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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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. >> chairman nolan and cristina rubke we have is quorum item 3. >> ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen, our meeting has gone. >> all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the board be enacted by one resolution in the form or forms listed below. if discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda police know these
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devices interfere with the microphone. >> approval of the january 6th meeting. >> second. >> any further discussion all in favor, say i. minutes are approved. >> item 5 communications. >> numbers to the content i'd like to accommodate a number of folks that wish to address did board on item 11 our content i'd like to begin with ed reiskin's reporting and go with item 11 and item 12 background electro the rest of agenda members okay. >> please note directors noticing no litigation during closed session. >> the election of the sfmta chairman and vice chair now nominations for chairman. >> i'd like to nominate ed reiskin. >> nominations are closed
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(laughter) all in favor, say i. closed no, thank you (laughter) thank you. the i's have it vice chair any nominations for vice chair. >> i'll nominate cheryl brinkman. >> okay in this case, the nominations are closed all in favor, say i. congratulations. >> thank you thank you for coming out for the election today (laughter) also a great deal of interests in the election board. >> okay. so director reiskin is over there good afternoon director reiskin. >> good afternoon mr. chair and the board. >> i don't think you're on. >> and the other one. >> it should be on. >> good afternoon. >> thank you that one should be on. >> hello
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good afternoon. >> oh, oh try another way. >> hi the microphones are not working can you turn the one on at the podium okay. but it says it's on but it's not on there's a problem can someone please come up? okay thanks >> you want to try the other one. >> yeah. >> is that working? arrest the rows on yeah. and this one is working. >> these are
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some reason that one is not working. >> it's going to be - . >> hello t is this one working. >> okay good afternoon. i was standing adopt there i wanted to personally perpetrate this special with regard i wanted to do so i will put off the rest of my report but wanted to take time tennessee at the beginning of the meeting meeting to recognize one the of finest public servants this city has hasten e seen who will be retiring next month jerry robin's from our sustainable
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streets division many of you on the board and staff and public are familiar with jerry has a diminished career and legacy he's leaving as he enters the next phase he started that the planning department in 1987 as did manager of the perennial streets program that was long before an sfmta it was before a department of parking and traffic it was formed in 1990 because of his skills and expertise and transportation his first utility and his ability to work with large teams hesitate invaluable in handling projects and strigs into the mta i will quote from our esteemed former sustainable streets
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director and dp t director jerry is the best i've ever worked with in putting a team together to contribute to the team and projects he's been the lead planner for the elements of the opening of what was then pack bell ball park in 2000 and working with the giants and the 49ers and other institutions in the city that had challenges that jerry was at the center of revolving successfully over the years moose been the point person on device issues aesz as don't block the box but he's dealt with tour buses and taxis and pedestrian cabs and caltrain and bart issues we are not just for the 49ers and giants but
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numerous groups you'll recall a few issues before the board in the last year or so some of which were astrological like tour buses and some of the taxicabs issues some members of the public altercated the great work that jerry does we don't unsolicited information from the public when bone retired last year jerry served as the interim director he took that roll with great professionalism and grace and instead presence after the legacy bone left behind there was a lot of things going on in transportation during that time
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and he managed it well with his patience and experiences and good working relationships inside the agency and outside so it was really a big role that he stepped up to the plate into without hesitation or complainant at least not complaint to me and it was just a cap stone to an amazing criteria we want to wish him the best in retirement offer him if 9 - is working an opportunity to say a few words and offer you an opportunity as well jerry congratulations (clapping) thank you, thank you
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thanks very much i wasn't expelling the tv camera (laughter) i feel very fortunate to have been able to do good work with good people it's been a fulfilling career i think we're in good shape we have an excellent board and director but most importantly a lot of smallest and energetic and great engineers that will keep the city running for a lorments although i'm looking forward to having free 7, 8, 9 but especially the modesty projects going to miss all that thank you and i really appreciate your. >> on behalf of the entire action and san francisco thank you for your outstanding work for many years you've 0 done it
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with grace and class we're stenography. >> jerry have a wonderful retirement and i'm in particular will miss you walking up market street and i'm cocking u walking down market street i feel grateful to have been working with you i know you're going to be missed i'll mremg to keep obtain with our good work so thank you very much. >> thanks you know jerry i really appreciate all of your great work you've gone over the years you really set a high bar for what of those going to be filling our shoes i hope that you take into account all the good work you've done and feel good about our retirement and rest assure i'll be missed and your work is appreciated. >> thank you thank you so much enjoy your
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retirement. >> thank you for your service. >> enjoy yours. >> thanks very much. >> there's a lot of jealousy expressed about your retirement thank you jerry (clapping) we'll go to item 11 and then 12 and come back up to calendar best to hear if the public and four or five items but clearly the seniors and folks with the disability we're joined by supervisor mar. >> item 11 is authorizing the director to authorize a percent to be sfweesz the project moving forward service increase for the muni for protecting seniors and
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others to use a clipper card 2015- 2016 effective march you first for the fleet and amending the code section to eliminate the payment of 12 telephone and online transaction fees. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon director nolan. >> i don't think it's working. >> let me just speak a little bit louder then. >> we've got somebody coming up here. >> it should be on now there you go. >> i don't think it's on try the second one. >> this one is on okay. >> thank you, president nolan and director reiskin i want to
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express my condolences of the passing of director lee there was a complimentary on what an amazing servant and dedicated person for to the city thank you sorry for our loss and congratulations to jerry for his retirement i wanted to acknowledge the hard work of tom nolan and the staff of the mta and really appreciate the thoughtful in-laws my office has seen many of the rights organization that have been working on this issue inform a roonth it's been a pleasure it work with them and it was mentioned that you really are going to hit the ground running
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youth and grassroots organizations it a is is a critical step making muni for seniors and low income folks and folks with disability free ridership for the free muni for youth it is really expanding our safety net for people that are finding it hard to live in the city i think that providing equitable services like muni and transportation is critical in making sure that seniors are not isolated and to maintain themselves as valuable members of the community the policy i know you're going to draft a little bit later is accomplishing the issues but especially about the safety net for people that really, really need it i want to thank the mta staff and lisp if this board and
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especially the grassroots and many of the organizations out there in the community that are working to make that a reality and hopefully fund it for the future i think it is a great first step but we'll work with the community to expand our safety net and transit safety for everyone. >> thank you supervisor mar and carolyn speakers (clapping.) heidi and (calling names). >> we should note 3 the overflow room is 408 if anyone is listening we'll keep you're under arrest slot for awhile. >> good afternoon. my name is is heidi i'm the chair of the sfmta only official multi
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citizens advisory committee. >> (laughter). and it's my lure to be here to represent the shared community in favor of extending free muni with the rising costs in san francisco and so many people thaty on the services this is a great services for others who can't access the community i lived on a limited income and i wanted to take muni because of the few dollars added up i would walk the blocks, however the seniors and others with disabled they're not able to walk the distances and not having the access may reduce their quality of life we feel this is a quality of life issue and an active issue we are fortunate to call this home but truly if we can't assess all of san
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francisco the seniors and disability folks will be limited you have the power to make the difference we are greatly in favor of that and have a few concerns for the board through the limit equality he thought to make sure that people with disabilities are not discriminate against and want to make sure that given someone free we don't losses our voice we hope to make sure the sfmta takes procrastinations against fraud and help the ridership and the number of people that need 3r0i9 seating we thank you and hope that you vote forces free menu for protecting seniors and folks with disabilities we have a letter from our committee as well >> thank you for your work on the making thank you very much. >> hi good afternoon. i'm a
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transit student with disability in 2004 sfmta extended free muni and while qualifying for a low to moderate income this is has been a positive impact on any life allowing me to be independent and has enabled me to be a better advocate i'm here to advocate any friends at the arc and all the adults with sdalts i hope you'll vote for the free muni for all people of age for free transportation in order to have an enriched quality of life thank you for your time and please vote in favor of free muni for seniors protecting seniors and people
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that disabilities. >> thank you. >> (calling names) >> good afternoon sfmta i'm part of the arc of san francisco and we have 6 hundred and 65 clients disapprove the money should go to transportation no free muni busy have a problem with that card under grass system is not working one monday when i went when my instructor i got stopped by the sfpd and they told me and bert that the cars were not working and the van ness market was not working and i had defective card who in this company she should change the policy of these cards we don't
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want it okay. thank you they have the system and jc we should be notified before you guys decide we - you should do it on the ballot because we didn't hear until it was too late thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> next speaker. >> is jackie. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, everybody i'm jackie i am a proud mta employee on mac. >> (laughter). i will say obviously i'm in favor of free muni be extended to low income seniors and people that disabilities in order for people to active a participate in living in san francisco you
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need to be able to get around with $23 a month the pass is a big conjecture of a person's budget who received 9 had had and $25 a month thanks to getting screed i really want to see people who are senior and disabled to be able to get out and go to the movies we have senior 12k5u7b9 i discount days on monday and tuesday at two different movie companies there are another senior 12k0u7b9 days on shopping and everyday on a certain i'm not going to tell you the chicken placed 10 to 20 percent discount if you show your age people need to be able to add up the pennies i really want to urge you strongly to
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vote for this i'm also concerned about the fraud but if people are going to cheat they'll find a way >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> >> high i'm maryy ellen white a senior of 76 years old on social security she gets more than i do but anyway i wanted to say it's difficult you're paying your rent and prescription drugs and you really want to get out and live a life please vote for free passing pays for people with disabilities thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> randell evans in the room okay. we'll skip him (calling names). >> good afternoon.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners i'm ragging ann yes of the senior center and the center disabilities free muni is beneficial for seniors as well as to the city of san francisco because most of the seniors receiving less than one thousand dollars a month rent and electricity and medication and dental costs a thousand dollars food and internet and the cable is connected and most faithful muni snrpz - free muni will enable the seniors to go to the centers and eat the right food and reason 3 this helps the seniors available to the senior
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centers for dancing and computer and yoga and meeting other friends and reefltz friends and dresses up nicely fourth free muni helps with the adults with disabilities healthy and less 9-1-1 calls all we want for valentine's day is a free muni no free muni is like a wounded bird thank you, everybody (clapping.) thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> good afternoon gentlemen. >> is this working. >> good afternoon.
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>> this is - arrest sarah this is sarah and i'm pacific and patrick and with you want free muni because we want free muni because she's been in the city since 2009. >> since 1980s and president of the united states i pacific has been traveling to the city and paying a lot i had to pay every month as well same amount we don't want the muni go up higher we want to be free muni so that we'll have a clipper card and won't have to pay a dime. >> i don't want to pay a dime myself i only get $100 a week. >> thank you very much.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon hi, everyone my name is rosa i'm a youth i leader from the chinatown center and 3rd district commissioner, i was one that advocated for free muni i'm glad to be here to support free muni for disabilities and the youth commission freely supports the free muni with folks that are seniors and with disabilities i reason the support free muni is because my mom is sdablthd and for any family we're a low income family and for her during one of our low times my mom had to choose between muni and cable
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she decided to give up cable for muni we live on a hill so muni was the only way to get back home when she was tired she gave up muni for cable me and i and my sister needed muni for homework and stuff like this she want to make sure we had stuff to succeed in school that's why free muni for folks with disabilities is a wonderful thing i want my mom to have cable again, thank you. >> again commissioner (clapping.) please extend to the youth community their thoughts for this. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> km. >> thank you good afternoon let me find a mike are works good
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afternoon chairman and the board i want to read a resolution i'm dense us i'm with the mayors council there this was read that into the record the mayors resolution supported this expansion of the free muni program to the seniors and people with disabilities we're having a growing disparity between the seniors and the general population and whereas negotiated transportation is an important corner stone into the integrated community living with the folks with disabilities and seniors therefore the people again with disabilities and seniors are more reliant on transportation than any other population and whereas the san francisco municipal transportation agency as
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previously added the issue of affordability transportation for youth and whereas the san francisco whereas let it be resolved that making transportation negotiated for people with disabilities and snarz maybe a priority for the san francisco municipal transportation agency and let it be further roved the mayors council or the san francisco municipal transportation agency board of directors to expand the free muni program to people with disabilities and seniors this is the resolution and thank you for your time i made it under the bell. >> thank you and to the disability council. >> (calling names) good afternoon. >> good morning, sir good afternoon, sir hi, i'm am with
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the santa fe san francisco arc i want to talk about the free ride you muni for the seniors and for adult go disabilities and it will help my family a lot and helping me so i you know i'm using - thank you. >> thank you good testimony. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. my name is is rem ma i'm a member of power and we worked long years for free muni passes i want to share some of the reasons why free muni was a success it's affordable a lot of the parents sc