tv [untitled] January 9, 2015 10:30pm-11:01pm PST
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the council but when we were running our subcommittee own nexus to housing we represented this from an independent research center from the house important the blind and a variety from the art a variety of agencies serving people to hear under the dmutcy i will try to alert those are agencies about the barney plan to sequa conforms of what we see as our under met needs thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> dr. espanola jackson here i'm going to put this here for you to see and this is was a court aforementioned that was done and what you need to do it make
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sure that you go online for superiority of california the case no. c p f as a fwrang dash can 510670 it's 37 packages and the ruling the climaxing conclusion of the judge at that time the court found the eir for the c p dash h p to the redevelopment project can't be a basis for early transfer of approval for the shipyard the court ordered that the shipyard may not receive a kick last year process until complete as safe to have development a petition is ordered to prepare a writ of mandate with the
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courts ruling this is dated july 8th, 2011 when the gentleman was speaking when i hear people talking about low income housing affordable housing it z do not mean housing for those who live here in san francisco who put this together m i a i rates it question by the board of supervisors because those of us who do not make or $100,000 a year but willie brown when he was mayor, i stayed if you don't make $100,000 a year you don't need to be 2, 3, 4 san francisco where everybody is going there's no square feet it was stated in the newspaper now you need to be make sure that this housing element that was done i brought a copy i said
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i'm not going to get you no more information i know that some of you older commissions out to my community to understand and know my community and know how you could be voted do not vote on this until you make sure that the circle last year has been done nobody in my community has seen it thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i'm nancy represent my neighborhood association and i want to point out to you in the revision at 2014 of the housing element neighborhood associations were not part of the key stakeholders one of your stated objectives it to consider the diversity of neighborhood and who better to
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know it than we i want to make this comment and concern and also i understand that there's an expedientcy to get this done we want to be informed and part of the process thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm diane martinez representing plaza 16 and the mission sro claufkz we know that item 4 discuses the updates on the housing elements he know with the mayor says we need nor condos to address the housing crisis we don't need unaffordable housing we must
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preserve affordable housing in the city and county of san francisco we saw the video released by the planning department advocating for luxury condos this will not benefit the community in order to meet the needs of the community the planning commission must insure that we respect pole 4.5 that insures that new permanently affordable housing is located in all of the city's neighborhood with the diversity of unit types provided at a range of income levels construction of luxury condos didn't meet that e this for wait a second families that prevents this and we must respect this we demand that the san francisco planning department abide by the community planning and land use
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process you outlined in plan popper specifically the guidelines outlining the guidelines for people not profit in my future development planning commission should reject the housing rate marketing projects until the housing needs for the poor and wait a second are fully pet the real estate partners will build luxury condo on 16th and mission this project can't go 0 going through this displaces family the 10 story building will offer shallow marshall elementary leaving the school in the dark for 5 months out of the year as city representatives that's our responsibility to preserve affordable housing in san francisco and as a community it is our priority to make sure you do see
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thank you. >> thank you to my left>> next speaker. >> >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, tim colin on behalf of the action coalition i want to commend the planning staff and the horrifically effort to produce another housing lemon and second thing i'm delighted to hear there's court validation of the eir we can finally start to put that issue behind us whether an environmental planning document like the heirs element needs an eir hopefully that's settled housing element it is such a modest document it mandates nothing it requires nothing it is sort of a statement where we should be going and it's great we're here i can't tell you how
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strongly we feel you should get 24 moving right away it is a change if we could get one on time coloring to when they're due if we had one criticism it's 57b9 tim it i do we understand the realities of getting it approved it didn't match the challenge we face today in terms of the housing crisis and itself environmental damages we face we drastically need to look at new ways of using land and figuring out how to increase the housing production to preserve the diversity in the city the housing element is a modest step in the direction we wish it had more guidance delaying this one day serves no plausible purpose for the city i urge you to move
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this ahead and get it adapted and get started on solving the housing challenges thanks. >> at the. >> next speaker. >> hello there so there's no question there's a housing crisis in san francisco we've been hearing this for years and i'm assuring you've heard in day to day i represent 80 homelessness children that live in the mission on the ground everyday i see the strugglers that the families and community is going throw in san francisco 8 percent of caucasians 37 point of african-americans and latinos are doubling up in rooms to stay in the city the poverty level to receive the benefits where california works or medi-cal is 8 thousand for a family of 3 so it's statistics in the city we
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need $67,000 for a family of 3 to make it housing crisis has reduce the purchasing power the - and it's accruing the building of those news zombie apartments and condominium they're being sold to people outside the city so when the market crashes or part of the market that didn't workout they have somewhere to go the city and county of san francisco has than an real estate market i've noticed a lot of the families that are living in the mission and the children living there they're being pushed more and more with areas of crime and like i'm glad someone
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mentioned that those condos are going to be built on marshall school they're not going to thinking have sunlight those are kids that are no longer going to have sunlight san francisco now based on income and equality is between guatemala and other country the disparity between the classes have gown 20 percent of the city has left you're having a community where those who have made it and those trying to make it and those trying are not making it 1952 not an issue between the wealthy poor but for me it is a fight with
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the city to complete it's task and the housing elements task to bring equality in the you housing which is the main driver a hates driving away the purchasing power of the families 50 thousand people can't afford feed it's an issue. >> thank you, sir. >> it's of heart to me and i help 80 homelessness kids in the mission district. >> thank you commissioner president wu and commissioners i'm kathy representing san francisco for liveable neighborhoods the koirl is hearing the case on the value it of the housing element so the city's brief is due the 16th of this month the litigation is not concluded, in fact the 2014 has carried forward many of those
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policies and is relying on the eir and then your attempting to have an addendum on the minor changes you claim are addressed to the 2014 that's the procedural context first, the city has until april 30th the grass period to adapt the next housing element and maintain on the 8 year update schedule i'll submit a letter that refers to the grass period the city is preparing an addendum for 4214 housing element we don't know how many before the hearing it will be ready we haven't seen the addendum we're asking for two week prior to the hearing date so we can have an
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opportunity to explain anything attests broken under our procedures a addendum can't be prepared the eir officer approves it an unusual procedure we want it two weeks before the hearing and there's definitely time because of the april 30th deadline date and also although there was a robust period in relation 90 to the 8 representatives on the visas there was none on the citizens advisory committee for the agenda as the document said as to the changes in the 2014 addendum the city only consulted spur and represented of nonprofit and so the changes in the 2014 were not subjected to the review by the neighborhood successors their were not
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commuter shuttle as stakeholders and designated stakeholders the city gives thirty days notice to adapt we hear there was only 21 days for the japanese date i understand you're pushing it to february go fifth we'd like have the addendum two weeks before the hearing i thank you, very much for that i'll pass you my letter with that information. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon again commissioner eric be sustainability chair for our city san francisco first of all i said to second the ladies request that the addendum come out a couple of weeks before the public is called upon to respond
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and in a general sense as it's been state this is a guiding document? a policy document meant to guide the staff and commission and guide the city and since the last really heavy duty analysis of previous eir as was mentioned was done in 2009 we had the second tech boom and it's create an absolute housing crisis and disaster in san francisco we're facing a completely different world then we faced in 2009 i'll remind the commissioner over 10 years ago when the need for affordable housing was studied the studies that were done showed we need in any construction to build 60
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percent affordable housing and we've never come remotely close in my year of getting 60 percent i think another best we get 20 now the mayor saying thirty but we've never gotten to that level and that means that you know over a decade later the need must be greater unless you get for you'll see low income folks that i know who have moved out of the city who can't afford to live here and the others who are doubling up in smaller and smaller apartment because that's the only way they can afford to live here maybe 960 percent went detain to the 60 down to 50 first of all this is a guiding document you need to make sure
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this guiding document is not a standard oh, well are remeeting the goals of the mayor's office or meeting the law this needs to go beyond meeting the law and you need to direct our staff to go beyond the law and use your discretion when condos are going in to reject projects and make sure that we force affordable housing in the city of new york it is on improvement by building larger amounts of housing didn't lover the renters so you need to do a better job. >> thank you, sir our time is up. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, commissioners i'm the chair for the san francisco neighborhoods and the
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housing committee 2009 housing element had the same kind of analysis parting one and two and policy and implementation and i'm concerned because because what i've heard the 2014 housing element is just a minor change no significant modifications well, that's a major problem because in 2009 housing elements was not successful and meeting some of our goals as we all know that the affordable housing crisis was addressed by some of the housing element policies in the implementation that was not near done and here your modesty it
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slightly it will be worse we're going to have more people on that basis i think the staff has to be serious and rise the heirs element look atth analysis and the policy of implementations are they going to resolve some of the issues or you know if the fast track record is an indication no. there's has to be major, major change of ideas and the 2014 housing element therefore i think should be modified to reflect the present needs and some workable policies and implementations so that we can put a dent in our affordable housing crisis
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and some of the speakers said before we need the amendments at least two or three weeks before any action is taken and i hope that the staff will seriously look at the 2014 housing element and think for themselves is that going to make a difference thank you >> sue hester as a side note i'll ask the staff how much of costs to print out the housing element with the color and everything for the public because we have to do that and the second thing is airbnb is come back with an amendment on march fifth and when it does you may or may
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not be increasing the problem the problem right now is unit are being taken off the market and by short time hotel folks that creates a problem that is enumeration for the city and creates a problem in housing supply so i will suggest respectfully you do the same day secondarily we passed prop k and have the policy of producing affordable units unless there's a strict condition ask the city attorney for language to ban the unit from being turned around and rented objective unless every unit that's product as new housing has a simultaneous
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condition placed on 2 it can't be rented out at short-term rentals you're not increasing the supply of housing it shouldn't count against prop m that's it that is rational and the second thing that's going on is we have as you heard from several people this afternoon a major problem with people being displaced and this is not factored into our housing goals you look at the city 5 years ago or 6 years ago and it was a very different city we had recession and before a recession a boom in the late 90s we're increasingly having nodes for how's not for the expanded workforce but for people losing their housing this needs to be factored in if we
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don't face up to that what the hell are you doing as pa planning commission the real world is people are losing their housing last point we need a reversed problem as the google buses come into the city they're bringing well not out of the woods people into the city their buying up housing and renting up housing and evicting people in the process if we're not having the full scope of the problem by having the commuters in we're not doing it. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon commissioners rose overhead please as stated
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in the executive summary our guide for the development for the entire city this is not a modest document this is a heavily hitting policy it is including to balance the issues with other mandated issues of the city one is neighborhood character let's look at who the stakeholder were who were called to the special meetings to practice the update urged there they were spur and o h cd and other property owners highlighted in the which you have summary those are just neighborhood peeping it is important i old on the chart no resident and neighborhoods the next point the time to comment the addendum which was
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stakeholders authored and staff calibration collaboration is not there i was looking all over for this hearing in that respect this 21 day short notice period the 29th to the fifth now a shorter period needs to be extended for those reasons we urge the planning commission to grant the additional time for the neighbors not being at the table while they were crafting this we were not at the table at all never had anything with the 2014 version this is important the robust community input was done for 09 and the 2014 believe me if i had been involved besides the article 2 thing that was fun, i would have been on
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both and i've not been in the loop just to lit you know thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon again commissioners i'm john i support what others have stressed that the addendum should be provided to the public at least two weeks before the hearing that is being scheduled by our action today and if the hearing is scheduled for february 5th the addendum needs to be provided two weeks from now on january 22nd if you can if the staff can't pride that to the public by january 22nd they should be advising when it when be provide and you extend the hearing date
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therefore giving the opportunity for the public to review at least the addendum in two weeks. >> now a number of people have spoken about the housing crisis commission in san francisco we have a housing crisis? where's the housing element that guides the city how it deals with housing the housing element? and the housing element is something not that has been initiated and has been moved forward by the commission or staff but it is a point to comply with the state law the world-class santa fe san francisco has to have the state law tell them to deal with the housing crisis and the housing crisis has as persisted over the
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last two decades this is a experience and performance i so hope you'll take seriously the cash you have with the housing element and address one apartment omission the housing element should be defined not when housing will be needed for 2030 that a bag says but what people you are saying will be living in san francisco on 2030 and the housing needed by those people and you put users on the line to who you're going to populate the city and hope you'll say not the unites as the may says we built but the number of units that will meet the needs of people we say the
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people will provide a difference population if you do that your business community will be struggled by the housing crisis >> next speaker >> planning commissions scott with the housing association back here unfortunately again two or months ago we implemented the planning commission but this process has been previously noted to not follow the process and the stakeholders included in the planning for the update chutd neighborhood representatives there's no excuse for that those neighborhoods groups need their input and you'll have us coming to the podium and that's a shameful way to
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