tv [untitled] January 9, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PST
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look fo - >> the meeting will come to order and the secretary will call the roll. >> commissioner pating commissioner president chow commissiioner sanchez item 2 the approval of two sets the minutes december 4th, 2014 which is the joint commission meeting and december 16, 2014 so commissioners let's take december 4th first a motion for the approval of the december 4th joint meeting minutes. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> are there any correction or another items the only correction under page 2 public comment to clarify that it is not a clipper car but a clipper card that is. >> oh, i apologize i'll back
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and correct that. >> just so it's clear. >> any other corrections if not all in favor, say i. >> i opposed those minutes are passed we'll go on to december 16th minutes of our commission a motion please is in order. >> so moved ii heard that a second. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. any other comments if not all in favor, say i. of the minutes. >> i opposed the minutes are passes. >> item 3 thank you, commissioners the director's report. >> happy new year commissioners i wanted to share that dr. joel was presented a certificate of honor by board of supervisors by supervisor campos on december 19th acknowledging his
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upcoming retirement iments dr. gold even the jail health services he is leaving andas devote much of his health career for the krarsz the margin society and his contributions is greatly improving the standard of care of incarcerated folks in san francisco and throughout the country and asked numerous times throughout the country to work on problems in other areas and does an incredible job of that he'll be surely missed in the department and he was presented a certificate of honor that from the health commission and certificate of health of appreciation in the last several in about the last month the homeless population as increased in the
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number of case in the city last month, a bacteria that causes diarrhea that lasts a few days and can cause more serious illness but that 0 impacts the homeless on the street who have limited access to washing and bathrooms have done a tremendous job of the homelessness outreach team urging u using its model to provide the issues and the health department is working with the soup kitchens to make sure they have washing facilities and information we'll be working with the homeless organizations to insure they understand the need for antion for the individuals sleeping on our street san francisco height network and another will
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expansion has announced a partnership with the northeast facilities they have a new health option and san francisco announced on december 30th a partnership are the northeast medical services that allows the patience to receive their care from the hospital trauma center i want to thank eddy chang who has been a great supporter of the department and done a green great job of the relationship the relationship in s ms is available to medi-cal to healthy care tips the nims patient will join the hospital services including the labor and emergency and trauma care and specialist services and be able to select the new network as
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part of december 30th and they'll be able to use our speciality hospital services as january 2nd i'm sure you're aware of president obama signed a think a executive order for immigrants invading the largest groups for people that entered the united states with undominated children and undominated parent or immigrant children and some in california some of the individuals could be eligible for medi-cal our main issue has an executive order ordinary person january 1st for the immigration affairs to align and cooperate all the departments to insure question have a citywide plan for anti fraud application for
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people that are eligible for the administrative relief we hope we have this implemented in the stripping of 2015 a warm line is the continued coverage opening in august of 2015 and the triage warm line has taken more than 14 hundred calls with a steady increase in calls as more people learn about the calls and holidays people turn to the lines for someone to talk to several of the decreases were featured in the latest magazine and those included from the general dr. deborah colon and others and one from the laguna hospital hold hold green grace they shared their story that shows you the human side how to treat people
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i was able to go to a press conference regarding our shape up san francisco bayview hills don that was granted $2 million by kaiser permanente the infinite was announced along with several of the programs there was also a our primary care received $20,000 from kaiser to provide chronic education so and last year the end of last year we celebrated 10 years of project homeless connect and that was the 57th service that we have been providing for the last 10 years the last month includesed the cities for the holes homeless and they assist with the event i want to thank particularly my
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assistant who organized the deprive and honda. >> thank you, commissioners questions. >> dr. sanchez. >> i want to thank the director for an excellent report especially regarding the highlights of many of our colleagues that have been servicing our department for many, many years for the jails and the outreach for the homeless, etc. i was wondering i happened to hear that there's more community discussion on how quote the old candle stick park will be going from the old area i was wondering if, in fact, any of our people are providing information or if, in fact they
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take it down forevermore the reason i'm saying that over the years that community is really been hit hard by a number of issues especially with the old navy base and you know a lot of the dirt going out and rising asthma and cancer we know what's been been involved in the department it's been there as a key resource but i know it happened here, etc. but i was i want to make sure we are involved we can make some really good insight property owner to the outcomes and the communities that are going through this and they'll come to some discussion. >> we're involved and i asked the dr. to give us an update of the air quality group has been engaged with. >> good afternoon so the planning department does
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have to do an environmental impact report which they completed a few weeks ago now the health department is getting involved there's changes the whole thing len hard and the planning department how the demolition is going to happen originally a discussion about it being mechanic deconstruction and the discussion of the demolitions like what you see on youtube we're actually meeting where where the r with the planning department tomorrow to go over the documents and see what we need to be able to need better determination of what the health risks between the two different options you'll be hearing more it will be several more weeks before we have definite ideas. >> i know that a number of the families fitzgerald street we've
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been concerned about a lot of the things this provides us input. >> correct we agree. >> also i wanted to acknowledge the doctor in the audience she was put into the position of our medical officer we announced it last time but she wasn't here (clapping) so we want to welcome her she'll bring in a tremendous amount of energy to the network so i wanted to acknowledge her today. >> commissioners further questions i was going to ask it on the mosaic active relieve for immigrants and it will be occurring, of course, in the spring what would be our rule or the output and how is it that we know you know be of help.
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>> one of several ways we've been a safe harbor important the undocument for many, many years there's a question for the undocumented about taking a public benefit so it's going to be important one not all undocumented people are going to quality for the relieve we have the safety nets for the undocumented that are seeking medical services of course, we've provide that through our healthy san francisco but today some could be eligible for medi-cal that will be an area we're working with on our mill areas, of course that's one of the things we want to push there are individuals in the community that don't seek service because of the taking a public benefit or being exposed to the government we will part of the departments to make sure the
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work itself we had one meeting with the office of the services and we'll continue to work with them on the projects but an area we're starting to work with and we'll give you more update as we get those. >> great, thank you commissioner pating did you have a question okay oh, commissioners. >> i'm sorry again, this sort of will follow-ups but at some point our health department or national organizations can help validate ory fin e define refugees status it's outstanding to see areas where a revenge status and yet we have papers
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talking about the you know families losing not only family members but i mean literally go having their family members decapitated and trying to come here as refugees and hear the undocument and unwanted and let's build a bigger we'll somewhere we reach a tipping point we have to say this is what a refugee is and would you it gets to me the fact we've also been such a leadership have played a leadership roll in working with our diverse communities although we'll have historical events but again in today's age it could come from our health department i mention that violence for years and years was noted mentioned so the
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medicine is saying we need to look at the violence not much has changed but redefine that at the state and national level. >> we certainly will immigration is a national issue and the fact we've had a city in san francisco for many years huntington park help is with that, i totally agree with you dr. sanchez and we're thankful to the president for allowing many of the families there are still people that are not qualified so we'll use the safety net to insure that everyone feels welcome within the department and we'll work with the national level as well. >> thank you. >> was there any public comment. >> there are no public comment for questions. >> proceeded to the next item.
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>> general public comment we have a one request. >> yeah. mr. gasping rose you have 3 minutes, sir. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm my name is michael i've been a resident of san francisco for 16 years now an economic researcher on topics of hiv i'm hiv positive and i have used several of ryan white services i served many years of the hiv planning council who's duties include even though allocation of ryan white i sent a lengthy document to the commission that provides greater detail about any comments i've come to draw your attention to the document
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as i provide what i assert to be corrupts false claims falls indication of documents and more in the application and expenditure of frill ryan white funding as a last resort for the impoverished and vulnerable population in the past few years san francisco is out of compliance with the will fundamental conditions for eligibility to receive the ryan white grant funding the council has been wieldled down to 24 and for years has been lacking in the representation of community of color youth and the incarcerated the city contracted the support staff as appropriated and performs many
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of the responsibility but not only significant a conflict of interest but violations of congressional law it is evidences in the material of public records iments the prevention and care of the counsels are in the process of integration and lack of diversity and having a place at the table and the illegal operation is taunting the mergers and the care planning for years to come i make those xhmsdz from a place of good faith i want to quickly talk about the care and prevention planning councils the latter of which in their opinion has acted with the most district and transparent and accountability i
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request all inquire and intervention within the board authority and jurisdiction. >> thank you very much. >> there are there any others public comments. >> that's the only general public comment. >> next item is the finance and planning committee report back. >> commissioner chung. >> my apologies i dissipated out pr the finance and planning committee met prior to this commission meeting and we had recommended a set of grants and also a request foresight approval that is included in the consent calendar for us to
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approve and in addition we had another review of the changes you know to the contract review crazy and we believe that we will be able to get the final draft for the commission to approve at the next meeting on january 20th also we had an opportunity to review the draft of the annual report and it is shaping up quite greatly i think the time that will be up our approval next month thank you any
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questions commissioners and questions? any public comment on >> no public comment requests for this item and we'll go on to the next item. >> the consent calendar which commissioner chung noted it contains the relocation of the larkin street and the january 2015 contract report. >> the consent calendar before us commissioners for action we can take the consent calendar as a whole unless somebody wishes to extract any of that. >> specific recommends for moving the larkin street center by the committee. >> you'll precede commissioner chung. >> we are recommending to approve the site relocations request and one the reasons
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they've helped to e held two community meetings and neither one had anyone showed up that has you know to oppose the move and also you know from the standpoint it so you would it is going to actually be a you know make things more affected because they have separate set closer to the site they're planning to move to it makes existing services for the community as well. >> commissioners, if we are prepared and nobody wishes to separate any of the items we'll proceeded to vote on the entire consent calendar all in favor, say i. >> i. >> the csas has bun adapted thank you, commissioners item 7 is the gifts received in
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2013-2014. >> good afternoon commissioners it's i'm pleased to present the annual report of gifts received in 2013-2014 there are gifts were given to the public health department from the san francisco general hospital function and the san francisco public health department and organization i'm pleased to present to you it was a total of $9.6 million received in fiscal year 2013-2014 of that amount 5.8 millions from the san francisco general foundation one hundred and 97 from laguna honda foundation and the health foundation had $3.5 million and on the attachments to this it lists out the gifts over 25
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thousand for each of the organizations and lists house the organizations distributed the funds during the year and the last page is the board of supervisors for each of the foundations and i must say that the department a grateful for the gifts i'm sure the commission is as well thank you. >> thank you was there any public comment. >> no public comment and commission i'd like to make a correction it says the approval was approved no action needed and commissioner discussion. >> certainly is wonderful that our public whishes to support our department and its activities and you're saying that oh, we're looking at what was life insurance dispersed in terms of the expenditures.
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>> that's the second item on the attachment. >> obviously a large number of projects get small amounts of money and some get quite a bit arrest commissiioner sanchez. >> yes. i would say this is an excellent report and those who are revolved involved in the foundation are putting in the dedication to make sure those options are available in particular i want to the sf general foundation it is allocation of funds for many of the key programs that effect our patient and students sf general and the community and also mentioned one the main fundraiser is their hearts and heros is february 12th next month we don't have it in the ball park but at the night one and quote the people that want
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to danced the wee hours in center field when a baseball player was on second basis if our interested contact the san francisco general hospital foundation they're a major contributor to many of the medical supplies we can't get so thank you them and gone down honda and thank you for step forwarding to the plate. >> thank you any further comment we're press the appreciation of the commission so for all of the donations that are listed here and appreciate the staff also for bringing it
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altogether to we can acknowledge the doongsz and the care that our people have had in order to want to fund an environmental program so that we have accepted this report with our appreciation for all the public. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioners the next item is the revised mental height rates for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 and sf again and the next item are the advised patient rates for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 this is only for outpatient mental health services the reason wear rising it there was a significant increase in the interim rate for outpatient mental services what the interim rate is the rate that the state pace us for
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services provided during the year there's a whole process they see calculate the numbers they recently changed the rate and increased above the prior rates we approved we're asking for retroactive approve e approval of the item i want to point out few of our patient are charged this rate it is our published parting chart and most of the patient pay on a sliding scale and in mental health it's set by the state of california i guess that's about it as you can see the rates on the following page there are significantly higher that brings them up above the interim rate it maximizing our
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reimbursement. >> we're competitive with the our industry rates for 2k3wrur789. >> well, the pushed rates the way the states compare the costs if our published rates they reinforce - reimburse you it's a strange animal medi-cal requires the published rate but that's not what they reimburse us. >> this is medi-cal. >> yes. medi-cal. >> wait this is the rate only for medi-cal or this is the
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published rate which we bill medi-cal and then are you saying that medi-cal reimburses the published rate whichever it lower. >> your totally correct i misspoke the published rate for all payers but it is primary the rate is based on our medi-cal reimbursements that's our major pair this is higher than the other payers like medicare but medi-cal is our primary payer in the mental health services. >> does that help commissioner. >> yes. thank you. >> is there any public comment. >> i've not received windows. >> any further comments from the commissioners we need a motion to accept the patient rates. >> so
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