tv [untitled] January 11, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PST
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of the program have been nothing support short of a miracle it is possible by the pga and the partnership with the city of san francisco and the rec and park department lastly we look forward to continuing to grow and provide the much needed opportunity for the kids the pga match in the years to come will be critical to achieving our mission of impacting the underserved youth of the city i want to thank the to your and the city and the receptionist for their support now and in the future thank you for your consideration. >> any other speakers wish to comment on item 1. >> hello, i'm tom clark the executive order for the golf tour this will be the fifth event i've worked on in san francisco on behalf of the pga and our players we're extremely excited to be back i was gone for a
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couple of years it's very, very nice to be back in san francisco we're looking forward to our continued relationship with phil and his team this is a very special place to come out and play in the pga harding park they were big part of the decision to come back and for us it is very, very important we worked for our players and this is a phenomenal city we love of the charity it supports thank you, everybody for your support i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. thank you thanks very much anyone wish to comment on item one or two seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a reputation from our budget analyst but we have small amendments can you have a motion to accept those we'll take that
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without objection. >> items 1 and 2 as amended can i have a motion to approve that we'll take that without objection. as well. >> okay madam clerk move on to item 3. >> item 3 is a resolution approving the lease between pc and e and the city's as bayview for approximately a think a radio program and adapting the finding. >> okay thanks we have sfmta to speak on the item. >> good morning. i'm frank project manager for the radio project this is the presentation here sfmta radio systems. >> why they are the voice. >> could you speak a little bit closer to the mike. >> to all the sfmta buses and
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trains and transit and maintenance workers the current system as lovingly radio channels and serving approximately 11 buses and trains and 2 hundred maintenance vehicles and handheld rising radios this is 35 years ago the current system didn't have the data bandwidth to support the operation the current radio system is no longer supported by my manufacturer the system will operate from 4 radio based stations with additional frequency for a total of 26 radio channels that's more than double of the frequency rate the new radio system will have the channels and data band to support of the transit service
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to provide future growth in addition the new radio system will add state of the art transformation system features with the system can't provide it includes integrated automatic passenger counter and automatic announcements at the next stop at muni trains for above ground train stops in order for the ada compliance it will offer a better voice and communication data throughout the city for the major subways and tunnels that will have the good graphic system design that the back up system could take ♪ case of the system failure it
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requires 40 radio transit sites throughout the city the other sites have been identified the proposed lease will cover the last necessary site for radio in the south west quadrant of the city it will be used for radio transitioned and no city equipment 0 throughout the city it will have 3 options at the fixed rate a 25 year total if the options are exercised it is at fair market value at $66 per month with a slither increase flaunl on the infrastructure improvement including the electric and mechanic and providing emergency generators
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it is stimulated costs it will begin as soon as possible the lease is on and the completion of the system in july of 2016 sfmta board has adapted otherwise a lease on october 7, 2014 and the first approval was required because this is a 10 year lease term budget analyst has reviewed it and has recommended approval of the lease goldstein map of the proposed site it's a private land surrounding by a bayview park and on the right-hand side is a picture of the councilmember buscaino that was an existing
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radio tower >> this lease is very important for the success fill completion the execution of the lease what the development company and the tenant at the 1 bayview road park road in san francisco for the use as a bay station for sfmta radio operations this is the end of my presentation i'm available for questions. >> thank you very much colleagues questions for the sfmta. >> yes. mr. chairman on page 15 we report that the annual basis electricity will be funded by the sfmta operating budget in
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the 2016-2017 the sfmta will pay an estimated improvement base rent and electricity in table 7 on page 16 of our report we recommend you approve 2, 3, 4 this recommendation. >> thank you, mr. rose we'll opening it up for public comment anyone wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed send this item forward okay. >> amendments from the budget analyst? >> mr. chairman we recommend that you approve this. >> okay another motion by supervisor mar we'll take that without objection. madam clerk call item number four. >> item four resolution 30 years the sfmta to expend a grant from the state grant fund
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from the conservatism program. >> good morning steve richie the general manager for the puc members of the committee we're asking you to remedy the following action to the board to expend the $203,000 grant for our large escape grant part of a larger conservation grant to water agencies under the water management program in particular those funds are going to agitate existing puc funding for portable irrigation landscape areas particularly to use to help fund the improvements of the parks it is about the 7th project we've done this way in terms of the cost-share with the vice president with the rec and
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park department to improve the efficiency and safe water i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> colleagues any questions okay. seeing none mr. rose your report on item 4. >> yes. own page 19 of our report we report that the total alamo budget is $2.03 plus on table 19 of our report and table two on the same package is one million dollar for the rec and park department and $1 million plus from the puc for this project we recommend that you approve the proposed resolution. >> thank you, mr. rose colleagues any questions any public comment on item 4 seeing none, public comment is closed ohoh - come on up absolutely.
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>> good morning honorable supervisors and friends i'm mary i live in the tenderloin thank you all for you for your financing and tenderloin of the pit stop pilot program. >> so ma'am, that's a different item we're not there yet just item 4 anyone wish to comment only item 4 the conservation grant okay public comment is closed. colleagues a motion to move this forward we'll take that without objection. >> all right. we don't have the hearing sponsor here yet madam clerk item 7. >> item 7 the resolution he retroactively accepting the
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priority conservation area grant fund to support of the parks for the pedestrian of october 2015 to 2016. >> thank you rec and park department to speak on this issue come on up. >> good morning, supervisors. i'm the project director this is the only area that borders the bay the area features the marches and the upland habitats that provide for a variety of wildlife and trails that link to the bay area in august 2014 the city acquired property adjacent to the open space and they've
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been included in the bayview hunters point and the india shoreline plan and the port of san francisco 13 mile blue green plan this hopes to develop a new service park providing residents for open space and recreational opportunities including closing the gap connecting the two shoreline parks and simultaneously many acres are being developed to the south by local real estate developers there's a unique and spectacular opportunity to develop the islander baseline into a legacy project in may 2014 rec and park
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planning division was awarded the conservation area grant in the amount of $500,000 for the planning park project the priority conservation program is a program by the mta the goal of the program to enhance the social value of the rural areas across the bayview and it improves the san francisco trails more broadly the project is consistent with the conservation strategic plan goals as well as the projects in the san francisco bay area bay plan working with the trust with public land rec and park will use the funds to have a open space for islander and shoreline park it will fund including the
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public outreach and the preparation of analysis and environmental studies and the costs with the strategies with the possible prelims of park improvements as recently submitted an operation the improvements will be at a minimum construction of a full park and construction of a green trail water trail through 9 hundred across the dpw right of ways and connecting the open space the construction of a continuance bike lane to provide a route that's safe for bicyclists of all ages and the construction of bicycle to the shoreline and the to be repurposed with services for recreational cafe uses in addition the project will study
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the feasibility of the quality wetlands beyond the problematic areas a range of possible improvements maybe proposed like a new boat launch for recreational activities and new piers and facilities for consolidations and educational signage and art installation as part of a soon to be launched parks plan an extensive plan for the preferred use of this space based on the decision the design competition will take place and environmental assessments are complete an elevation terrorist title areas this winter we're working with the toxic substance control and develop a clean plan and leverage the funds for environmental protection agency for brown grants it is 2ker78d
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to be cartly exempt from the quality act it is $600,000 plus the grant requires a match through open space fund in the autumn memorandum a of $600,000 plus and rec and park for more money the grant agreement runs from a prospective dates there november 30th, 2016, however, it stipulates it will be completed by august 2016 it is supported by itself islander base alliance and the trust four public land and parks and hunters point family i welcome questions you have and look forward to developing this open space into an extraordinary shore like e line parks in terms of public
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assess thank you thanks very much clooegz colleagues any questions. >> supervisor mar. >> i want to ask how this connects u.s. bancorp up with the park there's a trail and how far is that from home sharers head park to 9 north. >> between the parks is the pg&e landing lands that's 13 acres as part of the vilg assess we'll include that park because we include them in this network of open spaces there's already developed we want them to ask them to redevelop their parks but this is part of the process. >> this is really great for the southeast part of the city and what an exciting project as well and the industrial areas but the areas i think that the m t c and
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the government it is good they've included the priority conservation areas i think that is an example of how we used a city create the industrial space thank you for your work. >> any questions. >> is there a map anywhere handy that will be good. >> supervisor we'll get a map it's an amazing space from the north end to the shipyard development and its a big portion we've get you a map and briefing on the project. >> okay thanks. >> okay. we're done with the budget analyst report public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, i have a motion to approve this item we'll take that without objection. >> madam clerk call item 8 please. item 8 a resolution 30 years the
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acquisition of the real property at 495 adam street for $15.5 million and adapting various understanding and we have john updike to report. >> again and again good morning john updyke director of real estate the board approved a lease for 1995 the subject before you now we selected this site to relocation the city's crime lab and traffic investigations from hunters point and all of justice respectfully the crime lab being in the path, of course, of redevelopment and the traffic investigations located seismicly where we have a exit plan
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reason of purchase option was required to provide certainty to the site control that enables the city to process the sequa application for the approval of the 2014 geobond measure that geobond was overwhelming approved by the 0 public and the conclusion of a purchase price at $16 million that is subject to completion of due diligence so that due diligence includes the sequa completion and all the planning and design that entails as well as our environmental review and value confirmation the test results no concerns about the soil and the appraisal is an elevation under the
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purchase price we tendered the exercise notice to begin the process of exercising the rights we've retained to ownership awhile sharing with them the appraised value which suggests it is fair to say too high the negotiations ensued and now the agreement at a purchase price of $15 million plus ownership was under no requirement to revise the purchase price the city recourse on this deal like my buyers recourse on any similar purchase option deal is not to pursue the purchase in a normal real estate market there might be other choices with appropriate zoning to provide the fast track sequa clearance it would have been a viable option here it is not the
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case in this market and not for this need as the budget analyst report it took option with the appraisals with all due respect an art form not a metric of numbers we thought there was interesting sales and pending sales being more difficult for the appraiser to include a back market that is indicative of current market conditions would justify the purchase prices of $16 million that's approximately $180 per square feet or looking at the improvements over 44 thousand square feet on site which have value that would be about 3 hundred and 75 sdlrs we're
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square feet improvements one example not included in the appraisal report to be as relevant as those selected 268 last name alabama sold for $575 per square feet an industrial use of a printing plant the subject was the industrial use of a printing plant this was compatible other pending sales support other numbers with that said as the director of the property i'm comfortable with the purchase price that's a fair and reasonable revolution between the buyers and sellers of this property it's the best interest of the city for the project as noted in the resolution before you we do have the full
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sequa clearance and general plan conformity for this acquisition and the budget analyst has four options for i i'm here to recommend option 4 this the john gibner, deputy city attorney are happy to walk through the logical challenges in options one through 3 if you want that discussion. >> thank you, mr. updike colleagues any questions at this point why not move to the budget analyst report. >> mr. chairman the purchase price of $15 million plus is part of the total of $165 million budget for the 1990 evans in package 4525 of our report the project will be fund by the earthquake you safety
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proceeds on page 268 of our report the proposed perspire price is for one million dollars $15,000 plus 2 percent more than the cb r e purchase prices of $11 million plus we also note on page 26 the negotiated purchase price of $179000 per square feet as shown on table 5 the average price per square feet is comparable which translated into 3 hundred plus for the 89 thousand square feet and the 1995 evans street if the lowest
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price at 6000 third street at one hundred plus per square feet the average price is one hundred and 64 thousand dollars at an estimated one million dollars plus for the 89 thousand plus at 1995 evans street the proposed million dollars purchase price would then be 8 hundred thousand plus or 5.8 percent more than the amount that is including the lowest price comparable property as mr. updyke stated on page 28 of the report as explained on pages 28 and 29 this board of supervisors may wish to consider four options one to continue the
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proposed resolution and experience eminent domain and second for the negotiations and third is to do not approve the resolution and fourth as mr. updyke suggests to approve it on page 29 we request the director of real estate to add the inquires and other due diligence prior to specific the purchase price it is a policy decision for the board of supervisors. >> thank you, mr. rose any questions for the budget analyst. >> maybe we can more clarity the delta between the option price and the agreed upon price for the negotiations is a big difference can you walk us to
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this and talk about that. >> sure chair farrell everything traction has a story during the negotiation for the purchase option price at the present time, the torn passed away during negotiations i was required to complete the new york city with the widow the purchase price was real something that was near and dear to my heart to mr. spencer's heart you can understand from the family issue that price was that important also to mrs. spencer once we got the price in although the other data showed it could be appropriate in this
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case, the ownership agreed to renegotiate we reopened that question the number before you ask a reflection my desire was to go lower so our leverage is somewhat limited again due to market forces there were not other market opportunities in the marketplace logically give consideration to in the budget analyst report we had own one million dollars in the investigation of this site and the sequa approval that cites specific the value that is lost if we move to another site compound that with potential time issues if we have to pursue another site and get the
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