tv [untitled] January 21, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PST
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there was almost no way out after all that we had gone through. thank god for comedy in the 49ers. three still standing is a film that showcases that tradition of beautiful and obsolete entertaining way the city leaders should see the film get behind the film for the rest of the country can see you appreciate it. the film will have its premiere with mayor willie brown introducing the evening and tom -- will introduce the film. robin williams was a big part of this film. dana cody paul poundstone and rob schneider. the film is dedicated [inaudible] >> thank you ma'am your time has expired. next her, please. thank you. >> thank you pres. breed and other members of the cabal. i
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have another speech prepared but i decided to comment on your support for the nicotine addiction industry. this is what i got i could get smg tv. help coordinate artery disease develops after spending two years at the gym including almost an hour this morning. having stopped smoking back in 2008 i still have to smoke when i walk down the street. i still have no choice about being subjected to nicotine and its nicotine that is addictive and toxic and carcinogenic and a poison. you've just permitted more to wander around my up this year. this is one time where each one of you supervisors represented the people of the city as an
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entirety and you all -- your face our decision who also be easy way out. this is -- this is after walk by the twitter building out here and i have the hash tag on instant grandma called, twitters junkies because they're all nicotine junkies. this enthusiastic supporters of this new little shop where nicotine junkies, already an eager to get your support and they managed it. so, thank you. >> thank you, xp kurt, please. >> thank you. next speaker, please >> hello. my name is
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[inaudible] rosé i work in disease prevention. this worker, spoken at the board of supervisors meeting. the first time was on october 28. my back had been virtually immobilized that i spoke to both supervisor kim about his letter mentioned that they are taught but the high rate of breast cancer and that they have. [inaudible] the highest rates of [inaudible] it turned out that synthetic estrogen was playing a major role in half the cases of breast cancer. the drug companies have been told not to put this compound on the market until it was thoroughly tested and editor by ma, 1938 told the possibility of carcinoma and induced by estrogen cannot be ignored. etc. etc. the drug companies ignored this advice and stayed on the market for 60 years. untested. shortly after
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this talk to my front teeth fell out. the second time was sometimes november i believe after that talk i found that someone had stolen my [inaudible] right front of city hall supervisor campos widget and wiener were witnesses to the sorry occurrence. today like to talk again about synthetic estrogen. it was given to pregnant women in 1940 -1931 to prevent this miscarriage and promote healthy babies. again, the drug companies did no testing to validate this claim for the entire 30 years. in 1930 charles -- chemist published a study in british medical journal showing that synthetic estrogen will board an established pregnancy.. he said everything we know about the similarity of the reproductive system and mammals. >> thank you for your time is
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up. next speaker, please. >> tomko 20, 30 years ago $44 million in state funds went to south developers [inaudible] 414 units, katie three below-market rates which expired 1 january this year. they will go through 12 months and then six months before of notice before they become market rate apartments which three are $90 a year increased, $400 a year increased the last three years just for me. robert barron rates. so, will a little bit more is going out of the city to a pension fund that owns them in florida. fully, at
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some point in time a public bank will remedy the situation and start funding some of the investments and rental properties that we have in the city. the changes coming. or so we hope. e cigarettes no cell phones so. when we got now so the object of what we're building [inaudible] is basically the result. so is it going to be real estate profits, long-term housing, celtic communities which is basically long-term residents. we need a new direction. from city hall. ellis island interactions, the abominable rent increase is terrible. we're going to lose 60 units of affordable housing. south
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beach, i said before, is to san francisco what a cavity is to a tooth. it's not going to become a bigger it. something like this thank you >> thank you, sir. other any of the members of the public -- yes >> yes, thank you. i want to talk about a number of things that are going on in my community. i lived here before. i was a victim of -- where people were kicked out of there after lot of abuse and harassment. like to hear somebody on this board of speak as passionately about my community about the ease cigarettes which is not as deadly trek which is something that people can avoid. but in the committee will not be able to avoid what could happen from that follows. the community
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cannot go to all the meetings might especially on the 20th with a meeting schedule that the meeting i was at last night which i left about 9:00 pm i was about from their from six o'clock to 9:00 pm [inaudible] allowed people cannot be there. so, if you don't really hear from the community that's going to all the harassment, i bought a below-market unit that my daughter is paying for me to live there at my church which is less than 100 feet away, but we were never [inaudible] from the harrison team we were never out of reach from that and in the summer team i called the team long before because i met -- every time i will call the harris would call me it was $96,000 a year you had to make to be in the. twice my daughter was there that her [inaudible] in the second, daughter said
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over about a year and half ago, it doesn't sound right that you have to make $96,000 in dollars to be a below-market rate units. it seems like people that's making a much money wouldn't want to be there. because she is a registered nurse with a bachelor's degree. she doesn't didn't have to make make that much per year. >> ma'am, thank you. >> but we are concerned about >> ma'am while somebody follow up with you i need to move on with public comments. thank you. next speaker, please. hello >> make sure you see this picture. when i was in washington dc. [inaudible].
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>> can you speak in a microphone please >> yes. on. article here about black gay men. also i'm here to talk about last february, they put a noose on my [inaudible]. then in september i had -- that's already the building opposed to watching serena williams she attacked me with a copy mug at the hotel where i lived. recently, we've been having [inaudible] on sunday the 21st before the sunday before christmas the mission hotel [inaudible] in my hotel someone has been going our rooms burning our rooms. i survived but we don't have cameras and are building. they have been working since we went
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over there in september to get the [inaudible] from the young lady. i want you to be aware that [inaudible] when you're black and gay you really don't know if you can say that but i recently found out [inaudible] so, i know all our lives but what i'm asking you is to we need more protection in our hotels. people are setting fires there and it's three things have a new seven to be hit on our men and fires in the mission hotel. all on that someday before christmas. >> thank you limited other any other members of the public would like to speak at this time, seeing none public comment is close. [gavel]. mdm. clerk, can you please call for
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the adoption without committee reference items >> item [inaudible] these items need to be attacked by single roll call vote >> colleagues is there anyone who wants to sever any him sunday at immediate auto option counter without committee reference supervisor avalos >> item 43. >> 43.? okay, 43 other any other items, okay, on the remaining items on the adoption of a committee reference rollcall votes please >> supervisor avalos i would tech supervisor breed i would tech combos with it i would tech questions and i looked at
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cohen i would tech kim i would tech mar i would kick tang i would tech wiener i would tech yee i would tech.11 i would tech >> the committee would now reference is adopted unanimously. [gavel] and mdm. clerk, can you please go item number three. cody three >> [reading] >> supervisor avalos >> i believe this item, 43 his neck strictly tied to item 17 so would like to continue it to the next supervisors meeting in two weeks so can be heard on the same date as item number 17 >> supervisor avalos wickett has made a motion to continue this item second bite without
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objection this is continue to the next meeting on the board of supervisors january 27. [gavel]. mdm. clerk other any other items before us? >> yes mdm. pres. the in the more humans that the meeting be adjourned today in memory of death was supervisor avalos police ms. karen elizabeth mccoy. behalf of supervisor christiansen, billy commissioner patricia thomas. on behalf of supervisor kim for the late mr. kenneth harold l. on behalf of supervisor mar for the late tom bowman. on behalf of supervisor yee the late mrs. pat and on behalf of supervisor wiener for the late helen diller. >> thank you. thank you all for attending today's meeting is adjourned. >>.
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>> good morning today is is january 21, 2015 this is the regular meeting of the abatement appeal board i'd like to remind everyone to turn off electronic devise. >> commissioner clinch commissioner melgar president mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner mccray commissioner walker we have quorum and the next item is item b the oath we'll all parts giving testimony today please stand and raise your right hand do you solemnly swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the whole truth and nothing but the truth? to the best of our knowledge thank you you may be seated next the minutes approval of minutes discussion
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and possible action to adapt the minutes for november 19, 2014. >> move to approve. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second any public comment on item the minutes? seeing none all commissioners in favor >> any opposed the minutes are approved item d continued appeal order of abatement case central avenue owner of record of appellant action requested continued stay of order of abatement to allow the owner time to abate violations. >> good afternoon, members of the board chief housing inspector i'm happy to novice the board since our november 19th meeting to give the property owners additional
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time to work under the abatement program that a comprehensive scope of work has bin delineated that's the last 16 packages of our staff report and our understanding the property owner is getting very close to signing that particular contract when the work comprehends it will definitely cover the scope of work even more repairs than that that's delineated in the notice of violation before you the report indicates once work comprehends it should be done in 15 days with respect with respect to the execution of the contract mrs. lobe is here i'll defer to let her talk about that she sent us copies an e-mail on friday indicating claim was a couple of items discussed with the mayor's office of housing
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but to expedite r execute that contract with that i have no other information unless you have questions. >> through the chair. >> commissioner walker. >> any sense of a timeframe assuming those scope of work is accepted how long to implement and finish the work. >> the contract indicates that once work comprehends it will be done within 15 days when its commenced i'm not sure it depends on obviously the subsequent to the execution of the contract perhaps ms. lobe has more information from the mayor's office of housing when the contractor can start once that process has occurred that's the information at this point and it's 15 days to do the actual work. >> yes. it is rather than extensive it is the last 16 pages at the end of our staff
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report delineates particulars including the qualifications of the contractor keeping the site secure, what specifically will be done the materials etc. i understand is standard for this process >> commissioner melgar you i want to express the appreciation rosemary going above and beyond. >> second that. >> i do want to commend mrs. lobe for staying the course this has not been an easy process for her. >> thank you. >> ms. lobe you have 7 minutes if you like. >> well, i think rosemaryy boss
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take care of what is the happened from any point of view i've been in contact with the mayor's office of housing abatement whatever there were issues i just wanted to clarify i wasn't holding up anything on the contract i want to clarify on the history i wanted to make sure that nothing can go wrong this time that's all and it will probably be signed this week or next week anytime is fine with me i've novice people that are with me anytime we'll be doing it and their fine with it so sort of up to the contractor after we sign the papers when he has time or whatever it takes to do i'm ready i haven't notified any neighbors yet but i will it's a house like
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our houses 2, 3, 4 san francisco you know there's no access so i have to get the coordination of my neighbors to bring in the scaffolds to the back of the house i haven't done that without signing the contract but other than i know they're not going to be unhappy the contractor was asking me is there a problem i said absolutely not they'll be celebrating that's it as soon as wire ready i'm ready i wanted to thank rosemaryy and her crew and the mayor's office of housing and those who else has been helping me to get this smooth it's not been easy just to say the at least and part of it is what they called complaint
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driven so in order for people to drive me crazy guess there's one less thing on my plate that's it as soon as it could be done it if it takes longer we know that contractors don't get paid i don't think there will be a problem there. >> any questions for ms. lobe commissioner walker. >> thank you, again, for going through this and so you're okay with the contractor you're going to sign the paperwork as soon as you can make an appointment. >> yes. and . >> and as soon as as the contractor any indication of any schedule. >> i don't have anything to do they have people come over and other than their name i haven't peppering met with them there
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were 5 of them i have no idea with which one was itch it's up to the contractor manager. >> you're okay with. >> absolutely i've had more than my share of contractors that wanted to rip me off so - >> any indication a long delay. >> no. i don't think so it's my understanding because of the nature of the job they want to get paid so all of that motivation they don't have anything to do with me but i'm good with it and appreciate the assistance in having someone else manage the job it's not easy having an old how is it didn't look great over the years i've had a lot of the contractors not want to do the work it was hard and they knew i
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wasn't a millionaire to be honest, i have a list of people that would not bother including the roofers so to get a manager to death penalty deal with those people is a blessing yeah. >> thank you that's it. >> rose marry do you have moisten to add what is the next step you preserve. >> well, the next step to give her sufficient time to get this done i'll say 60 days at that that's reasonable because the contractor got to get out once the work commences for them to execute the contract and commence by the time we get back
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in the meeting for two months talk about the work that's done. >> commissioner walker. >> what's the status of any fees that are associated with this. >> i would have to look i think we work with her given the situations to see our fees there are about $2,000 we'll work on that. >> so the action we can take to uphold the order of abatement give her 60 days. >> it will be similar to the action as last time. >> great. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> ms. lobe do you want to come up and say anything else there's a 3 minute rebuttal you don't have to okay. thank you. >> you commissioner walker do you want to make a motion. >> let's do public comment. >> any public comment on this seeing none. >> i would like to i believe we
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did we discontinue last time or. >> held on abatement you would be - >> we upheld the order. >> upheld the abstinence. >> so i'd like to amend our previous order of abatement to accommodate is additional 60 day or holding an awe bins with an additional 60 day to our march 60 days from today we get an update at our february meeting. >> march. >> march no february. >> we would like to get an update in february. >> an update yeah. >> i second. >> would that be a instead of
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update. >> just tlults a staff update so he know what's happening there's a motion and second. >> rose mary and i anticipate the commission wants me to update you so when the contract has been executed i'll be more than happy to do that. >> thank you commissioner walker i think - >> there's a motion and second i'll do the roll call vote. >> commissioner clinch commissioner melgar president mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner mccray commissioner walker that motion carries unanimously
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item 2 case 11 marina boulevard appellant and person of record action requested by appellant reserve the order of abatement or grant a 10 year moratorium under the section of the san francisco building code. >> morning from the department 4 one one boulevard is a use for installation of a second kitchen on the ground floor abatement was issued on may 21st of last year we don't see any permits that will deal with the
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violation therefore staff represents to uphold the abatement and goes an assessment of costs that concludes my report. >> i have a question is it right. i read the letter that the attorneys wrote this is not allowed by planning that the second kitchen is not allowed is there an issue about permitting it if it's not allowed by planning. >> it's i would say with recent changes to the code it could be possible to legalize it. >> commissioner walker. >> are there 0 any safety issues involved with this at this junction i mean it's not really a second unit correct it's more of a man. >> any breach of the code until we can verify
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