tv [untitled] January 19, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PST
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the second part as to whether it's consistent with the city's guidelines. >> year and a half i happen to know the answer having worked at the planning department it is permitted it needs to be business-related. >> that's - the former supervisor wrote the legislation knows the legislation well. >> (laughter). >> what a trick question. >> i wanted to make sure we're in compliance that addresses some of commissioner brandon's questions. >> i was asking about the tenants signage and i. >> and we get the sense there's a demand for that but not gotten to that point in being able to study it. >> perhaps some appreciable signage as it exceeds a seat belt amount perhaps that's when
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we'll be looking at charging for larger signs maybe if the tenant wanted you know something much larger we'll exposure. >> we've looked pier identity and saying how much is a pier would you cupping occupy before you'll qualify for that we haven't looked at a pricing instructor but certainly expand this at the commissions interest to place it so we have that tenant so it's ton site not general advertising fits within that tenant that tenant is within the facility it goes on. >> so thank you i think it understand the commissioner commission has an
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interest in the sign program once we get something set. >> not necessarily (laughter). >> i was just saying like the small bloomberg sign outside the door but if bloomberg minded their name on the outside of the pier 53 we should charge of they're not a tenant. >> like having on major buildings put their name on the top of building they pay a fee for that. >> as dan alluded to there's co-recollections to the amount of space look at the amount of space they occupy. >> i think we're him or her one the issues we have being waterborne tours most of the piers are transit shut they're
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not putting in the back, if you will, it will behove us to have no more identification from the waterside we're explorer that the only tenant is pier 72 hour 39 through the use of flags in the back that's on the docket we're not as evolved in our thinking as you are. >> i had is a a couple of specific questions that occurred to me i appreciate the effort to standard device this i know it's easier for the guidelines for staff and the tenants this is also a hot bottom issue or hornet nest a couple of questions on the temporary signages and the bartenders just a wording in section 3 maybe predicament up to two temporary signs is that at a time per
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month this is the timing needs to be specified. >> what's included in the staff report of the current sign. >> we keep editing those but thank you. >> (laughter). >> we will be describing to you the draft we'll look at very differently and have a completely different format and everything we've discussed here today. >> and awning i think one of the parts we want to particularly focus on the projection out from the building i notice several of the works are in violation of the current guidelines or at least if their sienlz on is that counted on the building didn't it meet the two inch or the 6 inch or the cause of the banners projecting out. >> the proposed guidelines will
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have the - the canopies are 5 or 6 feet out from the building a chance to provide that commercial identity and specify metal or glass for the canopies we do that with our experience working with the historic preservation officer how we can add signage and identity to a building in a light weigh so it will give specific materials how to do that including the banners we'll be proposing a 3 foot width or 12 or 15 foot width to match the scale of the arc area. >> it's important to mention the guidelines that are quote/unquote guidelines were not adapted by the planning
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commission; is that correct they've been a guidance we've used in discussions with our tenants and through the various projects over the past couple of years we've tried to apply those uniformly so to speak the written guidelines needs to catch with the guidelines do you want to add something to that bryan the question are we ought in front of the commissioned approvals or not we adapted the current guidelines. >> the commission did. >> i know the draft report contains the draft number but we've learned so much since that at this point in time about the historic district it's time to take a fresh look at those and not tweak the existing whops but
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a complete rewrite. >> okay if i could add diane i know from the planning and development the ideas of canopies are new elements as part of the historic preservation this highlights the need to update our sign guidelines we worked with ship and trying to find a way to have that formerly recognized in our guidelines. >> thank you that's exciting i know its people are looking for ways to put up signage it's important we have improved and clear guidelines and restrictions some uniformity thank you. i'm looking forward to seeing what
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you're coming up with. >> new business. >> a number of the items on an informational basis that will come back for actions navigation i think there are 3 follow-up items another update on the south beach harbor the tier bertha rates we've discussed at length and second i'll definitely commissioner ho explorer the cyber security i assure you there's something going on i don't know when i'm allowed to say i apologize and the third item i have was when we lock in a performer for the place making phase of 337 we call the pop up event space to bring it back for your consideration or your review.
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>> so those are the 3-d i mission anything. >> commissioners. >> the commissioners commissioner president katz and commissioner brandon they've been here a lot longer than can you beef us on sinbad i want to know the history i'm to be briefed if there's anything we can be doing under the executive session thank you. >> certainly. >> okay. commissioner spoken. >> oh outlook i had the same one. >> that maybe need to be coming into the executive cigarettes that pertains to some settlement. >> we'll certainly take a look at that the best formats for bringing it back to be
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welcome to the public. madam secretary please call the first item. >> thank you madam chair. the first item is roll call. commissioner members please respond when i call your name. commissioner mondejar. >> mere. >> commissioner singh is absent. commissioner bustos. >> here. >> madam chair rosales. >> present. >> commissioner singh is absent and all other members of the commission are present. the next item of business is announcements. a, the next regularly scheduled meeting for on tuesday january 20, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. at city hall room 416. announcements of prohibition of electronic devices during the meeting. please be advised that ringing of use of cell phones, pagers and similiar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be veasessed
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that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room from any persons respond for the ringing of or use of cell phone or pager or other similar sound producing electronic device. c, announcement for allotment for public comments. please be advised that a member of the public has three minutes to make pertinent comments on each agenda item unless the commission adopts a short ofly period on any item. it is strongly recommended that members of the public that wish to address the commission fill out a "speaker card" provided by the commission secretary and provide that card to the commission secretary. the next order of business is item 3. report on actions taken at a previously closed session if any. there are no reportable actions. the next order of business is item four, matters of unfinished business. we have no items. the next order of
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business is item number 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. first the consent agenda, 5a, approval of minutes. minutes of december 2, 2014. madam chair. >> do we have any speaker cards? no speaker cards? okay. we have the approval of the minutes before the commission. are there any questions, comments, edits? motions? >> so moved. >> moved by commissioner bustos. seconded by commissioner mondejar. please call the roll. >> commissioner members please announce yours when i call your name. commissioner mondejar. >> yes. >> commissioner singh is absent. commissioner bustos. madam chair rosales. >> yes. >> i have three aye's and one absent. >> thank you. the minutes are approved. please call the next
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item and please speak a little more directly into the microphone. thank you. >> okay. the next order of business is regular agenda. 5b, workshop on the major says for the golden state warriors enter and development on blocks 29 to 32 in the mission bay redevelopment area. discussion. madam director. >> thank you madam secretary. good afternoon commissioners and to the members of public. thank you very much for joiningings us. injury commissioners as you're aware the golden state warriors are looking for a site in mission bay for the new event center for the team as well as a mixed use development composing of office and retail on blocks 13-32. the warriors' representatives came back to you in 2013 in april and introduced
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themselves. this is simply an informational hearing on the proposed major phase or massing land use and design document. there will be a series of steps you will take over the course of the next six months including certification of an eir, other schematic design and documents this. is one of many public hear tionz that the staff and the warrior's team have presented over the course the last six to eight months. they were recently at the planning commission and have continued to have diligent meetings in the community throughout the city so with they would like to ask catherine riley who is the project manager for mission bay to walk you through the presentation. >> great. thank you director tiffany bohee. yes, i have a frog in my throat. i apologize. i have water urtd wa. i am the product manager for
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mission bay. i am excited about this item and the most exciting thing in mission bay since it was created. this is the first step in the design process for the proposed arena. i will go quickly through this today. i will apologize we have i lot of information to cover so it will be a long presentation but we want to be thorough and go over everything. i will go over the regulatory setting and turn over the presentation to the warriors to introduce the team and the project and come back to introduce the project. the project is at blocks 29-32 south and in the existing parking garage of the uber headquarters will be there as well and a
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business on illinois that heads the biotech company as well as other biotech and office facilities. surrounding the site to the east, to the southeast and to the south as well are uccf and the campus familiarities and the hospitals and the other blocks that we purchased from [inaudible]. since this project is a city wide important project we wanted to recognize since day one we have been working closely with our city partners and this really has been a amazing collaborative process. i have been proud how everyone from the departments have worked together. i wanted to recognize the office of economic and work force development, planning department and sfmta have done on the process. we have representatives from all of the members in the audience tues..
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-- today . i want to recognize we have adam and peter and ben from sm ta and planning and i probably left out other people behind me. i want to take a minute to recognize as director ho he mentioned and we lost jennifer [inaudible] last month and a spear head on the project on the rejal site as well as the transition to mission bay and i want to acknowledge that and she is sorely missed as part of the project. we are looking today at a major phase. major phase required under the opa. this is a massing study so unlike the schematic design where you get into the picture scptsz skin and what it will look like this is the knowledge blocks, where are
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the entrances, the height, what is the use and how many square feet, so you will see pretty pictures about the site. this is to give you a sense of the character but we will come back in the spring with more detailed schematic designs for all of the buildings so if you don't see pretty pictures for all of the buildings we're not there yet. this is really for massing. this site has gone through several previous planning processes. there were two major phases adopted for the site previously one for alexander real estate for an office project and biotech and the sealtses force project. this will replace both of those. at this time i would like to turn over the presentation to gail hunter from the golden state warriors and she will introduce the team as well as the project. >> hi. good afternoon madam chair rosales, director bohee
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and commissioners. i am with the golden state warriors and we all 35 thrilled to be here today. you. >> >> may recall we purchased there's blocks from sales force. at the time it was a difficult decision to move off the pier and invest in the site especially after two years of investing blood, sweat and tears and a lot of money on that lotion and while many outside of san francisco questioned our sanity by buying this site and to privately finance the state when cities and states are subsidizing arenas to the tune of millions of dollars we couldn't be happier with the decision. since the pivot to mission bay we have been overwhelmed with the encouragement and support from the neighborhood, the larger san francisco political family and the city as a whole. in
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addition we have been quite impressed with the level of engagement with your staff here at ccii, planning staff and the mayor's office. the team has played an integral role in the plan you will see here today. we are immersioned in the community process and had a number of meetings with groups and community groups. that dialogue has resulted in a number of improvement toss the project and while we know we certainly have a lot more work to do we feel like we're headed in the right direction. in addition, we have been work, hard to bring on a diverse array of small businesses to help with the design phase of the project. as you will hear from staff in a few minutes we're on track to achieve a 50% participation rate on the professional service part of the project and work to exceed that goal on the
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construction phase as well. several partners are here with us and i would like them to stand so we can acknowledge them . sbe partners. here they are. we have been tremendously happy and with all of their efforts to date and they have already added tremendous value to our project. before i turn over the presentation to the lead architect david manca to give the plans i want to recognize the warriors that are here today. while david is focusing on the describe these individuals are related to questions such as transportation, event management, local hiring, small business engagement, or any other issues on your mind. i will like to recognize david carlack. is he here? he just
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stepped out, our lead executive. theo alington and director of public affairs and staff from strata and title managers and without further adieu david manca. >> thank you gail and thank you for the honor and pleasure to speak about this exciting project. i want to echo some of the kaghts rin's points as well. this has been a very collaborative process involving a number of different people from ocii and a community the members behind me. >> >> so again as i said it's a honor and pleasure to be the voice of the project today on behalf of those people, those in the room today and those still working on the project back in offices. i will go through the bullet points and the state of the
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design as we are here today. certainly one of the greatest aspect of the project it will bring great benefit to the city and the neighborhood. it will be the first ever multi-purpose arena for the city hosting different sports and entertainment and cultural events. it triggers new property tax revenue for infrastructure and affordable housing. the project will trigger open space for mission bay in p-22 in the bay front park, and tell create over 4,000 construction and permanent jobs with a strong commitment to local hiring like gail said. the key element are the 18,000 seat arena center and there is commercial leasable space and retail space. i think one of the greatest aspects of the
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projects is the open space on this site. we are still able to maintain 30% of the site open to the public 24 hours a day and 365 days a year so that's quite an accomplishment for the design team, and another big and significant benefit of the project is 915 new parking spacing all located out of view, most of them under ground. some are on ground but under a covered plaza space. i will show you how that works in a little bit as well. certainly as the designer of the project and behalf of the team there are design and critical goals for us, the most important to create a vibrant aminity for the city and well integrated into the neighborhood. it needed to be part of the contributing to vitality of the street life and provide a mix of uses. i think
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we all agree that the projects, and sports and entertainment venues have dark days at a time and a big challenge to infuse that site with building use that create activity everyday of the year. we're committed to doing sustainable design. i won't read all these points specifically but it is targeted to to be a lead gold campus and we're integrating a number of environmental sustainable design points. all right. so let's get to the sketches. so the principle design texture or fabric of mission bay as you might see in the diagram here is very linear, in fact a lot of the points of [inaudible] which is the planning document encourages street walls and
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corners and reca-linear grid and that's the feeling of mission bay when you walk around it. this diagram actually inspired the master plan. we wanted to break that up. we wanted to create a space more organic more free flowing, more inviting and allow people to circulate through the space more comfortably and organically compared to the regular grid geometry. this here and the pathways and inspired the site plan i that r that i will. >> through quickly here. located generally in the center of the site is the event center. the height of it which is around 135 feet above curb level, and by the way i'm going to go through this fairly quickly. if you have questions please ask
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later. i am happy to answer those. we created a plaza space like the front porch of the arena and allow the people entering the arena to have a gathering place before events but more importantly on non event periods of time this will be an active and vibrant plaza for mission bay. franking the plaza are the two office buildings and meet the requirement of 20,000 square feet each and the height restriction and top podiums that meet the height restriction of 90 feet. those elements, the two buildings and the arena create that sense of outdoor room and we have a small pavilion called the gate house and protects from wind in the plaza because we studied that in the layout and design of the
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project and creates an atmosphere in the plaza that it be used all day and into the evening. we have the market hall here. it's a food hall and imagine you can imagine it's full of -- let's say locally inspired eateries and prepared foods and on the southeast corner is a smaller plaza which relates to a primary entrance to the facility. now the arena is rotated to face toward treasure island and the bay bridge. on that corner there is an elevated bay front terrace and tide into the arena -- element and fantastic for the site and for the city in general so that's how the key elements come
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together and i am happy to answer questions on the site plan as they might come up. this explains the pedestrian access. you can see the point about an organic site and pedestrians are invited to circulate in and around the buildings to encourage the pathway, bring people on to the site and towards the open spaces and towards the primary entrances of each of the different buildings. we carefully studied bike access. again on each of the main street facades of the project are bike access points and parking areas for the very different kinds of bike parking. this is an intent to exceed the minimum requirements for bike parking on the site again to encourage a sustainable and user friendly project. from a transit access standpoint we're excited about the number of different ways people can access the sites through
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