tv [untitled] January 15, 2015 4:30am-5:01am PST
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that they will offer the new program. there are 15 new sites where they started this program in different parts of the island. interestingly they wanted to start out with a few pilot programs, but nobody wanted to start so they said oh the heck with it. this is a sample of the meals they provide, home delivered meals and they are using the menu that we have approved for the samoan community development center. this is another sample of the meals. of course this is very common and culturally well accepted. now, this is a picture of the seniors at graduation and what they did was that because they couldn't volunteer -- getting volunteers was different in the
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islands than here. they train the seniors, they're able to use them as food service aids helping with the new service. these are just some very few highlights of the visit back in january of last year. on the very top is the chief ali and he met with the seniors at the samoan community development center to get their insights and also get their feedback of what works for them here in the city and they took a lot of the ideas back. and we visited several new sites, including 30th street. this is a sample of the meals served there. also this senior center so they have an idea, the meals can be very appealing. in san francisco we offer very diverse type of meals because we have a very diverse population. this is a recent visit in
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december just right outside the japan tone. this is a group of the seniors at the samoan community development center along with the representatives from the ataoa. . derrick lamb has been going to a lot of meetings with u.s. and he's one of the key staff at the federal administration community living who's been working with the american samoa on this program. so they're really excited that in june the hot meal program for new sites as well as for home delivery meal clients got implemented and initially there were a lot of growing pains, but now's been working very well. thank you. >>thank you linda. >>thank you linda. any comments or question from the commission? thank you.
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>>what's the population of the samoa communities in san francisco? >>you mean what percentage of the population is american samoa? >>yes. >>very small. i -- we can get back to you, but i think it's maybe 1 or 2%. not very much. >>how many kitchen, lunch site going to be when this is completed, implemented? >>well, in san francisco we only have one site. in american samoa territory they have right now 15 of these new sites that are offering the congregate and home deliver meal program. they hope to grow it and make it bigger. >>in san francisco there's only one site. >>there's only one site. >>how much money we appropriate for the meal service in san francisco in one site? >>including -- this is just
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kind of off the top, but we can get back to you as well, but it's under $80,000 and it's a three days a week program. >>thank you. >>thank you. any other comments or questions for linda? thank you? anything else in your report? i think the $4 million appropriation that you mentioned for elder abuse was significant symbolically if not so much materially. do we have any idea how that money will be allocated to the state and if any funds will come to san francisco. >>i doubt very much that any of that money will come to san francisco and i haven't heard yet how it will be used. i mean frank lim frankly speaking i think it would be great if the aging and adult services based in dc would use
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that money to work to build the information systems that are needed for us to really track what's going on across the country. i think that is probably the only way for a significant dollars to come to funds the bill itself. and i think there's a necessity to have that information if we're ever going to realize concretely the magnitude of the problem. >>thank you. commissioner sims. >>quick question. [inaudible] men, women, any demographic demographic? >>i left that information back at the office. it's not a huge number of people and a lot of the older -- i should say, the very old, it's a very tiny tiny percent, that
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group that's in there, is a very teeny percentage in the 50s and 60s. the older group is the largest group. we could have a presentation from kathy davis' staff who is on this group and has done work in this area for many years so we could do that as a presentation if you'd like. it'd be very interesting. >>thank you. president james. >>i had one question. not approving the older american act, what does this do to things? how does this slow us down cut us out? how does this affect the program? >>i think it's an enormous disappointment to have the act again for another year not move
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forward. it means next year if they want to do anything with it they'll have to start all over again. they could take mart parts of what they've worked on already, but as far as the funding area it seems stucks. they spoke to our entire congressional delegation about these issues and people are aware, but again, i think it -- they're really stuck on the funding formula and again, unless someone has some real creative way to address it and not do harm which is pretty impossible to do unless you finds new money, i think it will be difficult.
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>>did you get your question answered? >>i just wondered what will we be missing? what programs will be missing, affected by this? >>we don't think we'll be missing anything. we have had over the last few years, some threat more i think in the house than on the senate side of people saying well maybe seniors really don't -- you know, in some states seniors get food stamps and senior nutrition program so there have been some folks double dipping, they don't need two meals a day. there has been some threat a couple of years ago around the nutrition program. certainly with the reductions that are still in place it makes things more vulnerable but
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there's not an immediate understanding of what might happen with this. >>thank you. commissioner loo. >>i have two questions. you mentioned there will be a meeting tomorrow. is that the city budget tomorrow at 3:00? >>is it 3:00? somebody nod their head. 3:30. it's a budget meeting that's open to the public to talk about the human services budget which dos is a part of. >>today is january 7. any idea when is the mayor going to state of the city? >>i don't have date yet. >>thank you. >>thank you. any comments or questions from the public for ann? thank you hearing none we'll move on to employee recognition. we will honor ria, director of quality management services.
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very first quality assurance person. now, since before i came and i'm here almost ten years, but it's a different kind of quality assurance than what we were looking for department wide and it's really been spectacular, hasn't it? difficult, but spectacular. when ria first came we were really implementing the community living fund and realizing we needed to understand what the outcomes were. program programmatically we were helping people to stay in their homes or go to institution care, how is that going. ria, if you look back at any of the reports, you see the qa work that's in those reports that
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was ria. it was really a one person show in peoples' homes following up with them to really determine if that plan put in place that helped them to 125i at home or come home was really going to work. and interesting experience, wasn't it? >>yeah. >>yeah. so from cls we got into diversion and community integration program. we got into that by a lawsuit, but nonetheless it's -- i should say was a good program. ria, linda first started as the person who pulled everyone together and pretty soon ria took the liedership on that. she has been convening people from are the health department, our department across the community now for a number of years. we're in a stall pattern now because of hipaa and plan
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privilege and all those kind of things but we'll get back to it once the city folks figure out how we can share data and make it okay. that's not all. of course dos is filled with many programs and we've got adult protective services, joe in the back there nodding her head. and we have jason in our intake and screening and consultation unit. across the department we're looking at how do we provide the best outcomes and you do that i have think, through qa. i remember when you first came you tried to give me a tutorial on it. i still have those pieces of paper. i read them really well today i'm not quite sure about the difference between the two, but i know we're better for it. we've struggled with this. this has not be easy because all our programs -- all of us are
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used to problem solving within our program when a consumer is dissas dissatisfied or whatever. and frankly, sometimes we can have a better outcome for the family because it's usually the family who we're working with. i can't -- anybody who's worked with ria, could you stand up please? okay so it's really an -- you see that? okay. down. down. i know ria has family here so if her family could stand. [applause]
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thank you for teaching us a lot, thank you for your quiet way of teaching us. she didn't pound your head on the desk around it she just quietly and quietly moves it forward and makes sure we are doing what we need to do. i've always got questions so she's always willing to take my questions and we always get back to where she started, which is interesting for me. i just can't thank you enough. i think the department's pet better for the work and i'm very sure that the individual people you worked with are as well. now, who brought the flowers? who was the person with the flowers? now it's time to bring the flowers. ria's just -- oh we've got more flowers.
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>> >>thank you very much. the next item on the agenda is the advisory council report. >>good morning commissioners, i'm filling in for president schmidt. the advisor committee didn't meet in december and will be reconvening on january 21. >>the next item on the agenda is the joint legislative committee report. >>we did not meet in december so in february we'll have a full report >>long term coordinating council report. >>the long term coordinating council didn't meet in december. our next meeting is tomorrow afternoon. >>thank you. you're making this meeting very
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efficient. [laughter] next item on the agenda is the tack report. kathy russo. >>good evening, tack did meet in december. [laughter] well what we came out with was in 2015 we are going to have a white house conference on ageing. this should be a year for celebration, it's the 80th anniversary of the social security act and the 50th anniversary of the older americans act, medicare and medical. nora super has been named the director at the white house on ageing and they plan to launch an official site. white house conference on well, after a year in which seniors have had to fight to keep the benefits we have the
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conference already appears underfunded. there has to be some funding, it's part of the old american's act, but they haven't really rushed to do that but there's some mandatory funding. but with this conference we need represent -- the idea is that representatives come in from all over the united states and meet and discuss and bring up issues and come out with things. well it costs money for people to make this trip and stay there so as it become underfunded there is less representation across the seniors and their programs in the united states and there would be possibly a small select group we've had on others discussing this but nothing really exciting or different is expected to come out of the conference.
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so the message that comes to us from this is to be on the alert to what is happening with funding for the white house conference and to -- hopefully see that our representatives are supportive of this group going across the nation for this. what's going to happen? we're fortunate to have ann hin hinton here. she can keep us up on what's going on and what's happening. if they don't get the funding there is less representation and guess what then they come to the local ones and say they want a written report to be sent in. they'll be looking to different groups here to send in written reports for suggestions, questions and things like that. the message that seemed to come out about this was be alert,
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watch what's happening. end of my report. >>thank you kathy. did the announcement about the conference state the purpose of the conference? did it indicate any high level goals that it hopes the conference would achieve or attain or was it just a conference? >>it was a conference. they did say there were things they were looking at a theme: retirement security they figured was a vitally important issue, they wanted to come out with that; listening term services and supports is a priority; and healthy ageing they consider very important because the baby boomers are ageing. they didn't pay attention to us but the baby boomers are ageing; and they're also concerned about
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the older americans who are vulnerable to financial exploitation abuse and neglect. those are the issues. >>worthwhile themes indeed. any other questions or comments? >>i've attended a couple of white house conferences and i'm just wondering they would have them in three different parts of the country, like, one in san francisco, maybe one in philadelphia and maybe one down south rather than one -- so i'm just wondering what are they planning? just to have one and one time and have it simultaneously broadcast whether they planning on three separate ones? >>they did not -- the meeting i was at, no one went into detail on how this would be handled. the main concern was finance, that what was going to happen and how they did it depended so
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much on how it was financed but i hate to do this to you ann, but any questions on what's going to be ann will be our expert, or she is our expert. >>i thank kathy for reminding me. nora attended our board meeting in dc and though she was unwilling at that point to say, we now know there will be five. there will be the white house conference at the white house. there will be five sessions throughout the country. in florida, in oregon another in arizona and another in ohio. one of them will not be in california. and also aarp has put money towards the conference. you asked earlier about the
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consequence of not having the act. the white house has put in money and so has aarp but it's nowhere the money that would be needed. thus we're having the five and six probably in the fall. >>any comments or questions from kathy? any comments or questions from the public? thank you. the next item on the agenda is the case report. hello patty and valerie. >>good morning. i'm here with some of my colleagues, we have a presentation we're going to do and you have it sitting at your desks now. we met in december we had a holiday party and our white elephant is becoming quite famous and getting some interesting gifts and a lot of fun was had by all.
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our board also met in december and we finalized our advocacy platform. this is what we feel is needed in our community. i'll just read it so the public know what is you're looking at also. thank you all for -- that you do for all of san francisco especially our senior citizens an adults with disabilities. as you are aware, the number of older adults in living in san francisco increased by 18,000 between the year 2000 and 2010. the california department of finance projects that the demographics will increase in san francisco by another 30,000 individuals by the year 2020. even if the senior population increases by only a portion of those projections, there is a clear need to expand the
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capacity of senior services beyond historical levels. as the chair and cochair of the coalition of agencies serving the elderly, we represent vital nutrition, financial, social and daily support for elderly san francisco citizens. we write today to bring your attention to the issues important to san francisco seniors and adults with disabilities. the following issues have been vetted and voted on by cases board of directors and its memberships. commissioners, director hinton i my name is linda murly, i'm the director of the richmond senior senior center. a work group has identified the following strategies to safeguard the viability and relevance to san francisco senior centers. strategy one, address staffing
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at senior centers. they all need additional support, be it translation, outreach or social service staff. strategy two transition recent years, community services funding to baseline funding for future years. add back funding has provening to strengthening services and promote consumer satisfaction.strategy three, focus on long term advantages of building community. building public awareness can galvanize the community during budget and election season. through community building we engage volunteers community partners donors advocates and policymakers. for the 2015 '16 budget request, case urges dos to promote these goals for the following funding, an average of
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$50,000 for approximately 1 $1,250,000, which would help a lot of contractors. >>good morning director of studio street senior center. while the majority of service contractors agree with locating adrc staff in in major hubs throughout the community, it was our understanding when we applied that one resource center and one person would be available in each district. many agencies were disappointed to learn that after we submitted our proposal that there would only be enough funding for one 32 hour information and assistant specialist per district and in two cases we were asked to take on who districts.
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this funding and staffing configuration are not adequate to meet the growing needs for services and also to conduct a very important outreach which we have talked about being very important. in our cases advocating for the 2015, '16 budget to increase each of the specialists currently funded from 32 hours to 40 or whatever full-time is in their respective agency and to ensure those other two districts that were not assigned somebody would also have access to a worker so that would be two different agencies. the project costs that we roughly calculated is $229,927. >>good morning commissioners, my name is karen garison. i'm here today to talk about
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case management and services here in san francisco. many agencies struggle with the ability to recruit and retain qualified case managers with limited contract dollars provided by dos and their own fund raising efforts. agentcyies are competing against county funded positions that are paid at a much higher rate. along with the stringent hiring requirements it has become increasingly difficult to identify and employ qualified candidates. in order to provide a high standard of care for our san francisco's community of seniors and adults with disabilities contractors need increases in funding to be able to adequately fund these vital positions. 2015, '16 budget requests requests dos to allow agencies to pay a more equity salary level for caseworker positions. . the cost would be approximately
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