tv [untitled] January 13, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PST
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was recommended in the city's transportation demand, management strategy that involved the transportation authority and mta and planning department and the department of the environment and this is one of the recommendations that came out tf to do the targeted out reach about the city's recommendations for house alternatives to driving alone in the city. and the pilot program is focused in two neighborhoods and the neighborhoods have been identified and they are the north east mission and the engle side areas and the program involves the development of the out reach tools that are customized for these particular parts of the city, and there is a portion of the program that is targeted at west, and at employers and it is about a 50/50 split at least on the budget side and mta will be doing out reach to evaluate the success and the out comes of this project. and this is a slight change in how we have been doing or
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at least funding the tdm program traditionally and we have been funding the administrative for the initiative to the department of the environment and these are the administration of the commuter benefits and the emergency light home and so what this will allow for is that out reach that was done under that program would now be assumed under this new program and that the administration will still be formed. we have funding on the administration side of the project through june of 2015 and existing locations to the department of the environment. >> funding for those sources will be subject to additional allocations and these are highly competitive for the program funds and the last project we present to you is the construction phase of the city college pedestrian connector and the prop aa request, and the prop aa funded the design phase as well and this will improve the pedestrian access from
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the new plaza next to and the connecting excuse me, connecting unity plaza with the city college terminal, of what was formally known as the loop and it will allow for the access to it and in the safe manner for the pedestrians so that they don't need to interfere with any of the transit operations at that site. and mta has been working very closely with the city college to get this project in the ground and so that is my presentation. and so your only item on the agenda and there is city staff to answer any questions that you have. >> thank you, commissioner kim? >> thank you. >> i actually was wondering excited to see the 8th and the soma and we have a senior center there and affordable housing and i was curious what the time was for that? >> and i will just ask, my
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follow up question to that, i know that sfmta has been looking at ways to explore the stream lining the process used for some of the vision zero projects and i know that signal contractses with an area that sfmta identified particularly after the very unfortunate death of one of our city employees in front of city hall and so i was curious, you know, what the movement has been on that and we can also discuss this vision zero committee and i think that is important and by the way, i am really happy to see the scramble signal on stockton and sacramento and how quickly that went up. after the injuries and fatalities on that intersection. >> as far as the schedule specific to that intersection, we can get you more details, but the entire project is slated for completing of august in 2016. and so, then, we can certainly provide additional details but i do know that
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the signal shop has been hiring more staff in order to get projects going faster. so, beyond that, i would invite the signal program managers to address your question further? >> from the sus stinable streets, the question about the streets like anna mentioned we expect to get the contractor 365 days to complete this contract, but it certainly, we try to encourage them to turn on the signals as soon as we are able to and even though it says we are expecting open for use in august of 2016, we are going to seriously encourage them to get as many of these done as early as possible, if any can be done by the end of this year we will push them to do that in terms of coordination, we have been working more closely with the colleagues at dpw with the ramp group and with the street light, and folks also, because, the
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signal is multidisciplinary and it is not just the signal it is the street lighting and we work with it more closely and fortunate to be able to expedite this contract. we are trying to expedite this, and this is one of four or five that the staff is working on and we are encouraged and happy to hear that we are moving for ward and you will be seeing more of us in the next couple of months, and suggest more signal funding for the other projects. >> commissioner campos. >> just a quick question and a follow up on that, thank you, but the contract identify the priorities in terms of signals or a time line? >> yes. >> in the past, we directed the contractor to you know, start in the intersections first, and what the limitation is, but some of the intersections required the poles that supervisor kim asked earlier and it was a long items because those have to be really manufactured at the shop and it takes about three months for them to get delivered.
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and so we can try to prioritize the easier location and the locations where the hardware is more off of the shelf, and so those will be the ones that we will be typically be able to do first and have the contractor install. >> thank you. >> other questions colleague? >> or the public? >> public comment is closed. and since the house has changed let's do a roll call. >> on that. >> and item four, breed. >> aye. >> aye. >> campos. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> mar. >> aye. >> yee. >> aye. >> item passes. >> thank you. >> next item. >> item number five introduction to new items this is an information item. >> let's open this up for public comment, is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> closed. >> and next item. >> item 6, public comment. >> so i see no one lining up
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>> good morning, everyone much better i'm edward reiskin the transportation director in san francisco great to see so many people out here for an important reason thank you, mayor ed lee and supervisor kim on their steadfast and consistent leadership in working with all of us to make our city safer the reason its important we're proud of our city we have a problem here the problem too many people getting seriously injured or killed trying to make their way around the city that shouldn't be for that reason as a city
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we've adapted the goal of vision zero to eliminate traffic fatalities in san francisco in the next 10 years good news if you call it that we've been working with the police department and the department of public health and many on the county which transportation authority to analyze the information associated with each one of the tragedies we've told have a good since of where they're happening and why and what interventions we can make to significantly reduce the likelihood of them happening with people getting seriously injured or killed the traffic signal are one intervention and many others all over the city in order to do that we'll need public support and leadership without further ado we have an rations finding lard i'm proud so ask you to join me in welcoming the mayor
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of the city of san francisco mayor ed lee. >> thank you, ed good morning, everyone. welcome to the post world series of the giants in san francisco i know this community is slbl but ed is right we've got serious business to construction this particular street on significance and menu to say 24 projects we've identified we're going to get to vision zero this is the night of the 24 projects we're dedicated since april wife identified those vision zero projects they're serious effort here with the translate today to quell the number number of injuries and death navigate this intersection that supervisor jane kim help we've got counsel a number of the injuries in the city those
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one has 50 accidents here resulting in two fatalities so i'm so glad to see residents here and community-based organizations whether it's united players or the so cam are the residents like ms. jones to join the city agency and the opportunity transportation authority and mta and the mayor's office our vision zero director and the supervisor staff agencies like walk sf and others we really have to come together literally on everyone every one of the intersection if we don't do something different more accidents will occur if anything we have to slow down traffic and make all people from all sides aware whether in their walkers or bicyclists or industrial folks everybody that
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is using our street have to be that much more aware and watch out for each other i myself these device when crossing the street i don't cross because i've got the green light i try to make eye contract and look both ways especially, when you've got families members that are looking at the wonderful sites in our city we've golden got to be careful with our growing population if the city we've got to do more we're absolutely going to do more we're building the basis with our mta and hopefully tomorrow our public will bless us with a strong vote of prop a that will allow us to do that much more (clapping.) $500 million the bulk of which goes to vision zero and pedestrian safety projects just like this one we need more things to slow down traffic we need better signage and
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education we need enforcement i wanted to thank our police department that's here a good number they're walking the beats and louth for the siefrt issues 4r0ug9 for people that may not be uss the street properly we have to use our streets smarter n this is why it's important to place that vision zero and there are month activities in our streets we're encouraging walking in the streets when i get through with this job i'm going to walk more and i want to feel safer and join with all the people that want to join me in walking the streets to be safer we won't ghetto there without vision zero by january 2016 all 24 projects that ben is in favor which to cooperate throughout
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the city have to be done and spend down this $300 million of the $500 million that will not raise property tax in the city and spend that down because we not all of those improvements whether their signal consortiums traffic improvements pedestrian safety bulb outs or signage sloan traffic making people more aware and big thrust in education because everybody has to be more aware so i will want to say this we have to move together on this and noted pointing out the fingers it's not just infrastructure or education it's not just one or the other all i have those things have to work in concert with each other and we have to talk what the bicyclists and the car drivers and talk with people that are moving supplies in and out for
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all of those crosswalks projects and talk with people that walk our streets in multiple different languages we have a lot of visitors from all over the world they're not use to the intense use of our streets as we grow as a city we have to center the conversation with all our partners and kids and look out for each other in addition to louth four users so vision zero is our goal and fraying will help get us there we're not going to wait we're beginning the projects we'll be you announcing them as time goes on as and a we get the projects done and need everybody's help the biggest advocate not only in the neighborhood is our supervisor jane kim she's brown on this (clapping) walking and talking and making sure that we incite the fund for
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this to happen and i time to say again, thank you supervisor for your leadership and thank you to you all the different allocations public works and the police departments to all of the infrastructure groups and to the advocates you know we don't want to be crying over the next accident but slshlt we saved for lives so each one of the traffic signal are these is important to the community thank you for being here (clapping). >> thank you, mr. mayor this is the kind of leadership we need to make our streets safer i want to thank the mayor for van prop a $500 million in education bonds for $300 million will be invested in advancing vision zero making our streets safer and it's not not only coming
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from the executive branch but the elective supervisor kim and all the 11 members of the board of supervisors unanimously supported prop a on the ballot and with that kind of unanimous support if city hall that we'll need in order to get even though 2/3rd's vote for the high threshold for the unif i had city hall and community to the chamber of commerce this is an investment that san franciscans will understand and being willing to make but it's not just with the bond as supervisor kim experienced her leadership which winner running for office she made pedestrian safety one of the top issues and this is a top issue her district is the most challenging foyer pedestrian safety and that's why laugh of the folks are here please welcome supervisor kim
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(clapping.) >> good morning many of us in the community that have been working on this for many, many years this morning is so existing this signal an sixth street is something the community has been fighting for about i was in office and to be here today on a community driven process to see our residents that fought for this is rewarding i want to recognize the south of market action network (clapping) who represents many of our families in the neighborhood the united players and city crossroads that rounding u run our youth programs across the street and walk sf has been a strong partner in making sure we advocate for this and, of course any entire office is
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here ivy and sunny it took a lot of folks to make this a realty 4 years ago our residents actually organized a walk on significantly street that included edward reiskin and is ta and dpw and we started on significantly and market and walked to ross and to fulsome to talk about the needs that the community needs to make sixth street a safer place for the youth and seniors and mother jones and the collaborative to talk how the intersection was unsafe and we even crossed the crosswalks at significantly to see whether cars would stop for crossing when we walked across the street from that experience the following year the mayor's office actually worked with our office to fund a pilot we knew
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it would take a look at to get the prong we the first bulb out on significantly and howard number one and 3 on the top collision intersection in the city to shorten the walking distance for our pedestrians before you to remind drivers that those curb outs are an important place of safety for our walkers and finally opened the signal an ross for many families that walk across the street to go to betsy carmichael and now we're here today to open this signal (clapping) is it so exciting that improvements that we've been able to make on the last 4 years to make this neighborhood a safer place for you'll have us and remind the people 3 walk and
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commute through the districts that seniors and kids live here on isle on fulsome and howard and significantly again, this wouldn't have been possible without our residents that took the leadership to make it a realty want to thank our city agencies for working hard to put this on the ground as quickly as possible tilly chang the prop a dollars that helped to fund this today and, of course edward reiskin but also with an night the engineer that put this on n place an significantly street the sf pd side commander is here oh, my god oar commander ali and commander and i will i is the
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traffic commander to make sure you're increasing the enforcement in the tenderloin and the south of market and the city to make sure we're telling the chiropractors and pedestrians what how we can share the road altogether so a big congratulations and thank you to everyone that was involved in making this a realty (clapping) >> thank you supervisor green again, that's the kind of leadership we need to make 24 happen and finally you've heard a lot from the supervisor and the neighborhoods this was built from the grassroots up and the strong support from the folks but it is new to make those things happen sometimes we don't have the level of support but the stronger support the easy to get this into the ground and no one epitomize misses this and relay people in the neighborhood
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to make things happen please join me in welcoming mother jones. >> (clapping) >> well, you guys its opinion 8 years i've been working on this project i'm ms. jones a head of organizers working with the city collaborative that is a great day for the community traffic is real bad down be significantly street this is a day i learned a new word collision so embodying i want to thank mta oh, united players those are the soldiers that keep our babies safe thank you devices so much and the communities it is our community and what we do with the community to help our kids in the future but god it is just amazing i never thought i'd see this day we recent the highest rate of
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collisions in significantly street and it is really hard especially, when you're a senior we need to widen the streets we need to fix those trees for wleerz can go by without getting stuck we need work on significantly and howard and work on howard and kidnap i'm so glad it is finally will happening i can see my dream obviously the kids in the community marching down the streets it is amazing thank you guys so, so much you have absolutely no idea what this means to me and my united players all right. now (clapping) thank you, thank you the mayor. >> thank you jane kim and the staff i want to thank each and every one of you i might want to
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hug everybody thank you (laughter) (clapping). >> thank you mother jones every community fluids a leaders e leader like this before we through the switch i want to acknowledge our executive director nicole schneider and advocate for making the streets safer and one of my bosses a member of the board of directors from the san francisco mta raul ramos one of the biggest champions for delivery of those projects and a lot of mta staff i want to acknowledge tom maguire (clapping) and our manager of liveable streets probable for making streets safer for bikes and pedestrians and people in cars mr. smith one of the engineers
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and the folks at p and folk see that made it happen at this point, we're ready to through the switch our engineer should be on standby and ask the mayor to lead us in a count down to activate the signal. >> (laughter) (laughter). >> jane. >> mother jones. >> come on up here. >> let's do a 3, 2 1 must show ready 3 example 2 example 1 go
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