tv [untitled] January 28, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PST
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christopher pepper. >> hello it's great to be with you here tonight, i'm christopher person era teacher on special assignment my position is fund bit the center of disease and education in sfusd i've been at balboa high school and a father of a 7th grader health education at the high school level is a graduation requirement taught in theth grade we cover sexuality and drug and alcohol abuse and media literacy and mental and emotional health to help the students make informed decisions about what we do with their bodies and the kinds of risk the
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health education policy in 2012 enthusiastic the high school students should take a health class with a well trained certified teacher i want to tell you how proud i am we have the support with health ed in our district and happy to report we've increased the number of high schools offering health education in 2014-2015 all of our comprehensive high schools offered a health education class. (clapping.) >> we've developed a skilled team of health structures some are here and our health education are supported by health we're pleased to have representatives with us this evening.
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>> though we've made great strides we face challenges not all of our students are getting schedule into a health education class and showing some of the alternative schools struggle to deliver health education constantly to provide a student prospective i'd like to introduce wendy chang. >> good evening board of education i'm wendy a senior at burdens high school and a member of the citizens advisory committee i'm a member of the youth lisp teem as a member of this group i deeply are care about the height of my peers and the people around mow me my classmates my education health classes are important people are beginning to consider their future my health class is one of
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the few classes that taught me how to retain healthy relationship and learn learn will sex relationship and what the real are word is like and the education i needed to maintain a healthy life some kind of and i hope you continue to support the health classes and as other health classes i understand other high schools only have one height school class. >> thank you wendy thank you for this opportunity i'm ms. lopez a teacher on assignment any positions is funded through the center of disease and prevent health, i taught at
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francisco and visitacion valley i understand that students are curious about learning about the health topics we cover making it a perfect time for students to get the health skills for current with that said, currently our sfusd policy requires us the middle school students to get thirty health lessons per grade level they've not got the dedicated health teachers next year we hope to see willie brown high school on i hear we're going to have a health education teacher it also interesting to watch our health education improve do give a better picture some students get the pe and other classes but
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noting no one are getting the thirty required lessons in middle school another indicator we have middle school the health education some information collected from our students in 2003 middle school students were asked if they've been taught about hiv and aids in school 72 percent said, yes and 54 percent responded yes, that's 20 percent drop as you can see this is a challenge workplace our schools and middle school but i also see it as an opportunity for our community to tackle the issues particularly at the middle school level now i'd like to invite nicole to talk about her health education at the middle
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school level. >> hi, i'm nicole a junior and balboa high school it's my third year with the advisory committee where we teach the youth community about their health; right? and unfortunately i did not get this in my middle school at this ak there was a hard time and still is for middle school elders they go through the change for the kids where they have to make hard decisions do i get into the peer pressure and discovering their own identity more than 50 percent of middle school kids her here sexual
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orientation like hmo month i think having a middle school health class where we discuss those issues will be great and efficient having a lack of knowledge will only oppress us further as we go into our adulthood and education i see this as living is freedom and knowledge is power thank you thank you nicole good evening commissioners i'm margaret i'm a teacher on special assignment for the programs office i'm also the only national board certified teacher in san francisco school district (clapping) and - thank you and have the privilege of being on the committee of the health education standards for the
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sfaifks i preservation sit on the citizens advisory committee for the california subject matter and physical education and health so as you can see health is a big passion of mine i'm primarily funded through a tobacco group and work with wendy on a leadership team and fund through deputy for the funded program and patricia there a general fund as you can see an fecht i work with a variety of hurdle there a variety of sources i was a classroom teacher for 20 years and make sure that my elementary school students taught them nutrition it's important for my new conforms to find about the foods i've taught them about hiv/aids and such universal
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precaution we cover drug and violence prevention and what to expect in this country the elementary health policy students are to receive 20 lessons on the various topics of health and the monitoring tool given to teachers last year of the 9 hundred and 87 teacher only 87 taught the mandated lessons we want all elementary teachers teaching health and have the curriculum available at every school we've made the progress on the elementary report card and want to thank superintendent carranza because he put a little note there and asked that i be placed on the task force that is working on
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the report cards for elementary school in which health will be republican stated in the 2015-2016 school year thank you for your time and support and now i'd like to introduce emily for the elementary school. >> hello, i'm emmy lamb a representative on a student citizens advisory committee when i was in the 5th grade at daniel elementary we talked about puberty in our health education i learned the importance of maintaining health and gaining an finding why we're thinking 0 going a big change with our bodies or mind or with our habit health education made the learning process easier i was surround by kids any angle when
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presented with information that is omittance i noticed it was hard for teachers to talk about body changes but it's important we get the accurate information out to kids thank you. >> thank you emmy as we wrap up i wanted to offer one final snapshot of data and thinking about your parents and families as partners one question we ask our middle school and high school students is whether or not they have talked about hiv/aids and other adults in their family the status give us a clear picture where school help with the access to this information and support so i started the presentation by
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offering that we were taking risks but i want to end with hopefully in the area of building a district that is truly thinking about something we hope we can work you with on to build and improve one increasing the health education as we like to think it as a right to passage so all kids can have a sfusd experience beginning about willie brown middle school to help with the education class with a certified teacher for grades 6, 7 and 8 and think about the infrastructure and support for the teachers so they can be the caring adult if providing the information we've included a letter of support in the packet which is from the san francisco health improvement project sponsor and i want to thank the
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partners of the stiff our hard working students and some members of the community that come out and support this evening thank you, very much. >> (clapping). >> up to date jump into public comment i want to invite the students that have a big tests to make their comments we have asked did commissioner vice president haney given the number of speakers one minute to each speaker thank you. >> okay. so i want to say i'm in full support and happy that students are going to be learning health education and it its so important that big
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deposit i mean when you see did status how to dropped 20 percent i think that was that was really bad i feel like people should be educated at an earlier age and i'm in support of it. >> i'd like to piggy back this health will program is really good i'm in full support and focus on having more workshops in our s ac c meetings and may be presented to the wellness centers like i am we could promote health education being at a younger age that's important. >> thank you very much i'm going to turn the gavel over the commissioner vice president
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haney. >> this is my first time doing this oh we have a couple of other folks i think they're on the list maybe i'll call the students first okay. all right. so (calling names) one minute each then i'll call the next after that. >> hit the right button there. >> hello, i'm carl's psychiatrist more a junior class treasurer 59 balboa high school
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and on the advisory committee the more healthy we'll get with our development i feel like the more i know earlier about anything regarding your health whether it is washing our hands or sexually transmitted diseases it will be a great development for all students and - a lot of student i - i feel like health classes in high school should be a refresher as to things they've learned in middle school or elementary school the earlier, you know things the better to prevent things that can happen.
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>> next. >> if he wants to come up that's fine. >> good evening superintendent carranza and commissioner president murase board of education mapped is miquel representing the f ac c and attending the academy of arts and sciences high school education is a big part of students lives and understanding the population of the sfusd students including myself to death penalty keep a nutrition value and my school is known to have like just a few classes that are health classes for a seniority at the it is about keeping a healthy lifestyle urging u using the right decisions to put things if in your bodies you know giving
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the motivation that kids have out of home i know myself i'm a fighter and i know sometimes, we have you know set of the we've got to keep away from drugs; right? having that motivation to support kids to make sure that we have the health education and values thank you. >> good evening, commissioners my name is brittany and i'm the government relation director for the american heart association thank you for your you the work to improve the curriculum for students in the district i'm here to share my so for the for a robust healthy curriculum it is easier for programs in the community to be universal
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resources to support and enhance health education across the district one such program is hands on cpa it is the number one killer in san francisco and hands on carpal tunnel syndrome it is we know there are culture barriers around 9-1-1 whether a fear of a particular in front of your home or have a fear of adversarial frorpd we've learned there are unacceptable details in emergency responses time and evaporates and response times as depending on the zip code if you're a person of ancestor or low income or live on the outskirts of san francisco like
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elderly do it is m 3 much longer for first responders to reach you i've had a couple of good communications with the board members thank you and we're happen to support this. >> good evening. i'm the parent of an eight grader and the reproductive of the aclu i'm here to focus on sexual health education with the aclu was the sponsor of the 3 bill that become laws and governors the hiv and aids prevention in california since we've passed the law we've insured it's implementation and seen across the state is similar to the compelling presentation
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scapegoats can have great policies but it is indiscretely extremely an uneven implementation the instruction various from teacher to teacher and it means that students ended up not getting the instruction that the students need as we've heard sex education is important to look at the sex all gender and creates opportunity for the parents to it speak with their students at home wide support for the sex ed in schools 80 percent of parents support of the sex ed in schools but want to talk with their students at home as the a serious challenging
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subject. >> good evening my name is sophia i'm the vice president of community services and education for planned parent holland hood i'm 2, 3, 4 support of the presentations and developing a structure to support a health education for all unified school district including the elementary school and hilda we've worked diligently to create a support for the health education for your scott taylor's students but one that supports our teachers to burger to implement this and create a solid structure for the elementary school and middle schools is essentially all the youth deserve an access to fax based health information we've had the privilege of working with san francisco unified school district the did you want and other organizations to support the prelims of sex
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implementation and hope this excludes in the middle school thank you for your support. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm jeff with the nonprofit i work with the succulence in the bay area with the sex east side programs it's been a pleased to watch san francisco coagulate through with the high school program i wanted to mirror some of the programs in the bay area sturlg with the same issues i'm hearing where to put sex ed not only the basics of the hiv and pregnant prevention but to address the sexual based harassment for lgbt youth and more and more district are trying to find that the
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health in middle school to put the education the important thing that the education be funded there was state funds that come in the form of a lock grant and that the education be mandated one of the biggest things that the education in our school district it may or may not offend from a school site and the education be monitored and the teachers be trained thank you. >> good evening my name is maria i'm a bilingual teacher i've been teaching for 31 years and 24 in the education i've one or more many hats i've been a champion and in the dozens of field trips and now the corridor but one of the most
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regarding roles to be the health advocate for 31 any school i love working with any children you may or may not we serve many of the immigrants many have gone through a lot many of our students have not seen mire parents or been in school our immigrant frames are trying to make the ends meet to provide the best for the children as an immigrant myself i know how hard to adopt and learn about a new country i've worked to promote the wellness with the help of school help programs i've test and taught in the curriculum and help to write grants to promote grants or teach students to promote health and physical activities with mire colleagues
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for the students and staff we serve the whole community with more than writing and math we try to work closely with our families so our students can feel welcome to this country and thrive in the same environment and health and education the right no to be discriminated things we take for grant are the areas we focus i urge you to support the school health programs. >> i understand you have a special relationship with with did superintendent. >> he trained me and. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello excuse my advice i'm getting over the flew i was trapped as a health indicator i've been mostly a high school resource teacher and now a
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teacher on special assignment for the pure resources department so i have the pleasure of working with middle schoolers everyday and see they have so many questions in such fascinating things to say i can take 20 minutes and hear a pin drop for middle school that are wanting to touch their own sweet if they're onescy and ways to develop serotonin in their brains without drugs wyatt's that's one of the things that health education does it offers them an equality based social education that involves their minds and bodies and their physical severs one of the
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things i've noticed not only can comprehensive health education involves the topic they're like i want to here will this and that and hear about drugs it covers the tops they don't royals they need to be covered like impervious and loss we are living in communities that is something without a comprehensive health education program we'll not be able to see so i hope you'll support program. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm a death indicator with the health department of public health i've worked at the balboa center and i'm on the citizens advisory committee for some members that spoke earlier today i'm here to read a statement from our director of family mravrp for
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the department of public health and for amy peterson our director of the health department primary care program for youth both wanted to be here but couldn't cancel their events an array of cb those to promote our health in the city we say a hack the educational goal to coordinate and strengthen health education in the high school in 2012 arngs a hack had nurses and administrators and others specialists to develop a curriculum called the we'll be ready in the justice framework and incorporates the framework of the research on positive
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relationships and sex all development it was powder during the 2012, 2013 school year during the 2013-2014 they had other members to be ready district school wise it increases the number of finds they sought contraceptive we support the office to expand health education to the middle schools thank you very much. >> good evening my name is jan in a i'm a parent of a 12-year-old in hoefrl middle school and also a health keert for 20 years i want to speak as a parent of
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