tv [untitled] January 25, 2015 7:00pm-7:31pm PST
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public where the co-policy are around the sefbts now the health to review it more or less says sektsdz are trooetd treat the same in san francisco that maepsz one that a permit is required to sell an sebtsd e e cigarette to enforce the use it is regulated so e cigarettes can't be used including in parks let me have bob talk about the education process process. >> thank you derrick good afternoon, commissioners i'm a member of the tobacco free
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coalition we're an amazing coalition that doesn't give up thank you you yourself work and i'd like to talk about since it's january 2015 the seconding kickoff the first was to make sure that the stakeholders revolved involved we see the information about this and really included the mailings september to all tobacco retailers a fact sheets on e cigarettes and the guidelines for sale of tobacco products and it means to have a how much of selgd only stores that are considered manufacturing and preparing did sheet for transit or human resources business successors and law enforcement and schools then for the public a public
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information campaign so 3 points basically informing san franciscans about the new cigarette the new e cigarette ordinance and reinforcing our smoking laws on the book educating the public that e cigarettes there is a lot of confusion and encouraging the smokers and e cigarettes smokers to quit also primd people it's possible to quit keep trying there's a summer brainstorming session with our members to talk about the key messages that are important and the key concepts moving forward and then moving to the graphic design and messaging pleasing phase a catch phrase of the campaign emerged curve it and using a survey and focus group results to better understand
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what is in the minds of people with electronic cigarettes before moving forward and refinancing the campaign as you can see a new i know that is no smoking on the right that is featured throughout the campaign and the graphic images appear with social media with the key use only at the curb and quite smoking now what's in an e cigarettes and certainly the use concerns of e cigarettes and other products by your use and the designs for the focus group is made up of people that smoke people of various language skills and income. >> messages that worked in
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other languages were translated from chinese and spanish to english and make ups bart and mooning muni interior and exterior placement from the tobacco settlement funds that's the funds for the candle stick park there were revisions and an website was updated and is enforced now let's look at the campaign i didn't come up with it peppering but as a member of the coalition i'm proud we're going to see a lot of of this around town as you can see those two on the top in english and the bottom in chinese the message if you've been smoking are allowed outside
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that only at the curb thanks for curbing it. >> in spanish and in english e cigarettes are harmful not allowed in public and notice at the bottom the opportunity to remind people to quit nicotine and the resources available and yes so this image shows a modern image man on the left smoking a e cigarettes the blue brand with the blue tip juxtapose to the right a reprehensive to an older man basically saying to san franciscans not again only tobacco 24 is in chinese and english and spanish
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this image says flavored e cigarettes hook hoping people to hook smokers people are hooked on e cigarettes that have never smoked it's not okay for tobacco you see the fruit flavored messages the candy apples and so forth with the person in the middle and so the key messages san francisco is fooled by big tobacco we know that e cigarettes are harmful like cigarettes and so the public education campaign has begun advisements are on line i
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haven't seen them on the buses but requests are coming from the around the country for the artwork and many tools to evaluate this campaign thank you for your attention. >> so commission - at the podium we have should ask the questions in regards to this campaign if any comments. >> commissioner singer. >> first of all, some of the 3 young kids i appreciate the work you're doing i'm curious how much money are we spending on the campaign when you looked at the ways to spend it how did you decide how much to spend in different places. >> that's a good question farther of the education campaign in total life the cost is $115,000 that funding is
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specifically it's a master settlement of tobacco that was specifically made with smokeless tobacco companies like chewing tobacco some garages from the oldest settlement so it funding was specifically earmarked for non-traditionally tobacco products for the fund because they were very much affiliated with the non-tobacco product. >> that's part of the requirement in knowing that the night of the education and as well as the mandate from dph to educate the public if that answers. >> part of it thank you. >> you can educate the public and in different was put those on buses and in schools i'm trying to understand how do you
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decide which one works the best or are we to figure out this. >> that's a good question we're partnering with the unified school district they a separate funding source but it is specific for schools schools so there's an area where we support them but don't do school based education we're working with the school district so we're working with the school based and some special social media that's an area we're trying to get the word out in different ways but generally dph is charged with doing some kind of education a large changed that is a major policy in that that was outreach our the community so there's a lot of education to be done and kind of a big way to make sure
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there's been no public education campaigns across the country for e cigarettes this is the first something started two weeks ago in the state of alaska san francisco is ahead of the curve on that one. >> was there some reason february was chosen or do you happen to finish all your work and ready to roll it out or because it is has some sort of special meeting. >> january the overlook launch is next monday there was details in the printing of the product but january was the intention and partly there's a quieting messages e message in january it is a flood of people saying you know i've been thinking of
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quieting it's intentional the coalition mentioned let's do january because we get smokers and other folks that are thinking about tobacco it is one of the times we get the spotlight. >> commissioner pating. >> you don't know i don't need this right away but wondering about the geomaps for the liquor store or the nicotine where it's the highest is it the mission or the richmond are are we talking about lighting up our maps. >> wonderful map we're working on a website we have those maps and partially related to requests from supervisor mar and lead a tobacco densest ordinance we can come back and share with the commission we have a lot of
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research where the thousand or so retailers are we're working on a website because we're getting help from other departments and tobacco is sort of ahead of curve with other departments they've been asking how to limit the densest of your products where their offered and for dph has been a rough service issue because the low income areas that have the highest smoking rate as well as the densest of the tobacco retailer. >> the liquor store go as well as the marijuana distribution center that will be interesting. >> do we have an ordinance for densest. >> it was signed by 3 and 4 on the 18 it is very new and catch up we're doing education and health on this matter and happen
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to share i'll personally make sure we get you information. >> derrick i've seen the process to the type of advertising to s see what works in particularly the business advertising may not be the best advertising can you explain that. >> the reason he work with an elevator our and some of the interviews in the future if you've seen advertising for sects we're charged with the processing with the website hits trying to direct people to 9 website i'm trying to do a study of who is listening to the messages and how their take the opportunity there are a few ways absolutely and like anything it's a interim forecast and
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trying to keep in mind what works and how do we hit the right taurths but to be clear we're talking about go young people in a way but talking about parents because the focus group research shows the parents are completely unaware of the products blind sided and a team of chemicals we're shooting for the adult population there's a lot of work to be done in the school district around the young kids and who is using e cigarettes to educate the parents about the product in that their cascades maybe experiencing the numbers maybe through 9 roof maybe 57 or 10 percent and 16 percent in 2014 from a national epidemic for the use of this product the time is
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right for san francisco to educate. >> commissioner. >> the follow-up on the directors comment this is a scomplekts issue what adds for the kids to think about this so the whole evaluation did they see and understand it it did it appeal to them and did it cause them to change i get it is a complex issue and get the fact that looking at the analytic of kids and this agency one of your big tools i have experience in the coalition you've been at this for a while in terms of smoking and looking at the lessons. >> you look at other initiatives and the importance of the educational outreach we offer how do we know we're getting the impact the bank for the buck not so much for this particular
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initiative but perhaps this is an example to identify the metrics you're using and how they a long time one initiative to another are we using urgent care using the same ones and 5 years outweigh a hope those reports show a decreasing in the number of kids urging this i'm appealing you know what is it but if you could share with us that's helpful. >> we'll continue tracking as we get a lot of surveys evaporate been asking we're absolutely catching catching with the school district so the surveys include so we're still are monitoring what's happening we can address that what a great point. >> yeah. i want to follow up you had noted this was supporting the strategic plan in
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the rfp in the program here your measures are on the percentage the adults that smoke and we're targeting as i've piloted to a great step up to the plate in e cigarettes the younger population to this is this particular strategy has more than just what you laid out here but how are you going to measure the impact i mean do you have an evaluation you're doing focus reviews or take a population base what have you evaluated to do and when we see the response back next year or what and by the way the graphic is so wonderful you should copyright it or something perhaps you
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can't the coalition did thank you it is so striking and gets to e cigarettes right on to the target now so many people are trying to ignore; right? that's part imthey've acknowledged cigarette smoking is probably bad but the south side graphic congratulations but can you tell me how you are doing the graph. >> i was golden going to give the compliment to our graphic person because it is true to the 20 years to the coalition as far as the evaluation one thing is exactly what you're saying we have a series of approaches to evaluate this and it's an analysis of you know 45 five or six key points one is one the websites he hit one is calls
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complaints to 311 we'll have more complaints people become aware we're looking at social media what's the discussion are people looking at them what do they think are they local or not local what information when another hugh's are are making and we've received some from colorado we've happy to share this a lot of communities are moving forward additionally we'll be doing interviews about specifically with young people about what they're feeling and hearing around the issue and, of course ask them how do you see those advisements on buses and some kind of surveys that
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specifically talk about e cigarettes those are you think six or seven of key metrics, of course we're putting together a report of impact of the campaign i know with you won't net have a mold or two of reduced e cigarettes use but we're trying to get the word out i think the coalition has had expertise in the 20 years of tobacco control we don't want a next generation the smokers or folks addicted to nicotine. >> it appears to me we could have a followup at our community and public health committee in terms of when we get the report with a closing the loop in the terms of the evaluation process would that be satisfactory.
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>> yes. >> okay was there any other public comment on this? >> no. >> i mean 9 coalition was here and there is a second presentation we can't receive public comment. >> we want to be sure we keep the subject clear to respond to those well certainly thank the department and coalition for the continued good work and look forward to a positive evaluation. >> thank you appreciated it. >> so the next presentation is going to be made? by shape up san francisco; right? >> good afternoon. >> thank you. >> great and so again, good afternoon. i'm christine with
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the healthy and the promotion and the population division i direct the st. paul shape up san francisco and the coalition i've got a couple of any coalition partners that are going to share the on campaign with you today with the easy access and with our american health association rigsdz decorator from the greater san francisco area as difshg do we're in the same section so i won't spend much more time on that and also just to note the work we're doing around shugd falls into the health plan and the health improvement plan and so again, this is around
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reducing consumption around sugary drinks this is doctor the consumption of sugary drinks that's what we're going to spend time on today just a little bit of orientation to shape up we have the shape up initiative that's a different program what we do other than pd and the zones he think with the coalition what is the multi stakeholder co-laugh health chair our two chairs of the coalition it focuses on the piece of the work we do so i think you all noticed quickly going to talk about why
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sugar drink we know they're the largest force have added sugar and get for almost half of the sugar we consume diabetes and hearts diseases are linked europe linked to the over consumption of sugary descriptions the population we work with african-american and latino are impacted by the diseases and the ones that are drinking more of it the sugary drinks and they're targeted the most by industry lastly when you take talk about adolescence they're particularly in the crossroads the industry we've seen great changes and we've been doing the work since 2008 and constrain before the ages of 8 and 11 we've seen a
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reduction in sugar drinks the parents have gotten the messages there are a lot of people doing the work we've seen a uptick in sugary drinks in african-american and latino populations adults which is the drinkers and the white population have instead. >> as we gave me in the work since 2008 focusing around education and last year as you recall the sure campaign we we were fund by the funds to run the campaigns and part of the funding allowed us to do a number of things to run focus groups that helps us to selected the campaign we didn't have that mulch money based on what we
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heard from the focus groups we looked at a two part candle stick park and licensed to the participant and we heard loud and clear that what resonated with the population was african-american latino and mixed group of adolescents was having the industry targets that recess in an accident with young adults those are the people we want to focus on to decrease in their consumption we know that the work from tobacco the message of tobacco as resonated and engaged to make change we also know you can only do so much education in simulating we need to look at the environment in which those choices are made there was really reiterated by policy focus group that ucsf ran
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last summer they heard more messages they want to hear before the industry the other thing from 9 campaign was evaluated so we evaluated did sugars campaign with our colleagues at uc berkley and found of those that saw the ads those sugary drinkers regular 75 percent were likely or very likely to reduce their sugar drinks bans the campaigns they haven't gotten how much sugar and this campaign helped we expect to do similar vacations for this campaign forgot coming i've side said the word we a lot i work with the health department most of the partnerships you see here the
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range of partners that work specifically on on campaigns that's the american heart association and the psychological science institute as well as the alameda county works closely and there's a lot of i hope you're aware artist work we speak does and the message media helped address jan is here that has helped us so this is a we we've gone this regionally it's time to invite up my partners. >> that's correct christine and good afternoon, everyone i'm going to speak to the goals of on truth quicken and as
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mentioned the american heart association is working to be free of the cardiovascular strokes this is the number one killer in united states and sugar drinks are related to heart disease and death so as christina mentioned there's populations that are not seeing changes and if so it's a negative change for adolescents so we want on truth to reach the population and teach them that disconnection between poor health and consumption of sugary descriptions is related both the tactics of the beverage industry and ultimately to inspire policy changes and really if i can back the overall goal for everyone
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children and adults to be making informed decision you can't make an informed decision if it leads to poor health outcome so some of the information is coming through a again sugary drinks are making us sick and this misinformation nifld the major tactics to honestly study the purposes and third raise our voice begin a dialog are consumers and institutes supporting initiatives that will lead to policy changes so this is a snapshot from the website and again, if you go to the website you can click on each bubble to relieve
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