tv [untitled] January 13, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PST
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at this point? >>good morning commissioners, director of contracts. we've been working with the dhs side since april and we have successfully integrated three of our service sites so now that we've got three of them up and running the fourth one would be the dos service hub. but yes, they've been very helpful in the process. it's a whole change of business process, the way we give out public benefits so it's been very beneficial especially in our medical division. because of the affordable care act we had 50 or 60,000 additional applications so by moving into this streamlined process we're actually providing quicker, more efficient service. we're hoping to continue this model with this dos hub. >>thank you. any other questions from the
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commission? comments and questions from the public. hearing none call the question all in favor. any opposed. thank you, the motion carries. c, requesting authorization to modify the grant with bay view hunters point multipurpose senior centers services for additional community service programs during the period of october 1 2014 through june 30 2016 in the additional amount of $75,000 for a revised grant amount not to exceed $1,625,000. >>what i'd like to do this morning is by way of introduction is just share with you a few comments before we go into the contract approvals. this morning my colleagues michael zogg and monte will be
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presenting a series of new modified grants that resulted in the recent bidding process by notice of nofa 618. i want to at this time along with denice chung, we want to acknowledge and also her colleagues who helped us bring these grant awards forward. you may have noticed that we bun bundled services with the funding for projects that didn't fit into the traditional community services program funding model. we chose to create an umbrella
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term for ageing and disability friendly community. another distinction would be that it is much more neighborhood driven. it is in the community type approach than intends to help seniors thrive in their homes an neighborhoods. with that i will ask for your approval after your review and questions for adding on additional funding community services funding to bay view hunters point multiservice senior social security senior senior services. p as you may know, we have an existing western addition senior
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center in the area and there's also a rosa parks senior center that was recently added as well. the funding, the 37,500 per year will be to augment the activities scheduling for the rosa parks center and will help bring on a part-time activities coordinator to help there. so another thing you may already know is they do have meal program there and also a very comprehensive state of the art computer lab through our sf connected program. and so it is our hope that you will approve this grant so they can increase the level of services and also recruit several new participants to the program. >>thank you maria. may i have a motion to approve.
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>>motion to discuss. >>any comments or questions from the commission? commissioner sims. >>i'm going to ask this question now and i'm not shurm it's the right place of discussion to ask it but there are several of these applications refer to an appendix f that's used to describe locations of services and i didn't find an appendix f in our packet. >>we refer to appendix f and we are working on getting those forward. they are what we call site charts and these are something that the office on the ageing has using throughout the years. it isn't necessarily something that is required, is what i understand from the contract management office that's required as a contract document but because we do refer to it we would like to be able to show it to you and basically what it does is gives you an idea of where the locations are, what
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holidays they may honor, observe. so what their hours are, also some other pertinent information, but it's a handy tool to have and right now our office is working on setting those up and we have some examples. of the site chart i can show you here. as my colleague mentioned these are some of the nutrition sites and some of the senior centers that we operate through self help. just to give you an example of what it is. >>i would say that's useful. >>yes, definitely. like i said in preparing for the actual contract it was something that wasn't necessarily required but we will fulfill that. >>thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission?
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comments or questions from the public? hearing none, call the question, all in favor. >>i. >>any opposed. thank you. the motion carries. >>thank you. >>d e requesting modify the grant for additional community service programs during the period october 1, 2014 through june 30 2016 in the additional amount of $110,000 for a revised total grant not to exceed $118,667. do we have a motion to discuss? >>so moved. >>seconded. >>second. >>please, thank you. >>good morning, president james, commissioners, director hinton. the funds will help augment services, increase staffing and provide infrastructure.
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this funding request is for the excelsior branch only. we're looking to hire a halftime cantonese speaking program assistant. over the last years there has been an increase in about 4% of chinese participants at the center and about half require some degree of translation services. they're looking for a cantonese speaking person to help the growing population. they'll they'll provide translation services to people who come into the center on a regular basis or drop in. they can help the existing staff
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at the center. when people are facilitating other groups and then other people come in who 23450ed social services staff are pulled away are the stuff they're doing to address the individual needs, so this new person will be there to help support the existing staff and take on the role of bills that come in the mail or letters and things like that. in addition there will be site service unit increase throughout the year through activity services and translation services. each one will increase about 400 hours a year so activities hours will go from 2800 hours a year to 3200 hours a year. translation services will go from 1800 hours a year to 2200 hours a year. we urge your approval and if you have any questions i a happy to answer them. >> >>commissioner sims. >>the grant is $55,000, correct? >>yes, overs two years. >>this one was a little
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trickier for me to track, but it looks like there's a salary line of 37,440 and the nearest i could pick up was a 31% fringe benefits rate which got me to 49,000. kind of a nick, but i couldn't find the 55 nicely. >>yeah, yeah. so my conversations with the staff at bruno heights a lot of this is going to infrastructure as well. like the day-to-day activities rent, utilityiesutilities. so my conversations with them yesterday, the additional funds are going to infrastructure support. support. support. >>broadly, it would be easier for me to look through these things especially when they're fairly small dollar amounts if
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there were some consistency in the way they're presented so there were specific numbers so it's quick and easy to address. >>thank you noted. appreciate it. >>any other questions or comments from the commission. comments or questions from the public? hearing none call the question. all in favor. any opposed? thank you, motion carryiescarries. now we will be taking item e, which is in the correct order, which is requesting is again,
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do i have a motion to discuss? >>so moved. >>seconded. thank you. you're on again. >>good morning commissioners. we seek your approval for catholic charities located in the district of san francisco. this proposal is for funding augment services and increase staffing. other proposed changes, catholic charity ises looking to increase the program manager from 1.10 to 1.16. the purpose for this is to increase her on site presence inthe program and to address the needs of the seniors coming into the sight. if there are needs that can't be met in the community services program then the program supervisor can refer those people to case management program at catholic charities. they are looking to hire a bilingual program assistant. ideally this individual will speak cantonese, or mandarin.
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they've seen about a 5% increase in the filipino population. this individual would provide social services and translation services to people who came into the center. so catholic charities community services site also has sf connected computer lab where they have classes for seniors. they're looking to get reconnected to first train staff and volunteers at the center to provide classes for seniors and additionally get volunteers for classes as well. classes would be both individual and in the group setting. some of the courses that have been most popular are e health literacy and computer classes
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for beginners. catholic chair tiff to 400 unduplicated clients a year looking to increase their activity hours from 1200 a year to 1600 a year. they're looking to increase their social service units from 500 to 900 units a year. translation service they're looking to increase from 300 units a year to 500. ooa urges your approval and happy to answer any questions you may have >>any questions or comments? commissioner loo. >>i have a question on the operating expense detail. it seems like eight months expenses is higher than 12 months.
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>>are you looking at the nofa budget? >>operating expenses. >>oh community technology network is only for the first year. so in the next year it's not a line item. >>patty, would you come forward? thank you. >>commune technology training is for the staff and our key volunteers. because we have about seven languages evidence at our center it's hard when they go on to their language for staff to help them because they're not as familiar with the programs so we want them to become more familiar so they can help the seniors more and better so we want them trained so we can get more seniors on the computers and help them through the process. >>i'm looking for the counseling.
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may i have a motion to discuss? >>so moved. >>seconded. thank you. >>we seek your approval for on lock 30th street senior center community services located in the mission district of san francisco. the funding proposed is meant to help with infrastructure support and staffing. they're look together hire a special projects coordinator full-time. they'll help facilitate group and individual computer classes. this facility has a computer lab accessible to seniors throughout the day. this individual would also work to recruit volunteers from are the technology network and replace past volunteers. having more diversity in the staff to help facility groups would be very beneficial.
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they would provide cohesion to seniors through monthly meet and greet sessions and would be the staff on duty which is an individual that's responsible each day for meeting sort of the acute needs of seniors that come up throughout the day so there's one point person to address questions and concerns that come up so other staff aren't pulled from their current duties and next thing you know they have one person doing everything they have to do. this person would perform registration, would help with a va tryty of administrative tasks as needed and would work with open house and senior center with outreach and program anything the area. ooa urges you approval for this grant. thank you. >>thank you very much. any comments or questions. commissioner sims. >>i want to recuse myself from this vote.
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>>okay, thank you. any comments or questions from the public. hearing none call the question. all in favor. any opposed. thank you, the motion carries. the next item appears on the agenda as j. it's requesting authorization to modify the additional community service programs during the period of october 1 2014 through june 30 2016 in the additional amount of $150,000 for a revised grant amount not to exceed $1,514,226. michael zogg will be presented. may i have a motion to discuss? >>so moved. >>moved and seconded. thank you michael. >>thank you commissioner. item j is funding for two years for self help for the elderly to open a new community center in the west portal neighborhood. there's been difficulty finding
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a location in the west portal area so we're here today presenting an idea for a brand new community center. it's located on lennx way, about a block from there the west portal tunnel. there's a parks and rec building they'll be using. the community center is used for youth after school and then in the afternoon it will convert into a youth senter. the community center will have wellness classes, an array of other social opportunities and organized activities. as of right now the planned opening date is monday february 2. again, i'm here seeking your support for this item. happy to answer any questions.
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>>thank you. any comments or questions from the commission? >>i do -- >>commissioner ow. commissioner ow. >>thank you. what's the capacity. how many senior you going to serve? >>i believe between now and the end of june we're hoping to serve 130 unduplicated seniors for the full year about 300 clients on an annual base sis. >>what's the hours? >>i'm just a little confused. it says location and time of services the address is 601 jackson street. am i in the right -- >>let's take a look. i apologize, that is a typo.
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601 is one of their offices where their provide services. this location is 131 lennox way. >>and it says hours of operation are 8:30 to 5:15 pm. >>again, that's a typo in this. >>thank you. any other comments or questions? >>yes. >> >> >>commissioner james. >>[inaudible]. >>i believe they own the building. >>one of the programs. okay. >>any other comments or questions from the commission? comments or questions from the public? >>i recommend that information be amended. >>yes. a thank you. comments or questions from the publing? hearing none, all in favor? any opposed? thank you. motion carries. the next item appears on the agenda as f requesting
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authorization to enter into a new grant with community living campaign for age and disability project. community connection during the period of october 1 2014 through june 30 2014 in a total grant not to exceed $80,000. do i have a motion to discuss? second? thank you. thank you maria. >>again, good morning commissioners. maria, with the office on the ageing and i too am very excited to bring forward this particular award, grant award. this is a program we've actually been working with for the last few years through a very small, very modest amount of add back funding from the board of supervisors, in particular in district 11.
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we've called it before the coyoga project. we are happy to announce that we were the successful bidder for a program well now refer to is a correctors program. through a very different model from the more traditional means, something i referred to previously. we're happy to have one us today in the audience three of the principals for this program -- we've glen da, hope who is a
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long time resident of the neighborhood we're referring to; we have the coordinator for the program and also marie, who is with the sponsoring agency the community living campaign. again, this program is modelled to be a very appropriate and also customized to the neighborhood needs. it is the residents that will decide the type of activities and services that will be rendered. just to give you a little bit of idea of the neighborhood itself over 1/3 of the households have someone that is 65 or older. . for many of the elders in the community, they're considered house rich, but cash poor.
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what we mean by that is 82% of the homeowners -- of the elders own their homes, but finds themselves in the dubious position of being able to afford the cost of living in san francisco. this facility is going to be multigenerational so the community connectors program will provide 250 hours of community connection activities or services provide 40 hours of outreach activities establish and provide training to a crew of volunteers or what they call neighbors. these are neighbors going out to help neighbors. they will also be doing a survey of at least 75 people in the neighbor to determine service needs. there is going to be a primary paid position. what i really think is
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outstanding about this program is they are off to a really good start and they also have an advisory group which ms. hope will be providing leadership there and helping with outreach policy and fund raising issues. i had an opportunity to visit their always active program and i have to say i was thoroughly impressed by the level of participation and just the enthusiasm the exuberance of the participants in that particular program and about what it means to them to have this type of a program. >>thank you. i want to make sure i understand, maria. this is a new program, but it is being -- the agency is not a new agency to the city it is an a jep say we have funded in the past, correct? >>this is something that we have been funding on a very
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minimal level to get it started as a project, but now we have a little more significant amount of funding for this program to be able to hire someone to actually help coordinate the program and so i'm happy to have here by my side reverend hope she might be able to provide additional information for you. >>thank you. we are very excited about what's happening here. this is a program i started about four years az go with minimal but welcome support from supervisor avalos and guidance from marie jobbing. there is no senior center or natural gathering place in this dense residential neighborhood so we don't have an office to support. our office is in the home of the woman we have been very fortunate to find to take over the leadership of this program, that's patty.
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patty is self employed she lived in the neighborhood and she's about 25 years younger than i am so she has a level of energy and ideas and creativity to bring that he really is just going in all directions. we have -- you may notice a fairly significant item for this period for youth. it would be using the youth and their young legs to do a lot of outreach house to house, going, fliers and so forth. we think this is a new model that's appropriate to a number of neighborhoods and we'd be glad to consult with any of them. i also want to say that we could not have done what we're doing now if it had not been for the program that 38th street services runs. it is the glue and also the
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launching pad for a much larger program. >>thank you very much. any comments or questions from the commission? commissioner loo. >>i wanted to point out on page c there is a typo. [inaudible] 6,000. one column and the total should be 6,000, it's over 12,000. r or was there something else that needed to be added? shouldn't be because then the total wouldn't be right. i'm looking at the [inaudible]. >>oh, that's a different contract. that's a different contract.
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