tv [untitled] January 19, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PST
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are uploaded to our server and available to everyone from a monthly basis and daily job walk basis and we're employing the services of a cross-examine called multi-vista that takes regular progress photos on a regular monthly basis. and it's web-based and actually located the location of the photo on a map of the project. and with a date. and then we try to get photos -- they do a lot of different photos, but we have a set number of locations of photos done regularly. so you can see the monthly progress from that perspective. we have also employed multi-vista and they will do this on and photograph that as it happens and orient that on a drawing to trace back and say
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it doesn't seem like this drain was placed here and i can go back to the photo. so we're employing those as well through that company. and that service seems to be working out very well. >> that is great. >> any other questions? >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, and briefly we'll have dennis give the report on the project labor agreements. >> hello again. also to add to what steve just said we have cameras that are actually taking camera shots as well, too, that will eventually be utilized in time-lapse. so we have also that as a system. some of those are on our website linked and some of them specifically through the contracts. the project labor agreement, this is our quarterly report. i'm going to go through administration and labor and the project to-date for students, veterans, adults and wrap it up with apprentice
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report trends that i normally do every quarter. with the administration, we held our 12th joint administrative committee meeting december 4th. upcoming trade packages and programs and veterans. regarding labor, there was no work stoppages or incidents at all during the period. all skilled labor needs were met and as steve referenced there were three recordables during the period, all of them being in december. progress to-date with the students we're going start our process again for interns for the summer. i felt like the kids just left and here we are, starting the process again. progress to-date for veterans flue shares continues to be one of our main sources for veterans interested in the construction trade and web core
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obyashi and they are actually going towards to port hueneme and it's absolutely gives the opportunity. now on to the progress for adulted. operators are reaching out to owners in general -- educate subs on hiring local candidates. and also as well, women and minority candidates. operators are reaching out to the high school students. interested in the trades. and also especially there were outreaching to sports teams, and to generate interest in the
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building trades. carpenters, they are graduating two classes and hiring local candidates. peter showed a lot of passion towards this effort towards working with the police department, sheriffs and the d.a. to work with some of the young people and get them out of the criminal justice system into the trades. this really came across as a big passion of peter's. so i applaud him. they are finding work for all of their apprentices. 20 of them were called this week for january's class. it just continues -- in additional classes. so plumbers and pipe fitters have a robust program going.
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the electrical workers, working with helmets to hardhats. working for veterans especially, they get streamlined. so that is what the electricians are doing to help especially veterans. and then michael wrapped it up from the reports on their apprentice program numbers are equaling what it was in 2000. during the dot com boom. we're back to those numbers now. they have not noticed any shortages of local apprenticeships. and regarding journeymen, if there is a shortage locally, there is absolutely a lot to pull from. they are working on training for trainers classes for the john o'connell multi-craft core program. san francisco is the main source. by craft, if you exclude the
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labors and operators in this particular slide, as i do, it's way above the goal of 16.67%, excluding laborers and operators. the laborers themselves continue to be a challenge for a while to get apprentices. so we continue to work with our -- which is mostly shimmick al at this point, but it's really made up by operators. there is way exceeding the goal of apprentice operators at this point that. is an overview view historical, the blue being the total and the reddish line just tracking the apprentices and how it's worked over time. our last slide is the work is load from a labor standpoint. those spikes up are 2015. so we're hitting a major workload at this point and we'll be up
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there for a while. then it will start trending down in 2016. so 2015 is one of our biggest years for the trades and the projects. so with that, that is my pla quarterly report. thank you. >> director harper? >> what is the problem with the laborers on the apprentices? it seems the opposite. an operator can hurt a lot of people quickly. laborers, it should be reversed. there should be many more apprentice laborers than operators. >> they definitely need to do more out reach for laborers, because quite frankly the halls are empty and the challenge of getting more apprentices in the program. i think the carpenters and electricians and shimmick who would be our major source at this point would have been with the concrete has had a challenge.
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now maybe with the bus ramp as we get into the bus ramp project should have another big opportunity and the 7.2 package. obviously the steel package won't have as much and when we get to the site civil, which will be coming here in the springtime . that is probably a great opportunity to bring more laborer apprentices to the program. >> director reiskin. >> so that issue aside, the apprenticeship numbers are fantastic, which is great. it's just great legacy and ancillary benefit from the project that we're getting so many people apprenticed in their trade as we're building the project. when we were contemplating the pla, there was a fair bit of discussion on the board -- i don't think there was much if any opposition, but it was mostly around apprenticeship.
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my question is, how much of the success in apprenticeship would you say is attributable to the fact that we have a pla in place, if you can estimate that in any way? >> it's tough to estimate. i know the pla itself has been wonderful in bring the teams to the -- everyone to the table and working through. i have been able to project out my -- the needs of the project, in a very open communication form. so i'm sure that has helped. i'm sure it's helped having them at the table, when i show them figures of what is coming up that they know how to project. and those apprentice classes have got to be a direct correlation to what our workload is. >> i would say it's had a direct correlation, director reisch reiskin and the pla is the reason we see that. i don't think there is any
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question of that. >> thank you. >> thank you directors. that concludes my report. >> thank you. at this time we'll move to the next item, the citizens advisory committee update. >> madame chairperson, directors, the cac joins you in congratulating the staff, the contractors and crews for how far we have come in making the dream come true. it is truly inspiring what we saw today and in the report that they gave us earlier in the week. i just would like to draw your attention to a couple of things in the report. one thing, when dennis was speaking on that tremendous workforce slide that we have and this is what each of you were discussing earlier. that story is such a sterling story to tell to our public and
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nationwide. where we see how many manufacturers and laborers are being drawn into this project right here. the other thing that is important is not merely nationwide the one that steve showed there of where our labor is coming from within the bay area. and the third one that was just shown here with the apprentices. so this is a real story that we can all celebrate but especially due to the staff having created that. the second thing i would like to draw your attention to is in steve's report, and in his new formulation of the focus on our new milestones. i think steve's representative of the entire staff there, where we are working on transparency and communication and clarity to the public. i really commend them on that, and i have seen multiple
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instances of that, but this is just one more instance. and really the cac was impressed with scott's presentation. the outreach, which as he himself says is the basis for going forward once the construction is finished and the building is operational. but all of that outreach, keeping the commitment with the public. so the public sees this as their project, and their partnership with us, all of those are highly to be commended. we were tremendously impressed and to take one more moment from scott's slide, the ppi 100, you have the world's fair centennial and the work that went into creating that world's fair is similar to what you are
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doing here with our own transbay terminal. just as you are facing a critical time when the city is going through much construction and other things, well so, too, at the world's fair. eight years earlier, the city was destroyed, and to have done both things, just as you are creating this, while all of the construction is going on around you, that is revitalizing the supervisor's district with, with all the buildings and all of the amenities, you all are really to be congratulated. thank you,. >> thank you. so at this time, we'll open up for general public comment? >> i have not received any indications -- looks like mr. patrick. please come up. >> good morning, directors. i see we have had 1.3 million
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hours, labor hours, that is good news. i would like to take ten of those hours or 100th of one percent to devote to long-range planning. guess what? we were mentioned. i don't understand that. we're building a $3 billion system and how are we going to connect? what is the system's approach? i think you need to have a surette that you see up-and-down market street and other places where we talk about what is going on in the planning phase? in the long-range planning phase -- not the short range, but the long-range. there is a lot that needs to be done. because we may well miss the boat and if we miss the boat, the ship will sail and the ship may sink.
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we want policies and procedures that achieve that as a basic concept and result and we need to promote that. i believe that is your responsibility. thank you. >> thank you. that concludes members of the public who wants to address you under that item. you can go ahead and move into your regular calendar. >> we'll close general public comment and move into our special calendar. >> all right 8 is approving the minutes of the december 11, 2014 meeting. >> so we have a motion to move it forward and second. are there any comment on this item? seeing none, roll call on this item. >> with no members of the public wanting to address you, director lee? >> yes. >> director nuru . yes. >> aye. >> director reiskin? >> aye. >> vice-chair harper? >> aye. >> and chair kim? >> aye. >> that is five ayes and the minutes are approved. >> next item. >> the next item is the election of the chair and vice-chair pursuant to the
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transbay joint powers authority agreement. >> at this time we'll take nominations for both chair and vice-chair for the tjpa board. [laughter ] >> i know it was a highly coveted seat that i sit in. i am glad i have inspired d the members. do we have a nomination? i would like to nominate our vice-chair greg harper to svr as chair. it's been great to serve over the last to years to serve on this committee and to get to know director harper who has come back. he was at the founding of this board of directors and the historical knowledge that you have of this project is immense. so i have enjoyed getting to know you, but also
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appreciate learning from you. and also, i think this will be one of the first or it's been a while since we had an east bay representative >> it would be the first. >> it would be of the first time that we had an east bay member as chair of the transbay joint powers authority and i will make that motion for director harper to be chair. >> second. >> so we have a second. seeing no further comments, i will take from the silence an acceptance of the motion. >> so can we take a roll call on the motion. >> yes, motion to elect director harper as chair of the tjpa and no members of the public wanting to comment on the item, director harper? >> yes. >> are you sure? no, kidding. director kim? >> aye. >> director lee? >> yes. >> director nuru? >> yes. >> director reiskin? >> aye.
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>> that is five ayes and motion to elect director harper as chair has passed. >> thank you very much. >> on your other seat, election of vice-chair, do we have a nomination? >> do i actually hand over the chairship now or chair this? >> i liked your first suggestion. >> well, i will finish this part and then i will hand over the gavel. at this time we'll open up nominations for vice-chair. are there any motions that we can entertain at this time? >> director nuru. >> i will second that motion. >> we have a first and second on a motion for director nuru as vice-chair and i think given my words about the longevity
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and hard work that director harper has brought to be board, i think it's also appropriate that the newest member serve as leadership role on the board. >> we have a second. >> no members of public to address you. with that, to elect director nuru as vice-chair? >> director hammer? >> aye. >> director kim? >> aye. >> director lee? >> yes. >> director nuru . yes. >> and director reiskin? >> aye. >> that is fivay ayes and motion to elect director nuru as vice-chair is passed as well. >> thank you. i want to thank the staff for all your work and working with our office and your office and i hope our office hasn't been too frustrating to work with given the breath of work that we have to work with all. it's really been a pleasure and i look forward to working with
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both chair harper and vice-chair nuru on the tjpa. i will hand over the gavel for the best part of the unit. meeting. >> that concludes your for today. >> nobody objects to that. >> prior to adjourning i wanted to speak on behalf the tjpa staff and thank our chairperson kim for her years' of service as our chair and her professionalism and it's been a real pleasure to work with your office. and your commitment and we appropriate your work and we congratulate our new chair, director harper who has been with us in the founding of the tjpa. congratulations and welcome. and of course, our new vice-chair nuru, it's been
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real pleasure working with you. >> that will be very comforting to me and i hope the board members will excuse my clumsiness over the next few weeks and nila, too, because she knows 9 the east bay and it's different. [laughter ] >> we'll have to work out how these meetings go. i think i never lost sight and won't lose sight of the fact this is a san francisco project and how much it affects the city and county of san francisco. i mean, just looking at it, you kind of get that idea. so it's just an honor to be selected with your trust. i hope that you will still be
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as active as you have been with your constituents, because they are so important to us in this neighborhood. i think the job of a chair, this is my attitude at ac transit, where i chaired for several years, i just have one job and that is to get issues in front of this board as early as they can be cognized for our input. and that is about it. but i'm going to work at that very hard. so thank you very much. and we're adjourned [ gavel ]
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♪ >> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center. it is the only facility that has an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim.
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>> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center they are very committed to combining for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim. >> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check
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it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities. it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great time getting exercise and a movement.
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>> good afternoon. everybody is sitting in the back. welcome to our rules committee meeting for thursday january 15, 2015. i am supervisor norman yee and i will be chairing this meeting. i am joined by supervisor katy tang and supervisor david campos. the clerk today is ms. so mera. the committee would like to acknowledge the st
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