tv [untitled] January 21, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PST
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which offered a city the right to change the speeding zone near senior's living area and coop area to 25 miles to 25 miles per hour. has that about factored into the vision zero? this was a a bill that came into effect 2 years ago our governor brown. the third point involves the state. the state has revised the manual on uniform traffic control devices to increase the importance not mandate but increase the guidance and importance of changing the timing of pedestrian signals from 3.5 to 2.8 especially in areas where people with disabilities and seniors are crossing all of this involves working with the state and are
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you working with the state on all of these 3 points on vision zero? please consider it for the safety of everyone in san francisco. >> thank you mr. lowel l. is there anyone on the bridge line that would like to comment? no? okay then we have a handy resolution for this topic as well. again, i'll read through it. we'll vote on it and support it in concept and we'll move on from there. >> this is resolution number 2015-02. council resolution supporting the san francisco municipal transportation agency's plan to adopt vision zero a 3 point action plan to reduce traffic fatalities to zero by 2024. whereas at least
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800 pedestrians are injured and an average of one hundred pedestrians are severely injured or killed on san francisco streets each year and whereas the san francisco department of public health has found that pedestrian and cyclist injuries and death are highly concentrated on a subset of city streets and these streets are just proportionately concentrated in low income non english speaking communities with high density seniors and people with disabilities and whereas they tend to be most adversely effected by traffic accidents that result in death or more severe injures now therefore be it resolves to make the streets of san francisco safer for all including seniors and people with disabilities. is there
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any discussion on this resolution from the councilmembers? none? okay. we'll move to a vote to approve in concept. donna? >> oh, we need to make a motion. would someone like to make a motion? >> okay. i so move for the acceptance of the resolution to accept this resolution. >> i second. >> now we'll have our vote. >> councilmember supanich. >> yes. >> senhaux. >> yes. >> wong. >> yes. >> all right. it's approved. thank you gentlemen very much and we'll take a break. gentlemen very much and we'll take a break. 10 minutes. >> >> the city of san francisco sfg tv meeting of the mayor's
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council on disability will resume shortly. >> all right. we'll resume now. okay we're up to agenda item number 7. information on the proposed amendment to the city's planning code. presentation by kearstin dischinger from the san francisco planning department. thank you for taking time for this ordinance. as i mentioned i'm here to give you an update on something that we have approved. i'm here representing the planning department. . we've also been working with carla johnson to make sure this legislation represents the input from your teams as well and we really appreciate your support on this
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legislation. this is legislation required by the state and must be completed before we complete our 2014 housing element update so we've moved it forward as quickly as we could and the reason this requests a reasonable modification to residential properties to eliminate any barriers to access their home. land use zoning and building regulations in the san francisco planning code that doesn't impose an undue burden on the city of san francisco or constitute a fundamental alteration to the zoning and planning program. these modifications include changes to residential property. the modification must serve the disability and be necessary to provide the equal opportunity
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to live in that neighborhood . current ly requests are addressed by the zoning administrator on a case by case basis. applicants are not offered a clear process which can lead to delays in approval. in developing this program department staff researched policy of other municipalities and reviewed department records to understand the types of reasonable modifications that are generally requested. the most common modifications included the addition of access ramps and changes to parking and the addition of elevators and additional habitable space. the department created an administrative path for these requests. additionally these accommodations are important for people to access their
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homes and do not propose a hardship as regulated by the planning code. >> the program will provide two review and approval processes. the first is the administrative reasonable modification and the second is a standard variance. parking as i said the most commonly requested are available through this administrative process which is less time and less of a barrier for people requesting these whereas things falling outside of the norm would still go through a more deliberative process as they do now with our zoning approval. i'm going over quickly the ones we created the expedited process for. parking can only be
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approved admin istratively the policy implications approving modifications such as parking were discussed and understand how much parking should be allowed and make sure it's consistent with the neighborhood. >> the second -- access ramps. any ramp that could be easily removable can benefit from the administrative process. and elevators -- sorrow sorry, elevators may be granted administratively. finally additional habit habitable
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space such as a bedroom on the ground floor can facilitate mobility given that the addition doesn't result in an additional dwelling unit. spatial connections between floors and requests continued to be reviewed by the variance process as i said. any requests that don't meet the guidelines even if they fall within the categories of parking or ramps can be still considered through the zoning administration. we appreciate working with the mod staff and we're here for questions and comments. i think we need to seek the mayor's signature and 30-days later later will be in effective. thank you. >> thank you. councilmember
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wong? >> thank you for coming out to do a presentation regarding this. i'd like to find out how people qualify and how it is funded if a person needs to, you know, pay out of their own pocket. how does that work? can you maybe elaborate on that? >> all right. the innovation in this legislation is a change in the city's review process so any funding available to them through the standard programs would still be available but this program doesn't offer additional funding or revenue sources for those types of approvals we talked about this a little bit in our meetings and i think it varies case by case landlords are responsible in some cases not all and
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homeowners would be responsible for their own improvements. >> oh, okay. >> perhaps it would be useful to talk about filing fees for the administrative process versus the zoning variance hearing hearing. >> great. that's a good point point. we do have standard fee rates and the administrative process is a lower fee i don't know the number off the top of my head and with all of our fees we have a hardship process if people cannot afford to pay the processing fees we have programs that can dee if that that can defer or offset the cost of those fees thank you. >> with this proposed legislation or updates to the housing elements is that
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typically accessibility or requests for reasonable modifications goes to a zoning hearing and this streamlines the process to a very simple and easy to grant decision are going through a much quicker and cheaper process rather than having to go through a full scope -- what do you call it? deliberative process. >> okay. let's see. one last thing -- can you provide us your contact information maybe verbally let us know and do you have a business card. >> sure. you can reach the planning department. my name name is kearstin dischinger. should i spell that for you? >> maybe for the record. the last name is dischinger. >> uh-huh. >> you can reach me through my
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sfgov e-mail or my phone number is 558-6284. >> can you repeat repeat it? >> okay. thank you. >> i have one question. on the parking issue, you use the phrase that that i didn't quite fully understand and that was consistent with the neighborhood -- the parking -- it had to be consistent with the neighborhood? >> i'm not sure what i said but with the parking piece we wanted to make sure that people could have this benefit so long as it didn't create a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood complex for example you can't park on the sidewalk you have to leave certain spaces available and for the case of the administrative or the expedited process, we're not talking
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about a new structure for the parking. we're talking about just parking on the existing lot in a way that's not inconveniencing the existing properties. >> so it's just like in a sense that there's a lot of houses that -- is that what we're talking about just adding concrete? >> well, we're not talking about that example explicitly. but yes there's spaces on many developed lots in in the front and back of the building that could accommodate cars but are not currently permitted to do so so we make this accommodation on a short-term basis. >> thanks for clearing that up. any further comments from staff? none? i have no public comment
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cards for this item. is there anything someone in the audience would like to comment? no? is there anyone on the bridge line that would like to comment? no. all right then i want to thank you very much for your presentation. >> and we'll keep joanna updated as we progress through the legislative process. >> thank you. >> great. we'll be be at the land use committee january 26th and following that sending it to the full board for first and second reading. thank you. >> okay. our next item is co-chair elections. required by bylaws to have 2 co-chairs we can't have an election today because we don't have quorum and it will have to be moved to next month's agenda and we'll have nominations and discussion and a vote then. okay. next
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item is agenda item number 9 a report from the mayor's office on disability. joanna? >> good afternoon and happy new year council members. joanna here and i'm the director for access and as you can see carla johnson regrets not being with us here today. she's on a she's on a well deserved vacation so today i'm filling in and i'll update you on 3 items that the mayor's office on disability has been involved in over the last couple of months and a summary report on on complaints and inquiries and first off your previous october and november meetings
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focusing on employment for people with disabilities the department of human resources heard you loud and clear and has convened an advisory panel. the members of the panel include the state department of rehabilitation and lighthouse for the blind and visually impaired positive resource center and other community based organizations and of course our office. over the course of the next several months the panel will address a number of issues such as such such such as enhancing a disability friendly culture into the department are the goals of recruitment and retention and
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promotion with people with disabilities and perhaps you can consider inviting them back to have a follow up meeting. >> speaking of timing 2015 also marks the 25th anniversary of the passing of the americans with disabilities act and of course it's a big anniversary and deserves a bay area wide celebration and mod along with a small group of community based agencies such as the legal referral panel and public authorities have initiated a bay area wide effort to promote disability events related to the 25th anniversary and in fact
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reaching out to independent living centers in adjacent counties and other disability rights groups across the bay and when the process of developing a new website, ada 25 bay area the one stop shop for events happening throughout the region and so please stay tuned for more exciting information in the course of the next couple of weeks and months so my third update is about our staffing levels here at mod you all know that since september 2014 we've been filling feeling the very grave loss in terms of the workload that is piling up so i'm happy to report that we have made a selection for a new deputy director for physical access from a large pool of very well
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qualified applicants and as as a department unfortunately the department of human resources is going through the background check and final stages of the hiring process i can not yet reveal the individual's name but we expect him or her to start in early february and at that point we'll introduce them to you at the next meeting and the final part of my report includes a summary of complaints and over the holidays we received a drop in calls and received just over a hundred inquiries and requests for technical assistance and the majority, 86 percent from members of the public and the rest were from city departments
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and we also received 16 complaints the majority of which involve public right of way access issues and here the education part of the report. public right of way access means having a clear path of travel which includes a continuous un obstructed way of travel crosswalks curb ramps or pedestrian ramps and the majority of of the complaints and non useable temporary curb ramps in this case our
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department cooperated with the department of public works to investigate and resolve the issues promptly often times within a few hours. our office has contacted the department of public works for additional training assistance for staff and contract ors to help prevent future complaints but as as you can imagine this is a problem that keeps happening since there's several crews and several construction projects happening throughout the city. another public right of way case was actually quite interesting had to do with portable toilets and the portable toilet was used by the election staff in front of a voting garage and so they had to provide the portable toilets for the workers however they placed it on the sidewalks and cut the path of travel for
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people trying to get from one side of the sidewalk to the other so to prevent the situation from reoccurring and also requested special permits to allow the portable toilet to be parked on the street temporarily instead of the sidewalk basically took out a parking space to allow the portable toilet to be on the side of the street. the sidewalk and walkway remain clear and accessible to all. if a site requires a portable unit, the department of elections will survey the site and identify the specific measurements if the site will require permits to actually get a parking space and the position of the portable toilet
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on the street and not on the sidewalk. i thought you guys would appreciate the work the amount of work and planning that goes to even a temporary election site and that concludes my report this is a reminder to our public watching today that if you experience a disability access issue in a city facility or program feel free to contact the mayor's office on disability 415-554 -- or send us an e-mail mod at sfgov dot org we look forward to hearing from you. thank you. >> >> thank you. we'll move onto agenda item 10 report from the disability disaster
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preparedness committee. >> thank you. the committee met on friday january january 2nd, 2015, representatives from community based organizations, city and county departments. the mayor's office on disability and the mayor's disability council were in in attend ance as well as members of the public. the mvc disaster preparedness committee accomplishments reviewed the new the new york city ada lawsuit for lessons learned transportation plans and evacuations from multistory building accessibility communications and updated the san francisco shelter database participated in 2 exercises adding a disability component including vehicle evacuation issues and disability sensitivity and tsunami
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exercise and civic center active shooter drill and created the chemical the list of lists and develop tracking agencies that serve people with disabilities along with maps that locate vulnerable populations such as people living in residential kerosene i care, senior housing and demonstrated how technology and equipment can support emergency plans such as video remote interpreting vri striker evacuation and participated in testing and standards, elevator assisted evacuations from multistory buildings and the san francisco card participated
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in the international disaster conference and expo and issues with asl interpreters and service interpreters and discussion items. suggestions that the agreement with sfmta to provide accessible transportation during emergencies must be formal ized and integrating chairs. chairs already available -- [inaudible] carla has applied for a grant to fund 12 more chairs to go to fire emergency search and rescue and there will be training. did that currently already happen? okay. thank you. additional items we prioritize for 2015,
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mod and earthquake safety programs are working on draft legislation to make evacuation chairs mandatory in some buildings need data to help support this. the group made a commitment to update a list of i say wills annually spear headed by -- and include a map of senior housing by district and a list of vendors for durable medical equipment and celebration of the ada's 25th anniversary and follow up on the study and recommendations and increase the number of community based organization that participate in ddph for example red cross senior disability action. use vri in a mock emergency and coordinate
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with francis zoomie and preparation for 2016 superbowl events and red cross shelter training. this concludes the report for january and the next meeting will be held on friday, march march 6th, 2015, at city hall in room 421 from 130 to 330 and the public is welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing you there. thank you. >> thank you. okay. we now have public comment. items not on today's agenda but within the section of the mdc i have e r.n. estine pat er son. >>.
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. . >> i'm ms. paterson and i'd like to ask officially the assistance of the mayor's disability council and staff to help those of us still working to to locate some part-time perhaps slightly stipend mentorships. i've in the past written to high schools to no avail. i have a ba and ma and did teach in san francisco state from 1984 to 1987. i've done othe
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