tv [untitled] January 10, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PST
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funding i trust you guys are getting he everything san francisco sets the bar for being a model of how to be sustainable and we should be rewarded for that and i hope we'll be viewed as more competitive in doing more and giving more i'm hoping we are well situated the one thing that is a little bit novel but recommended to the parking policies i find myself consistently finding structured you parking is more expensive 0 than to park on the streets in san francisco i think that's backyards i wish there was a way for people to pay more for the consequence of parking on the street and pay less for parking
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in a garage for where they need to go it is really disappointing to see people considering and krrlg and krrlg i don't know if this falls into our area of work but as an agency i'd like to be able to have some sort of regulation that addresses that particular issue that's all i would recommended directors. >> director heinecke. >> thank you for that fantastic report. >> it was investigated jerry excuse me. i too was disappointed by the placard issue i understand the thinking i guess i'll focus on one issue you talked about the front facing camera enforcement
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we've heard are numerous times from our cab drivers and others from the red carpet program that every now and then the red carpenter undermines the project i hope we can increase the enforcement on a administrative level for the red carpet is not going to work for a police officer on a more general level i was happy to hear you'll talk to kate about the tax issues we find on interesting scenario the state is saying they have jurisdiction to regulate a lot of the things effecting our taxi industry directly hass as we've heard but we as a city are probably the place with the highest taxi ridership per
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person or per square mile so it falls b upon you to be the advocates for the taxi and c nc rider and the two the legislators from the area all around the state with no sensitivity issues i strongly you're going to you talk to kate to make it better in san francisco what we need to do to maintain the service of our medallions and one particular thing eave heard the claims of insurance fraud they're not telling their insurance carries what is going on we need to deal with that on agree protective basis to make sure that there isn't this fraud going on and the consumers are protected i hope at the state level frankly i get the sense that san
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francisco maybe los angeles but san francisco didn't advocate for those issues they're to be unheard. >> thank you did you say something. >> thanks a lot appreciate it. >> mr. chair no one has turned in a speaker card. >> we do have a speaker. >> i have a question. >> okay. if you want to speak please come forward. >> okay. mr. hahn. >> we know who you are thanks and john hahn cab driver so as mentioned you know, i personable had experience in earlier part of the year i tried to drive for uber and find out about the
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insurance if i want to drive for uber or lift i is sunshine have to make sure any insurance company didn't find out about this is standard this is the industry normal and from a taxis point of view from our point of view you could august it's a safety risk but it's an unfair business practice they're not paying the cost of commercial insurance that's the reason they undercut our fairs by thirty percent i hope with the efforts in sacramento they close the remaining insurance gaps and clarify those have to be compliant with the american
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disables act you must be familiar with those those vehicles can only operate 10 ours within a twoirs period so i'll push for a elective bill it allows a kill switch on the apples and oranges once thankful been on twenty-four hours they have to be amp shut off andtolysis another one i can't think of right now. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> mark and others. >> i want to follow up on dennis's remarks business owner about the insurance it is krietsdz in the insurance code is makes it a violation of law to conceal a material fact about your insurance and concealing the fact you're providing a commercial insurance company on a material fact because the
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insurance policy will have inclusion for commercial activity so that is a violation it is grounds for resending an insurance policy and this places the public at an numerous risk there's no insurance so this is definitely an area which i think needs much attention and just to make awe mends for an oversight this white paper is also being supported by soto cab a company. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> i'm doug i live on 999, 16th street i'm here to talk about the proposed bus stop
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located in front of our building. >> that's on item g we're on 11. >> next speaker >> twooirl fresno by. >> i'm tyler fresno by with the bicycle coalition and on behalf of the 35 members of the vision zero coalition which is the community groups across san francisco that sports the initiative we want to say we're excited about the proposed state agency particularly the automatic local control for speedometers we appreciate and enjoyed working with kate and her wonderful team want to emphasize we're here to support mta's work how many checks that requires and happy to be part of
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the process. >> anyone else want to address the board come forward. >> good afternoon again, i want to say real quick to dennis's o director heinecke's comments you know at the $250,000 price not a lot of people are going to get into that when someone can go out and drive one the cars for free and you you know the taxi industry 1952 money going to the city at large and those larger corporations and lift their headquarter here but no money coming in the city through licensing and the industry pays so i think if you were to open
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up medallions on the free market they'll be like one hundred thousand or less that's why they're not selling at 2 one hundred thousand that's a whole unregulated thing as mr. hahn said its really an undercutting thank you very much and have a good afternoon. >> anyone else here to support this? >> herbert weiner pair i feel that the parking should be affordable i do not like this business of hiking up parking fees the motorist are paying the brunt all falls on the shoulders of
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people that drive and park it's noted fair and not equitable burdens should be shared equally so this board should really address that motorists have been the whipping boy of this board i personally use any car subtle sparing i don't drive it as a rule in the city i take public transportation but i don't like to see motorists being the scapegoats their blamed for the ills in the city it basically falls on the shoulders of mta and it's management though i'm tired of this motorist phobia and the altitude the world will be a better place if no cars it's a dump altitude that people shake
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their heads and the rest of this is pretty bad and like to see the culture change on this board. >> seeing none, could we have a motion and resolution. >> motion to approve. >> is there a second. >> any further discussion all in favor, say i. the i's have it number 12. >> approve the prelims of the 55, 16th street the analysis of impact to the service on the low income and minority community adapts the mission and approves the due bus zones along the 55 16th muni route i take it not read the specifics. >> i'm jeff the service manager anothers sfmta i'm going to be presenting on the 55 alliance it's a great time to be at sfmta we're
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instantly running out the prelims phase you've perceived last year it is continuing the guarantee good news we're here to talk about a new like that and other things coming down the pike in a couple ofq weeks a recap of items that mr. shane kennedy has presented to you those ones we'll be implementing those the fast track projects on the 5 and the 14 and 71 due leg last day on september 2nd this is a great benefit to the 10 and 12 lines the san bruno capital practice writing project is under construction on katrero
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avenue and we're getting another program to implementation but what am i here to discuss the focus on the january 31st plans launching the 55 line the first step to getting us to the critical east and west from bart's to mission bay canoes as cheryl brinkman state you're going to hear a lot more about the tiger grant for the brt bus rapid transit project we're county of the breach project in two weeks on january 15th will 14 you'll hear more about it as kate finds the funding for a place the eastern part of that is paying more and more we're expanding the 0 although the
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a.m. and p.m. peak a lot of a traffic on we're going to increase the service on the 33 and other links or lines and approved paraded room access we appreciate the boards guidance on the 54 and other restroom access it's critical to the muni board and critical to riot reliability and one of the bedrock foundations of improving the service where does it 55 line from 16th street to admission bart down to third street and loops around into mission bay boulevard north and south the terminal is front of the of the carr desk center and the ucsf community is over enjoyed they are beyond the mode
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this service has been in the works for over 20 years and the final plan as kate alluded to expand the line takes overhead wires and the 16th corridor project we need to do something in the meantime the new hospital oakland maritime support services on february 1st and providing january 31st we're launching service will run 7 days a week for 15 minute services initially on week days and 365 christmas and new years eve 365 days this is just to get people used to transit getting people eyed to having to taking transit in the neighborhood with this we're 34re789 new
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stops the 55 line will serve alu all stops but the 22 line ends at dog patch hill in other words, to serve the neighborhood and provide the service we're implementing new proposed bus stopped at wisconsin and 16th and missouri and 16th and anyy and a and 14 second street electricity street the new stops match where the rapid transit stops are we'll be going to the public with more outreach for the 16th corridor kicked off on january 31st what outreach we've discussed before march 28 we did many meetings with the community talking about the coming lines we got a lot of great feedback
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more specifically for the bus stops the changes at wisconsin and anyy and fourth street we did door to door outreach and marital to the surrounding residents and neighbors we had we heard if the residents at 16th street tree street we've heard from 5 of them and e-mailed them and phoned some of them on why we choose the missouri street in front of the condo complex on 999, 16th street and provide a response to their concerns whatever we implement bus stopped we go where there's a signal the missouri and 16th will be signal listed where the brt stop will be in the future we want to put that stop where it is planned and it is also the best location we believe for access it will provide people getting
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off the bus a safer opportunity not in front of the bus and allows for i lost my train of thought it anyone misses the parking lots because the bus commutes the intersection to transition those routes will be hydrotrek electric and not proposing tree removal so the trees in the area will rain from take along 16th street we say a close partnership with ucsf their ecstatic we're happy to bring this to those the community and the ucsf community we had a public hearing and now for the board meeting asking for our approval to do a long term transit only lanes done 16th
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street and extend the overhead wires into mission bay and it starts this month this is just the temporary measure until the 22 line can get extended temporary meaning 12 to 16 years title 6 analyze with the new lines they meet our definition of the title 6 analyze it is to insure we're not providing an impact to the minority population or a burden to low income population if we launch a new line it has to equality serve the minority and low income people and number one low income people bans our analysis 59 percent of the population around the bus stops on the 55 lines are self-identified as a
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minority and slightly higher than our citywide average no despite impact to the minority population looking at low income populations 29 percent of the residents object the line recorded having householder incomes 22 percent blow the poverty line it's the sfmta definition and matches what we use for lifeline so 29 percent of the homes identify their homes are below the poverty level compared to 13 percent citywide average we're plus or minus 8 percent only a 3 percent difference and as a result there's no there's no proportionate burden
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we're having nor muni board services coming one this spring and a huge package in the fail and again, the entire first 10 percent implemented by winter of next year so we'll have a really great 10 percent increase and high 5ing each other we're happy to roll those out i want to go back quickly to elaborate on the 99 l and he is 23 and 22 lines those are poor on time services we're adjudicating the scheduled we're adding a bus to the line to main theirs skirld the 38 short line on 32 understanding avenue we're doing restroom
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improvements and the 35 and 56 those are small schedule changes we're going to include an operator break into the schedule the rest of the operators will have to use the 4 minutes for recovery that sends the next trip behind schedule we're going to be on the bus letting people know about the routes starting in the next two weeks for the 34 and 44 we'll have a outreach with the block service and the marital and postings with the residents that arrived today, we had conversation with a mail and in person to telling them b them and the bus service is across the street that is currently in an undeveloped lot no adjacent
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land uses we've looked at the alternatives we do that as a best practice and shared those relatives with the community and it is in the board pact with the legislation changes all the other scenarios to help us improve the access not putting busy in front of people's homes recognizing that parking impacts the community we did an steven outreach with the neighbors the 38 change building now restrooms on dpaer and thund avenue we're moving the short line from thund up to geary street so the operators will have great access to the restrooms those are the ones i want to quickly talk
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about we did did day to day outreach and before implementation we're going to ride the buses to let people know about the busses what do we need from you, we need you to approve the 575 route and accept the title 6 report for the 55 like that and that concludes my presentation. thank you public. >> yes. mr. chair (calling names). >> good afternoon ms. tailoring. >> i'm fran taylor i live near san francisco general hospital i'm here for address the consequences down the road 3 to 5 years when the 22 will be rerevolted and the 3 that will be taken off potrero hill to
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follow the eastern most leg felt old current 22 and actually, i think that the title 6 considerations need to be applied to it 33 route that services san francisco general hospital a poor population a lot of persons of color and age of people that are in bad shape and forcing them to transfer on 6th street and the nine it is two blocks away it a hardship for people that are going to san francisco general hospital i recently had two hip replacements and was on crutches for weeks temporarily disabled i can testify it is not only a real hassle to deal with the stairs and steps and seating a so on but forced to sit in the
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front i was the gas he will of the bunch of people are in terrible shape it's hard to transfer them on the nine it's good to hear about the plans to improve the nine it is not going to be on or about easy line to transfer on to i want you to apply the title 6 on the lands of the changing the 33 and. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i's religious followed by corrin woods. >> i'm a nurse recently retired one of my concerns i agree with fran is to talk about the 33 patients i have for years i've been coming to meetings and hears exploring mta to focus an
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san francisco general hospital where the most judiciously have many people come from all over the city they can take one business from the castro many people with hiv have begun to san francisco for general care one bus it is much easier with a walker or crutches as fran talked about many citizens and people with disabled and people that are low income and struggling and people that are homeless so i will be around for any hearings i'm happy to hear about increased reliability but down the road in the 90s i mean my memory is going but i remember the 90s how we lost of the h the 47 on potrero hill passing general and hearing the plans for the muni
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moderating is to eventually get rid of the 33 past san francisco general is and i paul especially considering vision zero he support vision zero but i would like public transportation and hospitals to be part of the focus thank you. >> thank you. >> corin woods and the last speaker herbert weiner. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm corin woods i have been involved with the mission bay project for 25 years and been educating and nagging and pleading and praying to get the 22 extension which was in the mission bay e.r. in the existing pact in 1997 thank you.
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(laughter). >> i know it's not the end having the hyper diesels is definitely an improvement the thing we haven't looked at yet is all the new streets that are going to be happening in mission bay all the new residents we're gotten another 3 thousand units being built in mission bay right now i would really like mta and i've already asked jeffrey to do this to look at other stop in mission bay on 16th street and owens street as we see was the canned is it's a long walk on 16th street those are big south of market walks from fourth street to missouri street but i think once owens street opens there
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