tv [untitled] January 17, 2015 10:00am-10:31am PST
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our initiative and we have a tchtd conversation how to build the equality lens in our district i'm happy to announce this evening i want happen to hear about christen wong remarks because many dedicated folks in the city that has a challenged array of things on their plates you need someone focused on the integrated approach to those structures and services and working closely with mr. miller in the city and closely with the supervisors and the community-based organizations sheryl davis was here how did he strengthen our elect and the b cc you need someone who's attention is building the integrated approach i'm happy to
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say this evening with the help we're hiring a superintendant with the xhouchlt and i'm proud to say that mr. dick i didn't will start on january 20th an integral part of the co-hey approach he report to the superintendent and has the full wealthy and authority of the superintendents office around the impact i'm proud to see is that mr. dick i didn't was born and raised in san francisco and completed his education elsewhere but from harvard as a graduate student he's worked in the financial district and in time and philosophy and worked in the mayor's office in boston where he has served inform
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various roles we're very, very existed he's come back to san francisco whether are we look for mr. dick i didn't you'll see mr. miller their good looking young men we'll continue that trend but we're really existed that the special assistant will be leading our efforts in this regard and especially want to thank the members of the faith community reverend brown was an integral part and will be a continued integral part thank you our executive director and instruction department and i want to thank all of those individual that are part of the interview panel our chief executive officer and our current cohesive strategy officer slash former chief of
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staff laura who has played an integral plan as we move forward. >> so what will be coming forward at the public they should be looking at form the lens around the acknowledging will be a fiscal point one the things we're canyon on monday january 24th this is not going to be an open invitation we're cohen the mayor and i are convening a local action summit around boys of color in san francisco we are going to be novelist strategic representatives and stakeholders in san francisco communities one of the patent lift will be our 0 commissioner commissioner shamann walton we're rolling up our sleeves to look at the challenge that exists in the
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city and county of san francisco in you polygraph and have mr. haney a strong student voice present as well so they can tell their story we're going to start to craft what that working plan is going to look like so we'll bring that to the board so we'll look at it and plan on having regular updates not only the curriculum but as item m as part of the boards meeting so the public is aware of that as well and finally what i'd like to say in terms of how we are moving forward is that we want to make sure as we talk about this conversation around students of the color particularly african-american students in san francisco i want to be sure we're so to speak to the tactic in terms of an asset based
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approach awhile wear focus on students killer not being successful 90 in san francisco in a wide variety of arenas we have a significant african-american students are ineligible successful and actually being recommended in different clubs and organizations and high schools and middle school and elementary school that are graduating with the a there g diploma we've not celebrate the examples of positive student experiences in our community so we're going to celebrate that while not fekt we have challenges we're going to count on all of you to be part of the effort i think you've done our first step forward and you may not have realized this when you knocked on doors and
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talking about the education of their children and asking them to consider the willie brown middle school you've taken one of the of one of the first steps not waiting for people to come to us we are going to go to them that's the kind of engagement we're going to be listing all our partners in the coming weeks and days in a nutshell that's what we're talking about in terms of any brothers keeper and ladder to introducing the community and the board to the african-american lane domino dick i didn't i'm asking everyone that hears any voice you join with me in helping mr. dick i didn't not only come into this role but be successful if it's successful all our conflict of interest children will be i look forward to answering
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questions and mr. miller and others we look forward to answering our questions. >> commissioner shamann walton. >> for your attendance it is very important for this city in terms of what we expect to see in generations of san francisco the approach is definitely the way to go particularly as you look at the opportunities in san francisco at this point in time but we really, really have to understand that less than 57 thousand students we should be able to come up with a pockets of cohorts to make sure we get some things done strategies at the holiday and middle school level and elementary school level. >> how we want to break down the work gets things done with positive outcomes we're talking
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about how much of students working together we welcome the special assistance of the superintendant but making sure we get things done so i definitely want to thank the superintendent and the rest of the district but we have a lot of work to do on this item as well. >> thank you vice president mr. haney. >> i want to echo the comments from commissioner shamann walton and thank you. i support the way you framed it in our own way of being about the students of color but with a focus on the timely students i want to support you and the staff for it and definitely i feel like my time a inform commercial we had
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a meeting last time and tubed the desire to have the african-american achievement initiative be a standing item on our curriculum agenda this year we hope this comes along with the full board those conversation took place and you know for the public and others under recent a process in the african-american design team that looked at the issues and a lot of representations that cute which that we intend to explorer fully many of the things the superintendent talked about many new things we want to see explored bigger around the intent nationality and all the things the instructor spoke about i hope 9 recommendations and fuftd recommendations we're starting that process are
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central to this initiative especially our role and want to thank you know there was an e-mail that went out about a special assistant and i see the miller that would intentional so the bp o miller is here and the city's commitment it has to be cooperated you know a comprehensive effort that brings out a accented approach the tremendous potential for the people ♪ city one question what is the structure to the extent mr. and mrs. or there's one a citizens advisory committee or concern people a vision for how the board of education or even more
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broadly the school district is going to who is at the table i certainly wherewith that piece of around the african-american achievement initiative if that is what we call it apparently boston is going to be mad at us another boston person what we engage with in terms of the structure and thank you >> great question mr. haney the structure currently is by the way the special assistant position was from the african-american design committee e.r. group that met so our thinking at this moment we want to give as much leeway to mr. dick i didn't to serve the landscaping by the thinking is that the position existing in
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the superintendent office that position will be at 55 franklin what we want and seen in special assistant wong's very, very good work she has access to the decision makers, if you will in the system the superintendents and society superintendent she's the deputy commissioners and her role is to gather and coordinate and really work to have an integrated plan that in some cases deputies more structure but levels the structure in a strategic way we're kwoilg envisioning a similar process with the renewal the children's fund a creation of the children's framework in the city it give us an opportunity to be
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strategic as an county to identify the students of color moving into budget season as part of our engagement process around the el cap there should be a very identified and specifics ask around building whether a team or specialist that work in conjunction with the special assistant around specifically designed tasks from an equality prospective so all of that will be coming to the board and i'm glad you asked the question about the commissioners roll in that i will say ♪ younger as we enforced you will be critically important i'll give you a couple of examples we have currently a african-american parented citizens advisory committee
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comprised of many african-american parents what's been so important not to be segregated from our personality citizens advisory committee but there are some topics and issues that are so perm at&t park being a person of color it takes emotional an emotional support system for folks to their, their stories that's important as we hear your constituent stories and the needs we may bring recommendations to the board particularly during the budget season where the board is going to have to make decisions about not funding things that maybe very, very important partner the example sexy but that will preclude us from moving tim as
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commissioner walton said in this area around systems and structures of color so one of the things i'm going to forecast for the board i have undoubtedly no doubt you'll hit it out the park it will came back courage and timeline and it will take courage because there are initiative as we look at with mr. lane done and dick i didn't with all the support of superintendent office looked at the programs in our district he may come to the conclusion that some programs are not showing the results we are going to have to be courageous and go something else that is research base or important in terms of moving our conversation forward i'll say part of the reason i'm
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existed about the curriculum committee and the regular item with the board of education it is important we have a transparent conversation with the public and stakeholder and the community around what it is we're finding and how to address those issues that is a big big risk because the risk that organization take when they take the unvanished approach it creates a fodder they say i tell you we couldn't trust you so it takes courage let's have a conversation about our underserved communities one way we do that is being transparent with the board of education we will ray have a detailed
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approach once mr. dick i didn't say on board >> thank you superintendent commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell e commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> thank you. i wanted to make a couple of comes passenger's seat it's been part of the mayors team working with the lady first, i'm glad this is not only a joint effort between the city and county of san francisco but a regional effort we're excited about this is not effectively on this a couple of districts or cities or starts that states in the impacting so many of our young people we want to be able to address this as effectively has possible so the hope that there is a regional effort that focuses in 0 on how we can do things cross the board and do the best practice and i
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think that the hard thing and the plus thing is that they're looking at san francisco as a model and as the leader of this other than the region we have role taxicab the lead on this in terms of making comments that the districts are not prepared to do particularly that the school districts we've been thinking about the work in the school district and in the city we're talking about a small population of youngest people that has diminished over the years i think of we've been doing a lot of work particularly as we focus around our african-american young people we haven't coordinated it well and stopped as to think about who was working search warrant as well as we like and with the
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smaller grouping of young people we can focus on how the supports perhaps we haven't thought about in the pathologist so what does it look like as we try to think about it the smaller group of young people i already mentions we're doing low and i think the way that we've been looj o looking at this did say not only about the young boys of color but girl as well we want to implement the people that impact are both boys and girls of color as we move forward i'm really glad and proud you've signed on to this superintendent it was a great honor to be recognized by the wanting and you went to washington to look at that and
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table this this is a persistent problem so audio feel hopefully about the steps we are not only thinking about this as an early education prospective but working with the chamber and business how do we diversify if i our workforce that is a pipeline of work that will focus on binging people that deserve attention they deserve i'm excited to be part of this and proud to be a district that's prioritizing this we've hired a full-time person. >> questions or comments. >> i have one thanks so i think this is wonderful but i think we should keep in mind and asking ourselves a question
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that is the lack ever the critical mass of african-american families have an impact on the education of the african-american students as we're slowly or quickly acquit frankly how quickly we're losing african-americans students in our district but also in losing them in san francisco i think the question also the city side is are we and with our school district is the lack of the critical mass of african-american families addressing to some of the challenges that we have and if it is what are reprepared to do about it as a city and as a school district, too, and we talk about the boldness i think when you talk about the bold
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conversations it's about what happens when a whole ethnic group is being pushed out of a city and what impacts that has over the ones remaining and the academic achievements of the city. >> thank you if there's no further comment we'll move into the agenda consent calendar resolution removed at the previous meeting second reading o is vote on the consent calendar will be followed by p which is the discussion of the resolutions that were severed so vote on the consent calendar it was seconded and moved under section f. >> ms. president i want to remind the board one the items on the consent calendar that has
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not been roved item 3 e e requires a unanimous vote that authorized the emergency repair contract that was caused by the rain it is a government contract but it needs a names vote and it's a contract mr. davis didn't it require a separate vote and it did not. >> mr. casco roll call. >> on the consent calendar i've corrected miss son sonata. >> adrenalin. >> ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase. >> more than arrest minnesota and mr. walton. >> that's unanimous i didn't
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have any cards for the previous items thank you, very much let's say see the next per diem item is p severed for actions there was a number of retroactive proposals that commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell has a consent about. >> i want to do those are together i appreciate that all ever you are here and stated for this i don't need to speak with you so you don't have to present so i hope you weren't all on your phones but i want to say i think look i have a reputation of not approving those and to some degree that's a joke
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but this is a hunter's view actually tonight i approved 4 retroactive so i get that but there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 other resolutions that budget allocations were not available we lost an individual the school asked us to start and the school schedule required the work - you guys the reason i bring those up and what concerns we me is we're starting work and the budget has not been identified we're basically saying we're willing to start the works without knowing where we are going to
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get the money if it's money that we have and it's just a matter of you know putting in the right code or the right spot say that you don't say that so it appears as if we're approving services without the money being looked for the last four or five months i've been not praying the retroactive allocations they continue to happen i'm respectfully asking you as department heads to be mindful about those i appreciate there are explanations the day of or the day before the board meeting and we're already really about his busy but look we have a
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buffalo clean audit we manage our funds well, this didn't appear that way i get worried one day we are going to say yes to something and the money is not there, there has been more than one time we had to find money so i want to be able to say at the beginning of a new year you guys are getting so good there were no meeting with one or more retro atrocities and new 68 or 7 or 12 i know we've got new people and mr. lee right making this simpler this is a tedious process for the principle to so experience this is the only way i could do this
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is if i severed thank you all for hearing me out i thank you all for being a lot better about retro atrocities and going forward thank you. >> thank you very much let's see commissioner wynns severed one. >> thank you okay. so this is a $77,000 item collective invention we're going to pay them the money i'm skrndz about that more than that that is the organization we used for facilitating the vision but there's a difference between mr. haney and strategic
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implementation and i honestly would have liked some discussion someone talking to us before the strategic implementation what the plan would be and if this is the group that you think should facilitate this i have a lot of concern about somebody saying we're going to pay this group for two years in the current year i'm - i don't want to be unkind i have no basis on which to be convinced that is the right way. >> district responded to commissioner wynns. >> we have the district garden here representing the district. >> i think there's an error in the correction sheet. >> that's what the discretion
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is jetting son sat there and said the whole correction will will be paid and that's a public record. >> yeah. through the end of this focus year we've been working to implement the strategies so we're going to do a committee own tuesday we're expended an invitation to several of our events this of all their helping to facilitate sort of you sfusd curriculum for the engagement of teachers and parent and looking at and designing sort of implementation on the key elements of vision 2024 they're helping with the sign but we'll work with this this is the end of the fiscal year and in addition helping with the website and
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