tv [untitled] January 21, 2015 3:00am-3:31am PST
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qualify their contributing to those are ongoing core activities we need to do in addition we staff our commission we staff the directors working group a collection of the agency heads that meets monthly we're trying to formula lists that group and have a number of referrals we deal with amendment as well as requests for information and graphic and so on and so forth 80 so we're busy with that work we have claefrd off half of our work capacity to deal with we're calling 5 basis initiatives 5 years and your materials they have projects society with each one i won't go through them but happy to answer questions first the heart of san francisco which is again to look at the greater
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market mission corridor and the public plaza and public spaces that hang off the transportation system on top and underneath them and the corrections this serves to the adjoining neighborhoods like the south of market the financial district how it is how can this become a center of the town you're in a central spine of our city which home has been go forward nor quite a bit of time so we'll we need to get ahead of the curve tloo here the goals we want this to be a welcoming space for all users a place to have fun and discovery and have those wow. moments in the city there is american people outline of the some of the district and some of the projects that are affiliated each of those have a timeline
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each one we're not trying to take own everything all at once how to capture the larger spriektsdz you can segment the work and stage it that makes sense in terms of our capacity and i mentioned the waterfront notation i love this picture and it shows the variety of ways we think about and use the waterfront here again, there's an opportunity to create whole neighborhoods but the net how the short line and the sea level rise and in light of the center of the golden gate park the city's open space and to have public assess those are the
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different geographies this is not a monolithic waterfront but distinct to that locals this will take a comprehensive nuance to this type of work the thirsted one is an important 75 percent of jobs and hoursz growth is expecting in the greater southeast quadrant of san francisco so in many ways we're building the next of san francisco those jobs and housing unit you've stated 75 and one hundred thousand maybe a little bit low in the year 2050 there's been work in the hard faith work in the eastern neighborhood this is not meant to undo the work
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but simply to 4r506k9 the larger system through the lens of those neighborhoods browned for example, the adequacy of transportation we all know poor in terms of serving it is poor now and certainly not adequate to serve the levels we're anticipating similarly the open space open space and an under enrollment on the north side you that of school facilities that make up the fabric to this quadrant of san francisco which will be a mature city by the end of the horizon period has the same level of quality as san francisco here again are some of the goals some of the projects much the transportation conversation land in this geography here
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fourth initiative we're labeling the city of neighborhoods this is a variety of distinction neighborhoods this is an opportunity to reinvent how we do planning and perhaps we've been rightly or wrongly as known as the department that the up zoning here's an opportunity to engage people how to make their neighborhoods the best this is an area we want to reinvent and on our discussions with the neighborhood how we can help them improve in their neighborhood rather than making a list to accommodate the parallel rezoning this is a different type of contestants
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how to get more affordable housing or more mix of housing and how to create community capacity around resigns and emergency response how to make active places reusable without going through big expensive kind of things and here a footnote you'll see in the budget request next week that we've requested two community development positions so see so other than having the policy and decision makers we'll want to go out and talk to the community development engagement prospective sow we've asked for two additional position that may be helpful in the midst district in the tenderloin and others we need the community development this is a very, very rich area of endeavor for us promoting
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this enhancements to urban life one of the roots of this is the notation of the 20 minute neighborhood or the 10 minute neighborhoods people are able to get what we need on a daily or weekly basis within their geography one not only to oneself have climate change but also to increase sociability with our neighbors and the final of the initiatives we're calling bridging the bay and that's because getting back to the regional plan do we have one would a bag and transportation body we think that it is for the united states to engage in a direct conversation with oakland and inner east bay and san mateo
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city to get at a number of issues we hope to form a common agenda like housing the housing problem can't be address in san francisco alone we need regional conversation within a short shed similarly with jobs applying for jobs and exploiting jobs the notation of the sea level rise protection were we not an island most cities are extreme vulnerable likes oakland we're in a good place to share the knowledge between ourselves and pursue funding frankly for sea level rise mitigates and for things like transportation funding if we're vetted together and the linkages that are mason or underground that could be helped to the conversation like
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the arts community and certainly things around inhabitant communities here's thing on the maps like the future of the second parks to make and unclog the closing in the commute pattern and so forth so audio want to end those are the things we need to do but in the way we do them is equally important the way we gave me 9 community p is really re important to get those to happening happen we're in a place and onness and engagement so that's one and do a pretty good job of partnerships we need to form boarder partnerships and that's just another piece what we do
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those are not governmental they involve the sector and the foundations and arts institutions and so forth we have to call on ourselves not only to be did detectives but the facilitators of the solutions that's the important skill set e set we believe we need to develop but we have an aptitude for and an opening to exercise this is mr. taylor important for you the agencies around the common goals and plays out in workshops and so forth to being the most effective in getting everyone to create and buy into the solutions and finally vaetd and following
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up how did that work and what did we learn i've are heard the commissioners allude it it that in my short tenure and it's important this work program we're interested in hearing our comments we wanted to come back and here's what we found and was do you think thank you that's the conclusion of the presentation i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. as well as have staff answer questions. >> thanks. >> thank you mr. kelly and kansas city public improvement advisory committee. >> seating basically foulingllowing up we need to know the stakdz
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and what is going on i understand i read a lot there are 3 big cities that are attracting capital people putting their money in there to be in a safe place across the world one of them is london another one is manhattan third one is san francisco it drives housing prices it also drives produce housing that isn't occupied there are vast areas of maufrl manhattan and in lorpd and increasing so in san francisco where housing it built numerous source that casts shadows on central park in new york from 57 towers and takes away the living ability of residents there is no
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longer than that that in it is san francisco the water front when you said whether people are going to live in the housing your approving and taking a consensus every 6 months are people there they're not going to buildism displacing low and moderate income people in the city the waterfront is now i've been watching it every big proposal that comes through was really high-end and is really high-end when i say that, i mean millions of dollars people can hide money here and get vies by buying property here
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the same it the case in london there are aviated areas of london having no one living there i go to loped i have friends there i am familiar with the changes in new york you can't build our way out of it there is a lot of capital we need a lot of jobs and mixed income people are you represent hotel workers are tell me supposed to live in the central valley i want to see this map and convene and looked at who's here it's all men and they're all white i'm shocked if you're going to convene men.
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>> thank you yourself time is up. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> the following is a splice between 2.3 molester and not revolutionary a brief return to our business analog the business can ignore the complaint or address why the service isn't working additional services to customers we often see there's discord in our community they speak because there's discord between the community they want to live they. could ask the question will we see the years of top down planning or a progressive approach the role of government it so address a product is this an opportunity
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to engage the public in answering the question of our time homer wrote it and paul wrote the co-sponsor thanks and charming wrote it the round top and jfk wrote about a coconut this is a splice within the alexander and they laid out our socially accepted district create equal opportunity to live in different areas of the city and a desirable income in all district and allowing the growth and challenging the district in items such population increase and the income equality and water consumption and energy
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usage and transit on roads and the people write the script in the department they can guide and develop a as opposed to planning or government thinks development should occur. >> is there any additional public comment okay seeing none public comment is closed. i'll started off with a couple of ideas this is the kind of information that is difficult to cover in 20 minutes that's an existing piece that's an ideal time to look at san francisco what it might look like in 2050 and commend director ram for putting this group in charge and actually ms. hester we were talking about prop m u prop m
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the legs that were mend on the transit mobility around the building and housing i know those 3 principled are firm they're listed in this and taken into consideration who's is going to work and think in san francisco that has been talked about the 4 challenges we'll get to next session how we tackle the board appetites bring back the challenge individually and i'm sure you have the way to tangle those and commissioner president wu. >> thank you. i want to thank mr. kelly and director ram he's been waiting and excited about the conversation i'm disappointed about the people in the audience we'll remember the
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day we have a transit plan and charge la on the same day and had 5 increments and 5 folks i encourage you to take this to another public forum make maybe a presentation at the city college or maybe some sort of public location where we can make this kind of presentation and they're there or in another forum for the purposing public there's a lot of interest we've been hearing all year there was not as much confidence in the planning department it's hard we're regularity in one position but i want the department and commissioners to put the vision together i'm interested as
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commissioner fong said how those challenges relate to the 5 will that initiated or we wanted to do an action plan for the 4 challenges or an upcoming work plan by the 4 challenges i think we want to dig in dope what goals do we have every year on the four challenges i welcome the opportunity to come back every 6 months to update us on the specifics of 4 challenges i have a lot of interest in there was one piece that said affordable housing in every neighborhood we're setting the right goals sfooit for housing but i know be we're challenged by growth only happening in our neighborhoods if the inclusionary is our main strategy we have only housing
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growth overall so what about preserving the senior hubs that's an important piece in the transit and the access and mobility section there's really great work happening in julie shop she's been doing an quietly shop and commissioners pointed about a joint hearing this is getting into the weeds what does quit mean i'm excited we're hiring the two folks working in the community of color or both that has the skills and experience that brings justice to that work so thank you. >> commissioner antonini. >> thank you for a very good report i have a few ideas on
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things one of the most port important parts of the report we're not an island we calculate it in city and county of san francisco water on 3 sides trying to meet our needs in 48 squirrels is not good we have workforce projected to grow to 8 hocking hundred thousand people by 2040 so caltrain and all other agrees that bring people into the work area that's been created and growing but it isn't realistic to think you can house everyone in the 48 skwiemz the air metrological is maurlg were a separate city
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everyone didn't live and work in the boroughs the manhattan so we don't have the advantage but just ourselves search warrant one area without you looking at the joining county we need to persian hard in marin and san mateo couldn't have been reticent to allow which growth this their community and some decree to alameda county in the challenges of housing i think we have to the other challenges is transit that's the other thing creating jobs and other things we need to invest no our housing our for fathers built places in their own right-of-way a small dense built out area we're fooling ourselves
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by thinking we can provide attractive and forecast transit and dealing with all the other interests in our streets and neighborhood we have to look at things like tunnels and subways i know those are expenditure at a time going to move people from one part of the city to another and more desirable to ride you showed in a picture buses closing the streets it is go that is subway is built underneath t we have to partner with bart and caltrain and other transit agencies it seems like everybody gotten ton its own muni is putting a subway and bart maybe a sectional campgrounds about bart to the beach and, of course we have
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caltrain to the terminal it's an enter challenge of trying to serve the city can we together rather than separately than a talk about place making i think with creating public spaces that are saefshl and desirable i've seen this over accident years unfortunately, the city builds parks and public areas and don't maintain them and also, we have to police the behavior a little bit better what parks are plaza to enjoy not an area for housing not a garbage or bar those sorts of behaviors doesn't belong we're going to have rules if we're going to make those places desirable like the plaza and you
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drive by there and don't want to hang around so that's the issue on that and another area i noticed you brought up the growth in the areas of the southern eastern port of the city here we have a had an to look at the buildings and housing open about family housing everybody want to that built dense and higher we have to allow families the space on to themselves one front door you know accurate space i think those are areas where that can happen and, of course you tubed seismic that's important the sea level rise we're not sure how much and how fast it didn't hurt to be pro-active in, you know, u
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you know creating barriers to the water if it rides as we builds something new and to we are a question about one of the speakers talked about who is living here the alumna the builders the lumina gave us comments that's the project they said that the advanced sales were existing san francisco resident and another from the bay area so i think it's easy to generalize and important to know who is buying the places but someone is buying them we can't control what people are going to do when they buy them it is good to have the statistics but not preclude the things people spend money on one final thing transit crossroads 16th street and
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geneva those are the place that bring people east and west letsd do it with with the least light rail preferring like a elevated or subway people could get from one place to another they get on and off bart trying to get to hunters point or visitacion valley because the busses are slow or crowded so the opportunity we've veptd 16th street those are some of any thoughts i appreciate the report it is very interesting. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much for the fantastic work i'll keep my comments brief i know that specific items we're going to come back with information hopefully in the joint hearing
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with the sfmta but a couple of things i hope to be added generally to our thinking i agree with what commissioner president wu said i love the idea of organizing our work plan and priorities to the challenges i love to think conversant and recite them like the san francisco general plan i think that will be great one thing i noticed i didn't see as a sort of challenge topic in the work plan is when we talk about equality there was lip service sound horrible but lip service to economic development and some mentioning of the 0 programs that are things around lufld you know other than a
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grocery that comes to us there are definitely ways to have certainly policies and priorities and other programs part of our work plan we're 13069 nonprofit or other service providers in the job training phase and real making sure they have space and pdr and office development but that's one example of ways we can look at the land use directly look at the economic development i'd like to see that show up in our program activities it is a nice goal but at the end of the day it's someone's job again i mean, i'll madam chair the plug for transit we had an unfortunate event on the bart station someone
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