tv [untitled] February 1, 2015 7:30pm-8:01pm PST
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presentation and discussion item. >> thank you mr. oliveira and for folks who might be joining us for the first time or not tonight one of the things that's exciting is we get to hear about the work of the department and a community outreach presentation and we're really excited about tonight's presentation from the team. >> thank you commissioner. >> this opportunity that you have afforded the opportunity how we communicate the messages of the department. >> which one are you using. >> we'll do both for right now. >> check. >> all right. thank you. good evening commissioners. we have a real treat for you all tonight. staying with the intended spirits of the opportunity you have given the department we have a really interesting presentation this evening. last year our
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department ran a pilot cam pain in chinatown first offering service and technical support with our zero waste ordinance we offered a lot of information resources but in a unique way it was designed with the culture and language first. meaning we actually designed from the community out so the campaign design was really focussed on the residents and businesses of chinatown so we have nicole with us today who is one of our associates on this project and she's going to give you the message that the chinatown businesses received and so once again in the spirit of this -- you are acting as our customers so to speak so please reserve all questions about the program until the end and nicole and i i will be happy to answer them. all right. please.
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hello good evening my name is nicole wu from the san francisco department of the environment. in 2014 mayor lee and our department launched a campaign to promote composting and recycling in chinatown. we spoke with the businesses in chinatown and to increase the participation in those programs and if they participate we give them a decal for composting and recycling in the community. what i said is what i said to the business owners. thank you. [applause]. >> so as you can see it was a
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really dynamic presentation that she gave to over a hundred businesses in chinatown and along with the door to door and advertising campaign bus shelters we have large billboards in the community it was a fantastic campaign. we have a follow up report if you are interested that that i can share with everybody but it's a really successful way of showing the design and services and outreach. >> that was great. thank you. i know we got some thoughts from the commission i just want to exercise the privilege of the chair and say one thing -- thank you. it means thank you, right? please say it means thank you. all right. commissioner king. >> of course i did not know what you said but you you delivered it with the same kind
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of thuz i enthusiasm i know that the people you engaged with were definitely welcome to have that conversation. anytime you do outreach or you walk into anybody's business or call them on the phone, if you give out that positive energy that you are interested and excited to speak to them and what you have to say is very important and can't wait to tell them, chances are they will receive it a lot better and give you the time that you are looking for and so for those people that are in the tv audience, this is what your department is doing doing for you. they are getting out, we're culturally competent we're meeting you where you are with your language, with your culture so we can all come to the outcomes that the city wants as a whole. >> thank you commissioner king and commissioner wan just joined us and we heard a very
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incredible powerful message that was delivered to chinatown businesses in cantonese around zero waste and the good thing is commissioner wald is going to recite the entire presentation in cantonese. >> i'm sorry. thoughts, colleagues? commissioner stephenson. >> yeah i think that was great. my very first job was at an ad agency here in san francisco and we were given a presentation that was starting from the culture and the language itself and the presentation was called your cow is on the ice and the thing that i took away from it was apparently in some place in scandinavia is a phrase is your barn door open and if you translate it straight across it meant absolutely nothing so i think the more we can we can
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do that kind of outreach where we're starting from scratch i think the message tends to be much more powerful so bravo to you guys for doing that. >> that. >> all right. thoughts before we take public comment? >> thank you mr. president and thank you for that lovely presentation and the two gentleman that was up as her assistants, jack and john, john, are wonderful additions to our environmental program as well because they are fluent in the language and are amazing ambassadors so the 3 of you as well as as your colleagues are such a wonderful addition to our department to help us know how outreach can look like and done with such heart i want to echo what commissioner king said. i don't know what you said i just want to agree with
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you whatever it was because of the energy in the way it was delivered and that says words are only a piece of the delivery it's your intention that you bring and your body language and your enthusiasm and i know the team is full of amazing intention great body language and great energy and that comes in loud and clear so thank you. >> would it be okay nicole out of curiosity the translation of the two signs for folks? it's going to look great you can see everything vividly on the screen. it says one says -- compostable, this one? >> compost can turn into gold and tomorrow can grow the corn
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to feed the chicken. >> all right. very good. thank you. [applause]. >> public comment on the presentation? seeing none, thank you again. thanks nicole donald and the team. thank you. >> the commission on on the environment regular meeting in your packet is a copy of the draft minutes. this is a discussion item. >> colleagues, thoughts on the minutes? do you want to take a moment to review? if not can i get a motion to approve. motion from commissioner stephenson? second? all those in favor of the approval of the minutes please signify by saying aye. ayes have it
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minutes are approved item 4 please monica. >> members of the public may address the commission on items not on today's agenda. >> we do have speaker cards and anyone else that wants to provide comment is more than welcome to do so. >> good afternoon commissioners. catherine howard. i'm with the organization healthy soccer sf and for the coalition for san for san francisco neighborhoods. nbc news had a series of reports about cancer called clusters. a soccer coach took one of her players in for cancer treatments and they were sitting talking and
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the student was a goal ee and the nurse said excuse me do you play soccer and she said yes and are you a goalee and she said you are the 4th soccer goalie we have hooked up this week. today they have found over 95 players have developed various illnesses including a a high incidence of cancer. i will be submitting to you a resolution for the coalition for san francisco neighborhoods in support of this legislation. further more i believe it's time for the department of the environment to reexamine your 2006 city by the task force and
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to reevaluate the product and hope this commission will encourage the recreation and park department to replace immediately all of the in fill and all of the artificial turf fields in san francisco with a safe infill and at the project which is under construction now to install grass instead of artificial turf. grass is the safety the safest material especially at the western end of golden gate park. it's habitat for many species of birds and other animals. people can go to our website healthy soccer sf dot org thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you commissioners for this opportunity my name is yolanda
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lewis and i'm with the black council of san francisco. 30 articles of law proclaimed as standards for all people i come to you today with a letter and with a request and i also made copies and basically the council is reaching out to you for your immediate action to ensure the safety of all san franciscans and establish standards for building demolition for all of san francisco buildings that have a focus on safety first. recently discussions on the candlestick demolition highlighted and plans to
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ignore what was approved for the demolition method actions were taken to cut costs and perform a manual demolition. to prevent the negative impact associated without using appropriate demolition methods. you put into place standards for this city and county so never again we have to fight so that we do not have conventional safe demolition methods it's so unfair in the black community that's the only place we have unsafe demolitions it effects us for generations i was born in san francisco i spoke with my father he he left because he told me it was hopeless and i hear what you have done in the chinatown community and i see
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you have a true heart for the people in the community so we ask that you take this stand. this is for all of san francisco. we have one of the highest cancer rates in bay view hunters point in the world and the human rights commission in san francisco was created 15 years ago in response to to the 1962 up rising of the blacks in the san francisco bay view hunters point community and those same rights are still being violated today and today our mayor was the first executive director of that commission and this commission was created in response to over 500 toxins that still reside in the bay view hunters point community. so thank you. >> thank you. dr. tomkins?
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>> good evening commissioners i'm dr. tomkins i've been engaged in environmental science and research for for 25 years. i've been engaged in research in bay view hunters point and some of the commissioners have known me in the past and my work and i've taught at berkeley for for 5 years environmental chemistry and engineering and the college of engineering. we had an a meeting yesterday with the different departments. we need to turn a page as i was part of the team of residents who
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demanded that implosions no longer at candlestick. it was -- i was part of the original research on breast cancer in bay view hunters point when doctor gillis did her work at that time for african-american women it was the highest in the world and there was a follow up and did a comparison between white females and black african-american females and we found that we discovered that the mortality rate for african-american females taking all of the factors from the from the equation have a 77 higher percent mortality rate
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and for african-american males is the the life expectancy is 56 years and it's an issue of environmental justice we have a right to a clean breath of air. i just got off the phone with phil martin from the bay area air quality district look for a particulate reduction. we can not do business as it was in the past. we are dying. if you look at under the definition of the environmental justice no community should bear a disproportionate burden of contaminatation or pollution and bay view hunters point is only 13 percent of the land mass and yet 20 materials are exclusively in bay view hunters
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point that's why we're opposed to the implosion if you look at the studies throughout the world if you have ever been to candlestick park and been to a game you know the wind blows. if willy mays is playing at some other stadium he would have broken the records a long time ago. allow me a little bit of indulge ance we're asking that the methodology be changed all together. we're also asking for particularly in terms of creative because we do not have enforcement of the law in bay view hunters point. you just look the other way. we're asking for innovation that we expand under article 22 section b, 124 rule and regulations and
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also section 124 -- 1247 of construction and property for the health director to turn around and engage ones that the meter -- the traffic control officers be so trained by the air district in the health department to handout citations. >> dr. if you actually have copies we could very much use that. if you have your thoughts, i'm going to say something in a minute that i think -- >> please assist us in this matter and if we could have another time where we may be placed on the agenda to have more dialogue and also entertain questions other commissioners in terms of our
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objectives would deeply be appreciated in this matter thank you very much. >> thank you dr.. any other speakers? >> you know when we get under new business i am going to request based on this experience that if we can get a ruling if they currently provide a prohibition on this type of implosion and folks shouldn't have to fight this hard to to do what's right so i'm going to propose new business based on this issue here in the future if i can say so. any other comments? seeing none public comment is closed thank you to our speakers and monica if if you can call number 5 for us please. >> city and is county of san francisco 5-year financial financial plan and budget instructions raphael and the speaker is kelly kirkpatrick
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and this is an informational report and discussion item. >> thank you commissioners and thank you kelly for being here tonight. as you know this is budget season for us and we will be talking in more detail about our particular budget. we thought it would be helpful for you to hear the mayor's office office perspective on the budget in general especially this year and i heard a wonderful presentation at the mayor's office at a director's meeting and i thought it would benefit you to hear some of that information so you could understand the larger context in which our budget sits so we're very lucky to have kelly come to speak with us. she's our liaison on our budget so she's going to go deep and strong in our budget
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in the future but tonight she's going to step back and talk about the larger budget for the city. >> welcome kelly. >> thank you director raphael for the for the introduction i'm going to be giving an abbreviated version of what the mayor's budget director kate howard gave in december highlighting the findings of our 5-year financial plan published in december as well as a very cursory look to guide their budget proposals as they work through the budget season and they are in the thick of that right now as i'm sure joe will share with you. >> all right. the clicker is working okay so my agenda for the presentation this evening is just to give you a high level overview of the city's financial planning and policies generally and to dig a little
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deeper into the into the 5-year financial plan looking at the goals and the general fund base case that we've our findings on that as well as our proposed fiscal strategics and the first time ever did a recession scenario for the for the 5-year plan as a planning tool and i'll dig a little into budget instructions. so broadly the city has worked over the last several years to strengthen the long-term financial management in our budget process. that involves 2-year budging. every year the departments are required to submit a 2-year budget proposal and last year had 7 departments and in addition some other steps we've taken in terms of looking long-term at the city's financial health is consistent long-term planning. the the 5-year financial plan is one aspect of that and the
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communication technology plan is another piece as well as our 10-year capital plan. there's been a lot of steps additionally to adopt responsible fiscal policies. in 2009 there was a ballot measure put on by the controller's office and approved by the voters to increase the city's reserves and adopt a new reserve fund as well as limiting one time sources to balance the budget and codifying debt policies that are responsible in terms of time debt growth to a responsible level. >> the the 5-year financial plan we put out in december covers your fiscal year 1920. the goal generally of the of the 5-year plan is to highlight the key financial issues going on in the city and
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to set a road map that's forward thinking and identifying revenues and expenditures that we expect over the next 5 years as well as monitoring the process on the deficit and develop multiyear strategies to kind of reduce volatility in the city's budget process and anticipate and plan for some, for issues. additionally we've moved the publication to the fall normally we publish in march but as you know i mentioned earlier we published in december of this year to have a more thoughtful planning process for the 5 years and in terms of of what what can be found in the plan we publish it every 2 years it's a joint report with the city controller's office. so the high level take away is that, you know, what you are seeing in front of you is a summary of
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the projected budgetary surplus or deficit you will see it's a projected deficit for the 5 years and in fiscal year 20 and in fiscal year 2017 it's a cumulative shortfall i'll note that the 15.9 million is the lowest shortfall at least in the last 15 years but do know it's a projected shortfall. >> so what you will see here the bottom gray line is our projected growth in general fund revenues. however, the top line is the projected growth in expenditures and you will see growth in expenditures is still expected to outpace growth in general fund reserves and that's why we're projecting
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a deficit we we don't necessarily have a revenue problem as you can see they are growing at a strong pace but expenditures are growing even faster and that's a challenge in balancing the budget and some of the driving factors including salary and benefits of recently negotiated labor agreements, you know, in november there were a number of ballot measures that increased baselines in reserves and a number of city-wide operating costs including capital as well as equipment and some of the other assumptions includes departmental costs like the opening of the new public safety building and the new general hospital as well as public safety hiring plan. >> so charter mandates in the in the 5-year plan we also have to present fiscal strategies to balance the projected deficit so this chart is showi
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