tv [untitled] January 25, 2015 10:30pm-11:01pm PST
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overty let me be the first to say despite helping thousands of people in the support of housing and services those past 4 years it's shameful how many people still sleep on the interstates streets we have to do more and better and just this week we announced we're opening the housing authority wait list to provide housing for numbers of families last year, we finally passed the lourz lawn thank you supervisor farrell for your wonderful leadership on this (clapping.) now this year in addition to implementing laura's law for the mental illness we drug i bring a step up with 5 hundred new affordable housing unit and focus on medication for those on
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the streets we've on up a navigation center to better move people off the streets into housing and services and answering the challenge from president obama i wanted san francisco to be the first city in california to end chronic homelessness for veterans (clapping) and working with supervisor campos and supervisor scott wiener we will fully fund a special shelter for the lgbt homelessness pops (clapping) and but friends you knowe. poverty in our city doesn't mean spending for money we make record investment and in our safety net that won't change
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it's not progress to keep people trapped in public housing and trapped in joblessness and trapped in despair we know the outcome we saw a terrific example of this tragic murder of 4 young men no, my friends a real commitment to ending poverty men's trurps the transfer from parent to child child and generation to generation it means better outcomes of pathways for people to a better life for themselves and their family the cold banks and bodies i'm talking about we must make nicole's story the normal not the expectation we know who the most vulnerable families and individual are we know them we all right. work with them or provide them
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services one way or another to this year we'll launch project 5 hundred and layers focus on intensive serviced and case management across city departments and nonprofit provider for at least 5 hundred of our at risk families giving them meaningful pathways at the interrupting it's intergenerational transfer my fellow san franciscans there's no more imperfect for our city to invest in today's prosperity to break the poverties for san franciscans this is what calls me to public service as mayor and in this time of plenty this must also call our partners in the private sector to do it government can't do it alone in
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the past 2 years we've seen great examples of busy leaders step forward and give back to the city in time and health care and money and education and housing and homelessness people like mark and benny hoff and from tipping point the fischer family and charles schwab and the green folks mayor ed lee mayor ed lee and so many others and great companies like google and wells fargo and the gap and bernard and kaiser permanente and so many more those people and companies demonstrate the meaning of shared prosperity they understand their responsibility to make san francisco remain the city where everyone belongs so to them i say thank you
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i set the example (clapping) you set the example for others to folly know they will i think this is only just the beginning of a new eagerly of civic mind companies and philanthropic those affordability diffuses derivatives bayshore will be on shared prosperity your governments work pad and i expect to be held accountable my fellow san franciscans now more than that every we must work to insure that everyone shares in the city's prosperity that this city is where everyone belongs
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the change we see exciting to many and scary to some is good silvers we manage it successful and generosity and hope from our eater days those values have denied san francisco they attracted many of us in the first place including me they make san francisco a place where everything is possibly no matter who you are a place where a little girl growing up in plaza east named london breed can be the president of the board of supervisors (clapping.) a place where tenacity and personalities can propel an
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activist named julie christensen that fought from outside city hall can fight for the district within and getting the resources to get it done (clapping) this is the place where a 20 something law student named ed lee can protest and march and cause a ruckus for immigrant and one day become mayor (clapping) ladies and gentlemen this is nicole banks san francisco a place where everyone belongs in this matter your race of income or sex and status more than most places we try to live
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like micro anglo we can see ourselves in each other and recognize that human beings are more alike than unlike we're one city we're all lives matter and beacon to the world too often torn apart by differences whether on the streets of ferguson or a newsroom in paris my fellow san franciscans the state of the city is strong and the changes we're experiencing can make us stronger with our strong economic foundation we have a special opportunity to change the city for the better and so see that san francisco is an affordable for families and make sure that every san franciscan shares in our city's rising prosperity this is any
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january 16th. i wanted to acknowledge the staff at sfgtv who make each of our meetings available to the public online and also transcribe our meeting. and recognized jessie harlan and egan. >> do we have any announcements. >> ly call roll. director lee. >> here. >> lee present. >> director nuru. >> present. director reiskin present. >> director harper present. >> i will note for the record that director sartipi will not by able to join us today due to scheduling conflict. >> do we have any communication or board of directors old or new business? seeing none we'll move to the executive director's report. >> good afternoon everyone and happy new year. we start with some good news today, having to do with our bridge loan that we reported on last moment we will be closing next week, that is a great
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achievement. also we had reported to the board that we're looking at syndicating the loan. it turns out that we no longer have to do that. golden and wells fargo have committed to fund the entire $171 million, $86 million and $85 million respected [sp*-ebgt/]ively and that is very good news and we're closing next week. i can't tell you what a testament it is to our organizion and the growth of our organization to apply for $171 million loan and close on it. it's a good achievement and i want to thank our ffo and staff for their work. the groundbreak of january 6th in fresno was attended by the governor, labor leaders and business, small businesses, and student leaders. it was a really inspiring event. the governor gave a really good speech. i attended along with our board member sartipi. it was really great to see.
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just as a reminder, the first session is 19-miles in length and stretchs from madero to fresno county. more good news on tuesday of this we're the board of supervisors unanimously approved the legislation to declare the election results, levy and special tax and i again want to thank mayor lee and the board of supervisors and our chairperson kim for her steadfast support of the cfd. we're beginning to solicit applications for the citizens advisory committee for the transbay joint powers authority and the applications will also are on our website. in particular, i want to mention that this year we have a daily cal train raider opening, as well as a daily ac transit rider opening. so
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always look forward to your recommendations. and now i would like to move on to our annual program status report. every year we give an annual status of what we did and what our accomplishments were the prior year in 2014. what the plan is for 2015, and where we expect to be by january of 2016. we will be reporting on accomplishments, our dbes program and public outreach as well. the members of our staff will give this report, starting with our program manager mark sabani. >> good morning, board members and happy new year. as nila mentioned the annual presentation, the program milestones and accomplishments will be done jointly by myself, as well as manager dennis, cfo
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sarah and manager scott and will include the milestone accomplishments for 2014 and the funding report, our community outreach efforts as , as well as our plans for 2014. 2014 marks the fourth year of successful operation of the temporary terminal and continues to operated and maintain the terminal with the level of [str-efrs/] or service that exceed ours customer's expectations. in 2014 we upgraded some of the cameras that have reached the service life with high-definition cameras and also endered into a lease agreement with amtrak to bring amtrak service to the temporary terminal this spring and we extended the facilities management contract with abm to spring of 2018 in order to provide sufficient time for a smooth transition from the temporary terminal to the transit center when it's opened in late 2017. for the design effort in 2014
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we completed the construction cost update for phase 1. this update was a joint firefighter between the design team and c & g reflecting current market companins in san francisco and took into account changes in costs and cost pressures for construction and completed phase 1 issued for construction documents for the design in april. and we commissioned a survey that was presented to you in may, that was done by leland filler associates to attract more bidders and retain them and thereby reducing bid costs. as a result of the bidder sauri have an update to the general requirements and streamlined the bidding manual and revised the contract specifications and to make sure that the scope is aligned with the groups. in 2014 we also continued
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development of the value engineering and secondary mitigation measures to reduce cost. in december we issued a conform set for the issue for construction to the contractors and future bidders to make sure that the contractors on-board have the latest plans and that the future bidders have clear scope in the documents. in middle 2014 we also began the final effort for the ip network and completed our negotiations with the sfpuc to provide power to the transit center and continue our coordination with adjacent properties for the design of pedestrian bridges and gondola and work around the transit center. the board award 15 construction contracts in 2014 totaling $293 million. this brought the amount of phase 1 direct costs construction awarded to about
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$900 million. for the storan we submitted the final report to caltranss for approval and expect approval in the next few weeks. we also received approval from caltrans for the bridge impact assessment report and the geometrical design exceptions. we also received comments from caltrans and ac transit on the 65% plans estimate, and we have initiated 95% effort for the ps & e. we also explored potential delivery options for -- including the use of public-private partnership and we're present interesting that to the board in january. for the dtx we motfidthe structure design to maximize development potential on shared parcels. we closely worked with the city on the 4th and king railyard
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alignment feasibility study, and we continue ongoing close coordinatings with california hawai'i revised statutes and caltrain on various matters including platform heights for vehicle widths and to increase flexibility and maximize capacity in the transit center. with that, i would like to turn it over to the construction portion. >> thank you, mark. good afternoon, board members. i'm pleased to bring the construction-related accomplishments for 2014. starting with the archaeology. transit center we completed all archaeological findings that were related to the transit center itself. and all analyses and reporting was done. fremont street, skeletor remains the very sensitive removal and handling of ournative american remains in 2014 was taken care of in a
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very expeditious manner work withing the city. it was a very, very smooth operation out of the site. bus ramp completed archaeological work well and block 9 track to completion all of its investigations for the developer as well were all completed. now construction directly: now this time last year, january, 2014, we were talking about almost completing excavation. we were still put something micro piles in. we were doing very different things and we had just put in our first lift of concrete in january of 2014. and we felt we got a lot then but now at the end of the year, a tremendous amount of progress was made in the 12 months. especially with the bottom left-hand picture with the orange column there, showing that our steel coming out of the ground in 2014 was a very, very large accomplishment. and then you see in the top part of the graphic, the green
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is all of the walls that have been poured and the lower walls and the blue portion is actually showing you all of the above the lower concourse cal. wall a lot of wall and a lot of concrete. under the buttress, bracing system was 100% in 2014 excavcation was 100% complete. micro file 1s00% complete and rebracing was installed and coordinated with the low-grade concrete, all done in 2014. the .0 contract, slab geothermal was completely intalented. the water photographing was completely installed as well. the slab foundation, the whole -- all 16 sections that the trains will run on some day was all poured out in 2014. train box lower walls below the lower concourse are 88% deplete
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as of the end of the year and lower slabs are 67%, basically two-thirds of our lower concourse were poured by the end of 2014 with over 80,000 cubic yards of concrete poured in 2014. it was a very active year for that particular trade. steel super structure. a lot of fabrication and cost notes delivered almost 80% them are in oregon and the shop steel fabrication, four separate off-site locations has been ongoing. it started approximately during the summer and has been going very actively since then and will continue throughout the year with the steel, and of course, our steel in coming on-site is critical. this is a picture many of us were at the november 7th event.
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you see that first steel column go up. by the end of the year, we had basket -- column assembles in place. this picture was done somewhere around the first of the year and you can see the first steel column in two months and since then, even more has been installed which steve will show in his presentation, where we are at today. also the bus ramps commenced. the contractor was awarded to shimmick back in may. the dem mission of the underground structures are completed. we have drilled and poured out 10 of the 29cidh, those 29 range in size from smaller is 2', but all of the 9'ers are almost completed today. coordinated with caltrans for the sterling street substation and a lot of utilities at the bay bridge as part of this contract and we completed and installed and tested out our
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barrette piles for our pile finds and making sure those piles are behind us. utility relocation, completed construction of all six utility relocations. 100% sbe utilizization or participation and basically completed the awss system. finally. i know steve and i reported on that many, many times, but we finally got it by the end of the year. and also strengthened the pg&e conduits and duct banks and cleared block 5, which is of the gas and primary electrical services. now the workforce itself, 160 construction workers on-site on average every day. that is growing and i will show that in the detail of the p & l quarterly. 375,000 construction relate
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trade hours, bringing us 1.3 million total and have surpused 8400 jobs in 20 states that have been completed because of this project. this graphic happens to be through the end of november and it shows the various locations throughout the country that we are and will continue to add states as more trade packages come online. and there has -- through the whole year there were no work stoppages or labor shortages at all encountered. the outreach to veterans has been very rememberust and working with web core and we have about 90 veterans that are poised through vary suppliers and vendors for the transit center and anvil builders a dbe company received their second
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contract with the transit center for $15 million. that was their second one. very much a success story for dbe and our collaboration with the united cantractored for "united for veterans" group. 30 veterans alone have been secured through that united for veterans' effort alone. the contractor outreach was very robust, business committees and networking events continue. we really increased our pre-bid meetings for every single package to provide as much networking opportunity to get the word out to get as much bidders as possible. it was ramped up in 2014 contract, we unbundled some contracts for small business to meet goals, outreach and certification assistance workshops continue and also the
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activitis we continue outreach for 72 chamber of commerces throughout the bay area to get the word out about our projects. with that i will turn it over to sarah. >> as maria also mentioned the legislation has been approved and in december you authorized the executive director to vote in favor of the cfd and that occurred. block 5 is our most recent bid that came in 2014, 172.5 million for an office development behind the office building that tjpa is currently housed in. there is an exclusive negotiating agreement in place for that parcel and we expect to close escrow in fall of 2015.
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block 6/7 is in the photograph. there it's been an active construction site for the past year and construction should complete on that towards the end of 2015. block 8 is another residential development, $70 million expected to close at the end of this year. in 2014, we also had the exclusive negotiating agreement put in place and both the ena and dbe have been approved and we'll see that close next month in mid-february. on the procurement side, we put out -- on the non-construction procurement and you authorized the award of that contract to ross &
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baruzzini. we continued working closely with our federal partners, fta and fra and they recognized several best practices that they asked for us to write up to share with other grantees and we're in the process of getting that information to them now. they love the job's map as do many of our funding partners. on the risk management side, also with aft and fra, we did a refresh of our risk assessment and we were invited to present by fra at their first annual grantee conference on our risk assessment practices and we went to washington, d.c. in august to present on that and
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we continue to have our quarterly risk management meetings. disadvantaged business enterprise and small businesses we awarded $258 million in contracts to dbes and sbes to-date. on the professional services side, you can see that more than half of our subconsultants are sbes and about -- well, 13 of the primes are also sbes. and then on the construction side you see that the vast majority of the lower tiered subcontractors are sbes and that is great and continue to encourage web corp. to keep those numbers up. this table is the year by year target that is reported to dbe,
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or to fta for dbee wards and we have exceeded those targets and now we report in groups of three years to fta. funding, ac transit passed through their annual security allocation of about $2.1 million. those grants are being used for construction, trade packaged and the most recent one on the steel package. we received $3.5 in bridge toll grants that are being used on the cmgc contract and $47.7 million from prop k that is funding a mix of administrative costs, professional services and a fair amount of construction as well. we we executed two tifia loan amendments and as maria mentioned we're targeting next
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