tv [untitled] January 24, 2015 9:30pm-10:01pm PST
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a public hearing certifies that there is a need for these specialized services and holds public hearing is you are doing today. that was a recently enacted law that was added that additional requirement. you have before you today a resolution and the draft we hope to enter with denise zermani, we have informed local 21, the union representing this type of position and they have no objections. we are also undertaking the formal process for recruitment of this position and currently have it posted on the city's website for external candidates. after having gone through the
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internal recruitment process. i think we have covered all of the procedural and legal requirements for this and, as somebody has worked at this agency for a number of years, i can vouch for the high competency of [indiscernible]. these skills and her experience will be of great use to the agency in the coming months as we try to orderly transfer the assets to the city. with that, i have no further comments and him available for questions. >> thank you. >> madam sec. do we have speaker cards? >> mr. a washington. >> he is gone. >> any other member would like to address this item?
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>> public comment is closed. do we have comments? questions? motions? >> i would like to hear from denise. >> if you are retiring, why do you want to keep working? >> i think it would be nice to finish up the project, it is part-time and have a smooth transition to the city. it's important for me to see the work i have done for so many years to transfer nicely to the city. and work with the community during that process as well. >> thank you.
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>> congratulations. >> congratulations on your retirement. and welcome. >> prematurely. >> it is moved and seconded. please call the roll. >>3 ayes. >> item passes. >> please call the next item. >> the next order of business is item 6, public comment on non-agenda items. >> i have one speaker card. cathy perry. >> [indiscernible] also. >> this perry i have not seen you in a while. >> it is a pleasure to be here.
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i am here accidentally a little bit. i think i was expected to speak on a previous agenda item that it did not fit my understanding of why i was coming here. i think based on the hearing and the different perspectives that have been presented, there is a need for you all to either set up a special committee or have a special hearing, i'm not sure how you work so the discussion i thought i was coming to address was the heritage space where they have the former addition or former [indiscernible] space. i thought that was going to be on the agenda. now i'm going to ask you, if you have a staff
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member by the last name of reynolds, i've been hearing information secondhand and if there is a way in which the community will utilize that space, i would be interested in the gallery that used to be there run by i think it was peter fitzsimmons. i'm very interested in running the gallery so i thought that was on the agenda, it i put a presentation together why a community run gallery would look like. it would be in our collective and those are the ideas i had. i know you don't know me formally so i've included my resume and history so if you do decide to work with the community on filling that space, i would be interested in being a part of it. >> thank you. >> we have oscar james. >> [indiscernible] good afternoon. i don't know if this is where i bring this up about the demolition of the shipyard.
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>> you are free to speak here now but i suggest you may want to wait for the director's report. >> i will wait. >> excuse me, i told myself to change the image. you're trying to show the city and county a person that can deal with politics today. but sometimes this stuff is so personal and i wouldn't want to come up here this way because i'm in the trenches right now. i am a person of value. i have ties that ladies and gentlemen i am in the trenches. [indiscernible] the most terrifying incident that happened in the western addition. if you go back, we had this over and over the last 10 years. blood runs down our street many times. let me get back, excuse my appearance and my performance earlier, i am an
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activist and i came to act. let me turn around, my name is a washington. i am part of a conglomerate of people and i did not mislead her i thought we would have a time to speak. prior to her coming last week, it was on the agenda and i thought you had the courtesy for you to put us on the agenda. or answering our questions but to no avail. we brought a group of people. we just demonstrated another side of what's going on in the western addition. you say there is no more but as you have noticed today, [indiscernible] you have cracked the division in our community as it is right now along with our supervisor. let it be known. public testimony, i am respectfully requesting [indiscernible] to
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put things in writing and be professional and i apologize to her for acting this way because she has been around here for 20 years. we are trying to have an image in the western addition that is far different from what you see here. forgive me for acting that way that it was necessary move i had to do. i did everything possible to no avail. i am still set forth unless you can convince me at the next meeting that we are going to talk about it, i'm prepared to bring out my bullhorn. get back to my question today. will there be an avenue or do you plan to come to the western addition we do you plan to come out so we can slow down and do some creative things because right now i am the community amb. and there are three sides out of compliance. [indiscernible] the other one is the park out of compliance and the other one is
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that [indiscernible] right down the street from the postal center. we have three major construction going on and we are complaining about lights? my name is [indiscernible]. if we can't get any [indiscernible] the things i did today will be sent to hud [indiscernible]. >> thank you. >> thank you. i didn't make it to this meeting two weeks ago and i know the [indiscernible] has a lot going on. >> i am daniel landry for the record. >> san francisco resident. this is the thing, i was corresponding with mr. johnson
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of fdc for about two years regarding the community businesses. one of the letters, not that i am a prophet or anything, but i did mention to him, what if these plans and all these things do not work in the hear a center goes dark meaning close as out? we never wanted to see a foreclosure itself because the community as well as the city has put a lot of investment, time and energy to make sure anchor building worked for the community. unfortunately, in one of his response it was very vague and general and left me in a position where i could not tell the community in honesty with the heritage center, i think at this point, there are so many unanswered questions and why is he still at the table?
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this is the question i get every day. i think we need something to take back to the community that is solid. and if he is saying he is pulling out with the addition, how is that going to work? i'm just putting it in the universe. because we are dealing with time and the community as well as others is very concerned that nobody knows the direction of the fillmore sarah center. i am here because i missed a key meeting and i don't know if you are going to [indiscernible] before this body so we can discuss that in a forum that answer some of these questions but i would hope so. because, i have two or three letters that i addressed personally and to
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this commission and asking the simple question. do we have any teeth with the community benefits plan? which was well-crafted but groups like [indiscernible] which was here was a part of that and that's why you hear a lot of back-and-forth even when it comes to something like this $85,000. it can be $85 and you will hear back and forth. thank you and have a good day. >> i have no further cards. >> thank you. next item? >> the next order of business is item 7, report of the chair. >> i do not have a report for this meeting. >> the next order of business is item 8, report of the executive director. hunters point shipyard, candlestick
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point, propose demolition methods for candlestick park stadium. >> thank you. commissioners, through the chair at our december 16, 2014 meeting, the commission did request a number of questions related to the proposed demolition of candlestick stadium, specifically questions members of the public raised, the commission wanted answers on and more information on in terms of what is the role and the commission's role and how it relates to the planning department. environmental review documents etc. we are here today and shortly i will be asking with permission from the chair [indiscernible] who is the senior project manager to walk you through the regulatory framework and role of [indiscernible]. it's administrative role and consistency and permit review with respect to a demolition having the role of the city who doesn't force i do want to say
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and it is well known unpublicized, since the numbers of public came to the december meeting and community meetings, [indiscernible] the master developer who is proposing an implosion of candlestick have made plans to withdraw that permit for implosion and the city's department of building inspection has issued a regular demolition permit consistent with previous approvals former redevelopment agency gave. it is worth staff having walked through the regulatory context and role of this commission and various departments. with your permission, i will ask [indiscernible] the hunters point senior project manager to walk you through this. >> good afternoon. my name is [indiscernible] the senior project manager for the
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candlestick point redevelopment project. i will be giving a brief presentation on the upcoming plans for candlestick stadium as well a review of the [indiscernible] and permitting and reviewing these types of permits. i'd like to note, joining me here today and these folks are available for question our [indiscernible] from the planning department, [indiscernible] from [indiscernible] who has performed part of the environmental analysis looking at the implosion they are a consultant to the planning department in from urban we have [indiscernible] as well as [indiscernible]. >> to provide some context, on january 2014 the approved the first major phase application. this development will include five sub phases to be built out
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over the next seven years. this cover 16 blocks of development, includes 1500 homes. the revitalization of the public housing site. one point 1,000,000 ft.2 of mixed commercial uses. including the retail center will will be in the footprint of the existing stadium. 50,000 ft.2 of community facilities. 9.4 acres of parks and a $6 million contribution to candlestick point state recreation area. in order to move ahead with this development program we will undertake the demolition of the stadium. on friday issued a statement they will be pursuing the mechanical demolition. and they will be withdrawing the implosion permit which they had submitted to the department building inspection. to be
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clear, they have issued to permits for demolition. one would have undertaken the demolition of the stadium through mechanical means in this permit was issued on january 13. a second permit was also submitted to the department , that one sought to implode the upper deck of the stadium and use mechanical demolition for the lower levels of the stadium. this is the permit that will be withdrawn. the office of community investment in infrastructure is the lead agency in terms of permit issuance so whenever a permit such as these is applied for, oci i takes the lead role in
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review and ensuring compliance with the litigation monitoring and recording program. we do all of this in partnership with the planning department through an interagency cooperation agreement and we are also responsible for final approval of development on the site and ensuring consistency with any permits applied for. >> to review the permit review process, the san francisco building inspection department is the lead agency and subject matter expert. they are responsible for coordinating among several city departments the office of community investment in infrastructure being central implements that are part of our project areas. first, to walk you through the permit for the implosion has been withdrawn, i will walk you through the permit process for
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the mechanical demolition. first, the urban department receives an application for mechanical demolition. once that is received, they route the permit to the planning department who reviews it for consistency for the environmental review and in this instance, the 2010 final impact report cover demolition of the stadium through mechanical means and planning also a review of the [indiscernible]. once that is complete, the permit goes through the fire department who ensures consistency with the fire code. the department of public works inters at the city sidewalks and streets are safe and accessible during the work performed. the public utilities commission reviews for compliance with the storm water pollution protection program. the department of environment
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overseas consistency with the demolition debris recovery program and the department of public health reviews and approves a control plan. finally the office of community investment in infrastructure reviews for consistency with environmental review generally for compliance with the above stated plans. >> it brief note on environmental review, had implosion going forward which is where that permit is held so the department that was regarding implosion was routed initially to the planning department who held it pending environmental reviews. i'm going to do a couple minutes on the role of environmental review and the permit process. >> any project must comply with
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the california environmental quality act. in 2010 the redevelopment commission certified the final environmental impact report which analyzed mechanical and conventional demolition of the stadium. earlier this year, [indiscernible] requested the city analyze implosion for candlestick stadium as a potential alternative method. on behalf of ocii, began analyzing the effects of implosion through an end-to-end him to the 2010 report. to provide more information on an addendum, once the project has a final eir, no subsequent or
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supplemental eir is required except in limited circumstances which include changes to a project that results in new significant impacts or substantial increase to the severity of previously identified impact. if these circumstances do not occur, an addendum can be prepared. an addendum contains a brief explanation of white and it environmental review is not required. since [indiscernible] is not pursuing implosion, we are not moving forward with an addendum for this project. >> a brief note on the community outreach today, while implosion was been considered, we did conduct a series of meetings with the community. dating back through december which are listed more specifically here. >> in terms of the next step for the demolition currently we are undertaking the hazardous materials abatement of the hazardous materials within the stadium. the stadium demolition with a high reach excavators will begin in late
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january and continue until june . in july, site grading will begin and in the fall the retail center will start construction. that project is set to open in 2017. indo for the public who are interested in continuing city monitoring of the project, for general information, my contact information is provided. for folks interested in what is going in dust control or general public health matters, they can reach the department of public health assessment and mitigation team. if they are concerns regarding construction noise or safety during the demolition process, feel free to contact the building inspection department inspection services. complaints
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can be filed online. in addition there is a hotline available 24 hours a day which is [indiscernible]. >> that concludes my presentation. we are available for questions. >> i have no further comments. on this particular matter. >> do we have any speaker cards? >> yes. >> [indiscernible] >> how much time do we have?
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three minutes. >> good afternoon. the last time we were here on the 16th of december, we were told we would have some agenda time to speak regarding this issue. about the demolition of candlestick stadium but unfortunately for us this issue has been resolved so mechanical demolition has been decided on. i want to thank [indiscernible] for coming to the community against implosion. what i am concerned about now is we still have a lot of work to be done and that the community has not been consistently left out of the process. we were denied by ocii
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of being placed on the agenda to have a conversation with this commission and we were told that the community issues are not heard before this commission and i need to remind the city department that you are a department that operates under the city charter so therefore, the city does have access to the commission and should be allowed to speak on issues of public comment. we have been denied that process and listening to [indiscernible] report and they have also submitted a dust plan and now that the implosion is no longer an issue, we need to be a part of the dust plan and making decisions regarding the community and dust. this is what the issue was always about, about dust. so we need
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to work with the community input on the dust control plan. there are other entities in the area that is working on dust issues, we need to have that done. dust control must beyond [indiscernible] must be mitigated for [indiscernible] and not just to address visible dust but also the particulates we are concerned about. monitoring respiratory issues and verify compliance and mechanisms to improve sufficient dust controls so we are asking again to please include the community because the issue of dust is very important to the community and
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oversight must be done. this must be a dialogue, not a monologue. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i want to thank you for the opportunity to speak this afternoon. i also have the same concerns as other representatives of the community in that we seek participation democratic in the process. the other speakers about ella hill hutch did not feel like a part of the decision-making. on december 13, the dust plan was submitted
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and approved by the city and county. we have nothing to say about this. no participation. it was all in institutional process that we know what's best for you people. and exclusion of the people. when it should be by the people in conjunction and joint relationship. after they agreed to this process it is not being carried out. the first three, i'm sorry? the first three, first for have not been carried out. there are others on the other section i have highlighted as well, questions as well in terms of whether they have or have not. a picture is worth 1000 words. i have pictures. residents and mrs. moore took pictures. trucks are not covered leaving
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the lot, you see dirt uncovered. i made calls saying, there is a 24-hour delay possibility on the automatic system. air is fluid commodity. just like water. 24 hours is too late in the game and the problem is not resolved. if the committee was engaged in this, we would [indiscernible] as mrs. moore mention, we are a [indiscernible] zone. what are the other remedies and processes that should be included in this if we are one of the most effective communities in the bay area, not in the document addresses this. hospitalization rates and cardiovascular diseases the highest in san francisco and it's in direct correlation to the air district that particulates there
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