the packet on the first page is the history and the second page a map to give you guys a context as to where we are and pretty much a stone's throw a mcdonald on the corner of golden gate a problematic area for drug dealing and loitering where folks are not supposed to be we hope in bringing in clinic tell after 5 o'clock and the we understand we are going to clear
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some out the next one i'm presenting for micro e mission street is we are move into our wonderful hand drawn blue prints on the next page outline see a reasonable lay out of the space i met with supervisor kim and sunny from 2nd district and spoke about what we want to see in the space there was a cafe space that was prayed solely from the actual bar we are working with the bureau messes kitchen that's been in the tenderloin so we're subsidizing a portion of their lease to get them back only their feet for the next couple of years hopefully in 3 years to find them a that time space in 2nd district with that we're goi
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