tv [untitled] January 17, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PST
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commissioner president caen commissioner vietor commissioner courtney commissioner moran we have quorum. >> thank you commissioners before you you have the minutes of the december 9th meeting is there any comments or corrections on the minutes. >> i'll move approval. >> second. >> okay further discussion public comment? seeing none i'll call for the question all in favor, say i. opposed? the motion carries >> number one? >> now i'd like to make an announcement as you can tell we have many people who would like to speak on item 7 which is the community benefits program i would like to limit because there are so many people public comment to 2 minutes
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now general manager are we're going to hear the item first and then call for public comment? yes, sir. we would like to do the presentation first threatening then call for public comment >> okay. very good. >> julie will make the presentation and kay smith will do the main body of the presentation. >> and i'm just wanting to make sure this is item 7 we're moving up to item 4? >> correct we're calling item 7 out of order. >> do you have to read the item. >> sorry yes item 7 is the community benefits program update you know you've been working here too long
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the general manager for the external affairs and the general manager had planned to do the presentation he was unfortunately sick and called this morning and asked me to read his talking points so the request for me to provide a brief history followed by a program one the points in particular that our general manager wanted to make sure that was clarified today how the good neighbor policy that the san francisco puc habitation difference from a community benefits agreement because many times basis there's a work around the body agreement there's confusion with our good neighbor policy a community benefit so for clarification a benefit is between the negotiator and the community advocates specifically the resources to the community as a
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result of the project in contrast our commitment to do the programming and enjerpd good wells fargo will based on the number of difference people that commissioner president caen acknowledged in the audience under are a lot of people interested we're proud we're one the largest public agencies in the city and leveraging the work to benefit the people that those communities represent as you can see the san francisco public utilities commission prides itself on reliable water power and sources many will say that providing those services northeast is a community benefit but we have a responsibility to provide those services in a manner that's inclusive of the
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benefits entrusted to our care in order to meet this oh, the slides are not up thank you veronica you haven't missed much in order to meet the mission we are committed to being a good neighborhood throughout san francisco and the regional san francisco public utilities commission we have impacted because of our mission and as general manager kelly said internally in the community the approach we have is part find our dna if not a separate approach we leverage the public resources with partnerships in the private and nonprofit sectors for the fantastic of the community before i turn it over to katie want to reiterate that the puc has done a lot of benefits i want to give examples
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a whole body of work that the agency has been doing before the community benefits was passed in neflt so this timeline shows the policies and mitigations that may or may not our policies so for example, part of the 1972 a clean water act we're to have the preservation programs and our staff has made it an educational outreach to accomplish this our capital program like the water improvement programs has gone boulevard under the four-.6 recent program 11 thousand plus workers participated in the labor agreement covered the projects and we've performed 6.2 man craft hours next slide in addition to the
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required mandate the san francisco public utilities commission proactively identified the needs in line with our mission in 2011 many of you may remember the consulting item davies and mary conducted an inventory of all the community activities that were happening within the puc that is under the umbrella and they've conducted comparable utilities across the country and held several community meetings the team found that the san francisco public utilities commission was 9/11 in community benefits and the report shown here ultimately formed the agency citywide programs and policies next few slides show the historic programs funded by the san francisco public utilities commission in 1969 the city passes an orientals 2 percent of
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the over ground dollars go to the enrichment and we have the puc dollars like the piece shown here and we received a lot of feedback from the commissioners that are needing to be better aligned with our operations so over the past 3 years our staff development a partnering to educate the public about the beautifying and in addition to the public arts project like the 525 golden gate we supported the arts such as the workshops for the murals and other things the garden project is a preapprehending program founded in 1892 with the sheriff's department and the police department we contracted the garden project for the lands
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management ever our water shed projects we have to pay for the land like the garden project has a dual outcome of managing our water shed easier but allows us to help the at risk employees and prep them for good jobs the past year helps to support the opportunity for 3 hundred and 45 young people i'm sure you're aware of general manager kelly 60 if not this as a summer internship program and through the work of people like lisa we supported one hundred and 45 local youth this past year for the puc and leverage mramentd that the agencies this are this project hope was the
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20th anniversary and we'll be inviting you commissioners to that in 2006, the puc was approached to get an 18 acre farm this is a town that you know has historic significant storage water system and today, the add part fosters the practices and provides hands on opportunity for children and youth and gaenlz the folks for the opportunity sgoor is another example of puc good neighbor efforts since 2008 we've supported the one thousand projects on the map on the blue dots so as i get ready to turn it over to kay smith who will
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give the rest of the presentations i wanted to make sure that the good neighbor is how we do business we've been asked to quantify the benefits efforts but it's hard to do because it's integrated throughout the project we insure that the educational and workforce agencies are noted here also at the nationality level we've met what manages throughout the country and their looking at the issues around the capital programs to increase the radical retiring workforce and they recognize something we've known for a longshoreman we must go above and beyond and i'm going to turn it over to kate that was trying to provide you
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complexities. >> you you know at this point, we're going to stop the presentation to call forward the speakers we have a time constraint. >> i thought you're going to say that was so good. >> it was so good (laughter). >> okay. thank you and we'll have kate come up after that. >> that would be wonderful thank you as i said before we have a 2 minute limit on speaking today i have about thirty speakers here so if we can con fine or talk to that i'd like to call hydra mendosa mendosa. >> good afternoon commissioners. >> thank you for having me, i'm hydra mendosa i am a senior advisor and i wanted to come and thank the puc for their
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partnering you guys are an incredible resource for our people and working with the education community is tremendous we know that mr. taylor in the bayview as a bayview resident the importance of our young people having the exposure and opportunity throughout the city and get a better understanding of the resources we have what the puc has been doing with john o'connell high school one of the key strategies of bringing our young people up to camp mather to how the energy works is an incredible opportunity we have the opportunity being there that more than with the youth left and the puc to step up to make this happen was incredible for all of them the eco literacy exponent exponent is tremendous julie la mentioned the job
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opportunity and the mayors summer youth opportunity i have to say the puc has been a significant public partner and we make every opportunity to our young people available and the last thing i wanted to say over the years this participating has emerged we wouldn't have our young people getting an education of the energy and power so on behalf of the 56 thousand students we serve we want to thank you for your support and continue to do this great work to really have our children understand the importance and value of the puc thank you. >> thank you so much for you're positive thoughts. >> next speaker carl patterson. >> good afternoon. my name is is killing patterson with the
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san francisco controller's office we pandered with the community benefits program for 6 months now and basically helping them with creating a system of elevation thank you for the programs involved in the community benefits so i work for the unit of the controller's office that helps with the efficiency we measure the program and work with the elevation and analysis and this thing or things of that nature all too often we invest in the intervention and programs and not think about the energetic so whether or not it's paragraph so i'm part of the staff 23 they came to us and thought about how this is going to be fiscal so we have the opportunity for the
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continuance quality thank you for your patterson we've made a lot of progress and have a lot of work to be done we're committed to the partners at this point thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker is officer rockwell. >> good afternoon my name is rafael rockwell i've been 35r7bd with the puc over the last several years at the it's been a benefit and inspiration as partners we usually try not to take recognition for our duties or acts with the youth but this is has allowed us to have the connection with them through the varies programs and support its a haven sent for the department moving forward and hope this
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relationship prospers and fostered in a way you as the board see the benefits and thank you for this relationship to continue and we appreciate the many levels of participation throughout the organization so thank you. >> thank you for your comments >> next speaker. >> tracey zoo sorry. >> hi thank you for having media i'm tracey zoo i wear two hats i serve in the environmental justice committee as well as the environment for the san francisco foundation i'm here to say that i will be part of the/55 if i didn't think the puc would do better but i personally have been involved with the summer project learn
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grants that have been given to the youth programs for example, taking kayaking with the water shed education those are young people that does have the chance of getting out into the bay so on the comboesh of water wastewater and energy issues as a long time resident i know that the puc has a footprint in the southeast i applaud the puc's deeper engagement with the southeast by hosting the southeast working group i participate in as well and i think shthdz like the summer project learning program and bay works and project pool are great examples of the puc but i think there's clearly more to be done for pope's people that get caught up in the justice system
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and people that needs to find other outlets i want to make sure that those communities benefits benefit those who are impacted not only do we get the negative impacts of the puc and in the southeast but also repeat some of the benefits lastly i want to talk about where my hat is in the environmental foundation and activating the puc land for the architectural project i want to applaud the puc's urban ordinance to explore how lands can be used for the neighborhood thank you. >> thank you very much torrance bye rum. >> good afternoon commissioners
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torrance city college of san francisco southeast center 18 one hundred oakland i want to take the opportunity to express the sincere partnership with the puc and thank the puc for recycling the relationship that we have with them we've worked numerous hours with the puc and been supportive of congest and also thank the puc for the sponsoring and the puc has supported classes at the congest that has made a tremendous difference in the community we've extended our schedules and some of our curriculum the puc has also provide equipment for are those classes it makes a big difference the enrollment at 18
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one hundred oakdale we continue to have the classes and have now starting a pathway for those students you in and out of the community and without the puc and their partnership that would be hard to do and difficult task for the congest again, i want to thank the puc for the commitment they've made to city colleges of san francisco. >> thank you so much for your thoughts this seems a disorganized meeting i'm trying to get it organized (laughter). >> so there's been a request to continue on with the presentation i know there are two other people that have to leave other 2 o'clock that want to speak are there too people out there that need to speak. >> i think we've covered them. >> did we cover them owning
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okay. there's one speaker that - >> right. >> and then we'll do the presentation. >> thank you. >> sorry to delay our process commissioners i'm here i've lived in the bayview all my life almost i'm just here to support the benefit community piece i think we're going about it the puc is going about it the right way trying to capture everyone's thoughts and ideas into helping to make it a clean and much more liveable environment. /// like the fact they're bringing everybody together not only those who that make the loudest noise it's important because the grease the wheel didn't get the right grease i know a lot of
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people have a lot of interests out there because it's the last pioneer but i'm glad the puc is taking the residents interests at heat and think that julie ann first of all, i want to compliment you for supporting mr. kelly and kate in this project it's reached out to all of the district 10 and to the community and helped people to understand a little bit better what the puc is all about thank you for your time hope you have a good day and thank you very much now - what? you have to leave two okay. the last person >> thank you so much i'm sheryl davis i run a program out the western edition so i wanted to a couple of things make you ware
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that some are learning loss contributes to more than 50 percent of the achievement gap those programs are important in a lot of ways first for the comboesh i know we did this with the middle school and high school youth and i know one young man that was so involved that some of the kids said if you give one more strategic on hetch hetchy or the water we're going to strangle you he was becoming this walking facts around the water and the portions of turning the water off and water usage i think that it has not premeditated the neighborhood the ideas to network with other young people to engage with professionals from the puc is very important and the other piece especially in the western edition especially the that have worked
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out in the structure to have people care about them and where they are in their lives it was symbolic not only about something that be business e busy during the summer but opportunity that exist today and giving kids a safe place to be and love to see these things filter down so thank you very much. >> thank you very much now we're going to have the presentation i'm not going to look. >> may i place have the slides good morning kate smith director for the community benefits and responsibility program thanks for the opportunity to share the exciting work with the agency is doing normandy in order to be a good neighbor i want to thank everyone in the audience that
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took the time out of your day to speak in front of the commission and talk about the programs that impact the community as ellis state before the benefits program in 2011 more than 80 investments were being made from the staff and every enterprise throughout the agency this work has been significant foundation to build upon it laid auto the 10 outcomes for the policy, however, at the time of the 2011 report there of the little clarity about the community the agency wanted to make with those investment and no single place to report and highlight the accomplishment in many ways the reports was catalytic to take the work of the department making it more intentionally tied to the myths and strategical having a greater impact on the community the
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principles are now reflected in our community benefits program those are the 5 broad areas wear investing in as you can see the puc is investing in the future of our system by educating children about our water sewer and power and by exposing little local folks to the job opportunities and providing economic opportunities for the local and small businesses to compete for puc contracts by using land for secondary purposed for our sustainable practices and it not only by itself the place it is located by tells the story fifth underlying area insures our program is with the private and public resources every dollars we spend is multiplied for a great impact and we include the community to advise
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and resource the decision and third, the investment that inclusive and serve all our diverse customers and constituents i've listed the staff that is responsible for the programs and while there are only 5 of us on the benefits team there are a dozen of the staff who in addition to their core work with examining the core work and administrative review the programs so our good neighbor work is integrated into everything we do we talked about the 5 program areas the community investment education is critical to developing our environmental steward stewards and great pay ersz who will pay for our system and the operator of our system the communications division conducts outreach and education they work closely with
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natural operators and building engineers and safety jerry teams from the expertise to run them and insure a healthy experience for the attendees additional we conduct outreach event like the sunday and the giant parade and the harvest and last year the puc staff held more than one hundred and 80 tours of our facility and 3 thousand planters visited our headaches and wastewater resources we even developed tours for the training of our interims we have strongest educational partnering that hydra mentioned with the public health department and educational nonprofits throughout the region for example, we support the office have been sustainability to make sure that our schools are effect and those promotion and
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throughout our program children are access and know about our hetch hetchy water prior to 2012 our education n primarily focuses on the k through 5 he imposing students to the water preservation but we have stand that for the high school needs simple the field trips to our treatment plant and enhancing the curriculum and professional training with the teachers we're currently creating a k through 12 to impose the students for the latter water and power and sewer at every level we want them to know where their tap waters comes from, etc. we've expanded our reach to serve more than 27 thousand students and engage more than one hundred plus teachers over the past two
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