tv [untitled] January 10, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PST
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approaching this as a c pack and agencies begin to lobby for us. >> we mentioned we have an 1115 internal group we meet twice a month the public health systems is taking the lead on the waiver specifically around the hospital financing portion of the waiver so greg wagner and valerie are both our key members of our internal group and we discuss the implementations all the time a lot of what wear concerned about the waiver is frankly more entities want part of the waiver but the waiver part the amount of funding for the public hospitals we're the only ones that put up the non federal share they require the federal
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dollars and the state didn't put up a dollars donate one thing to make sure that we maintain at least the same level of funding and the second thing a lot of it is tied to metrics you've heard if you see the district program the system the repayment program those are the funding is tied to us achieving certain metrics we work with the clinical leads within the hospital to make sure those metrics mediated our purposes and meet our standards and connected to goals we want to chief at the hospitalities that's a long answer to our question i'm sorry we're integrated in the way we're responding to questions. >> i assume the project is complex you'll keep obvious posted. >> yes. >> if i could clarify for sure
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that's where i got trapped in the term watch it means monitor not an official protective position. >> those are items we're highlighting could it be easily said issues to be highlighted. >> commissioner chung. >> a couple of questions the first one under the communicable federal budget is there a reap why hiv i'd say and ryan white are two different bullet points. >> now it was just something. >> the second question really is because ryan white part b is more of you know it goes to the state and they create the policies and you know and they
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get to decide how that money is being utilized. >> what gets into the area i know there are states that are looking at to aid the dollars to you know support ac enrollment do we know if there's anything like that happening in california specifically. >> yeah. we know that the california office of aids uses ryan white to offer support to purchase insurance to undercover california and i don't know if there's other - >> so when we say we watch do i actually watch how know like those changes happen for instance like the utilitytion of this coming year like the ac and post medi-cal extensions.
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>> yeah. so actually what happens is by the end of the february all bills that are going to be introduced at the state legislator are introduced we flag them for you know this is a mopgs health bill, etc. and send it out to expert and get review back and depending on that review we sort of that's when we develop our internal position do we oppose or watch it the hiv programs are also on our list to watch and monitor so if there's anything to monitor through the legislation or the budget we definitely keep an eye on it. >> of course the bills passed we have to don't worry about that it is something the nuances. >> but last year there was
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definitely some interest in using the office of aids funding to support ac a implementation and this i image is still going on. >> okay. thank you. >> commissiioner sanchez. >> no, i just think that the department is we've done a comprehensive job and preparation and whereas our whereas you give us historical context property owner to when those issues were drafted in 2012 all of those involved in the perimeters this isn't the legislation of the advance of legislation if, in fact, we've generated those plans over the years and each the plans we might be at risk and keep them under radar you mentioned did you lobbyists or the cooperation with the state and federal
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bodies in essence we're saying carry on this dialog and oversight and we'll be prepared we a mechanism and we'll think it improve and did you say it and move forward so given the context and the fact that this staff has done a great job. >> i'll move for approval mr. chairman. >> i'll see if there's comments. >> may i ask one question regarding the prop 47 did they pass through the city, county general fund or through the department through the level of the area marking and the second follow-up question you're interested in asking that the funds could be used for
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supportive housing do you mean crisis additional housing or full service supported housing i wanted to know the level of housing our indicating. >> so the funding will be made available as grant and so i think the department will be able to apply or the county apply for the guatemala's or gravents it's unclear. >> oh so there's a granting action. >> right right now it's the board of - it's the one of the other corrections board at the state level that's going to - they convened their body related to the prop 34 of 47 this next year will see how to roll out the program and the saflgz won't be to 2016 that's an alleviation
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and commissioners i'll be meeting about the city attorney about the prop 47 we'll have to advocate for the subsidies for the mental health we may not be able to get the approval for the core cost of housing but this simply will insure that we advocated. >> at least on the service side and . >> meet the requirement. >> the release population or something connected to it. >> we're involved with the criminal justice system and provide most the mental health substances it's a key to come together would the district attorney. >> san francisco is seen as a leader in 12k3wr5g9 it's mental health services in a very
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forward thinking preventive way. >> we'll continue to work if that fashion. >> and part of our advocacy for prop 47 to mower whatever prelims is gone through so we're not eligible for the grants we want to make sure that didn't happen. >> in this i was wondering first of all on (inaudible) the federal (inaudible) he distributed well, what (inaudible). >> my concern is the federal you know conflict of interests doesn't come through i think that it is an important issue as the timeline is not so much
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american people protective issue but as we're moving into our budget this is an area we need to continue to work on ourselves it's an important public health. >> within the 3g9d area pb has come up and we're addressing that you'll see that in the budget coming. >> on the state protective plan i want to take angle exception i think in medi-cal provider pamphlets it talks about as opposing further reductions our position to encourage either the restoration of our 10 percent or even more i know this is perhaps unlivable but as a position of the city we should provide our furnisheds appropriately and the
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reduction of 10 percent shouldn't be a plea we're not objecting to it if f this make sense. >> i was going to see is last year a bill come out of the mayors budget and are not through the committee processes where the legislature trial court tried to correct that and we tried to make it happen. >> as a policy in here we shouldn't be on an okay we were at this level but advocating for a medi-cal rate to reimburse our provider. >> dr. we would like to say the disability that's an initiative we started here in san francisco 10 years ago we started working on how to get people involved
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with schizophrenia due to the fact their ability to bring all the paperwork the bureaucracy it gets ssi immediately to a patient and we have 6 months to back up the need and the requirement so i wanted to notice that marie martinez worked on this she made some incredible riderships with the region and federal and also h s a the instead of worked with us the santa clara county worked with us and it will be beneficial for many of the patient. >> has the results of the pilot come out. >> yes, we're waiting for the
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report. >> you're correct we should acknowledge it took a decade for the federal government to recognize for the entire population of schizophrenia. >> so that's a reimbursement issue i think this sort of within your long-term care by the way, because we took up the care issues we should be inclusive this is care we should be supportive of and it is a commission policy to try to advocate on that on behalf of. >> so what i was suggesting commissiioner sanchez has put forth a resolution and those issues should be part of the program. >> i so move mr. chairman.
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>> is there a second to that? you're addressing it and i want a second idea of fourth the medi-cal provider >> corrects those will be address into the state program and the motivations submitted back to the committee and was there a motion. >> a can i second it. >> discussion so because we're introducing new language do we have to like come back and vote next time. >> no, i believe that with the new language we're accepting this resolution with an addendum we would like to have those two items as part of the state
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program; is that correct. >> correct. >> i'm not - you say if you say okay. i is okay and the item before us is a resolution we can modify the resolution we're modifying it by addressing two areas that we're suggesting the proposed to the mayor's office on state legislation so we're approving this with the addendum of two other items correct we don't actually basis the perspective we pass what we believe the department would like; right? >> yes. i'm happy to edit that and provide to the commission. >> any further discussion? all in favor, say i. of the modified resolution all
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opposed the modified resolution has been accepted. >> thank you, commissioner. >> item 10 is other business. >> excellent work. >> the next item, please. >> next item is other business. >> okay. is there any other business in open session before us? if not we'll go on to the next item >> item 11 there were no joint conference meeting and item 12 is committee agenda setting. >> so we continue to remind your commissioners we're looking at topics at this point that will be placed on the planning meeting in what date was it. >> march 17th. >> march 17th. >> there will be a four hour
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public on session. >> it will take place from 2 to 6 clock 4 hours. >> contradict so you can schedule that, please. >> that was my reason for novelist you but if commissioners have items they will also building are appropriate for the planning session please let mark know. >> i'll sent out the information for the request and dates and items. >> okay. we'll proceeded to the next item and there's no public comment for any of the 3 other business and we're now in closed session commissioners and any public comment on the closed session. >> i've not received public comment. >> then a motion to go into closed session is in order. >> so moved and second. >> all in favor, say i.
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>> i. >> opposed? okay wire back in open section and a motion is in order whether to disclose or not disclose the decision in the closed session. >> most to no disclose a second. >> further discussion all in favor, say i. opposed we'll not disclosure the discussed in closed session there being no other items a motion for adjournment is in order. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. all opposed this meeting is adjourned thank youtends to interfere
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cojack who became chief and unbeknownst to law enforcements they're teefs and steal from us in california and i middle fingered those bankers and we californians have the power to open the doors to the promised land. as of january first almost 200,000 californians embraced ceasing the curse and sheriffs and cops and put forth the words and put forth the stops and they all got off the fence by with holding mortgages and rents and harming the bankers who maintain oppressions and oil tankers and while the bankers are pissed every payment missed and the media refuses to attest that california sheriffs and cops have champions these stops. after all who would dare to challenge or charge or arrest
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for denzil washington said "cops are the chosen people in" in the movie "fallen" and all be callen and angels for nerve and all mighty creator liberator now do fully serve. it is kind of exciting to know that these bankers are behind all of this and we have taken steps to have this happen and i pulled out one of the trees across theistry. i was going to slam it against this but they wouldn't let me bring it in the door and i know you can't make a statement and law enforcement support this is and stealing 72% of the money in california and you're begging for nickels and dimes and that game is over and look up sheriff rich -- >> thank you. >> sir, excuse me sir your time is up. >> thank you.
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>> and look up sheriff david clark as well. thank you for your time. >> thank you sir. >> [inaudible] than the people are to the animals -- >> thank you sir. your time is up. >> ladies and gentlemen and the audience and commissioners good evening. happy new year to you all. >> thank you disblim here for a couple of reasons today. there is a lot of news circulating about having police men helping in the assistant suicide. we know what is going on in the last weeks between police officers being murdered and various citizens of the counties and that they represent being shot by policemen. i brought today a couple of newspapers. one is from city college. these men do not have
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