tv [untitled] January 10, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PST
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ng they're not doing all right but when you have communities and everybody saying the same thing where you have officers -- excuse for language for lack of a better word, acting like ass, and you need to take accountability and really look at that and also as far as getting out into the community and getting to know the young people i feel good to see the young people walking in the door. i just put on facebook for people to start coming to the meeting. you might get mad at me but you need to get to know the young people and even though they do bad things they're not bad. trust me. i used to do bad stuff but i'm not bad and everyone can change the stripes but you need to get out into the community and ask what is not working and the last thing is and i'm not going to say names but out of respect when people come to the meetings and speaking from their hearts nobody should be reading emails
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or going else. you should be paying attention to what everybody is saying because everybody's voice matters. >> can i make one correction though. you like it right? >> yes, i do. that's why i emailed. >> i want to make sure everyone knew that. >> i wanted to point out something there is an aspect and you expressed concerns about the redistricting pieces in the draft phase and i think your voice was heard loud and clear from this body and also the police department and i appreciate the way you approach today and shared those concerns. we're endeavoring to have the process for 90 days and i am sure there are other blenders we made. i guarantee you and i appreciate the partnership. >> >> and we will try to make it right on the best day.
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>> what hurt the people in public housing they knew about it for months and nobody in public housing knew about it until -- i am not going to throw them under the bus. i can't tell you how we found out. but there was someone that said this is going on. and we knew what was going on. we had residents to come down and it's the lesser of two evils. you keep the ones you have instead of the ones that have no clue to who they're doing and we're thinking of all the young people. if the new officers come in and never dealt with public housing and don't know anything that's going to undermine everything and the young people are already at risk. our young men are really at risk and not just african-american men. it's young people period that are at risk so you really need to look at and get from behind the desk. come to potrero hill. i will
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walk you through potrero hill so you can see the obstacles they have to go through just to chase somebody seriously because it's not a joke. you need to come out and get to meet the community. >> i will make a date. you're going to remember that, you and me in potrero hill. >> young lady that is powerful. get on the block. know what is going on. know the streets like i know. know what is going o first i have been on the phone this afternoon with new york and you talk about drama. there's some drama there. thank god we have commissioner bratton. he's in charge and the best cop that wore a uniform. when you don the uniform you have a lot of responsibility and second of all commissioner sir your staff sucks but that's another
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subject. but san francisco police -- i was on the east coast for two weeks. i was in boston and new york. i don't feel the tension here. i don't feel it. i walk around and don't feel the inter-tension between the police and the citizens. in boston -- i swear to god. i was in roxbury. i felt it and sense it. the brothers -- all right. look out. there's a cop around. i honestly don't feel it here. i could walk around the tenderloin and the castro and a credit to you and the police commission and the chief. that's great. there is no tension here. i feel bad for commissioner bratton. he's dealing with that but he can handle it. he's the best in the business. he built with the l.a. case with rodney king. he came in after that happened and he said "i got a mess and i
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have to deal with it" and commissioner marshal your program and the poa -- hey i heard him the other day. he was on the radio. now we got a winner. the poa guy, the president -- hey -- >> thanks clyde. reverend brown. >> madam chair, members of the commission chief suhr, if there were an earthquake is there a second of size and proportion of seven or an eight. this citizenry and the leadership would do the sensible thing.
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deal with the emergency. the african-american community, the brown community, and under served communities find it very interesting that with all the tension that is going on in this nation around relationships with police departments. unfortunately in san francisco we have not responded with a sense of urgency. for instance, one year ago naacp, the african-american faith communities spoke with the leadership of this department regarding three simple things
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that now president obama and mr. eric holder have said represent the best practices that would possibly improve relationships. number one training with those that are cad ats and all officers and the nuances and the distinctives of the communities they serve. number two, make sure that all police departments reflect the demographics of the community and equal opportunity is provided for all. it's just saddened all of us that the most recent graduation ceremony -- i saw it on television. the evidence was there. no hearsay. out of 50 plus who were sworn in
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only two were african-americans, and in this department you're now on the decline in terms of the number of african-americans, and we can give you the evidence and the facts. when you have an integrated inclusive force hopefully you can have -- now, wait a minute you had dialogue with that young lady and at least respect the naacp president and not cut me off. you gave her more minutes and don't cut me off. >> how did you let me ask a question so i can give you more time. student: yes. >> can you give the third point because i heard everything you have to say. >> >> the third point is quality community based policing and we're not talking about as the young man said it's all right. many of us been to africa and
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paid our own way including myself. i have been there 22 times since 1964. it's all right. nice trip. it's nice to go fishing. nice. get some exercise and some leisure time. nothing wrong with that but when it comes to the matter of having community based policing in which the police personnel knows the community and the community knows them this department has been resistant to that, and we can't understand. it's mind boggling. it's confusing. a simple request. you have officers who serve in communities who don't even know where the basic african-american institutions are. if you don't believe it go to some of the desks. let some of the pastors show up to register their concern. these are facts. now
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we would like to think that things are improving. the arrest rates going down, all that good stuff, but i did take social statistics thank god in college. if your universe is miniscule or diminished you're going to get different outcomes so [inaudible] maybe murders are down. why are they down in the african-american community? because black folks have been jairchged yanked out of this town based on public policy [inaudible] let me make my point. >> thank you. >> you yanked us out of here so there is no need for us to play the numbers game. still the quality of life for african-americans in this town sucks. i just left -- >> thank you. thank you. >> excuse me reverend brown. >> let me finish what i am
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saying. >> this is general public comment so everybody has a right to speak. we have other people waiting and you went past the dialogue. >> [inaudible] >> you can't do that. no. >> [inaudible] >> you can't do that. >> [inaudible] >> no, you can't. >> my two minutes start now. my pastor has something else to conclude. thank you. >> no. you can't do that. >> unfortunately the rules are this way. >> i will ask you since you're the commissioner with the schedule to schedule a meeting that black folks are given adequate time to speak their minds. you cannot say this in no two, three minutes of what is happening within the city. >> i understand that and i will talk to the commissioners. >> will you do that. we're earnest and very serious and [inaudible] continue the shuck and jibe about san francisco being a liberal city. we're just as bad as the rest of the
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nation but we're treated like second class citizens. >> i understand. >> thank you. >> good evening. hi. my name is felicia jones and i am the chairperson of seiu 1021, wealth and disparities in the black community, and listening to reverend brown my question is to the commission and chief suhr why hasn't anyone in this city who is in leadership has shown leadership to develop or implement a community forum to talk about what is going on? and i know most of you think in san francisco that i have been reading that san francisco is not ferguson terry meeuwsen but san francisco is ferguson and we must address the issues. >> >> not only in ferguson but
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in the city of san francisco. no one has taken leadership to come into the communities, especially the black community except one elected official and that name is jeff hi darby so i think it's horrible, deplorable that no one in leadership in this city has taken the initiative to come work with us who are in the community who are willing to work with you to have a community forum to talk about these issues and to develop relationships, so i stand here before you as the chairperson of seiu 1021 wealth and dir paritys in the -- disparities in the black community if you're interested and dedicated to all lives in san francisco then we're willing to work with you and develop and implement a community forum around some of the issues as soon as possible. thank you. >> thank you so much. next
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speaker. >> good evening. i am charlie taylor and i am a parishioner with the pastor and i went to the youth guided san francisco to give a motivational word and among 40 to 45 youth there i counted two caucasian students. this is a disparity and this is a trossity that people that look like me, different shades are incarcerated in the juvenile system. i had asked one of the attorneys what happens when they leave here? she said they either go into a group home or something else. i said do they go back to foster care? she
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responded "no" . how long do they stay here in this facility? her response was "indefinitely." indefinitely is not an answer. it is not an answer. there needs to be some type of program for these youth. once they get out of there to not become repeat offenders. i told them when they're in the third grade the system counts how many of them are african-american and that's how many prisons they build. the name is in their cell and that's ridiculous. it's cheaper to build a university then it is to build a prison. we need to do something about this. you have other nationalities coming to the united states and they become wealthy within a matter of two, three years. they get bank loans. they get a high fica score and we can't own the
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block, we can't own our own business. there are african-americans leaving san francisco because it is too high so we need to have a program for our youth. once they leave ygc they need to be able to excel and not be a repeat offender. i am sherry taylor and my pastor is reverend brown san francisco. >> thank you. any further public comment? chief suhr, are you coming up? >> [inaudible] >> okay. >> good evening commissioners. chief suhr and joyce. welcome back. this is 2015. i expect very good and positive things of this commission and of this police department. i have been in san francisco since 1998, and no where, and i lived all over the bay area, have i found
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access to be able to raise questions about police activity to have people listen to respond and implement programs to incorporate and include everyone, and i expect that's going to continue and i am looking forward to the commission coming up to the tenderloin on january 28. i'm like straddling two areas now because i have been moved to the sixth and howard. i am so thrilled but i will be there on the 28th if i am still alive. thank you. >> thank you so much. welcome juicy. happy new year. >> i am edmond juicy and i live in the tenderloin too and the first guy talked about moscone and harvey milk but before that san francisco
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natives have been taken here to [inaudible] and people were killed and we don't talk about that. i come in the spirit of others and black and gay. i tell people that black lives matter. i can't feel that because i live in the tenderloin and as you know the bart paper had a concept of what it's like to be black and guy in san francisco and not accept the lgbt people and you don't know where you're at and we're silent and not until michael brown came and talked about this in mission school that i could say i could breathe and some officers -- you heard the lady from 1021 we are ferguson. we are below ferguson and i am glad people coming in and march in this city to give me a chance to breathe. i will show you just what i found out 10 years ago. where i live at
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-- i found out when i wear the black afro wig i get targeted from the police so i put the rainbow on it and when i do that they don't mesh with me. i found this out 10 years ago but last sunday i had a black person -- i wanted a black traditional christmas and listening to kmla what makes you good on street soldiers so i went down and two police -- in new york. i came back and we have no cameras in my apartments. somebody set 25% of the apartment on fire. we need to have the black police association they say that willie brown started because when police officers come inside the tenderloin they don't react to us like they should. >> thank you. >> and if we could get the
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cameras like the hamilton hotel used to have. thank you. >> thank you. >> i am only back here to give a clarifying -- i cleared with the officer here and that is the fact that we use the older statistics. we were leading up -- we try to get as much data as possible so you don't think we're unprepared but we're using the older statistics to lead up to the fact that as of currently the public defender stated that still as we are 6% of the population here, african-americans, we still represent over 56% of the jail inmates here so we were using the old statistics to really paint the picture that nothing has really changed and we're just hoping -- you have a copy there and it's the same document. we wanted make sure you had that clarification why we're using the old stats and we definitely hope you take the
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time to really listen to the youth and i am really interested -- if i have to introduce a charter amendment with the community advocating for it we will find a youth on this commission. >> thank you. [applause] no further public comment. inspector please call the next item. >> item two reports and announcements. chief report, discussion and recent activities and the presentation of the . chris intervention update. >> i will be try to be brief and we of a long time and we have more presentations so it was referenced that homicides are down. i am happy to report for only the second time in the last 50 years we had less here in san francisco. we're proud of the fact that for the fourth time in five years we had less
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than 200 non fatal shootings in san francisco and the only other year it was less we had 202. >> say that again. >> second time in 50 years we had 45 or less homicides and it's the fourth time in the last five years less than 200 non fatal shootings as recently as 2000 and 2008 we were closer to 100 homicides and closer to 400 shootings a year so we basically halved that and done it with 300 less police officers. as far as more police officers we graduated an academy class and thank you to the commissioners for attending last friday night, 45 academy graduates left the academy are now on the streets and then we started a new academy class on monday. 50 recruits. six of those are
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african-american. as far as current events go it's been a very busy time. we had more holiday events and christmas events and more activities with children than i can count. i wanted to thank the healing circle for the christmas that they do or the holiday that they do and it was really great. all the young people that had a good holiday. we benefited by so many generous people that came forward and make sure that every young person had a good christmas. there was quite a bit of police work done. on december 23 the homicide suspects responsible for the thanksgiving day homicide were taken into custody. on december 27 a bank robberier responsible for 10 robberies was taken into custody. there was another homicide arrest on december 29 for the fatal
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shooting that occurred on december 7 at 20th and mission. we did have two officer involved shootings last weekend. one of them was a discharge that did not strike anybody while taking a burglary suspect into custody and of course we has been what was well publicized blue suicide that occurred on sunday in the mission district when a disturbed young man in a dark place had planned all the way from back march to basically give the officers according to his own note no choice to take the actions they took. those officers are off on 10 days administrative leave per protocol. today an arrest was made. i think it was already referenced in the arson case on the 2600 block of steiner which
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is referred as the mrs. doubt fire house and a woman has been taken into custody and booked upstairs. as far as other events. we continue to mourn the tragedy that occurred in new york city. i know there's -- as was obvious tonight there's a lot of difficult conversations being had. i know in the law enforcement community having two officers assassinated merely for being on duty wearing a blue uniform shocked us all. the department did make efforts to send officers back to represent. six officers went back for officer ramos' services. eight went back for officer lui's services. the gesture by the department we allowed them to go on the days they were scheduled to work. the poa and other folks including the mayor
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defrayed the cost so that the officers could travel back to represent the city and the department. that concludes my report and i would like to lead into the crisis intervention training presentation if there's no questions. >> i had a question quickly. did i hear you and the numbers right, 45 graduated from the academy and six -- how many? >> 45 graduated on friday night. i don't have exactly the demographics of that class but of the class of 50 that started on monday six of those attendees including a pair of absolutely identical twin african-american males are in that class. i never seen two more twins that are more identical. we have to figure a way. we have to give them star numbers a mile apart. >> that's the class at the beginning. >> that's the class in right now. >> you don't have a number of
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the demographics of the graduating class? >> i don't but i believe there is more than two. >> just for accuracy sake. >> commissioner. >> chief, i appreciate our officers going back and representing in new york and i know that is done in the nation when officers die in the course of duty. one of the things brought to our attention -- i am sure our officers didn't do that but one of the things brought to the public during the burial was turning the back on the mayor and i know our officers didn't do that but i am wondering do we have protocol that they're traveling and representing the department we don't participate in those politics? >> officers that attend services know it's about the deceased. it's not about any political statement and certainly we have had our own
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situations here where politics have gotten in and pretty much from the moment the officer passes to the moment they're laid to rest it's all about the officer and their families. >> questions for the chief? okay. >> thank you chief. >> so c it presentation. >> this is lieutenant, formerly of mission station and now in bay view station. >> good even commissioners and president obama and chief and cathy. i am delighted to. >> >> inform you i was selected for the training as of two months ago. >> yeah congratulations. >> i am glad to be doing that. i would like to give an update. i know six months ago you had a presentation. he was here for an hour and advocates and mental health providers so it was an
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extensive presentation. >> sounds like you watched it on sfgtv. >> i did. >> good move. >> before i move on i would like to say job well done to them and they were instrumental getting the cittraining on the go. they did so much work and most was given you in june was a product of their labor. i would like to say thank you to the mental health director michael guess. he is moving on to sonoma county and hired there so he's leaving san francisco but he has a good replacement and we will continue working with the health department on those issues. i would like to recognize [inaudible] as part of the facilitator training. she's trrmental in the training and doing the role playing in the classes so i would like her recognized for that. moving
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on. c it is composed of rcht elements as you can see. [inaudible] youth commissioners -- >> can you put it on the overhead? >> there you go. >> yeah. powerpoint. i gave it to you. >> i thought that was a copy for us. >> the power.-- >> the overhead is 1993 technology but it still works. >> i'm sorry. but anyway these are all the elements that compose the cit and involve the commissioners and mental health providers, police officers, the chief here who has been gracious
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