tv [untitled] January 28, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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this $83,000 plus $5000 of agreement is very specific on how it will be spent, mi correct? >> the agreement as specific as to how will be spent. i mentioned a couple of areas that needed improvement that are money will be going for the lighting improvements you heard about and that is spelled out in the agreement. >> thank you. >> my question is, i have known about ella hill hutch community center for many years , i did not realize the city owned it so how long has the city owned the center? >> that's an excellent question. i do not know the answer. >> [indiscernible] >> can you come up here so we can hear you? >> it was built with mary
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rogers and folks back in the day. they did the building of it , the redevelopment funds and other things that it has been under the department of real estate and the mayor's office of housing and housing authority. it has not been under wreck in park just moved a bunch of times. the city owns it but we pay all the bills and maintain it so the cost, the city does not give us money to maintain any of the other stuff. that's why we are hoping this will happen because the city puts no money into maintaining the building. >> okay. i believe it is since 2008, 2009 as the director of collective impact has indicated . once the redevelopment agency closed out for the western
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addition, [indiscernible] closed out and [indiscernible] in 2008 and 2009. there was a transition process through the state. >> the department of real estate owns it now? it sounds like it does not have capital improvement funds? >> i think there is a long list of capital projects that need funding sources in the city. i know in deciding where the money would go there were a number of facilities the department of real estate identified that was in need of capital improvements and i think ella hill hutch was collected because of the safety concerns you are hearing today. it was elevated to the top of the list. there are a number of projects that need funding and the city does not have enough funding to do them all. >> just to be clear, while our
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contribution if we approve the item will be up to $88,000, puc has committed to take the balance which is almost $100000? >> that is correct. >> so all of the projects on page 3 of the memo, lighting, heating would be accomplished? >> that is correct. >> and that would be accomplished through the contracting process? >> my understanding is the funding will go to the department of real estate and they will work with the puc to get the work done. >> and they will put it out to bid just like any other project? it is a small threshold for competitive bidding. >> i can't hear you from here. >> the work would be performed by a licensed, qualified
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contractor. puc issues contracts as an approval authority. [indiscernible] it's to be determined. >> so this would be informal? >> they would not be a new contract. >> [indiscernible] and you represent which office? >> i am with puc. >> puc would be the contract awarding authority? and the money would come from this agency to the real estate to puc? and puc does the contracting process at whatever fashion that is, selects the contractors and supervisors and insurers it is complete? >> yes that is correct. >> and this will be a complete
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project. >> does anyone have any comments or questions? >> the only comment i would like to say is that i think there seems to be two opinions and the item before us is really what i consider essentially a transfer of funds for capital improvement found to be both essential and required and i am shocked as i am sometimes that the city has ownership of this facility for so long and basic improvements have not been done. it's almost like a no-brainer to me. the other issues and what's happening in the western addition and the jurisdiction of this commission, at the last meeting we asked the director to identify a special meeting date where the commission could meet in the western addition. obviously with advance notice and hopefully with the collaboration of president [indiscernible]'s office. i
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consider that a separate issue. related but separate. i am happy to entertain a second. >> please call the roll. >> i have 3 ayes. the item passes. please call the next item. >> the next order of business has been to the call of the chair. item 5c will be heard at a different date. >> are there any speaker cards on 5c? >> there is one.
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>> mr. washington, 5c is being continued, the san francisco municipal item is being continued. >> thank you. please call the next item. >> the next order of business is 5d, certifying that the appointment of denise zermani fulfills a critically needed position related to the management and transfer of the yerba buena garden assets. >> thank you. [indiscernible] was a former senior development
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specialist in the real estate division. she has decided to retire. however, given the scope of her work in the real estate division relative to the assets we have proposed transferring to the city her work with us is not complete and in order to comply with various calpers rules we have brought back the employment contract before you for your consideration. i would like to ask our interim general counsel and deputy director to walk you through the scope of this item. >> members of the commission, my name is [indiscernible] director [indiscernible] has summarized resolution before you quite succinctly. it is a straightforward employment contract you are considering, only complicated by the application of the calpers law, state law that governs how calpers retirees are to be
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employed after they retire. the basis of this is borne out of dissolution of redevelopment which is primary for these services. with this dissolution you are aware the agency real estate assets have to be disposed of and there are two primary ways. through a sale or transfer to a entity for governmental purposes. there are some others but those are the two primary tasks. you are aware that the redevelopment agency over a 30 or 40 year period acquired and developed significant assets in downtown san francisco composed of open space, cultural facilities, children's playgrounds, bulling alleys, ice-skating rink and other uses and includes both
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profit generating businesses such as the metreon in the marriott hotel as well as public cases. in our plan for disposition which we filed with the state a year ago, we proposed after looking at the community and city to transfer the entirety of the assets to the city. we propose they be considered by the state for governmental purpose or use. by all accounts, this holding of assets by the former redeveloping is one of the more complicated elaborate real estate holdings that we have involving a number of agreements, leases, easements and the like. which denise manage for a number of years.
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[indiscernible] as well as you are aware, property management and some of the project management functions were consolidated into development services and those were assigned to denise as a senior developer specialists. denise has worked at the agency for many years and been in development services for over 15 years. over those years, particularly in the last several years, she developed a high degree of specialization in the assets that are the yerba buena garden's and the financial picture for those assets. executive management has a need to continue focusing on the disposition and the property management of the
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yerba buena garden's over the next year or so. although we have proposed a transfer to the city, the state is still reviewing that. it is still asking questions about it. although we believe the state will approve it, they are not there yet and they have another year to improve our property management plan for all of our assets. in that period and for as long as needed, we have a significant need for a person with specialized skills, such as denise zermani, to both work with the city on the transition plan, work with the state in answering the questions and when the transfer is approved, to work with the city and agency on the documents that will result in the transfer of these assets. under the calpers law, the basic rule is once you
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retire from calpers, you cannot be employed by a caliper employer unless you reinstate it. the exception is for persons of specialized skill who work for a limited duration , who will receive no benefits from the calpers employer and will be restricted to 960 hours per fiscal year. it is a unique type of position that is mandated by state law with significant limitations. the other limitation is the salary be paid at what is comparable to the position that would perform those duties. otherwise. another calpers rule that comes into play here is that retirees, even reading those exceptions, cannot be employed within the first 180 days after
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retirement. unless the governing body at a public hearing certifies that there is a need for these specialized services and holds public hearing is you are doing today. that was a recently enacted law that was added that additional requirement. you have before you today a resolution and the draft we hope to enter with denise zermani, we have informed local 21, the union representing this type of position and they have no objections. we are also undertaking the formal process for recruitment of this position and currently have it posted on the city's website for external candidates. after
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having gone through the internal recruitment process. i think we have covered all of the procedural and legal requirements for this and, as somebody has worked at this agency for a number of years, i can vouch for the high competency of [indiscernible]. these skills and her experience will be of great use to the agency in the coming months as we try to orderly transfer the assets to the city. with that, i have no further comments and him available for questions. >> thank you. >> madam sec. do we have speaker cards? >> mr. a washington. >> he is gone. >> any other member would like
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to address this item? >> public comment is closed. do we have comments? questions? motions? >> i would like to hear from denise. >> if you are retiring, why do you want to keep working? >> i think it would be nice to finish up the project, it is part-time and have a smooth transition to the city. it's important for me to see the work i have done for so many years to transfer nicely to the city. and work with the community during that process as well. >> thank you.
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>> congratulations. >> congratulations on your retirement. and welcome. >> prematurely. >> it is moved and seconded. please call the roll. >>3 ayes. >> item passes. >> please call the next item. >> the next order of business is item 6, public comment on non-agenda items. >> i have one speaker card. cathy perry. >> [indiscernible] also. >> this perry i have not seen
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you in a while. >> it is a pleasure to be here. i am here accidentally a little bit. i think i was expected to speak on a previous agenda item that it did not fit my understanding of why i was coming here. i think based on the hearing and the different perspectives that have been presented, there is a need for you all to either set up a special committee or have a special hearing, i'm not sure how you work so the discussion i thought i was coming to address was the heritage space where they have the former addition or former [indiscernible] space. i thought that was going to be on the agenda. now i'm going to ask you, if you have a staff
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member by the last name of reynolds, i've been hearing information secondhand and if there is a way in which the community will utilize that space, i would be interested in the gallery that used to be there run by i think it was peter fitzsimmons. i'm very interested in running the gallery so i thought that was on the agenda, it i put a presentation together why a community run gallery would look like. it would be in our collective and those are the ideas i had. i know you don't know me formally so i've included my resume and history so if you do decide to work with the community on filling that space, i would be interested in being a part of it. >> thank you. >> we have oscar james. >> [indiscernible] good afternoon. i don't know if this is where i bring this up about the demolition of the shipyard.
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>> you are free to speak here now but i suggest you may want to wait for the director's report. >> i will wait. >> excuse me, i told myself to change the image. you're trying to show the city and county a person that can deal with politics today. but sometimes this stuff is so personal and i wouldn't want to come up here this way because i'm in the trenches right now. i am a person of value. i have ties that ladies and gentlemen i am in the trenches. [indiscernible] the most terrifying incident that happened in the western addition. if you go back, we had this over and over the last 10 years. blood runs down our street many times. let me get back, excuse my appearance and
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my performance earlier, i am an activist and i came to act. let me turn around, my name is a washington. i am part of a conglomerate of people and i did not mislead her i thought we would have a time to speak. prior to her coming last week, it was on the agenda and i thought you had the courtesy for you to put us on the agenda. or answering our questions but to no avail. we brought a group of people. we just demonstrated another side of what's going on in the western addition. you say there is no more but as you have noticed today, [indiscernible] you have cracked the division in our community as it is right now along with our supervisor. let it be known. public testimony, i am respectfully requesting [indiscernible] to
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put things in writing and be professional and i apologize to her for acting this way because she has been around here for 20 years. we are trying to have an image in the western addition that is far different from what you see here. forgive me for acting that way that it was necessary move i had to do. i did everything possible to no avail. i am still set forth unless you can convince me at the next meeting that we are going to talk about it, i'm prepared to bring out my bullhorn. get back to my question today. will there be an avenue or do you plan to come to the western addition we do you plan to come out so we can slow down and do some creative things because right now i am the community amb. and there are three sides out of compliance. [indiscernible] the other one is the park out of
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compliance and the other one is that [indiscernible] right down the street from the postal center. we have three major construction going on and we are complaining about lights? my name is [indiscernible]. if we can't get any [indiscernible] the things i did today will be sent to hud [indiscernible]. >> thank you. >> thank you. i didn't make it to this meeting two weeks ago and i know the [indiscernible] has a lot going on. >> i am daniel landry for the record. >> san francisco resident. this is the thing, i was
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corresponding with mr. johnson of fdc for about two years regarding the community businesses. one of the letters, not that i am a prophet or anything, but i did mention to him, what if these plans and all these things do not work in the hear a center goes dark meaning close as out? we never wanted to see a foreclosure itself because the community as well as the city has put a lot of investment, time and energy to make sure anchor building worked for the community. unfortunately, in one of his response it was very vague and general and left me in a position where i could not tell the community in honesty with the heritage center, i think at this point, there are so many unanswered questions and
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why is he still at the table? this is the question i get every day. i think we need something to take back to the community that is solid. and if he is saying he is pulling out with the addition, how is that going to work? i'm just putting it in the universe. because we are dealing with time and the community as well as others is very concerned that nobody knows the direction of the fillmore sarah center. i am here because i missed a key meeting and i don't know if you are going to [indiscernible] before this body so we can discuss that in a forum that answer some of these questions but i would hope so. because, i have two or three letters that
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i addressed personally and to this commission and asking the simple question. do we have any teeth with the community benefits plan? which was well-crafted but groups like [indiscernible] which was here was a part of that and that's why you hear a lot of back-and-forth even when it comes to something like this $85,000. it can be $85 and you will hear back and forth. thank you and have a good day. >> i have no further cards. >> thank you. next item? >> the next order of business is item 7, report of the chair. >> i do not have a report for this meeting.
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>> the next order of business is item 8, report of the executive director. hunters point shipyard, candlestick point, propose demolition methods for candlestick park stadium. >> thank you. commissioners, through the chair at our december 16, 2014 meeting, the commission did request a number of questions related to the proposed demolition of candlestick stadium, specifically questions members of the public raised, the commission wanted answers on and more information on in terms of what is the role and the commission's role and how it relates to the planning department. environmental review documents etc. we are here today and shortly i will be asking with permission from the chair [indiscernible] who is the senior project manager to walk you through the regulatory framework and role of [indiscernible]. it's administrative role and
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consistency and permit review with respect to a demolition having the role of the city who doesn't force i do want to say and it is well known unpublicized, since the numbers of public came to the december meeting and community meetings, [indiscernible] the master developer who is proposing an implosion of candlestick have made plans to withdraw that permit for implosion and the city's department of building inspection has issued a regular demolition permit consistent with previous approvals former redevelopment agency gave. it is worth staff having walked through the regulatory context and role of this commission and various departments. with your permission, i will ask [indiscernible] the hunters point senior project manager to walk you through this. >> good afternoon. my name is
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[indiscernible] the senior project manager for the candlestick point redevelopment project. i will be giving a brief presentation on the upcoming plans for candlestick stadium as well a review of the [indiscernible] and permitting and reviewing these types of permits. i'd like to note, joining me here today and these folks are available for question our [indiscernible] from the planning department, [indiscernible] from [indiscernible] who has performed part of the environmental analysis looking at the implosion they are a consultant to the planning department in from urban we have [indiscernible] as well as [indiscernible]. >> to provide some context, on january 2014 the approved the first major phase application. this development will include
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five sub phases to be built out over the next seven years. this cover 16 blocks of development, includes 1500 homes. the revitalization of the public housing site. one point 1,000,000 ft.2 of mixed commercial uses. including the retail center will will be in the footprint of the existing stadium. 50,000 ft.2 of community facilities. 9.4 acres of parks and a $6 million contribution to candlestick point state recreation area. in order to move ahead with this development program we will undertake the demolition of the stadium. on friday issued a statement they will be pursuing the mechanical demolition. and they will be withdrawing the implosion permit which they h
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