tv [untitled] January 31, 2015 5:00am-5:31am PST
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superintendent carranza. >> so thank you commissioner president murase so commissioners, thank you for your questions you took the words out of my mouth so we'll be following up up in written form with an update of the issues isle you've asked i'm so thankful for the folks coming this everything what you may or may not know we initiated a process for the portable how to present timelines, etc. our indian education cabinet the first group to do the training they do a good job thank you we've got information covered in a quick way (clapping.) i think it is absolutely incredibly important that here we have before us a student in our student system who is proud
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of her heritage and 4 point o student how about a round of applause for her that's great i love it (clapping.) i've been fortunate i was borden in tucson oars oars and had a good relationship with the nation's i was working and doing any graduation work in northern arizona in the navaho nation there's no stronger commitment to family and elapsing than our american indian so thank you for proudly trumpeting our heritage i'm sure you're aware of this board is committed to the ethic studies so we look forward to having a successful report there thank you (clapping.) i wanted to close by recognizing going georgia williams who is
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active in the indian education program who invite me to a family night and come to our opening so, please invite the board members to our next meeting. >> the next item is item f public comment on content items there are - let's see item g is consent calendar i need a month to month for the consent calendar thank you any items withdrawn or corrected by the instructor? and, yes we have a few corrections this evening all right. the first correction to page numbers page thirty a sticker entitled 2 f and b-6 and
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pages 3135 changed and page 36 is from two g to 2 h and to one hundred 51 on page 68 amending one hundred 46 and 1411 k 16 2 one of 1 amending the k9 and 14 one one and finally to 2 one hundred 51 k 51 the name of consultants should be outside not see the attachments >> thank you any items removed by the board seeing none any items severed by the board or the instructor for vote seeing none we'll have a roll call
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vote under section o 9 next is instructor proposals none together i board members together one proposal one 4121 appropriate use of movies and films in the classroom it was moved and seconded and may we have a report from the community report by commissioner vice president haney. >> yes. we discussed the resolution there was a positive feeling amongst the committee members small changes in language to clarify it and forward to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> reading by commissioner norton. >> certainly appropriate movies and films whereas children and stop signs are looking at tv and
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video and district evidence by the kaiser family foundation whereas a recent ucla studying their social skills improved after spending time away from the screen and whereas the children and teens are excessive screen times and whereas the american academy of pedestrian asterisks that children under the angel of 19 spend no more than mann than 2 hours a day in front of the the tv and the san francisco unified school district doesn't have a guideline for entertainment in the classroom and withdraws the quality of movies and television shown in the sfusd cloos classroom therefore, be it
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resolved that the san francisco unified school district building that see use of video media and clips and television broadcasted and movie have educational value and can separate the value and instruction in the classroom and therefore, be it resolved and taking into consideration the age and developing very well level of the students and be it resolved that the board believes that the instructional time is valuable and further be it resolved that the board buildings it must be a successful use of time and be it resolved that the media is important to make sure that the responsible use of video and media and further be it resolved
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by the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year the board questions the instructor builds the guidelines and articulates them to the families and further be it resolved that the guidelines are not limited to the teachers should be allowed a certain amount of segregation as long as the use of media is a standard of lone being taught and films are to be utilized in if the films are previously approved by the site mist and linked to the writing for a set of standards wherever possible an examiner should be used inform target the structural lesson rather than having the students watch the whole piece and the appropriate techniques
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must be occupied and included in the lesson plans and approved by the instructor sun shining television programs and other entertainment purposes at the is as a class reward is not directly connected to a class lesson will be a violation of the policy. >> thank you commissioner norton i don't have speaker cards on this item comments from the board or superintendent. >> i just wanted to thank my colleagues for entertaining this change to our policy or addition to our policy that is an issue i've been watching for a long time and something i have over the years received a number of complaint about from parents i want to be clear i don't think that inappropriate of use of television in the classroom is widespread in our schools i
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think there are a few instances i've heard about egregious but this is really just a yardstick for administrators and teachers so we all can be on the same package i've tried to state i think there are a lot of situations where an excerpt or a full film can be an incredibly rich part of the instruction i just want the teachers to be thoughtful when and how they're to be used and talking to the teachers will the use. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell i'm supportive and certainly have experiences myself but i'm curious in terms of enforcement and consequences
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and what that means for your resolution and how we will enforce something like that i don't want to have any conflict between parents and teachers around this wanting them to figure out how to enforce it in an appropriate way and then my second comment just i'm sure will we'll have opportunity where the administration will allow like science and parades to be viewed by your students and other appropriate celeby opportunities so i wanted to put a side note on that one. >> superintendent carranza. >> yes. thank you commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell so giant prartdz, of course, and warriors
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parades, of course, and 49ers pradz all seriousnessness he wanted to thank commissioner norton because this is a place in our policies that was silent around appropriate guidelines for the instruction materials as a social studies teacher for example, it was one thing to give the students the text of the reverend dr. martin luther king speech but giving the clip of the sprn that is appropriate, however not appropriate to show the entire two hour documentary of the march if it's not within the context of the development of the process so show clips that will allow the principles and teachers to actually have conversation about the structure
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of the clips and the additional resources we're anticipating that basis if the board approvals this policy to have some conversations between site administrators and teachers as they are planning their instruction there will be principle exemptions around the policy which is referenced around the appropriate use and above all thank you commissioner norton for your writing this policy below all no zealousness one way or other banning clips in the classrooms but not have the attitude you're showing something from the lion king and pressure port to be part of the biological to tie the instructional clips to the curriculum so what will come
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from this a series of guidelines and principles will be included in what the guidelines will look like and then dialog between the teachers and the site administrator so we don't expect this to be a controversial norman and as commissioner norton mentioned we have a vast majority have teachers that are using extremely good judgment that will help us put perimeters around instances we wish there was more structure. >> can i had a follow-up question how this applies to after school programming. >> we can get back to you specifically i think part of what mr. truit and his department has done i think you'll agree having a student
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watch a full length movie is not the way to exercise the mind and body so we'll have did the around this. >> i have commissioner vice president haney and delegate. >> can i respond to superintendent carranza i think it's a good question and the instructor to create a policy i love about thinking about after school but as far as enforcement so depending on how this happens sometimes is a conversation or a written warning i think depended on the administrators discretion and enforcement. >> commissioner vice president haney. >> i'm a little bit invented it
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the circle of life is not part of the curriculum (laughter) but i wanted to thank commissioner norton that was an issue we've talked about a number of months ago i really appreciate the way you went about this and how careful the language is and the balance working with the curriculum staff and that all of us knew that was a tricky issue of how it was defined. >> what was the right time to use it is it a provided guidelines at the same time give the flexibility that's needed that the instructor brought up i hope we community that to our teachers and make sure that we are providing the need begins and clarity around this so we're not sending the message they
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can't use the lion king or reiterating i want to give the wrong message there's a lot of things in the media is a power he teaching tool so thank you for balancing this carefully i'll have to look at the lion king in a different way now (laughter). >> delegate chair. >> thank you commissioner president murase i'd like to thank rachel norton i feel like when i am in my classroom i feel like the teachers are over using the random videos i'm not going to name teachers i really like this proposal i never knew you shouldn't exceed two hours when you're on your phone or computers that proposal will definitely help thank you.
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>> commissioner wynns and commissioner fewer i'm interested particularly in the participation of teachers and principles in the development so i'd like to you know have an update i'm interested in that and when we implement that how - i'd like an update to how it gets incorporated into the planning and the curriculum development of the school sites with the instructionsal development at the school sites because in my commerce not having a teacher or principle but that's the kind of thing that is rarely discussed at school sites how effective the use of whatever you're using to
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supplement your curriculum materials and how fast to maximize the effectiveness i'll be interested to hear with the principles and teachers have to say how it plays ate u out it is something not easy for a lot of people so whatever we can i mean my interests maybe just to inform myself but i think this is a real something where the colleagues and peers can help each other a lot i'd like to know how that develops thank you commissioner norton so for bringing this forward. >> commissioner fewer. >> thank you. i think this is appropriate to bring now as we do our curriculum mapping as we require teachers to do the curriculum mapping with the common core there will be a lot of film clips and things of that nature although i think that
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bullying letters day off is great i can see how it's inappropriate for our students and i do think throughout i mean having children in the school district 3 of them i've witnessed myself an inappropriate use of film so thank you for breaking and entering this forward. >> given this the resolution i'd like to ask the author if your name's can be added to the resolution any further comment seeing none roll call vote. >> on this as amended public utilities ms. so on at that commissioner fewer mr. haney. >> ms. mendoza-mcdonnell arrest ms. norton. >> minnesota. >> mr. walton and dr. murase. >> 7 i's. >> thank you very much or thank you commissioner norton the next
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item is item j request for general matters i have 3 speaker cards and bunch of speaker cards for the health education that comes later in the data i'd like to call those 3 people to come to the podium (calling names) oh yes. i have additional individual (calling names) if you could please line up towards the podium 2 minutes per person. >> 2 minutes. >> good evening superintendent carranza and commissioner president murase and i'm david m ah o n i'm a third grade teacher at guadalupe elementary school.
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>> good evening. i'm jose i'm a pta member and parent of 3 students they've congratulated if the turning point to and my wife is the pta treasurer and she's formerly the president of the pta we're here to share with the board of education that the parents and the teachers at our school are really struggling with the leadership at our school the teachers and parent want to request a community meeting with the central office as quickly as possible to discuss our concerns thank you. >> i'd like to ask mr. steel justin steel to connect with the speakers so they can follow-up. >> thank you. >> thank you very much.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello my name is mr. and i levies a teacher at the high school as well as a community member if the mission and i'm here out of concern for the safety of our ask the you may or may not know there was an incident at our school where a student with the gun cause a lock-down at the school fortunately nothing happened and meeting was held with the community afterward but meier my concern is the lack of transparent and i want to share with the board that inform the parents number one there is no permanently or tainting for the staff or students regarding a lock-down the intermit building
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there was not enough keys so they could block the doors but not able one suspect was in a room with no explanation regarding the risk during the lock down a group of unsupervised students were roaming the hall one student broadcast it on social media and there are phones in most of the rooms and no communication and teachers and students were left uninformed for almost two hours no one checked to see if students were missing from the classrooms at the end of the lock down at after the suspect was arrested there was no
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information about the events that transpired if fortunately nothing happen but the family members and community was hurt the trust was hurt and i am here to let you know what happened then so event that could be harmful to community the transparency happened and the protocols being in process. >> p thank you. i said there is a process. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm john would like to let he knows about the fifth annual come to the water teaching blackwood history 7 week course we begin thursday at the grand auditorium that was
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entireed in 2006 and 8 we did a research study that possessed a question whether or not california social science teachers can have instruction for the american history only 20 percent were, however, 60 percent of them think they are so the gap is between what teachers think they know and what the actual culturally responsive practices are following on what the indian advisory committee because they think they're doing the right thing we courage people to come on thursday at 6 o'clock through march fifth the blackwood american day and finding out how many people know about the
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holiday and also tomorrow the state will be creating the african-american freedom trailed we've had the board of supervisors emperors it here in san francisco an infusion ordinance proposal that will allow you to actually use the material in the classrooms and in a culturally responsible way i'm doing the paper in prevail for the american education association that speaks to the impact on student outcomes where youngest people know about it it will help to use it in the classroom we did our book in 1991 we see the coerces are higher for the african-american folks and this will help.
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>> thank you, mr. temple ton. >> good evening. i'm the ceo and executive director of plan of action for challenging times i've incorporated pack educational clearing house i want to make sure if i had an opportunity to address this a group of leaders in the field of education and make sure that i let you know that pack has been around since 1963 in 1965 we were the first members grantees for the family funded troy program and over the past 50 years we've caught san francisco constitutes to the tune of over 65 students we've exposed to students over 40 thousand have
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been not limited to to colleges and 40 degrees earned pay about the pack students believe it or not i was not invited to the meeting for the african-american students we're quiet we do our work and serve 2 thousand unified school district students every year no one knows who we are we're participating in part a federally funded program i wanted to make sure that i put that out there please use us, please engage us we're very successful probably the most professional successful in the city and county of san francisco and nobody knows why we're here that is pack the plan of action for challenging times do we need that we are doing the work 24
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thousand college degrees in our years. >> thank you if you could hang on i know yesterday was the beginning of our initiative so, please. >> thank you, mr. toliver please meet mr. dick i didn't and meet mr. temple ton we'll make sure yourself at the table. >> final call (calling names). >> mr. johnson had to leave. >> to leave if there's no further public comment we'll close. the next item is item k the citizens advisory committee reports and for the board members i'll be making appointments do any colleagues have any appointment to mention
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seen we'll move on the item l the special order of business may i hear a second and motion for the office of education balance scorecard plan for the student achievement >> so moved. >> mr. superintendant who reads it into the record. >> i'd like to call dr. roderick to please come forward and do that. >> sorry good evening superintendent carranza and commissioner president murase and commissioners student members welcome once again, this special order of business concerns the presentation for approval san francisco school district and county balanced scorecards for the student achievement as a brief overvie
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