tv [untitled] January 14, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PST
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her in our new role as chief executive officer rita you'll do a great job time for our comments for the 2014-2015 as presented partnered with others in addition mr. dana is occupied by the auto manager i give you the gentleman. >> thank you, joe good evening everybody i'm leonard a partner with the company as joe said i brought the guy that did the work nathan is a alumni okay. so there you go and we're here tonight to
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provide some exclaims relative to the 2014-2015 district audit we've implemented and submitted to the california department of education and auditor's office we come here one the big things do we have funding this year and was just joking with inaugurating is doing well but in 12 we didn't have finding in 2013 and we had one and 2014 we are with no other finding it is clear up reports for the financial statement and the federal and state compliance with the procedures for the year and again has clean as we can get no audit adjustment to the financial statements and numbers
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so we have really nothing much more to say other than it was a clean audit and obviously we get a lot of support phenomenal not only from joe and it's group but all other members that have the responsibilities be it from state and federal programs and it that help us in getting our job done and i have nathan here especially questions relative to the audience that will answer them but certainly this is our time if i have issues or questions for the auditors this is our chance i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. right now. >> ms. norton. >> i wanted to say this is going out with a bang the clean audit thank you for your great
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work over the years and it's a pleasure to accept another one. >> ms. fewer thank you to the gentleman and i think every time i've been on the board and it's been a clean audit and joe i think it's you i just wanted to say thank you very much we're sorry to see you leave we wish you much happiness and good health and good luck in our retirement but we expect to see the clean audits again, thank you very much it's great to work with you. >> commissioner wynns. >> thank you for the audit not only is it remarkable i brag on it everywhere about our clean audits i've seen many are were
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not those are extraordinary as rocketed it's unusual for a public agency of our complexity and the size of our budget to be clean so i want to thank everyone that worked on it i know how much work it is it's easier to understand than in the past i thank you for that he, of course add my thanks to joe particularly for the fine work over the years i appreciate it will very much thank you. >> i want to - did you have a quick comment? commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell >> thank you. i that that's - this is really great we're able to continue to have clean audits considering challenges over the many years it speaks to the
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commitment and the fiscal responsibility we've undertaken and particularly under our leadership joe i want to wish you a lot of health and prosperity as you move on tuesday for your our leadership and support throughout the years to insure the district is maintained it's clean audit and great reputation. >> i want to thank the auditors for this wonderful news and the gentleman and his team far all the hard work i remember when i was a new board member taking two hours of our time to walk me through the budget process thank you, sir and wish you all the best in our next chapter.
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>> (clapping.) yeah, it's been a wonderful 10 years i've enjoyed it working with so many board members and it's been wonderful i think i would be remiss 23 i didn't thank the finance department he folks it is a great department and oneself it's come a long way i hope something s is watching tv tonight i think luke is - but i just wanted to mention some of the people on the accounting department ron and my director paulette our manager of federal and state hahn and our general legislator is mr. hugh as it relates to the payroll department lincoln miller directs the department and the manager is kathy green
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probably 45 years with the district (clapping) and and still going and purchasing and warehouses is run by ron the contracts is sue she used to work with the chief financial officer for years and years and years and we which didn't have a contract person we thought sue would be great shows got 40 years i feel like a babe the tenants which is very important school district is john holmes the budget director is rita our next cohesively and that's the people that manager the operation and sorry to see the gentleman go he works
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closely with the financial department as it relates to the sf system we hope you enjoy user in our criteria thank you, everyone i enjoyed working with you (clapping.) seeing none no further public comment we'll move ton to g consent calendar pr i need a motion and second on the consent calendar. >> so moved. >> any items you withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent? >>yes. dr. murase two corrections one 151 on page 151 in the background section delete the word lesson correction to 151 on page 28 and the last sentence under the program description this is for two fiscal years but payment
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made in the year 2013? >> any items moved by first meeting by the board. >> commissioner. >> there's several items that i want to pull that are retroactive so item 4 i want to discuss them. >> (inaudible). >> oh, i thought she said remove or severe. >> if there are no items to be removed we'll move to that 0 the stems severed. >> i'd like to severe items 4, 7, 19, 20, 22, 23 and 26. >> roll call vote low take mroos
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place under oh, yes commissioner wynns. >> i'd like to severe k 53 any other items? seeing none the roll call vote s will take place under section o >> the secretary casco when do we discuss the items. >> (inaudible). >> under n. >> excuse me. commissioners under p item p where they were severed for 47. >> thank you very much they'll be discussed under item p. >> the general item h is superintendent proposals there
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robertson the president of the unit administrators of san francisco and me i representing represent two hundred and 61 members i want to say congratulations to emily murase and matt mr. haney and to newest kid on the block commissioner shamann walton i'm the point on the block and kilogram interests was at my site and there's one day a month we celebrate all that is great at the school so you're doing it tonight is fitting i wanted to just give you an need bossman for accompanying 50 of us this weekend in texas it truly was a rich and very regarding
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experience i know i'm speaking for all 50 and have you, sir doing the hard, hard work with us at the table from beginning it was brutal it was like the national board we should be ringing the bell it was good work i've brought it back at my site we're going place you emily said we're family i believe that like raises the teachers up we're raises the teachers we're in this altogether the reason for coming was to say it to the directors and treasurer to remind you we're in this together and have a valued voice in the district and want to you remember that we're on your team and want to work together so look for a great second half of
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the school year and in harmony thank you very much. >> (clapping.) >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> so hi sheryl davis and welcome shamann and congratulations and emily murrow i run a collaborative in the western edition we've been saying to be more engaged and develop our partnership with the schools and during the holiday we've missed meetings we really tomato have a stronger perspire we do a lot of work in the western edition and working hard especially now given the tragedy that happened this past weekend
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we want to make sure we're doing more with the education and partnership we feel like some days we have not been connected what the school a lot of the concerns around special ed around students with about behavior and discipline and what that looks like and we wanted to do things proactively and talk about the concerns instead of waiting until things are bad i'm here to kind of say we want to build a partnership we feel it hadn't been as strong that is the step towards that i will start to bring what those are concerned and issues that have been brought up we meet twice a month and i will try to bring those concerns that are brought in those meetings i wanted to share and happy kevin truth it has been helping out more mask
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bringing john lewis in february and hopefully have middle and high school students he'll be at san francisco state university on february 18th looking at building the participating we have them after-school program and wanting to make sure we're accounting together. >> thank you, ms. davis and dean's kelly. >> ami i'm standing before you tonight so congratulate mr. haney vice president and dr. murase as president and smault as the new commissioner now that you've been identified as the handsome young man on the board we don't know if that relieves matt ass from extra duties but
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most of all, i want to address the comments on behalf of the of drumming 9 years ago they assigned just a minute children to a integrated school when we they built the schools after the earthquake parents didn't like it the nation of japan didn't like it the natives of san francisco does it on purpose teddy roosevelt didn't like it after what the secretary of state called the conversations of the law it was decided in on a 1907 and the treaty guaranteed equal cease for education for the children and re programmed into the common schools in san francisco 99 years later we have our fires japanese-american
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president it's our procure pleasure to present you with a copy of the 1908 comments to the first meeting of the american international lay society and he's talking about the 1906 situation congratulations (clapping.) >> thank you very much sir, that was very touching >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> ms. webb. >> good evening, commissioners superintendant carranza and deputy interpretation greener restraining order i'm webb the chair of the community for special education and an sfusd parent i'm here before you this he
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evening to he'd the null formed education committee under the sfusd contract this committee consists of i believe 5 union members and 57 members of the district whose purpose to addressee to determine a co-teaching plan and perhaps including an assignment matrix first will there be transparent to the work of this committee and second is feedback to the committee from cac and parents possible prior to finalization the co-teaching plan and it's implementation thank you thank you for your service i see no further public comment we'll move then to item c
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advisory committee reports any appointments to be announced. >> thank you, president dr. murase two items one i'd like to reappointed to the quality education oversight committee ms. linda madam chair to finish out her term and for the public education mr. linda and mr. fernando to continue their terms. >> thank you commissioner shamann walton i have one appointment manny flores is a multiple cultural educator she's taught with the community education center and currently a plea bargain of the instruction and an expert in english and bilingual education that
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concludes. >> oh yes, sir. commissioner fewer. >> i'd like to appoint commissioner collins. >> are there any further appointments seeing the the next order of business the special order of business no one item n the other discussion of english pathway and an officially of meier my brothers keeper superintendent. >> thank you, dr. murase in order to address the first presentation english language and english pathway i'd like to call for a cancel assistant christine wong who will introduce her catalogs. >> good evening, commissioners i'm kres teen the assistant and
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joining me is the multi lingual pathway director as well as well, mr. valentine 0 will be joining us i'll be providing a presentation this evening you'll have the power point as well as a number of materials for the presentation. >> so this particular item is a follow-up to a curriculum meeting in november where the english language development curriculum and status was provided with a followup this presentation including the language apathies be provided to
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the full board to provide additional information and more background to the board as a whole so tonight's outcome to provide a historic legal context of the action plan for english learns as our fraction for the el services we're to zero in and touch on the academic support through the english language development and share the pathways under the action plan. >> aren't those kids cute those are the original class this is the original class from 1970s and budget analyst report it's councilmember bonin been 40 years since nickels was approved and sfleltd by the court with the anniversary we wanted to reflect on what's been happening
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with the english learner services and provided complexity in 18970s is spattered started with a bunch of china's parents they didn't provide services for the english learners in 197 had the content degree was approved and required the district to make sure they had access in 1975 the district adapted it's first matter of the plan for the bio cultural education in 2008 that's when the district allowed the plaintiffs for the action plan this inexpensive outlined the pathways services this is an outline it includes the following guidelines proper identification and access to a
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effective programs including the language pathway and access to services including the special education and appropriate staffing and professional development and parent outreach and development and particularly more related to translation and interpretation services as always internal elevation you have in our packet the master plan filed in 2008 in terms of the all the details so in terms of english language development we wanted to provide information about what is required under the allowable plan e l d is required from the state and federal law the state and require a certain specified number of minutes but the districts plan specifically
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requires that every english learner get thirty minutes by the english proficiency redesignation so from 2009 and 2011 the district had a rigorous e led with the resources examples and lessons for teachers every year we had over 5 hundred teachers and school administrators receive the special developments on e led we monitored the e led and shared the best practice with the schools and now we actually are contributing into a new el set of standards looking at 2013 and beyond i wanted to first take a look at the 1999 el the
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instruction it's separate and isolated no concept with the academic instruction in english the instruction now with the 2012 california e l d it's connected so for example if a teacher is introducing students to key language during designated e l d their actually more prepared during the placate or science so they're prepared to engage with their peers we had integrated e l d the teachers pulled from the common core and e l d to support the language during the consent instruction this is in practices
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fully for the english they're getting the english development throughout the day that's a significant change that will benefit the english learners this is other way to look at it a graphic way if you have all your classes math and sciences the designated e l d within the piece of content there's a space for e l d this is the multi lingual multi approach to delivering the e l d as we transition in year one we want to make sure all our teachers and administrators are aware the changes and shifts and think about how to adjust their curriculum and renunciation to better serve the english learners in year two we're heaping e hoping the designate e l d time the teachers will have
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that and be able to integrate the e l d work with full implementation so the different tiers we'll have a level of information that all teachers will be given and year two there are schools that have higher numbers of english learners and tier there 3 that's targeted support and this is really like for new comer packet we have unpointed out children we want to focus and make sure their needs are taken care of so the english learners need individual talk and small groups and full classes with that wide range there are two key documents that are included in our packet we're using one is called the 5 essential practices with the integrated structural day and this really gives
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teachers an idea of the types of things they can do with the fostering of ask the collaboration the constant nominee a lot of nor standpoint talk and less teacher talk the teacher is providing the instruction but the teachers will engage for the students to engage gay each other the other goals for talking in a meaningful ways and asking for evidence or reasoning those are excluded in attachment b and c the english development a baseline core service for els and there are students in our english plus program that's their baseline and in the pathway they go ahead e l d but language instruction
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