tv [untitled] January 31, 2015 1:00am-1:31am PST
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another guidelines an attempt should be made to blend in with the neighborhood we asked for a set back from our fence that is allowed i was asked to sign a paper saying i won't further implement the process and ask for a further set back on the north side of 5 feet thoughts of deemed bargaining in bad faith and the fence line was resented and the plans were filed like that. >> once again 9 planned went through we said we'll file a dir the set back was the offered a second time the western rear is 1 pointed 5 feet from the events for the first floors and i believe this concession was going to be required by the
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commission now we're looking at a block of a building we asked for the 5 foot set back on the north side to be comparable to the guidelines in the residential guidelines where people made modifications to lessen the effect of the rear extension we understand that 3 bedrooms on the third floor are desired we have this we understand that and set back would yield a third floor blatantly with a stunning view of downtown and remove the view as expected also just want to say we were told by the owner not to waste our time filing the dr we
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wouldn't win without a lawyer ever consonant i watched a planning hamburger and watched you there were not able reductions in the height of the building to blend into the neighborhood i feel like those provisions have not been done here and real quick wanted to show that the owners have done other houses they've made those beautiful accommodations so i hope that you can vote to down scale it and retain our neighborhood and character. >> second dr requester. >> hi, i'm doug my wife and i
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have lived in our home for 10 years it's not a surprise for the project to come up across the street to build up i found in the plans though it looks like the property becomes incompatible with the surrounding buildings in terms of the scale you know if you look at in mile - it can be easily seen once you add from our prospective on the other side of the street when the house builds up it will be 3 levels we have a 3 level house this is appropriate to me as you can see it comes to the peak of charley and barry raze house and then what is added on top is the roof deck and penthouse so we went to the owners and
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architect and said hey that penthouse is add another story so and that seems impeach an impact on light and impact on the character of the surrounding property it is at all at this point and that thing is 8 feet wide so we talked about a couple of options one to do a hatch instead of a penthouse and that was rejected address hey, we, shave some off the power point would that be enough i then filed the dr because we were not going to get anywhere if the penthouse were removed and hatch on top to get up to the roof that would make a big difference in the property if that's not acceptable it if seem like a
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roof deck a great idea for that neighborhood. >> and that's pretty much the contestants of my dr. >> thank you. >> hi i have brought new material to the meeting they rejected ♪ december i have a new packet you guys want to now or after now or after oh it's already started >> you can have the commission secretary pass it out to us. >> okay. i'll do that there you go. >> thank you i'm jan i live directly across
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the street from 130 ram street been there thirty years and i'm here today to ask for a front set back of the verizon position and asking for no use of wood on the third floor of the exterior and wish to support any neighbors request the set back vertical editions are used no noah valley because developers are squeezing larger homes by reducing the scale and even though set back leaves a less of an impact so here there's a - the standard street width is 50 feet and glancing glen mark is known for it's windy street we have curve to curve thirty feet the minimal
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a 36 i'm trying to - fittings this is a narrow narrow street if you've been to glen park and i just wanted to also the sidewalks meet the minimum requirement so on and so forth by the city when or which are 10 feet a few views of the neighborhood you can look at that also set to the point our house is really close to basically 409 feet away not like there's a you know 40 feet difference the new development will be directly across the street the residential guidelines recommended 15 foot set back if the front wall to the view and 15 foot set back will definitely take away disable of the new edition but i
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will not ask for that i thought about it but didn't what i'm asking for here is i went to an architect and here we go sorry this is the view right now and i went to him saying could we had a 5 foot set back here's the 5 foot set back it's coming up from herpes street not a significant set back 5 feet so then this architect suggested that why sorry that was the original project here's the 5 feet this is the set back here and then this is the existing again and here he proposed a modified 8 feet that gives a better view for the city if you looking for the people cocking
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up the street if you're coming up henry you can see barbara and charles house the subpoena t is coming and the light that barbara's referring to allow that into her house this also this 8 foot set back is going to help united states in our house because you know we're losing our light and air we've had for 15 years below our house we understand the city is growing we need editions and need to fit more families but i want to have the 8 foot cigarette for privacy in our home as well as the use of materials if you take away the wood it allows the reflective light into our home we're missing from across the street i know the equities a looking at all kinds of concrete
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suggestions and when i went to the architect he suggested that christian will do a great job of reconfiguring the house but it made me think about our friend's house so i do in our packet you'll see i have 13 examples of set back this are uses throughout the neighborhood you ac take a moment you'll see what i'm asking for the consistent with our neighborhood. >> thank you. i appreciate my time. >> are there members of the public who want to speak in support of the dr requesters. >> please come forward. >> hi good afternoon. i'm defshg i live with my partner
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defense attorney less than purchased the home in 1983 and lived in noah valley since 19981 we see the north and west side of the property during our meeting and the writing to the architect i asked for respect and we'll be lookinging a 40 foot wall great the ground floor to the area we asked for articulation a set back something to break up the monolithic north side wall into the backyard thirty feats the owners said they went to extent to have an attractive articulation of the home unquote not a stucco box my one meeting that the evict and owner was
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sdoirpt and frustrating the plans confirmed the owners had not addressed our concerns about this thirty foot north wall their response thirty to my meeting quote we would have built a figured out wall and explicit by two or three feet but had to speak to the contractor about the change we didn't hear if the architecture owners about lowering that e.r. the design changes addressing our concerns this is a quote from the owners we certainly have no desire whichever to create an uninteresting box stucco like that you see in the outer sunset the stucco box with windows is decade what you'll side from our backyard i ask the
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commission to look at this project close and grant our and our neighbors request for the modifications thank you for your time. >> thank you >> next speaker. >> just but that right there. >> hi good afternoon. i'm laurie i live on randell been there 4:30 years this week and i come today first of all peppering my vegetation garden is toast in randell is approved my backyard is low and as was talked about i will be facing no sun for the whole time i've attended and watched several hearings i know weeping we'll hear if the hired hands of people that confuse real estate one with the need we have 15
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hundred sdweet my my husband and i raised our kid in 12 hundred square feet let me point out should find confusion the developers and my confusion and some of the developers implication misrepresentation in the passage page one 12 hundred square feet the records say 8 hundred and 37 are the numbers quadrupling page 2 the person we've been dealing with in planning notes there's 8 letters 0 no mention of the correspondents the professional 86 and 91 and 93 their deceptive
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page 77 complains there would be an extremely modest impact an charles and barbaras how is it seems not likely it blocks the sun the front and the back page 76 offices a hearsay statement from an attorney they were stone walls by neighborhood quote who could be only satisfied in the home stays as is there is nothing further from the truth i suggest you scrutinize their letters one is from church street and one from a neighbor he's moving and smolg someone that claims to be a neighbor lives one mile away and no verifyable addresses those are oriental letters i'm not the
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penthouse is appropriate but when we discussed it the woman said it was north of the project that has absolutely no effective in our conversation she said she have biased towards the work saying she have confidence in highs designing design he don't say a lot of work in the city. >> thank you, ma'am our time is up. >> is there any additional public comment. >> good afternoon. i'm diane i'm here to speak on behalf of the discretionary review. >> i'm sorry ma'am speak or speak into the microphone and i'm here to speak on behalf of the discretionary review i live on the same block and on the
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same side the street i live 3 doors away i have a letter from another neighbor jennifer and frankfort, kentucky could to be submitted into the record i live near the project not peppering effected by the project i'm here with no dog ♪ fight i'm here just to speak because i'm concerned about preserving neighborhood character i've live on this block for thirty years and i'm interested in preserving our close commit neighborhood and pooefr preserving the character to the important we preserve the light and air for everyone not just the people next door but this will effect everyone in the neighborhood and people who
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commute through the neighborhood so i'm in support of set backs for this project both if the front and in the rear i think it's important to set the project back some from the street so we don't have a massive block overlooking the sidewalk sea should be set back in the rear so that there's light and air for the neighbors who are effected so i'm here to obtain object to the penthouse as well it will be larger than anything on the block i hope you'll support of discretionary review for live and quality of life for everyone we welcome neighboring neighbors would be wish to join our
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neighborhood not those who wish so maximum middle profit by building the biggest building they can >> thank you. is there any additional public comment. >> good afternoon. i'm paul and my family and i have been in the neighborhood i'm here to speak on behavior of charley and barbie appreciate the stair penthouse and hope they'll do something more than american people ordinarily house i live across the street but i really want to say i feel the impact on the back of charley and barbara's quavered is going to be significant the sun is a limited i know if they consider the 5 foot set back and develop
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a balcony a large opening doors they'll find that much more fundamental i've lived in the neighbor for thirty years and never seen neighbors on the decks i hope the developers will looked at this opposing to a roof deck and reduce the impacts on the backyard and neighbors basically that's what i wanted to say. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment. >> okay. seeing none project sponsor you have 10 minutes. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu and commissioners i'm david silverman working with the sponsors justin and julie
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onion they're proposed renovation they need more space for their family this is an owner occupied dwelling despite the allocations made by the speakers this is a modest edition 10 feet below the 40 feet or thirty foot building consisting consistent with the neighborhood the rear extension it less than 2 feet from the existing upper story it has a side set back in the rear it's noticed it t in the dr report it has not met anything extraordinary we ask you not take dr and accept the project as proposed i'd like to introduce you to the project
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sponsor julie kim. >> good afternoon. i'm julie kim and justin is one of the owners i know it's a long day and thank the planning department marseille who's been a patient person i'm here to ask you follow the elements by the planning department and not take discretionary review and our main objective to create a home for a growing family the plan the minimum footprint for a bedroom to be loejtd on the 6 floos under oath we have a 6 month-old baby i know having to reach our kids' bedroom is not ideal as david mentioned we'll
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be a fuel 10 feet under the maximum limit and our architect christian will talk about that and each of the neighbors live in a higher building and those are over 3 thousand square feet and mr. hart one of the dr requesters is an additional in an we believe that you deny the request for discretionary review and allow us to build a home it's family friendly thank you. >> it will come up when you start speaking. >> good morning. i'm christian justin and julie's architect thank you for the opportunity to speak in evening our approach as
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with our work to the sensitive and meet our clients needed our proposal is well within the san francisco planning code and it adheres to the residential good morning, supervisors to the rear yard and front set back and the magic height and footprint in the rear yard the proposed editions the proposed edition awe lines with the set back limit the result of if 2 foot 4 inches beyond the house the and were neighbor stent beyond our edition we're not asking to take advantage or proposing rear yard deluck's deduction that allows
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us more edition into the rear yard if the front yard the edition come employees with the set back in terms of height we're a full story 10 feet below the maximum and if i can get the overhead but that height limit not fitting on the screen is represented by the red doted line we're proposing changes but acknowledging in our application is extraordinary or sets the boundary on the contrary we really have tried to and made great fofrpt effort to be restrained in the quality and contestant of the building code i hope you'll agree to move forward and allow this. >> is there any members of the
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public that want to speak in support of project sponsor. >> i'm amy a san francisco resident i'm reading two letters today written by resident from the neighborhood that are unable to attend this meeting the first letter is by gina dear commissioners i've it does it be read for the discretionary review so i can voice now so for the for the project my family and i reside on church street around the corner from the rear of my enemy i have a clear view of the back of justin and julie's house he am generally in favor of the housing they improve the block and neighborhood i'm in favor of
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consider edition that achieve the facade and general appearances of the air the plans for justin and julie's plan is well the architect has done lots of work in the neighborhood i know this is important when deciding who to work with thankful created a plan with an architecture interest in the neighborhood and respectful to the neighborhoods julie and justin have's met with us and understand the growing families it i think it is important to allow families to stay in san francisco i appreciate the opportunity to address the commission and hope that i made it clear it not in san francisco is opted to growing the second letter by best testimony benson
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on church street dear complaining commissioners outreaching i've asked this be read i beverly wanted to voice my support sponsor the project my house is not in direct view i ask they improve the block and whole there recent many challenges for 0 families with small children and smaller homes to be provided room for children in san francisco in addition there are several homes on the street it is not the first to be remodeled the current real estate market is by reduced inventory if this family can't make improvements there are be
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developers that will cease the opportunity to make an department i appreciate this opportunity and release that are neighbors. >> thank you, ma'am your time is up. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment. >> hello, i'm dale aim a long time resident of san francisco i lived in upper noah valley it is essentially the first block of glel park and i want to say that first off the existing structure has no earth sithsd i know the property plan is you got user
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upgrade the neighborhood i feel that some of the proponents have tried to portray the sponsors as being disingenuous to the developers we've heard that such a sighted could sustain a much larger house and i think it is truly disingenuous opposing a 45 hundred square feet home erie think there is several hopes that have sold over the last year between 35 and 6 thousand square feet so this house is modest within the scope compared to many of the projects that have happened i don't think it's precedent setting those project sponsors have asking for a reasonable amount of space
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