tv [untitled] January 31, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PST
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specific posting just for willie brown as well so people can go on and apply just to teach at willie brown. >> okay, so it would be great to know how many of those there are and what their profile is. >> exactly. >> and how many of them also --. >> applied to the larger pool. absolutely we can follow-up. >> thank you. >> thank you. so i don't see any other comments or questions so at this time we are going to open up for public comment on this item. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. so in terms of helping with further outreach, i assume it's for the second deadline of enrollment for the second round of enrollment, is that what we're doing with the school district is recruiting for currently? >> we were asking for support to tap into your professional networks and market our school to staff, teachers, potential
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employees. >> i see. okay. you are looking for teachers and is there a second deadline for enrollment for school? >> there is a second deadline, however at this point given the fact that the data is not entered yet and we have already surpassed our goal we are probably going to fill all our seats in the first round. >> i assume you have to wait for the students to accept as well, but you feel there's a sufficient wait list that that's not going to be an issue? well, we're happy to do outreach to individuals that would be interested in teaching. i do want to thank you all for the time in presenting to this committee which has been following the development of the school for quite a while now and it was really exciting last year to get a real full and robust presentation on the actual construction of the school and what the physical elements of the school would look like to create a different learning environment around math and
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science and it was really really cool to see because we certainly don't have a school like that currently. we're going to continue this topic throughout the year. last year in the fall we did have a discussion on the growing population here in san francisco and what that means for the school district in terms of potentially opening new schools and new classrooms which is a really nice and positive conversation to have because i know many of us were involved back in the early 2000's and closing schools whether we were on the school board or not, had attended many meetings. so it's exciting to talk about hitting capacity at the kindergarten and grade school level but we look forward to continuing that item. as well, i know our office and also members of this board have been really interested in the construction of a next school, mission bay is one we've talked about as well as a school of the arts. so i think we want
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to continue having those discussions here at the city select committee. and finally this is just really exciting to kind of envision what a new school looks like in the bayview and i really hope that a lot of our families are excited about it and hopefully we can create a continuum with mission bay as well at the elementary level and i look forward to a discussion of where our students are going to go at the high school level, too, so that would be a continued discussion. supervisor avalos. >> i just want to say thank you for the presentation and clearly there's been a lot of work that's been put into creating the new school and it's very very exciting to see the work, the experience you have coming, mr. hobson, bringing the school together from scratch. i know you have a lot of support from the school district and the school board and wish you luck and if i can help with whatever networks i connect with to help
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with your recruitment process. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> thank you. i just want to thank you all both so much for your support on this. this has been a lot of work from the heart. i did want to note that we brought on staff a year before we are even opening the school, which i think makes a huge difference, and both of you have been out in the community in many places doing many things. so we're really excited to see what will happen in the fall which i think will be really positive. also i just wanted to ask with regards to what you just asked of the supervisors, which is, you know, to tap into your network for teachers, are we going to be doing, it sounds like we're going to be doing recruitment from within sfusd from our own pool, but are we doing national search as well? is this posted all over the country for people to come, a
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way for people to come to san francisco? that's question no. 1. secondly besides teachers what are some of the other positions that you are considering? >> yes, we are sending out the post to national platforms like career builder, indeed, ed join is another one. my linked in profile and you can post it through your linked in profile as well, it's posted on the sfusd hr portal and i believe hr has that general protocol of making positions open through all those other portals nationwide. so we do have some interest from the midwest, the east coast and the south. so here is a list of positions, to answer your second question. you have 8 classroom teachers and then the assistant principal we are hiring office staff we also need a special
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education teacher, the health care center we have to staff out, there's also security, custodians and paraprofessionals. >> excellent. thank you. and then i know one of the other things we are wants to do is to get more engagement with public private partnerships, especially as an art and tech school and really bringing in some of the industry. and so what are some of your thoughts around that as we walk away from there so that when we're out and about we're thinking about who would be most appropriate to invest in the schools, support the school, be champions. >> currently for the social emotional support and learning, especially around the peer practices, we've partnered with peer practices. we have the
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partnership with stanford. in fact we will attend a thinking training in february for the design thinking training. the puc, public utilities commission, is another agency that has been supporting us and looking at the resources we need and what resources they can provide to support us and so has dcyf >> thank you. >> thank you. commissioner fewer. >> yes, i just wanted to mention that i am hoping that we have an emphasis on hiring from within first and within san francisco. i think that this school is in an area where the personnel that we're looking for has to be very culturally sensitive to what's happening in the area and also to the students that they are teaching. also we have started a lot of initiatives in san francisco that we've embraced whole-heartedly and restore tif practice is one of them and rti
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and also you know, our stat tee strategic plan is equity focused and we are rare in school districts about that and about a ratio in he can equity we're trying to balance out. hiring within, most people are aware of that, they know exactly what we're about and also in particular about these students who liver -- live in this area. i think a great partner for this area could be ai, we -- aim high. and would you please be reminded to send an invitation to every supervisor when we cut the blue ribbon or red ribbon or gold ribbon or whatever ribbon color it is on willie brown because any time we build a new school for the children of san francisco it is celebration regardless of whatever district you live in.
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thank you. >> commissioner wynns. >> i just wanted to say that we still need to be doing outreach to students because we know that we don't -- i mean the fact we have so many first choices is fantastic. that is something that i'm going to guess no school in the southeast part of school can say forever since we've had these choices and that is testament to everybody's work, notably yours. but, you know, just like any college or anybody else, you -- i always hated this term, but there's a yield and you know, we're pretty close to the number, so we're going to need people. we're going to need people and be so happy to have people clamoring to get in but there are some kids who get in who are not going to come so we still have to do outreach and
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we particularly have to do it because one of our issues is that this is a neighborhood where there's a high percentage of people who don't participate in the first round. so we still need to do outreach for them and i'm volunteering. i will help. thank you. >> well, seeing no other -- commissioner mendoza -- seeing no other comments or questions, congratulations, we look forward to working with you in preparation of the new school year in august and please lean on us for support because we really do want this to be a successful venture for the school district. so seeing no other items, can we take a motion to file this item so we will take that motion and we will do that without opposition. madam clerk, are there any other announcements? >> there are none other, madam chair, today. that's it. >> thank you, madam clerk. commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> i'm sorry, i just wanted to
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thank supervisor avalos and supervisor farrell for your support on the committee. these are always really good conversations for us to share and to have so i just wanted to thank you from the school board for your -- for showing up and participating and really sharing some of your ideas over the course of these last few months, so thank you. >> agreed. and they will continue to be involved in the dialogue around schools and families regardless of whether they sit on this committee. i know supervisor avalos is super instrumental in the children's fund and public enrichment conversation and that will continue to happen and we look forward to hearing on the shared schoolyards project that supervisor farrell continues to lead on the city end. so without further ado, our next meeting item will likely be on the pre-k hearing that our office called in the fall and we look forward to that conversation, particularly in light with the reauthorized
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childrens fund and public enrichment fund and that will likely be in february. commissioner wynns. >> we still had not had the hearing on the expansion of afterschool programs so if we can do that one time. >> we are happy to do that. >> i'm not going to say when we should have it, we should ask associate superintendent truett when they think would be best. >> we do have that item on afterschool for all and we will work with the school district to calendar that. thank you, meeting adjourned. (meeting adjourned). . the regular meeting of the
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board of education of the san francisco unified school district for january 27, 2015, is now called to order roll call vote. >> thank you, president fewer i'm here. >> mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton ms. wynns mr. walton dr. murase miss son at and mr. sartipi thank you please join necessary me in the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all thank you very much we are now on approval of the board minutes of the regular meeting of january 13, 2015, may
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i have another motion and second. >> move to the adaptation felt minutes. >> thank you any corrections to the minutes roll call. >> ms. sonata mr. chin commissioner fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton ms. wynns mr. walton and dr. murase 6 i's. >> thank you before i call the next item i'd like to remind members of the public if by the wish to address the board of education complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and present to the assistant speaker cards will not be accepted for an item before the board please get our card in and next the presentation inform
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the board of education superintendent carranza. >> good evening, everyone boone notches so yesterday, i had the honor of convening with mayor ed lee and our ceo of the foundation fred blackwell on the submitted on men and boys of color those are our children of color launched but the city and the san francisco unified school district into the my brothers keepers challenge we defined what that will be as a difference set of stakeholders in san francisco and have a clear understanding the data strategies while understanding the need for alignment and took our first steps for the aligned areas i'm very, very happen that
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a group of over one hundred stakeholders heard from supervisor cohen and from mayor ed lee and from mr. also from mr. blackwell and myself and had the opportunity to talk about head talks about conversations that are built around the life course challenges for the men and young boys and girls of color we discussions our next steps i want share with the community not just a reaction to the president obama's call but a system tisk goal we're working hard with the city partners and in conjunction with the city family to make a reality so look forward to share more information with the community in that regard this ego ladies and gentlemen, as part of our commitment to this endeavor we
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conducted a national search we've been unvfbl to close the gop gap i'm proud to say we've hired a special assistant for african-american assistant that reports to the instructor of the schools i'm happen this evening to introduce him to our community his name a mr. dick i didn't i'm proud to say he's a product of the san francisco unified school district where he was a student and a at lake shore and he's a graduate of lowell high school gone on to get a bachelor's degree at harvard and worked as a special education teacher in the bronx and coming home to work with our community i want to ask mr. dick i didn't to please rise and
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please join me in welcoming him to sfusd (clapping.) i'm so 0 proud to say he's one of our own and we're proud of the work he's going to lead we sent the press release out and have an energetically interaction with him welcome awe b.a. board i'd like to mention january is the mentoring month with our permission to recognize the remarkablyment program question have in our backyard in the san francisco unified school district mentor for success program loving known as ms f the success program offers a robust structure that nurtures the riderships for 6 hundred and 50 students over 3 did of our
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schools we have 5 hundred and 80 adult members 5 hundred and 80 adult members with your permission i'd like to make a special recognition for their extraordinary commitment recognize kathy who is one of our school nurses and ms. flores for the martin luther king jr. school and kim anderson at fund-raiser mount and michael moore a special education teacher and roxanne a speech therapist and barry with the visitacion valley middle school and andrea han of scapegoat nurse mentor like these are making a difference 45 percent
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of the folks improved and elementary school with the adults and children are important so on behalf of the board i'd like to thank our mentorsers aaron and finally invite the mentors and want to be mentor to our mentor recognize event at precisely 144 taylor street in san francisco this will take place on january 29th in san francisco so just two quick additional items in addition to all the wonderful mentors we have tech professionals in your unified
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school district classrooms as volunteers they're helping to prepare the students by supporting our computer science teachers it's been going to well our school district wants the desire for having r go volunteers in all our scientific classes and the concepts using job script an industry wide programming laundering or language for technical and education schools i want to thank all the volunteers who support our children inside the classrooms finally, i'd like to remind our school opportunity u community that mark 7 will be the balance scorecard balance summit and more information will be forthcoming the work your school district and schools are doing will come together when we have this plan with that i want
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to say everyone happy february and thank you for being here this evening. >> thank you item c recognized and moomsz as thank you commissioner president murase i'd like to call on principle jennifer who's the principle at the elementary school to please come forward for the award for one of our teachers nancy. >> hi good evening board and superintendent i'm pleased to come here to present this award to a wonderful wonderful teacher ms. nancy hawkins she's humble but nancy is an
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incredible teachers readers workshop is on fire kids love it and parents are thrilled with the communication in the classroom she put they are heart and soul in everything she was is the cooperated at el rod and i believe that the work with wrap around services she brings with every fiber to her classroom she's a true joy to work with one of the first teachers to come over to my house to plan the pd and push colleagues as well as the students so i'm very, very pleased to recognize nancy hawkins for this great award
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(clapping). >> i'll just say thank you for this lovely opportunity its my 30th year in 70 san francisco unified school district i started (clapping) teaching third grad at el dorado the ferry probably have been through about a thousand hours of staff development so it all paid off and i'm very grateful to be honored i want to say i work with great people and be proud of all the teachers in san francisco inch not seen a dedicated group of professionals that work so hard so thank you, very much. (clapping.) thank you ms. hawkins i have to share when i congratulated one of the best things about this program you're at the beginning of the meeting to you have a
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chance to exit early she said great i have papers to grade laura the service ward the superintendent to come forward and make the award. >> good evening, commissioners it's my privilege to recognize leslie garner for the specialized service award in her role as executive director for the umbrella central office we refer to as ii s j or specially social just the first school year i've worked with leslie and other key district leaders she's the opportunity to bring coordination and making sure we're driving key implementation work in our school district i be
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i recognize and appreciate what the district leader would nominated her for this award described quote/unquote she's a key engineer as many of the organizational and communication skills are outstanding she's able to produce amazing results because of her communication skills and further adjectives that folks use that are extremely dedicated leslie is highly organized and best of all she seems to do it with a positive attitude it's this kind of strong work ethic we appreciate with the range of effort more recently our commissioners had an opportunity hear about the innovation work
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i'm proud to recognize leslie for her contributions as the impact learning and impacting lives thank you (clapping). >> thank you everyone i just want to say the folks i get the opportunity to work with mucks that meaningful i'm here because of the great work from the amazing comments in the audience and rock star superintendent is he supportive of the work in the board of education and just thank you so much it's all our work that impacts this thank you. >> (clapping.) >> oh very nice.
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>> you thank you very much. (clapping.) >> congratulations to nancy hawkins and leslie garner anyone what nominate and you can find the information on the website the next item is d student delegates report from the student delegates thank you commissioner president murase. >> yeah. good evening commissioner president murase and superintendent carranza and commissioners and deputy instructor so last night we have the student nutrition department for the f ac last night to taste some food that we might have at the you youth summit the 12th citizens advisory committee youth summit will be mark 6,
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2015 from 9:30 to 3:30 if the presidio the student leadership will have workshops and inspiring workshops and entertainment and lunch is provided i hope all the commissioners can come the sfusd health department fir thank ms. lopez and mr. eric mar is from the sfusd student health education program to help us collaborate and next the out task force meeting the s ac c committee operating our next meeting is february 5th from 5 to 6:30 thank you okay. as a followup in the last
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year's resolution the sat soot it engaged in curving tobacco in the youth program presented to the fac the opportunity to engage in the under sales of tobacco i want to thank mr. truit for helping providing us with those uniforms (clapping) so this uniform is for the youth leadership that is the citizens advisory committee and so our next fac meeting is on monday february 9, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. the fac is a public council anyone is welcome to come as an added incentive all meals will be provide if you want to attend or like a copy of our
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