tv [untitled] January 29, 2015 5:00pm-5:31pm PST
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my name is harris and i volunteer. for teacher security. i received much of my training after i was released on prole in north carolina after more than 20 years in prison. i was an active member of the u.s. army second air born division serving as infantry squad leader. i have taken notes of multiple attempts to establish programs for youth to teach skills that would show them an alternative way of life other than that of the streets and crime. none of these programs came to light because of lack of funding from either private or government sources. when this board and the future looks to ways to prevent mass murders like those that recently occurred in the hayes valley neighborhood it should
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consider allocations to places like the watc which planned out radio -- outreach the hard to reach gang members. >> public speaker: president breed and other victims. i rise to review my previous remarks on your on going validation and support for nicotine addiction industry. i appreciate your respect for due difference to the district supervisor even i might concede that it might prevail. but for the fact there is no such things in the atmosphere. separate and in viable from all others it is all of san
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francisco as one breathing hole you must consider. you will get the same free flawed argument supporting them and you will be able to counter them. the first t connection to lung cancer. that argument is good because that connection is weak. however nicotine in whatever form is strongly and favorably associated with heart disease. it's the tar heat that is associated with lung cancer. the second answer is that no nicotine escapes the user. we normally breathe in air that is.04 cash diekdzrbon dioxide and 16 percent oxygen. it's on views -- obvious that a useren inhales the rest.
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exercising choice is to be valued as long as your choice doesn't diminish mine. secondhand exposure is first hand abuse. by the way, people who live in seismic zones should not live in glass houses. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. >> good evening, i'm john from san francisco. this is about the funeral of a young black boy. i was walking by the church and little old church. upfront a lonely couple sat.
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in the casket was a child. i can picture him living curly hair and smiling face i have seen perhaps a thousand in my early. then rose a black preacher from a little wooden desk and he said don't be weeping for this pretty bid of clay. for the lord didn't give thank you baby by 100,000 miles and he keeps it's until your hearts are grown and until what you are setting now has an interest on the loan. so let your hearts in heaven rest and don't go criticizing
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to the one that knows the best. he has the right to take away and in conclusion, i add he has the right to take away, not you, me not anybody else. this is an american icon hank williams senior, the father. this you for listening. >>supervisor london breed: thank you very much. next speaker. please. >>supervisor london breed: in your face. >> queen bee i would like to thank ms. cohen and supervisors. i just want to show you. i'm glad she's our supervisor and we are supporting. my name is ace and i'm on the case and the corridor ambassador. let me show you what we have going on in fillmore. we have a building owned by yoshi and
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now with all the closing businesses i'm representing a group that is known as the fillmore bay area media group. we have the community component there now. michael johnson met with us and he says he supports us. we are the community entity. so i have arranged my first corridor and i'm inviting the whole city and county and the mayor if he cares. i'm inviting my supervisors ks i know she'll be there. and we are going to talk about things that happened down at fillmore and explain some of the things about that current building there. it is operated by a gentlemen a little older than me, we are going to have we may that are going to be using that space like social media.
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yours truly. i'm at the bottom of the garage and art gallery. we are going to have a black history month. everyday we are going to have issues there to raise money. supervisor, we are hoping you will be there tomorrow at 5:00 p.m.. we'll let you go e in the next few men's -- minutes after that. i call it the feel no more. in fillmore. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, ace. next speaker, please. >> public speaker: >> tom. when you know your gems are protected and the shoe fits you even if there is a glass wall involved it's easy to take a good vote. a
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year 1/2 ago about a spokesman was on television talked about high rises and i said that doesn't fill well with me. i brought a show and tell. yes. okay that's sarah from the office, south beach, 19 years ago. that's sarah with her son. he's now 19 in santa clara. robbie and his daughter when he brought his daughter home from the hospital, the mother went back in an ambulance because she was in a coma. couple years later, there is our little girl.
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same day there is mom. these are stories these are our gems. they had to leave. their second $400 rent increase sent them traveling. here is kay. below market rate apartment dweller. she's going to be losing her spot possibly. here is kim, another below market rate person, 20 years living in south beach. she is vulnerable and ready to go. here is a courageous woman 81 years old. she's moving down scale because her rent went up $600 to apply admiral. >>supervisor london breed: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> public speaker:
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>> as you know while this is my answer, we want to fight racism and homophobia and and dr. brown letting people know what xenophobia is a because you don't like the way people talk. district 6 often and when you go bayview they say we are not part of black lives. when you go to district 5, they say we are not part of black. we are the unfor gettable people in district six. we deal with it in the tl. i want to show you, this is a 10-year report, this
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started 51805 where racist and hate crimes. this is a guy that through coffeen my face because i was singing in my lobby. before christmas someone went in my apartment and burned my apartment. the lady told me i was getting too comfortable and september me to my burned out room and we have burn outs in castro, the mission, hotel, ambassador in. when we call the police and they don't take us serious. when we are getting beat down in the tl. the blacks in san francisco, sometimes i feel
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like we are in shanghai. >>supervisor london breed: thank you. are there any other members of the public who would like to provide public comment. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed.. mr. clerk, before we call the adoption without committee reference, supervisors mar can we have a motion to excuse supervisor mar. motion by supervisor farrell and tang approved. motion to continue item 35 motioned by supervisor wiener and seconded by supervisor tang. without objection item 35 will be continued. mr. clerk can you please call the remaining items in the adoption without committee reference to agenda. city clerk: items 34-36 are being considered for
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immediate adoption without reference. a single roll call vote. as such matters can be removed and discussed separately. item 35 is being removed until the february 21st meeting. >>supervisor london breed: would you like to approve items. city clerk: campos, crist stan stop sign, >>supervisor london breed: cohen, aye, farrell, aye, kim aye, supervisor kim, wiener aye, yee aye, avalos, aye. there are 10 ayes. >>supervisor london breed: this item passes unanimously. hold on colleagues. we have an item on the agenda. mr. clerk can you please call the item for the imperative agenda.
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>> we have declared january 21st, as san francisco restaurant week to encourage all san francisco to support their restaurants. >>supervisor london breed: let's take the first finding to find this resolution purely commendatory moved by supervisor wiener and supervisor cohen. we can take this without objection. and also before we approve this imperative item, we must take public comment. are there any members of the public who would like to provide public comment on this particular item. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we take the other item that we need to move forward came to the board after the agenda was posted. can we have
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a motion to move that forward. moved by supervisor farrell, second by supervisor cohen without objection. can we take both of those findings, we already did that and now on the substantive imperative agenda item, can we move that item forward without objection. without objection the imperative agenda passes. mr. clerk can you read the in memoriam. city clerk: on behalf of the late rosy lee and on behalf of the full board for the late morales and for the late dorothy adams and laura lie. >>supervisor london breed: okay, colleagues, we are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ]
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>> >> . >> welcome to the smraul business commission meeting on monday, january 26. it is 2.09 and we are starting the commission meeting. this meeting is televised live and we want to thank sfgov tv for televising the meeting. please for the public turn off all cell phone and pagers. item no. 1 is roll call to
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order. commissioner adams, here. commissioner dooley here. commissioner dwight, here. commissioner ortiz-cartagena said that he would be running a little late. commissioner yee-riley, here. commissioner tour-sarkissian, here. and commission monetta white has an excused absence. . >> item no. 2 is general public comment. this allows members of the public to comment generally on matters within the commissionary purview and suggest new agenda items for the commission's future consideration. >> do we have any members of the public who would like to make a comment on items that are not on today's agenda? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item, please. >> item no. 3 is introduction to the new small business
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development director angel cardoz and we have him here today. >> welcome. >> first off let me say thank you for allocating the time and the invitation for me to introduce myself. my name is angel cardoz and as of jar january 5th i am the new director for the san francisco small business development center. if you are not familiar with the program, the program is dined to help entrepreneurs both start and expand businesses by providing one on one consulting and business training. business training ranges from marketing, book keeping, strategic development and actually currently we're offering a restaurant series focused around helping entrepreneurs start their own restaurant or expand it. the one on one consulting
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ranges from access to capital, developing pro formas, business plans or currently working with a list of 8 specialized consultants that offer these services and waiting on two more so hopefully we'll have 10 total consultants soon to be offering services to small business owners. the program is partially funded by the small business administration and currently is a program of the office of economic and work force development. currently my supervisor is joaquin torrez and i'm excited to be here. just to give you a little bit about my background, i have been in small business development for 10 years. i owned my own business, helped my family start our own business. after that i started
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doing business consulting and the last 3 years i served as director of the coachella vaef womenase center. that gives you a little bit about my back grupbld. i'm excited to be here, i feel that san francisco is the ecosystem for entrepreneurial development based on the number of programs, the support within the city, the university surrounding us and what we're already doing for small business owners. so i'm excited to be here i've been working with the office of small business, i am currently housed in the office of small business and i have been working closely with regina, martha and nagar and bruce to support, i feel it is strategickally good hoer
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horizontal integration that can add value to small business owners. >> commissioner white. >> congratulations on your new role. are the services you provide via these consultants pro bono or at a reduced rate? >> the one on one consulting is absolutely free. there is no cost to small business owners, that falls within our budget. >> are the individuals providing those services being paid or does it fall within --. >> those individuals are being paid within our contract. >> sounds like a great program. >> any other -- commissioner yee riley. >> does your service include different languages? >> yes we are offering services in english, spanish, mandarin and cantonese. and it is based on the individual need. if we know there's a
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specific need within a language we will make sure to match the small business owners with that consultant. >> all right, thank you. >> welcome. >> thank you. thank you. it is great to be here. i'm excited. i think that there's plenty of opportunity and i'm glad to be a part of the team. >> one last question how many staff members are there? >> staff members, currently there's one, we're working on -- amy. but total consultants we have 10 and we're working to bring one additional person on board soon. >> good luck with that. >> i'd like to add that i'm excited that we have the opportunity to have angel housed at osb he's just getting here, the lay of the land, meeting everybody, meeting the consultants he's working with and we're going to be working out our internal process for cross-referrals but sbdc is managing our program
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out of the office of economic and work force development and as we move into developing the legacy program the sbdc may be something we incorporate that as well. we have worked closely with sbdc with our business counseling so it's exciting for us to have it a little more integrated. >> angel, are you an employee of sfgov >> yes, i am. >> but you are going to be housed in your office? >> well, it's all fluid. if you recall i think it was december of 2013 the commission passed a resolution encouraging, you know, the city to go, to apply for the grant program. >> right. >> so oewd manages the grant for hosting the sbdc, but since it's dealing with direct client
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services and we have a little bit of space available right now it makes a little more sense to have angel working with us, housed with us. so as with these multiple serve support systems we're working together and, you know, as best we can to provide -- we're working together in a very sort of fluid manner. >> uh-huh. >> to provide services. >> great. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> i have a question for you about the one on one consulting, can you describe quickly what it entails, how many hours, a synopsis. >> the process you just have to go to our web site or give us a call. our web site is to fill out an application, to be one of our clients. after that we set up
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a one on one meeting to talk and identify your specific needs and assess what those needs are. those needs might be access to capital, trying to obtain financing for your business, to expand your business, it might be marketing, book keeping services, there's a range of different services we offer. once we make the assessment and identify what the area of need is i coordinate the connection between the small business owner and the advisor to support this need. it might range, depending on the specific problem to solve, we develop a scope of work where we identify the action items we're going to do to accomplish the business accomplish that next step. on average these projects, these plans, tend to take no more than 8 hours but in the event that we do go over 8 hours, that's absolutely okay
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as long as the business is moving forward and growing. >> these meetings take place in your offices or on site? >> we currently are offering the one on one consulting in the small business administration office. however, we have identified a location in room, in the third floor to have these private one on one consulting sessions. >> thank you. >> i wanted to welcome you also. are you ready to roll now? we can start referring folks? >> absolutely. we're ready to go, the lines are open and we're ready to start working with the small business owners. >> great. >> thank you. >> next item. >> next item is to update and discussion on osb's preparation for the legacy business program. so commissioners, i thought since we have a light
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agenda this might be a good opportunity just to have some open-ended discussion about what's ahead of us. at the december 8th meeting we had some presentations from professor isabell at usf about considerations and from the students. i have re-included some of that information, i have re-included that information into your packet. so to give you a bit of background, so the legislation has not officially gone through committee so it will be soon. some discussion that we are having and consideration that we are having is to just move forward the registry component of the legislation and not move forward with the tax credits for the transfer tax. there's
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discussion both with supervisor campos' offer and others to see if we might develop more carrots and want to explore that and also explore some other things that may need to be legislated. but there's no reason why we can't carry forward with just doing the registry. with the registry, though, that does mean that there will still be the requirement for our office to do a survey and to develop some programs, whether it be a marketing-based program that businesses can utilize a designation that they are a legacy business to help, you know, icon on their web site at their business, and then also if there are legacy businesses that we are -- that may need some support either
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utilizing usf family legacy business support work helping families transition from one generation to the next and running the business or programs that might help businesses where the employees might want to -- such as green apple books where the owner retired and the employs bought the business from the owner. so developing some of those programs and that's why with the sbdc we could they would be helpful in helping us construct some of those programs. that said with the registry program, there will be some criteria and application. in the legislation supervisor campos' intent is really around
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small legacy businesses in our neighborhood corridors so this legislation doesn't specifically state that at this particular point in time, but it does state that in terms of business categories it's a bar, restaurant, retail store, art space, performance venue or business primarily engaged in production, distribution and repair activities as described in the planning code. but there are other criteria where it says the business has contributed to the neighborhood history or identify of participation in the neighborhood or community and the business is committed to maintaining the physical features and traditions as divined in the business including craft, culinary and art forms. so the last two bullets are quaul litative and have some quaul ul quaul
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