tv [untitled] January 21, 2015 7:30pm-8:01pm PST
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most vulnerable residents are absolutely the last resort. this legislation is the first step in gettingp grasp of evictions to achieve that goal. traditionally it sets the goals if you contract through the city for services. through the legislation the city will get statistics and information from sros, master lease rooms, supportive housing site accident, some sites that receive local funds and other affordable housing programs. the reports will require the number of unlawful detainers issued in court and the reasons? a. the numbers of tenants and house holds removed and the reason for the eviction and protect privacy or no other personal information will be released -- [inaudible] and mo will collect the data from the housing partners and compile the reports with the respective housing portfolios. lastly
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with this legislation we're encouraging the housing providers -- although we can't mandate it, to provide past statistics and information. we hope they voluntarily submit this information so we can look at the eviction trends and adapt it and address it. given the vast resources we put into finding individuals and families housed and keeping them housed especially in this environment i want to make sure we're not expending additional resources for them to be evict d and back on the streets. it's a vicious cycle to avoid. i want to thank all of them for the input and support on the legislation as well as the major housing providers that had significant input along the way. it's the first step to address this issue and look forward to having your support today colleagues. >> thank you supervisor farrell. okay. colleagues can
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we do same house same call for this item? this ordinance is passed on the first reading unanimously. madam clerk can you please call item 16. >> item 16 say motion to respond to the civil grand jury to provide a status update on the board of supervisors responses to recommendations 1a, 1b, 2a, three, 11d and 12b contained in the 2013-14 civil grand jury report entitled rising sea levels at our door step and urging the mayor to cause the implementation through the department heads and through the budget. >> same house same call. without objection this item passes unanimously. this motion is approved unanimously. item 17. >> item 17 say motion to respond to the civil grand jury to provide a status update on the board of supervisors' responses to recommendations numbers two, 11, 16 and 18 and
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21 contained in the civil grand jury report entitled ethics in the city promise, practice or pretense. >> okay. supervisor avalos. >> thank you. colleagues i would like to see if we can continue this item another week? i was going through it and i found there's a lot of questions i still have. whether i can vote on it right now? i feel i couldn't vote in favor of this now because there are questions remain for me whether these are the correct responses. given a week's time i can make the determination on that so i would like to continue the item for one week if that is possible. >> okay. supervisor avalos we do not have a meeting next week so would you like to it for two week sths. >> to our next meeting, yes. >> okay. supervisor avalos made a motion. seconded by supervisor yee and okay i would
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like to recognize supervisor tang at this time. >> thank you. i just wanted to i guess get a little clarification given that i sit on gao also with president breed as well and i wanted a better understanding of some of the issues that may be there? i do know that we thought carefully about some of the responses and i know that for some of the recommendations made individual supervisors can even even outside the civil grand jury process can introduce legislation to move forward on some of the recommendations made, so i am just trying to get a clarification on some of the -- [inaudible] >> okay. supervisor tang you would like a response from supervisor avalos? okay. supervisor avalos. >> right. i know they can come up with approving a piece of legislation that appears tao and i'm not sure i am in full agreement with all of the responses. i need more time to
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be able to go through whether i agree with all of them, and if i am not clear about that i would tend to vote no if we vote today and i would rather not vote no. after another week's time of reviewing the information -- there's actually a lot of responses that are in here that i think are important to be clear on and i would another week to do that, but if we're going to vote today i would probably vote no and if i have work moving forward on recommendations that are in the legislation that's before us regarding ethics i would come forward with it but i would rather not vote in favor of it and then come forward with legislation that is different from what is recommended in this legislation. >> president yee -- i mean president breed. >> thank you. colleagues i strongly urge that we move this item forward without a continuance. we have heard this
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twice in gao. we made responses that were approved by the board in the past and these are just a follow ups to a few of the responses that we approved so this report is a year old and i think it's time to approve it and move on so that is my suggestion so i won't be voting to support a continuance. thank you. okay. supervisor avalos did you want to make additional comments? >> yes, i would please. again i'm not saying i am in disagreement with gao and the process and the decisions made. i just don't feel comfortable to vote in favor right now given that i might want to address some of the issues and i wouldn't want to vote in favor and do something inconsistent with my vote. that's why i wanted to postpone. i could very well support it moving forward, but if there's going to be a vote today i will vote no and it's not a vote that is
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necessarily against the work that the members have already done. thank you. supervisor campos. >> thank you president breed. i just want to say that i understand a lot of work has been done on this, but i do believe that's it's important to have additional time to look at all of the issues that are raised here, and to the extent that there may be additional legislation that is introduced i think we want to be careful as those that vote that it's not inconsistent with a "yes" vote today and i think simply giving it two more weeks makes sense. >> okay. not seeing any -- supervisor christensen. >> i just want to say that although i obviously report the work of my colleagues on this i think i have a better excuse
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than supervisor avalos or supervisor campos for wanting time to be more familiar with this matter so at the moment a continuance would be a preference on my part. >> okay. with that on the item to continue thank you supervisor christensen for your comments. they are taken into consideration here. madam clerk can you please call the roll for a vote to continue this item. >> supervisor avalos. >> yes. >> supervisor avalos aye. supervisor breed. >> aye. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor christensen. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> there are 11 aye's. >> okay. this item passes
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for a continuance unanimously to the meeting of january 27. madam clerk at this time since we have 230 special accommodations and a 3:00 o'clock special order i would like to start with roll call and once we reach those time periods -- okay. okay. madam clerk can we please go to committee reports at this time. >> the following items were considered by the land use and economic development committee at a regular meeting on january 12, 2015 and forwarded to the board as committee reports. item 30 is a resolution extending for an additional six month period interim zoning controls requiring conditional use
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authorization for limited financial service and businesses of professional service uses in the upper market transit district and affirming the planning department california environmental quality act determination. >> okay. same house. same call. this resolution is adopted unanimously. madam clerk can you please call the next item. >> item 31 is a resolution imposing zoning controls requiring conditional use authorization for massage controls and making the requisite findings. >> same house same call. this resolution is adopted unanimously -- >> madam president i believe supervisor tang. >> thank you very much. supervisor tang. >> thank you very much. i know i spoke on this when i introduced it i want to thank the land use committee for passing this out unanimously and controls while we set the process for more formal controls
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down the line that will involve a number of stakeholders before the controls go into place and i want to thank them. >> okay. not seeing other members on the roster. same house, same call. this resolution is adopted unanimously. madam clerk can you call the next item. >> item 32 is a acquisition of real property on raymond avenue from bridge way vista two for the nominal cost of 1 dollar. >> okay. same house same call. supervisor cohen. >> thank you mad madam president breed. i appreciate the speed we're going through the meeting. >> >> we will be out of here in no time but i want to speak on this item. thank you for hearing this item. this will give the city the ability to acquire this property known as the visitacion valley center. for hundred years the building
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has been instrumental in serving for a gathering place for the community and pivotal in the active senior community. we unfortunately lost this building to foreclosure over a year ago going on two years and a tremendously long road to get to where we are today. over the last two years the communities participated in many meetings about the future about this piece of property and i want to thank all of the community members that have remained steadfast and dedicated to seeing this vision come to fruition. it's not just about reclaiming a building but a important symbolic message about this space that this building holds in the community. the city's ownership of the building means that our residents will have a safe and healthy place to gather in the community. it also means we can have a place
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for families and children to thrive in the valley and i want to acknowledge the leadership of johnup dike in the mayor's office of real estate and jason elliot and instrumental early on and yoyo chan and my staff. thank you. >> thank you supervisor cohen. not seeing any other names on the roster can we take this item same house, same call. without objection this resolution is passed. madam clerk we have a 230 special order. >> yes madam chair i believe it's from supervisor kim. >> okay. supervisor kim you have a accommodation today. >> thank you and i should ask john mcknight is here? so last month colleagues as you and many of our residents were quite aware the city of san francisco braced itself -- you're welcome to go to the podium -- braced itself for what the press
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called the storm of the decade hashtag storm a geton. the storm that deluged the bay area with 6.5 inches of rain, much need but of course at the same time maked the month as the wettest on record in the last 60 years. there are many things that the department of emergency and disaster services were able to do to coordinate efforts that were needed throughout the city but one important identified need that came from the hope office with bevan dusty was the need for emergency shelter for the many residents that live on the streets. >> >> and not able to get a bed in the shelter system and at capacity even when there isn't any rain. the department worked with hope and the city disaster services to quickly ready a
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shelter at the rec center across the street from my house really in under 24 hours an amazing task. they set up low bureaucracy temporary shelter where residents could literally walk in and immediately get a bed and also stay through the next day. ecf staffed the shelter bringing in last minute supplies and even staff just throughout the city like bevan saw that we had everything that we needed for everyone that came in. the red cross donated cots and blankets and comfort tips and hygiene packets. the one piece to be addressed in the early stage was food, something that is so obvious, but a gaff that we clearly had. the city's team was concerned about bringing residents out of the rain without food to sustain them. the shelter in the end
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housing 246 individuals on the nights of december 10 and 11th and with people at varying stages of health and wellness. the department of human services was only able to coordinate this project after they contacted john mcknight who is before us today, the director of emergency and disaster services and made sure the meals were delivered during the days and he asked two questions. when did the city want the meals and where delivered and how many people needed to be fed? as an example of someone who always says yes we can for the entire team many folk frts city family approached our office to make sure we honor you for your efforts over those three days and i want to acknowledge mr. mcknight for the service to the community, his humanitarian spirit and the rapid response in the face of a
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challenging situation. he's one of the dedicated staff that came together to make sure that the residents were warm, safe and secure during the night. he is a graduate of si here in san francisco. supervisor farrell nods in with support as well as uc berkeley and serves in the navy. he worked in the biotech industry before moving to san francisco to do something more meaningful. well, he certainly has. mr. mcknight since you're we want you say a couple of words to this board. i know ben aames i believe -- yes ben is also here as well, our disaster response manager, who also wanted to be here to support your work so ben if you would like to come up as well please do but i want to thank you for your services. it's not often many employees approach our office to commend someone for their work and it's clear that
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your colleagues appreciate your dedication and leadership. thank you. >> thank you supervisor kim and particularly to the city and the mayor and ensured that shelter opened up in advance of the storm's approach. many agencies came together to take care of people who would have been left out in the cold literally and the conditions. we were all conditioned about the health and well being and the impact on the health system. ben aames is here from health and human services industry. ms. flores from the red cross and i am john mcknight from the salvation army and the episcopal services came together in a great show of how the city works as a unit, as a team to make sure we take care of each other in times of need. thank you so much for the opportunity to speak. [applause] >> i wanted to invite members of the team to come up to take a
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to the item for roll call for introductions. >> thank you madam president. the first supervisor up to introduce new business, supervisor avalos. >> thank you madam clerk. a couple of items for introduction today. one is a request for the city attorney to draft legislation that would set us in motion to create a municipal development corporation. as you all know i have been working for a number of years on the creation of a public bank, a municipal bank for the city and county of san francisco. the public bank could eventually take over the city's banking functions that are currently performed by bank of america and wells fargo and issue forms of debt and refinance the city's general obligation bonds. the goal of the bank is maximize the city's financial resources and
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minimize the amount the city pays out in interest and fees to wall street firms. it is clear that we have a huge unfunded needs in a number of areas such as affordable housing, transportation infrastructure, and renewable power to name a few. it's my hope that a public bank will help fill the funding gaps. while the city attorney had legal concerns about this we have worked with them over the past three years to determine as a charter city we clearly have the ability to create our own public bank, but even though we have the legal clearance the process of actually creating a bank is pretty mammoth under taking so i have been working with nadia in the controller's office, public finance to figure out a step in making this public bank a reality. we have concluded that a manageable first step would be the creation
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of a municipal development corporation. this would be a non depository financial institution that would fund projects by issuing medium turn notes. they wouldn't be able to leveraging the city's assets as a full bank would but because of the capitalization and requirements for creating a public bank it's a simple first step to start this way. although the mdc could potentially fund a number of purposes it is our intent that it would initially focus on funding for the creation of affordable housing. it is our goal that this new financial institution would lay the ground work to create a public bank while continue to work -- while we continue to work on the regulatory and financing challenges of creating that public bank so today i am asking the city attorney to draft a ordinance for the controller to
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look at options for creating this municipal developmental corporation. it is my hope that we move quickly on this so the potential can inform this year's budget process and potential housing measures for this november's baf on the. the next. >> >> item i have for introduction is enmemoryiam for karen mccoy in my district in the merced neighborhood they worked with on park issues and neighborhood. karen was born in san francisco, california to james r mccoy and eta jean porter. she attended thomas moore school and immaculate conception high school where she was class president and received associate of arts in physical education general education
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from san francisco city college and bachelor in art leisure studies in 1994 and master of science from san francisco state in college career counseling in 2003. she retire friday parks and rec in 2012 after 31 years of service. she was predeceased by per -- by her mother and leaves her brothers dudley and michael mccoy and step sister cheryl turner and family and to her cousins, friends brenda moore, and other friends and jordan and jackson mccoy and her family and friends. her first job was an
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aquatics cashier with the rec and parks department and following her passion to change lives she developed a project for drug and tobacco awareness for teenage girls and assisted with a program that worked with the most challenging young adults in the bay area. a person with many talents she started her own catering company, creative items by karen and started in a program and housed over eight froarj foreign exchange students and maintained activism for parks and recreational facilities. her final achievement was assisting in the attainment of funds for merced merheights park in her neighborhood and close to her heart and have a lasting impact
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for thousands in the neighborhood. thank you colleagues. the rest i will submit. >> thank you supervisor avalos. supervisor campos. >> thank you madam clerk. i have a couple of items that i have discussed in the past that relate to the issue of whether or not hosting platforms like air brb have indeed paid taxes to the taxpayers of the city and county of san francisco. the first ordinance i am introducing today is an ordinance that would make the implementation of the airbnb law -- so-called law that passed contingent upon the collection and payment of back taxes that are owed to the taxpayers of the city and county of san francisco. the second item i am introducing today is a
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hearing request on the question of whether short term residential rental housing platforms that do business in the city and county of san francisco have in fact remitted all transit occupancy taxes that are owed to the city and county of san francisco, and a hearing on what the treasurer tax collector's efforts have been to collect such taxes. i respectfully request that the treasurer tax collector report on this item in committee. the rest i submitted. thank you. >> thank you supervisor campos. supervisor christensen. >> i have an in memoriam. i would like to remember patricia thomas and known to the city family as the housing authority commissioner. to her friends and neighbors and colleagues in chinatown she was an organizer for the chinatown development center and advocate and an
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african-american resident of the [inaudible] for 16 years, a woman that bridged cultures and ethnicities and economic levels. my colleagues and the district join me in this and the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor christensen. supervisor cohen. >> thank you. i submit. >> supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. >> thank you madam clerk. last year we introduced the housing balanced legislation as a way to address the housing affordability crisis and ensure we have a balanced production of market rate housing. we targeted through the months of discussion with the mayor's office we targeted a goal of 33% of affordable housing that mirrors similar goals in redevelopment areas such as trans bay and hunter's point and the redevelopment plan. we worked with the mayor's office and stakeholders to develop a
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housing and stabilization plan to address the current affordability crisis. this was codified in the proposition k ballot measure that passed with over 65% of the vote in november. proposition k called for policy makers to develop initiatives to mitigate the effects of high rent and home prices as well as high commercial rents. lack of affordable business spaces and housing are hurting the small businesses and larger businesses from attracting the best workers in the region. prior to the passage of proposition k we started to work on neighborhood stabilization efforts with the mayor's office. we introduced interim controls for the central soma area plan where there is currently an area planning process under way. our interim controls prohibits the conversion of production and repairs basis until permanent zoning is complete. we introduced interim controls on second street to prohibit
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ground flow retail to activate retail frontage on emerging neighborhood corridor. this legislation is a continuation of the work that we started with the housing dashboard in 2012 with then supervisor christina olague. it requires the planning department to report the number of units at all stages of production process and at various affordability levels. this is required to be in staff reports on all projects of five residential units or more and in quarterly housing production reports to the planning commission. this legislation takes the data collection a step further and establishes a 10 year count of number of affordable housing produced in comparison to market rate and luxury housing beginning in 2005 to 2015 will be the first year of the 10 year rolling count. this legislation specifies th
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