tv [untitled] January 16, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm PST
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ancisco municipal transportation agency has previously addressed the issue of affordable transportation for youth and whereas the san francisco board of supervisors supported legislation adopting free immune i muni for low and moderate youth whereas making transportation affordable be made a priority for the san francisco municipal transportation agency and further resolved the transit agency's board of directors to expand the free muni program to people with disabilities and seniors. >> all right. we can have a discussion between councilmembers at this point. is there any comment or questions? >> no comment. >> i said it before, i think it
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will really impact seniors and people with disabilities improve their quality of life i really think it's a no-brainer it's a win-win situation for everyone. >> okay. then we'll have a vote to approve in concept -- donna? >> oh, you need a motion. okay. all right. i so move that the council approve the draft resolution in front of us for the sfmta regarding free muni for people with disabilities and foreseen i for, seniors. i'll need a second. >> i'll second. >> okay. now we'll vote on the motion. >> just a show of hands. >> chairperson supanich, your vote? >> yes. >> chairperson senhaux.
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>> yes. . >> council person wong your vote. >> yes. >> okay it's approved. very good. in concept. [laughter] all right. our next item is agenda item number 6. vision zero adopted in in february 2014 vision zero eliminating traffic fatalities by 2024 and we'll have a presentation by tom maguire and timothy papandreou can they step forward? >> good morning good afternoon mr. chairman i'm tom maguire from the san francisco transportation agency and mr. papandreou will be here any
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second. pardon me. just a second. >> no problem. >> so i'm going to talk today about citywide initiative called vision zero a joint commitment by the mayor's office, by the by the board of supervisor's and the mta board and by the san francisco transportation authority as well as fire department police department and health department to reach an am ambitious goal each year approximately 30 san francisco i 30 san franciscan's are killed and vision zero is saying that number is not acceptable. we're taking every measure we can to keep our
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citizens safe on the street and it's it's a joint effort involving engineering, educating the the public improving traffic enforcement and citywide policy changes to support this goal. this is a long history i think in san francisco dating back to really 1983 and throughout the 2000's san francisco taking the lead on everything from signals. we had a strong directive in 2010 to take a big chunk of collisions we see on the street every day and walk first a strategy to protect pedestrians on the street from traffic crashes and the partnership and also a community and vision
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zero. we raise our game beyond the traditional traffic engineering tool and see looked across all city agencies to take the steps needed to protect all pedestrians. this has been a multi-agency effort as i said. here's a citywide steering committee cochaired by my colleague tim papandreou the policy making work on the initiative had strong support from both staff and leadership level from the police fire department and department of public works as well as supervisors and we see the need for vision zero in a number of buckets which are reflected in the community structure of the coalition so changing public policy including city and state legislation and we're looking to reengineer our streets,
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things like traffic devices and improve visibility crosswalks and other safety treatments and looking to educate the public that means pedestrians drivers cyclists and our own drivers and we're working with sfpd to improve traffic enforcement particularly the driving behaviors speeding failing to yield to pedestrians failing to obey red signals and stop signs are enforced to protect the vulnerable users out there and we're constantly working to find ways to evaluate our progress and the slide it has number 3 at the top of it right now. we made made quite a
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bit of progress in the last in the last 12 months. we have 9 projects complete and the goal is to get all 24 of those projects done by the end of the calendar year 2015 we have kicked off an education campaign called safe street san francisco we've already touched on a thousand members of the of the public and safety education campaign this year we're also targeting large vehicle drivers truck drivers and many drivers in a position to who are driving some of the vehicles that are particularly an issue with some of these safety concerns. as of september 30th we increased and we have worked with the health department to collect lots and lots of data on on 10 years
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worth of traffic collisions on the streets of san francisco so we have the most up to date database on the ways these problems are happening on on our street. here's a map of that network. so if you look at the map you will see the neighborhoods where these crashes are concentrated include the 10 the tend loin and mission and geary beforehand boulevard and 19th avenue and we're going to concentrate on engineering and enforcement efforts and building an interactive dashboard so members of the public can both explore the data we have and also have transparency into the changes we're making to improve these streets and we're going to release later this month a
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a 2-year action strategy that goes through in much more detail how we're going to use that data and how to use this inter agency commitment to take a series of actions over the next few years and improve public policy to reach that goal of vision zero by 2024. >> as i said, the 2-year strategy will come out later this month but there's some details here in the presentation. i won't read all of these slides. it's really important for us to remember the data driven program it's a goal but based on evidence that we have where crashes are happening and why and part of being data driven is setting bench marks for ourselves and the most important metric of course seeing the reduction in the total number of collisions and fatalities and injures on the
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street and also looking at some of the building blocks looking to see are we finding ways on the most dangerous streets are we getting the speeds down on streets like graer like geary and are we implementing some of the engineering projects that we have committed to and issues more citations and are those citations focussed on the driving and pedestrian behaviors that cause or linked to these outcomes? and are we penetrating the public's awareness? are we actually convincing san franciscans and do do they understand the things they are doing to keep themselves and fellow san franciscans safe. beyond 2015 we have an idea this is going
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to be to be an, evolving issue we'd like to achieve our goals in the areas of engineering and enforcement we want to go beyond that as well. continue to explore options by improving speed control. we'll look at another generation of engineering project and looking to work with community partners to find ways for that education to sink in a little bit deeper and really get into the communities that have the biggest concerns about traffic safety. going forward there are a number of key points of contact. i'm the person who is responsible for the over all level at the mta and my colleague tim papandreou have been leading this task force and the mayor's office, the mayor
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has hired a special liaison just for this issue. so thank you for listening to the presentation and i'll certainly be able to answer any questions you have. >> thank you. are there any questions from councilmembers? >> i can't think of any. >> i have a few. the first thing i want to discuss is the manner of drivers stopping in crosswalks and i want to make sure that some education goes out around that because it forces people to go out into traffic lanes in order to cross the streets. >> okay. i believe that's covered in the safe streets section. >> good afternoon commissioner. as tom just mentioned as part of the education component we have already started doing this
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program and working with the police department to literally make sure there's no cars in the crosswalk and targeted some areas right now south of market looking at the at the tenderloin and part of the component will be actually doing a citywide program to try and more like this is how we need to get along in the transportation system. there's a very proactive approach so we've only just started this program. you may have seen those posters on the muni trains it stops here literally you stop here and you let the pedestrians cross. so starting more of those programs to make it more far reaching as well. >> >> okay. i want to mention one
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intersection that's out of your blue areas on your map and maybe on it i couldn't see it clearly on the monitor but that's that's the octavia and oak intersection which is problematic in so many ways. you have drivers speeding down oak and then you have a green light to turn onto octavia and in order to cross you have to press the button and wait and the arrows turn red and the people don't stop. >> yeah. >> and i mean i've seen people screaming at each other i've been almost hit so many times on that intersection. it's exciting but it's also -- you have to be on your game to cross that street at that corner. >> yeah. i used to live there so i know exactly what you are talking about and and i think one of the things we'll do as part of vision zero engineering is reassess the
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areas we've identified as hot spots to see what's the issue there. we have had significant issues on market and octavia all the way to oak and fell so we'll look at all of those intersections and figure out if it's an engineering fix what is the type of fix we need to do? and that's part of the mix that step and we need more -- we'd love to have more -- i know we have john on our task force but anything you experience as a citizen it's best to let us know we don't know everything but if we can hear from you in your community on the areas you are most concerned with we'll definitely add it to the program. >> thank you. okay. may i ask staff to forward the schedule
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for that task force so that councilmembers and the public knows when you are meeting. >> absolutely. >> okay. one final question -- will outreach be done to communities who have english as a second language or non english speaking? i think that possibly there's some barriers to reaching them that that i would like to hear about. >> absolutely. actually the thing is most of of the collision areas that happened are in the areas that tend to be lower income people who have recently come to san francisco or english is their second language so they are targeting those areas in particular so actually having a multilingual program based on that. >> okay. councilmember wong? >> right. yeah. there's this
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one intersection over at geary -- masonic and geary that again you know oak and octavia. >> uh-huh. >> you know, is there a way you can extend the signal because like when i crossed it the other day i can cross pretty well but for people who are using walkers you know then they have a very difficult time and you know, it becomes more problematic but even though they have improved with all of the, you know, the little cross things -- i don't think what they are -- but trying to get across that one time, you know, is there a way you can extend the signal even a little bit
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longer? can you look into it. >> yeah thank you for that. one of the things. one of the pedestrian and bicycle safety issues one thing we've been doing in our agency is looking at how we can improve and increase the time that it allows to actually cross the crosswalk. either going to shorten the crosswalk distance to have more physical time to cross or extend the the signal while -- that is definitely a street we're targeting but more of those examples are appreciated. if you have a list together maybe you can start to present it to us it
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would be great. we need everybody's eyes on this. >> not necessarily a question but a comment i want to thank you both for being here today and bringing the senior and disability community into the fold to have this discussion. when i was looking at the summary of progress, this is quite an under taking as as far as education outreach and awareness in trying to change or shift the behavior around bad let's say bad driving habits and i'm happy to see there's something mentioned as far as enforcement that there is accountability for people's actions unless you change the behavior you know, it will keep on occurring so i i think this is an amazing under taking as far as having this enforcement so thank you. >> thank you. >> any comments from staff?
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>> thank you so much for coming again. in any case we did not make it clear during this presentation, could you perhaps remind our audience and councilmembers why is this issue of traffic safety pedestrian safety and traffic fatalities such an important issue to the senior and disability community. >> that's a good question. one of the reasons we're focusing primary on the senior and disability needs they are 4 times likely not to survive a collision impact so it's an acute problem for this community and because of the different mobility challenges the community faces it makes them that much more vulnerable
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to to a collision so whatever we can do to slow things down and design the streets so they are accommodating safety in case there is a collision that's the reason we're doing this and that's why we're targeting and focusing on the senior and disability communities first. >> any comments from staff. >> thanks for coming. i have a couple of questions regarding the implementation of this i believe in chicago is that right? what type of data you gathered and what particular challenges san francisco had versus obviously the t u.n. dra of chicago in starting to implement this. >> chicago has gone through similar situations that we have and i'll let tom talk about the new york experience but chicago
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has gone through very similar issues there's a lot of streets they had to focus like we did and target the areas that made the most sense to target first and looking at engineering solutions education and so basically a similar process. it is pushing towards this program and they are trying to do the same things that we're trying to do trying to get the resources and get that going. but i'll let tom talk about his experiences in new york because he can actually compare between the two and tell us more. . >> thanks. i think the experience in new york was a little bit different from san francisco. in new york we had a pretty good track record but i think the real value of vision zero it was a challenge to the city to say just doing better is not enough i mean the number is much higher in new york 240 people killed each year a stunning number so
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getting that number down to zero was a challenge to not get com placent i think the effort in san francisco maybe it runs a little deeper we talked about the task force and research and data that went into this early in the process so those that foundation allows us to really feel like we're totally empowered at sfmta and police department public works and health department all hold one another accountable so i think it's a tremendous thing. >> i think one of the biggest things we've found by talking to the cities is the level of staff commitment here in san
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francisco the 12 city departments and the public -- our task force had 25 members and now it has ninety members. so we've got the right 3 pieces in place to get to the areas we need to get to so i'm actually quite opt optimistic about it. >> all right. thank you. i'm just sitting here thinking while you are talking and in 2024 i'm going to be in my seventies and you really have to look at it that way so thank you for your presentation. >> i have one more question before moving onto public comment. i just -- outreach is going to be done regionally because there's an awful lot of suburban drivers driving through the city and aren't
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very comfortable or knowledgeable about the pedestrian safety laws and they are basically just, you know speeding to the next red light and um so i wanted to know if there's going to to be outreach done there as well. >> yeah. one of the things is doing it in 3 approaches one of the things i appreciate this question. we've asked these questions ourselves. we're focusing on large vehicles first most of them are not registered in the san francisco area so they come in and out every day and trucks and larger transit vehicles. to teach them the particular nuances in san francisco and the second piece we'll hopefully be working with the state so actually asked them to partner with us. they gave us a grant
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just to do this so we we should be able to bring in the california highway patrol and transportation commission and all of those entities much larger and broader than san francisco to figure out the right way way to do the education program and maybe signage at the city limits to remind them where they are and looking at different approaches for those and hopefully it will be successful. >> i like that idea welcome to san francisco these are the rules [laughter]. >> that would be great. >> any other comments from council? okay we'll move onto public comment. i have mr. lowell. >>. >> good afternoon members of the council. i hold a seat on the pedestrian safety advisory
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committee representing needs of seniors and people with disabilities such such as myself. i appreciate the tasks taken out so far on vision zero to reduce fatalities to zero. all traffic fatalities and i have a question and therefore also a suggestion that the vision zero team that you work closely with the state and particularly it is state regulations that manage the behavior of drivers of tour buses and the city has no authority to do that it was the tour bus driver of a transit tour guide that ran over a city hall employee last october and it is only the state that has the authority to regulate and
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insure the driver doesn't also give a tour at the same time as driving so i suggest the vision zero teamwork on this issue to reduce that time of traffic collision and the second point comes from a assembly bill 107 approved 2 years ago and signed by governor our governor which offered a city the right to change the speeding zone near senior's living area and coop area to 25 miles to 25 miles per hour. has that about factored into the vision zero? this was a a bill that came into effect 2 years ago our governor brown. the third point involves the state. the
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state has revised the manual on uniform traffic control devices to increase the importance not mandate but increase the guidance and importance of changing the timing of pedestrian signals from 3.5 to 2.8 especially in areas where people with disabilities and seniors are crossing all of this involves working with the state and are you working with the state on all of these 3 points on vision zero? please consider it for the safety of everyone in san francisco. >> thank you mr. lowel l. is there anyone on the bridge line that would like to comment? no? okay then we have a handy resolution for this topic as well. again, i'll read through it. we'll vote on it and
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support it in concept and we'll move on from there. >> this is resolution number 2015-02. council resolution supporting the san francisco municipal transportation agency's plan to adopt vision zero a 3 point action plan to reduce traffic fatalities to zero by 2024. whereas at least 800 pedestrians are injured and an average of one hundred pedestrians are severely injured or killed on san francisco streets each year and whereas the san francisco department of public health has found that pedestrian and cyclist injuries and death are highly concentrated on a subset of city streets and these streets are just
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