tv [untitled] January 26, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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recommend approval. >> thank you very much is there any public comment on item 7. >> seeing none, public comment is closed can i have a motion to forward 24 is to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> making a lot of motions. >> yes so moved. >> we'll take that without objection. that will be the order and before we adjourn today, i just want to note that this will be my final meeting as chair of the land use committee i've had the honor of chairing this committee for two years now and severed on it for 4 years in the running and for 3 of the four years i've that the pleasure of serving with my colleague supervisor cohen that will be stepping into the chairmanship next monday meeting and look forward to work together with the 3 members of the me those will not change and supervisor jane kim will remain under and we'll be in the if you
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>> hi i'm brandon the mist at sfpuc my role to support the employees between our yosemite location to san francisco and the typical things we deal with are puc recommended and network relate an telecom i like my role it varies day to day it is a unique challenge from providing in that user conclusions i solutions on their computer or a the president on a task they're trying to complete the training is very important there are many
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things to stay up to date my manager has helped me making sure any skills are up to date with the skilled in my field it is about right time of day and about you know the percentage of resagsz for water and power are posh to the citizens of san francisco and keeping those systems up and running for this is one of the challenge to progress within the organization and commit count i commit to the local government is where i want as
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registered voter in san francisco before each election you receive a voter information pamphlet in the mail it has the digest for each local proposition on the ballot how does a context sometimes proposition get semido if i had. >> inning. >> i don't know the specific process. >> it's done by a committee a ballot tim simplification. >> 3 steps the city attorney's office create a working digest the ballot committee holds public meats and creates final digest the simplified is published in the guide let's look at how this work after a
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proposition has been approved the sxhoofz drafts a city digest each digest we prepare has a couple of different saektsz the first is the way it is now provides an overview of the state of the law before the measure goes into effect addressed the second section is the material turn of the measure and finally at the bottom there are two sections one is called a yes vote and no vote means and if prep those we try to tell me the voters if the measure passes are not passed uses the city attorney's office delivered it is to the 5 member committee created in 192376 the members are nominated business the leak of women voters two members are appointed by itself may and 2 by
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the board of supervisors the committee holds public meetings for two weeks before each election arrest you the chairman has the sterilized ability to direct the meeting and lead the discussion. >> there's no politics involved at all because we're all journalist or people that worked with communications that has our goal the free right to communication without agenda or boys or political involvements all. >> before the commission meets each member reviews the digest along with the material. >> we get the protective technicalities and the actual yaurgd background and letters from different departments and from the advocates and perpetrate for the meeting sometimes for and 5 days in japs
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sometimes someone will sigh did you understand it no one understand those bond measures of one hundred and one hundred owe 25 packages down to three or four had found words. >> amendments and the general obligation bond members it is marred to explain what a general obligation bond is. >> wow it gets interesting sometimes. >> we'll talk about it but we talk about it in session we don't talk about it before we get here. >> the committee acceptance the city attorney's draft or edit it. >> the reason we rewrite the city attorney's digest is because it oftentimes in more legalize than the voters see understand we're quick to ask questions we don't is this is the way it's going to be we come
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in as journalist questioning exactly which that is to put out into the digest exactly what the legislation means. >> the committee may hear from drafrt of the digests and they consultant with the committee educational specialist to make sure if meets the requirement to be written as closed those as possible to the eight grade level. >> we say is that really an eight grader words sometimes yes and sometimes grab the addicts and find substitute and it requires the city to maintain all the golden gate park. >> during the editing of the digest it's displayed on large monitor. >> there's no mystery of what the public sees. >> they hear outline your discussions they know what we're
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thinking and after the committee makes the changes the proceedings radio on inform the public for comment. >> poach have a right to voice their opinions in democracy people come before us are dead serious depending on obtain on the side and their passion is strong. >> july 4th with 9 committee there's a lot of airmentd argument pro and con and well, you could take out the voter initiative. >> i want to address someone that was mentioned. >> i take exception to the previous comment. >> 0 hopes 0 provisions thank you. >> after public comment the committee discussed all the points in an open session. >> sometimes, we change our draft sometimes, we literally tear our draft apart.
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>> after the possible changes made the committee takes a final vote to adapt the digest. >> i move we adapt the measure. >> at least 3 members must agree. >> all in favor, say i. >> the public hearsay twenty-four hours hours for the submission of a reconsideration to the department of elections. >> the following week the committee meets publicly to discuss the appeals and take public comment and decided wloovr whether or not to adapt the final digest. >> what we really want is for the voter to think for themselves read what we say and read for themselves and look and make up their own mind we're in their corner ready to fight for them and the administrations fight often it didn't matter your obligation is to the voter we want them to be able to look at
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it and understand it. >> learn marrow missouri bhr the committee at sf before every election find a ballot simplification in the ballot it is rankle 1 english chinese spanish and filipino it is mailed to all voter and can be found at sf >> good afternoon and welcome to the transportation authority special meeting of the
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subcommittee on december 11, 2014, my name is supervisor jane kim i'll be chairing today's meeting unfortunately supervisor yee will not be present we want to acknowledge the staff jim smith who records our meeting as he transcribes them on line and our clerk steve mr. clerk any announcements. >> none. >> please call roll. >> supervisor breed supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent we have quorum. >> thank you. do we need to take a motion to excuse supervisor yee or is that not necessary for this committee that i. >> to the call of the chair. >> i move we excuse snooe e
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supervisor yee we'll take that without objection. >> thank you call the next item. >> item approval the minutes this is an action item. >> are there any comments on this item? seeing none we'll opening it up for public comment on item 2 seeing none, public comment is closed do we have a motion on this item we we have a motion and a second and do we need to take call roll >> supervisor breed supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent this item passes thank you can we please call item 3. >> item 3 vision zero progress report. >> we have the co-chairs the task force here today both megan from the distributing aid tim of
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the sfmta to provide an overall progress report on the vision zero initiatives and to highlight the work we've accomplished since the resolution passed northeasterly 2014 this is really good opportunity to look back at the year to see what we've accomplished and the next item what we need to accomplish on the next steps oh, director reiskin thank you for being here today. >> good afternoon supervisor kim and members of the committee i want to come here to offer introduce before you get into the 3 machine substantive items first convey i think that things took a leadership that started in this room and it's been picked up bid boards and commissions around the city and fully embraced by the mayor
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we've made progress and additional supported from the november election we have been working very closely with the other city departments and the executive branch as well as the ta and external stakeholders to take the concept of dissolutions and make it city policy and make that part of what we do and how we do our business and the mayor has not only appointed someone to lead efforts from his office but personally been involved bringing together me and my colleagues to make sure we're focused and coordinated to execute i feel like we've gone from where we started at the good friend of mine i beginning of the year but something that maybe felt like that was a
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stretch goal or something maybe folks were certain what was obtainable to a point we're. >> aligned with the stakeholders feeling this is now, it's not a stretch goal but city business in the how we're designing our streets and outreach and enforcement efforts and reilly working towards this goal in a meaningful way i think we're making go very good progress at this point it is never as fast and the mayor or i would like or the fellow department heads that but the staff st. is working hard to advance vision zero doing things differently than in the past and so we can achieve the goal of
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zero traffic fatalities i've fafkd our director tim maguire to lead the effort in cooperates with the other city agencies you'll be hearing from him and him as a our new director as sustainable streets this is his priority to make sure we're implementing and realize the vision of vision zero i appreciate the work that you're doing many this committee and your leadership to support of the work we'll continue to need their support and i'll give more detail thank you for your leadership through the mayor and
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his departments the departments the public works and planning and police department and all the others agencies we're full steam ahead on vision zero i'll leave you in good hands to walk you through those 3 items. >> thank you director reiskin i want to recognize the new director of sfmta sustainable streets tom maguire. >> thank you, commissioners it is great to be here this afternoon that is the absolutely number one priority 2014-2015 for the mta we've got a broad range of materials we'll be starting with tim pitching for megan he'll be talking about the research about the refined high
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energy network it is an important data many undermines the strategy and you'll come back and talk about the engineering product delivery and the education underway and talk about some of the policies o policy rules we have that be coming out of the vision zero task force over the next couple of years with that, i'm going to turn it over to timothy talking about the new data natural lyrics. >> good afternoon, commissioners timothy with mta unfortunately megan can't be here she has a home situation i'm going to go over the updates the network which we've made tremendous progress a couple of years ago just quick you
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background in 2011, we started working on gathering the data on the resources and we went from intersection data to the correlation with crossroads there's on overlap of neighbors one thing we saw we added in some additional data that come in that includes the various modes as they came available like the corridors we recently added last spring one thing we've found is while we see the fatalities between vehicles and people the fatalities by mode are quite stalk only 2/3rd's felt
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fatalities are motorist collision so the difference between this and vision zero it is proving street traffic so this is a big shift since the network so what you see now we have the data for pedestrian vehicle to pedestrian collisions and fatalities we have motorcyclist collisions and bicycle there are 12 percent of street miles that is not that many still a high concentration of the streets that equalities one hundred and 25 miles from the goal of 13 of those miles you saw three-quarters regardless of the modes the
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traffic collisions it is a focused allocations we have in the city can you ask a quick question i want to make sure i said 12 percent of our streets or 70 percent of people and vehicles have severe fatalities on 12 percent of our streets. >> exactly exactly yeah, we thought that, too it is of those modes it is still hatch on those particular streets some overlaps but on these corridors we have our work kit out for us to break down it those are the pedestrian injuries they also have a two-thirds overlap this is a hover lap with the different modes the same thing
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with bicycling it is fairly concentrated in the same areas with driver passenger and motorcyclists it is concentrated in the urban core area and then lastly the counties of concern the areas that are prominently low income micro populations they generally speak other language other than english and recent arrivals are experiencing the collisions there's an additional network that is not part of the three-way network we'll be working with caltrain and the other states departments improving the safeties along the
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corridors we've come a long way since 2011 and have a network we draw from its important to points out we're - there are situations happen outside of the network we'll voluntary to address our goal through vision zero if we dissolve those treatment we believe to resolve them i'm going to end that sector of the presentation and get back to the other one i'll have sandra do it i'll i'm going to turn it over to tom to go over the update we have.
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>> okay. >> unless you have questions. >> can we call item 4 to 5 together we have to public comment seeing none on item 3. >> chair kim can i congratulate the two gentlemen from bringing in mr. maguire to make our streets safer that is a tremendous benefit you've only been here a couple of months. >> two months. >> you have to get used to the culture of our city but i'm looking forward to getting this program start thank you for
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being in san francisco. >> i was going to welcome tom maguire and congratulate you on our new post and look forward to working with you under the vision zero policy i know has been a priority for so many aspects of the city family before you speak i want to recognize we have john here as well who's been leading the safe streets and they're here on hand to answer questions regarding the large vehicle workers and i want to recognize one of the participants in the larger work group we're excited about the work and your leadership t is important for the roll modeling what is possible for us in the
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city and our private partners to make the city safer mr. maguire i'm sorry did we call items 45e8 together. >> the capital term projects and item 5 our action strategy informational items. >> we're going to cover all that material in the presentation i want to say to all the commissioners, thank you for your words of welcome i was so excited to come here i saw the commitment by the administration but the board of supervisors and also our agencies board to implement vision zero at all levels of local government is making a difference i'm impressed by itself coalition you have here so that is the lens i came in
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with and what i hope will convey in our remarks here the way in which we've changed business as usual bus of the change of vision zero that your colleagues have put in front of us so we're going to cover all of the e vision zero engineering education and enforcement evaluation and talk about policy at the end engineering is probably what has been the most time i want to give you an update open the product deliver mta and it's partnering agencies delivering the safety improvements tim showed us the map a few minutes we're going to start request education it is john who will
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talk about the work that supervisor kim mentioned. >> good afternoon two quick updates i want to reflect the large vehicles work we've been doing our team a hanging added mta has been working with advocates ecology and fedex and other city departments to develop policies for the larger program we're aiming for early spring roll out next year additionally as of yesterday the mta includes in all contracts we signed with the contractors they'll have to offer this training to all contractors have coming in the city and i know that is positively something that will come f
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