tv [untitled] January 26, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PST
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first ring with the harmonies of liberty; the conditional use authorization for the conversion and second requiring a historic structures report be submitted to the historic preservation commission detailing the specific the physical interventions needed and their stemmed cost and feinstein amendments requiring the planning commission to consider the historic structures report the economic need for the building and the compatibility of office space with pdr tenants and any other impacts on the neighborhoods or is location plans for the tenants i know that's a mouth full i believe that we have sorry steve with the planning department to say a few words about this item why don't you come up steve. >> steve with the planning department just to reflect on
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that the hearings with the historic preservation commission we had two and during the hearings we really no concern or fight over the jest of the policy that is reich the conversion of pdr space in those landmark buildings that was full support only raise by the ar c how do they know the buildings are they need so much office space to support the 2 henry adams this is a building that's in excellent condition why put a building there the purpose of the location to prove the historic nature so we proposed to the planning department with the supervisor cohen and staff a bunch of amendments which were read and the hpc voted to support the amendments so
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they'll have a change both commissions and hpc for it's historic landmark and the conditional use process to insure that the hpcs concerns were heard and the office was meeting other economic criteria. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we're ready for public comment. >> yes. we're ready for public comment. >> any public comment on item 6 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisor cohen. >> i have a few closing remarks thank you to you and your department staff i believe the legislation does a good job of striking a balance of allowing office support and the maintenance of those historic buildings without displacing tenants or cannibalizing the wblgz we need to maintain some of the incentives that the property think owned have to
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allow them to have office space in special circumstances we can't lieu the can onlytion of truly value and could have at the time space so you've heard this is this is essential to our blue-collar jobs and not adding this in his own the work we've done to support the businesses in this city i move we adapt those because their substantive we need to put this off one week. >> we'll take the amendments with a positive recommendation and what date and february 2nd. >> no, i thought oh, watt wait.
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>> it's february 2nd not the 9th and okay. so the motion so continue item of one week to february 2nd without objection the item is continued. >> madam clerk call our final item 7. >> the ordinance rezoning a partial on portland avenue. >> and supervisor campos is the author of item 7 and we'll call up aaron starr from the planning department. >> me didn't this rezones 16 hundred cortland the commercial manufacturing to pdr one g this is the last property to be zoned the article 2 you've voted on that talks about the planning code this was supposed to be part of superintendant maxwell
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home improvement introduced in 2010 to the clerical error it was left off the zoning it was heard on december 4th they've voted unanimously to recommend approval. >> thank you very much is there any public comment on item 7. >> seeing none, public comment is closed can i have a motion to forward 24 is to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> making a lot of motions. >> yes so moved. >> we'll take that without objection. that will be the order and before we adjourn today, i just want to note that this will be my final meeting as chair of the land use committee i've had the honor of chairing this committee for two years now and severed on it for 4 years in the running and for 3 of the four years i've that the pleasure of serving with my colleague supervisor cohen that will be stepping into the
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chairmanship next monday meeting and look forward to work together with the 3 members of the me those will not change and supervisor jane kim will remain under and we'll be in the if you fabulous leadership supervisor cohen madam clerk, any other business before this committee? >> there's no further business. >> then we're adjourned everyone>> hi, my name is jamie hooper.
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in this episode, we are featuring the romantic park locations in your very own backyard. this is your chance to find your heart in san francisco with someone special. our first look out is here at buena vista park a favorite with couples and dog lovers. it is as old as its neighbor and both have a significant forest a refreshing retreat from urban life. the pass that meander we do under a canopy of 0, redwood, pine, and eucalyptus.
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chill out and this environment and you might see butterflies, and dandelions. blue jays fly between the eucalyptus. it is ada accessible. public transit is plentiful. six, 24, or 71 bus. we have conquered the steps we walked the dogs, and we have enjoyed a beautiful view the park has to offer. this is the place to take someone special and enjoyed a beautiful look out. " come to corona heights, located in the heart of this district. it offers a spectacular view of the downtown skyline, the bay bridge, and the east bay. the park is one of the best kept secrets. unlike twin peaks, it is hardly
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ever crowded. on any given day, you will run into a few locals. hop on a 37 bus to get there with that any parking worries. locals can bring their dogs to run with other dogs. there is also grass for small dogs. >> it is a great place. it is a wonderful place for the city to provide these kind of parks. the dog owners appreciate it. >> take time to notice the wildflowers on the grassland. and keep your head on the lookout for hawks and other bird life. take your camera and be prepared to review the city in a way you will not forget. it is prominent with beautiful formations that are perfect to watch the sunrise from the east over the bay. this is another one of our
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great look out. we are at mount davidson. it has the highest point of elevation in san francisco 928 feet. this is the place for you to bring someone special. enjoy all of the pathways, trails, and greenery that surrounds you. it provides a peaceful oasis of public open space and great hiking trails. the spectacular view offers a perfect place to watch the sunrise, or sunset, with someone you love. >> it is a good place to get away from the hectic life of the city. get some fresh air. the view is fantastic. >> wear sturdy shoes to conquer the trail, you have the feeling of being in a rain forest. mount davidson is also a great place to escape the noise and
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the apostle of the city with your partner. -- bustle of the city with your partner. it is quite a hike to the top at mount davidson but the view is worth every step. this is the place to bring that someone special. for more information about reserving one of these romantic locations, or any other location, 831-5500. this number is best for special ovens weddings picnics, and the county for building. for any athletic field and neighborhood parks, call 831- 5510. you can also write us at permits and reservations. or walking in and say hello at old log cabin, golden gate park.
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and of course you can find more information at so, welcome to the third counsel everyone and those of you were not seated yet, please grab a seat. i'm joe letterman on the president and ceo of the their account so it is nice to have you all here today. born excitement and some exciting news that we have. you may be a little anticipatory as to what it is based on the nature of the invitation, were not supposed to give it away. i was a we invited gov. rick perry to come and he seems to have declined. so that may make more a story about this. as where mating the us olympic committee is about to be meeting or maybe
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meeting already to determine who is their pick for the us big-city and of course san francisco is among those good one without giving again anything away, once we do get this weight we should probably quickly get him some notice what happens here this morning because it should weigh heavily in our favor. so i want to thank very busy fellow mayor ed lee are coming here today. and being with s&ls began a moment. i want to thank the milken institute for asking me to convene this. i was actually down at their summit calorie florida and los angeles last month speaking about innovation in cities and giving some examples actually in san francisco's something this thing he has done amazingly well that is resulted in transition to becoming one of the absolutely top model economies not only in the country but in the world. so, after they heard my pitch they asked if they told me was going on and asked if i'd be willing
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to can being with them and reach out to mayor lee and his team and they said they be light delighted to do this. milken institute is apparent spastic asset to have them here in california. they are leaders in leading-edge innovative thinking a whole number of topics and one of the things they delightfully focus on is innovation in cities. what that means to economies and what it means to our country, and we are really proud to be able to partner with the milken institute on this event here today. the bear was the counsel and our job was to sell this work with our cities and our entire region to support its economy and quality of life for everybody who lives and works in this great place we call home and were very very fortunate to have such great city that make up the bay area
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and here we are in san francisco not only a leading-edge economy in the world but certainly one of the most iconic places on our planet . it just i work for the city for a number of years in the mayor's office and is just a minute amazing and amazing place. san jose, and amazing city the capital of silicon valley. oakland, right across the bay with the new mayor just starting out her term [inaudible] in san jose. these are exciting times in the bay area. mayor lee, of course running for reelection who will announce here today. i believe may even help why then help that he needs to get more credibility to the story of what is happening in the city and the transformation that's taken place. so, i want to thank everybody for coming for joining us in making this announcement. my next job is to introduce [inaudible] from the milken institute who will talk a little bit about the project and the process that the milken
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institute has for looking at the quality of cities here in our country and then he in turn will introduce our honored guest of mayor ed lee. so let me turn it over to ross and after the comments we should have a little time for questions and conversation. ross. >> well thank you very much, jim. it's a pleasure to be here. we have been performing this budget since 1899. it was originally published in forbes but we decided to take it in house and publish ourselves about four or five years after that. the index is really an outcome based measure of economic performance. it is a look at traditional business cost warehousing costs were quality of life such as crime rates. we believe that both static measures are certainly important, but they don't cover the true dynamics and they can be very subjective. so, we
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believe communities that can create jobs and attract human capital are the best performance cities over the long haul. the goal to help businesses investors, industry associations economic development agencies, academics, public policy groups, monitor and evaluate performance in where they work, and where they live, relative to the rest of the country. and as we've already noted, it's no surprise were releasing this today in san francisco, so san francisco is number one this year. yes. >> [applause] >> in a moment you're going to see what a remarkable accomplishment that is as i go through some of these metrics. what i would like to do is acknowledge my co-authors who are with us today. minority rights and whose here. could you please stand. she's here back in the waiting. she did our work of putting the metrics together and a lot of the
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analysis and also join us as armand petrosian's, is an adjunct fellow with the institute. he projected two years ago that san francisco would move to number one so he decided to change careers away from being an economist and move back to san francisco to run the family business which is a sub center at in the west portal area. armand, carrier somewhere. there he is in the back as i do note that soap unitas, a 20 in the west [inaudible] area and armand cannot only sell you a sub he can also be be some economic advice. so, in the 2014 index there are really two top stories and they are technology and shale oil. they are the overarching factors by ms. performance. these metrics on this list possess a variety of other positive traits than the ones i just mentioned, but those are the factors that really determining the top 25. several metrics on the list all
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the way even down the top 25 are really have innovation advantage. they are able to offset high cost sometimes higher tax rates and a burdensome regulatory environment by clustering talent and technology together in an entrepreneurial ecosystem and that is really what the leaders in this list will demonstrate. also, technological advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing are altering the energy landscape of the united states energy investment claim the larger share of gdp last year since the early 1980s and the us is producing 4 million barrels of oil more per day than it did just five years ago. now going forward we so were prices decline because they change that dynamic such that further investments in oil exploration may not be at the same rate as they happen but many people believe that oil prices are covered $70 a barrel there still be a shale oil revolution underway in the united states. so, as i mentioned, san
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francisco was number one. but you know rick perry has counted performance in texas metrics for many years. he was a number one this year. could not claim it but he did have five out of the top 10. on this list. so, texas has a unique combination of tech, energy strength in a very favorable business climate. california had four metros in the top 25 as well as colorado did. there were seven metros my top 25 that are really there because of the energy explosion in the united states. and another depiction of that is that we have our small best-performing cities. they are roughly 8179 smallest metros and fargo north dakota minnesota was number one among that group was related to [inaudible] and the positive spillover effects. in another
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one common area, west palm beach was the biggest improver for the year-to-year moving up 93 spots from last year. that has to do with the end in housing bust in that area of the country. so these are some the metrics that we used in evaluating metros. we look at job growth, wages, technology growth, over the most recent five years and over the most recent one year. that smooth things out over the business cycle is of what anyone year determine the rankings because that can be very volatile. so, we also include your over your job growth in the most recent month which is in this case, prior to publication was august of last year. so, employment and wages are more highly rated because they are critical to community vitality. wages and salary signal the quality of the jobs being created a metropolitan area and also
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there are other measures to measure the concentration of diversity and it's really a way to look at the community involvement in the so-called knowledge-based economy. this is a chart that shows employment growth relative to the peak of this recession relative to others and what you'll notice is that this recovery has been relatively mild compared to previous ones. and overall job growth in the country really determine some of the pattern of regional growth around the country. now the good news is that the mac in the second quarter of last year all of the 8.7 million jobs that were lost during the previous recession had finally been recovered. so, we are finally adding jobs in the united states overall. now let's get to san francisco to me run through some of these metrics that really are starting when you look at them. san francisco wasn't on the top list in a truly remarkable recovery. if the entrepreneurial ecosystem that
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exist here in social media, mobile apps, cloud-based computing and storage, software, computer systems design, internet publishing, clean tech, biotechnology, and medical research. in short, it's the [inaudible] incentive economy that is both here. once again, it's the clustering of technology and talent that shares you the advantages that operating a dense urban environment can provide that offsets higher tax rates and cost of living. so, in terms of broad growth troubles in the past five years san francisco, the metro-area division, ranked fifth in the country. across all metros and that's just really remarkable across a conscience as i said. so it really catapulted system i had posted to austin which was second this year, was his first place finish in wage and salary growth over the past five years
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and in 2013. so, san francisco had the highest overall wage growth in the country over that period of time. so it is really the quality of these jobs that is driving that i wage growth in the technology sector and it's no surprise that all these young talented skilled workers are flocking into the city. and the demand is driving up wages so unemployment in these tech related occupations is below two percent today. in the area. when you consider that san francisco has double the concentration of technology that the us does over all, strong growth, a strong base, it resulted a lot of economic activity because the employment multiplier is around five. meaning, there are four other jobs that are created outside the tech area that are dependent upon one tech job. this shows you the category of professional technical scientific services employment..
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yes. employment in that area. it really when i look at the data, i was surprised i didn't believe it initially. but over the past five years 25,500 jobs have been created in this category. it accounts for 45 percent of total job growth in the metro division. that is once again an amazing accomplishment. these occupations paid over $90,000 per employee versus the us average of about $70,000 in the same categories. and, when you look more specifically within the tech sector, 160,000 per employee. so these are very high wage jobs. we all are aware of the rapidly expanding startups to mike top boxes are unpacked down to the list. there rapid clip and absorbing tremendous amounts of office
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space in the area. but it's not just startups. companies like oracle are diversifying. their employment-based hiring in the city. i then programmers and developers in the city. and further scrambling to find enough space so for example salesforces hopefully going to be moving into a new office tower within the next couple of years and even bloomberg is opening r&d facility south of market being near the tech corridor door. so medical research biotechnology along with social media and apps are really fueling this group growth. along with university of california, san francisco medical school is expanding its research and clinical footprint. let me briefly mention a few others. austin the second and is the most consistent performer in our top five. it's a night dynamic generator of jobs in the technology sector. just to give you a sense of the consistency among it ranked first third and
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ninth in job growth respectively from 2008 through 2003. in 2003 and year-over-year in august of this year. also it has very high wage growth. another part of the country, also in the west about polo was in the top three and really between san francisco boston and provo they were very close at the top three there. provo actually led the country in job growth over the past year rising 5.3 percent. so, another significant up, which meant. when you look at gross metro product and provo it grew by seven and half percent versus the us about 2.4 percent. so, low taxes payroll business climate there. fortunately have another barrier of economy and the top five san jose the silicon valley area and is the largest technology hub in the country. and the world for that matter. that division employed
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270,000 people in the technology sector. it has the hardware component of high tech. so the single rigid capital is not only [inaudible] some firms in the valley but they're setting firms in san francisco now and it is one of the most successful ecosystems in turning research into possible companies. also has a very high level educational team so silicon valley has double the us average of people with a masters degree or above with 21 percent. so 20 percent of the workforce is oakland valley has a masters degree or above. also, representing the southeast raleigh carried also another perennial top performer. it has sought employment growth for the several years and also saw saw its job
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