tv [untitled] February 1, 2015 9:30pm-10:01pm PST
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looked at the last year's edition it was only 2k0u89d 60 times this is things the staff wants to share and we'll have a very long push online and one other issue ear still learning and also to use it as a template for other projects. >> thank you commissioner wald and then director rafael. >> no, no. >> i agree with everything everyone has said it is totally terrific i'm impressed by the creativity and your willingness to go back and think again and again and again how to change and going forward what to cut out i love the icons which are new since the last time i saw it and i think those can be used
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throughout everything it's a fabulous fabulous document and i commend you and your team for producing it i can't wait to see there. >> we actually made about two dodz and there were another version hoped to build on those other pieces going forward we're excited about the contraceptive. >> director rafael. >> a couple of comments one is that i hope that commissioners and commissioner stephenson and others understand how much yorba linda to and honored this document is a result of commissioner wald constantly
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saying you're not enough to to the our horn and commissioner stephenson saying it needed to be electronically assessable and have the same kind of standards all of you have said to us in various was ideas for compounding ourselves to the public i want you to understand how much of you is in this document, and, secondly i will want to call out donny he worked so hard on this document when people blast city government workers and you know go dead wood i haven't seen it in our department and donny is phenomenal the amount of his own self in the document is worthy of our accomodation you've picked up and reacted to it
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immediately this is about his professionalism and hits commitment to invents i'm proud of him and his team i love to see in staff what are they capable of this is what donny is capable of its wonderful thank you don i didn't. >> (clapping). >> all right. nice job public comment on the reports seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner king had a comment. >> i want to make sure that document end up in every supervisors office okay. >> and one especially gift-wrapped to the mayor know you want to know about it you want a quick reference guide it is the department of the environment this is what with we had this one sits on your deck and you can ask questions about
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department and key programs and key issues right out of this document this is a policy document this is lord have mercy this is damn good. >> all right. thanks donny and the team. >> i think he was bluish. >> i'm about to break into a fuel sweat. >> if we can go on to item 9 oh. >> next item nomination of the officers this is a discussion and action item. >> all right. >> shall we vote to approve. >> oh we do need to approve. >> i vote we approve this document. >> all in favor, say i. of approval say i.
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>> those opposed all right. it's approved apologizes see the attorney (laughter) all right. >> we can yeah. let's go for it. >> next item. >> yes. please. okay. >> next item director's report deborah raphael director. >> number 9. >> apologizes. >> i called on all of you didn't i. >> did we get a ruling from the city attorney out of an abundance of. >> decision and action item. >> commissioner king. >> yeah. it maybe self-serving but give the transition and the number of things we're going through if we can keep the slate
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the same there are i think it is great i think president commissioner adams is a doing a wonderful job. >> thank you commissioner king. >> i mean it. >> i have a question when you first got here our neighborhood fight how we on opposing sides i've learned to be fond of him . >> thank you supervisor and commissioner stephenson also his great leadership and and i a fully reformed to continue with the same a slate. >> thank you commissioner ching
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ting wan. >> i thought that was a motion. >> and second okay. did you catch that monica. >> commissioner ching ting wan. >> what run it back another year commissioner stephenson. >> motion made to continue with our say as commissioner king and vice president all in favor i opposed. >> all right. i'm sorry i'm sorry. who was the first motion for commissioner king >> it was a joint motion for nomination for both. >> offers by commissioner ching ting wan and then commissioner king and oh you. >> commissioner ching ting wan second. >> i wasn't here so commissioner king made the motion and commissioner ching ting wans appropriated the
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second. >> is there any public comment? we've got to revote deputy city attorney owen it's crashing down right here do we revote seeing none, public comment is closed. >> so motion has been made and commissioner king and seconded by commissioner ching ting wan all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? okay, here we go were going to do better on item 10. >> the director's report. >> you had a detailed director's report i want to call out a few things that were not on it the first is the press announcement that happened yesterday which was that mayor ed lee 2340u7bd our city met even though green house gas emissions of 23.5 percent (clapping) below 1990 levels i want to
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point out the e key calls for 7 percent below 1990 and ab 34 the world's watching calls us been on par it's we're 25 percent below its phenomenal the 09 half of the announcement was that he called for a new look at cca community choice aggravation and directed the puc to work with the department of the environment and as well as the department of workforce development to come up with an affordable and inclusive path towards the renewable energy those are phenomenally important announcements that happened monday how time flooifz i'm incredibly happen to work with
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the puc on that the other thing i want to let you know tomorrow is an important meeting with the supermarkets to talk about the recycling and redemption centers that's an important rule and also want to let you know that the safe medication disposal should go to committee next month a huge initiative those are controversial things our department is working on and moving forward beautifully there are lots things to celebrate by most of them are already in your notes we were the white house gave us designated us as a climate champion and what that side gives us wonderful access to funding that's a big honor
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and they want to know how we're doing and spread the word a lot of wonderful things going on the one thing i want to announce because the person is in the you'd we have a new hire in the department the commission asked the new members of the department come to a meeting this is the first of many for this to happy so ms. jen jay raise your hand or stand up jen is a new member of the senior staff the toxics reduction and urban forestry and bio diversity lead so jen comes to us she was at east bay mud doing the toxics work and cooperated the wastewater emergencies talking about the containment and so
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we're so lucky that jen said, yes you'll hear much more from her as she approaches the committee i want to extend a you wonderful welcome to jen. >> all right. (clapping.) and there is another new member here also that's director heinecke in a can you stand up and that's deanna a warm welcome the newest member of our outreach teem and donny gave a shout out out to her she's is one of the key writers and social media person she's a welcome edition and those are two of the new members that's it on my director's report. >> thank you director raphael.
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>> commissioner king. >> you can't sell the city a bill of goods to the cac including the local generations and job creation and you i'd like to take this opportunity send it down the policy hill and w50i7bd up saying we can't fit that in now you turn around and not get what you were originally promised that being said we need to make sure we start with the end in mind tell people what their supposed to get and when you get to the end of the line give it to them. >> we'll second that now that jobs are on the table local jobs and good paying jobs for community inclusion as part of where we're going forward we're back in action this is an excited statement from mayor ed
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lee and supervisor breed and our director director reiskin so public comments thank you very much director rafael public comment on director's report seeing none, can we see item 11. >> operations chairs report highlights the december 2014 information discussions. >> very quickly 2 of our 4 meetings a year we discuss budget and talked about budget quite a bit and fold united way funded mandate and been following and talking about the grant and their inability to cover all the fringe and other personal costs related to the intercity worker those conversations were take place and we talked about the urban agriculture they talked about
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what the production yield and list of different companies the certification of architectural plots and how they're getting together and trying to figure out how they can reduce and give it wu or sell it and talked about the venue this is near and dear to my heart if it's not making money changes are it will go away with that said, it was a fantastic meeting that's it. >> all right. commissioner king colleagues questions and thoughts public comment on the committee chairs report seeing none, public comment is closed. >> alrighty commissioner king can we hear item 12. >> the committee report information chairs report highlights of the january 12,
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2015 for the meeting to be held at city hall. >> commissioner wald. >> quickly with the quorum we have a terrific constitution only energy efficiency about the departments clerkic programs for the policies and changes in the policies that produce i'm sorry. i'm really sorry do i have to start again. >> policy changes that was or could produce greater savings with commentary from the representative of the natural resources defense council a terrific discussion go if i may say so myself the agenda for our february meeting is includes the adaptation of the annual reduced
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pesticides and up workshop on the wastewater. >> thank you commissioner wald. >> there's no quorum. >> we'll make sure we've got quorum commissioners any thoughts colleagues councilmember buscaino seeing none, public comment is closed. can we hear item 13 which is the world's long time or the world's shortest. >> the prescription and renewal of the committees noticeed and agenda by laws a copy of the 2015 prescription request form an information and decision item this form was published to all agenda subscribes giving them the opportunity to renew or distven their agenda copies and
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director rafael this is for the notices people can subscribe to it. >> yes. an opportunity this is pubically dispersed agenda they have an opportunity to change their prescription i don't believe there's an information. >> yes it's a yearly renewable notice. >> commissioner stephenson. >> i think there should be the opportunity to sign up i royals we can e-mail it in but for those notices on line if you sooing up it's a good thing to do and make it super thought free to have people sign up so
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get the note out to more people. >> i'll bring that suggestion back thank you. >> all right. 09 thoughts? is there any public comment on item 13 seeing none, public comment is closed. what we hear item 14 >> announcements discussion. >> commissioner king i told you you and told you buyout fields want to deal with that some other time, and, secondly i went to the space place over the weekend and there was a guy named jim and i'd like to connect him he's putting together some video creation for kids on environmental stuff over the next year i think it is hot and so i when i saw him, i told him i which is part of the
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environmental commission we're rock stars want to connect him with either you or other executive to see how we can be part of it. >> that's correct. >> would you do on e-mail introduction. >> that's exactly what i'm saying. >> great. >> colleagues director rafael. >> thank you. i have one quick announcement is it is the safe the date card if this looks at unfamiliar in the the safe the green business awards representation on february 5th from 5:30 to 9:30 i hope the commissions can come it's a lot of fun a way to celebrate the real champions of the small business community who are the environmental heros in my mind
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this is not a requirement it is really hard to get the green business status the moment we celebrate the success. >> thank you, director rafael a foot not my first visit i learned the constitutional beer yet another reason to go it's a great party. >> you know what i'll have to come and find out. >> other announcements public comment on announcements seeing none public comment is closed item 15 presidents announcement and reports. >> two quick things i think based upon the comments today, i would very much be in favor of looking at where it might be workplace our jurisdiction to have part of our policies around the green construction a policy we don't allow implosion and
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other announcement is that did receive an invitation by community environmental and labor advocates working to continue the conversation about clean power sf the free launch mayor ed lee and supervisor breed mentioned yesterday in coming together advocates on friday i understand if it is okay with colleagues i think there's a portfolio for speaking on behalf of the commission i would definitely like to go and if possible sometimes you get recognized as anothers commission but at least go and say we have discussed this announcement and say we've moved it this okay. it is friday at 12:30 public comment an
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president announcement seeing none, public comment is closed and item 16 please. commission secretary written report in our passage and the communication received and therefore and have a copy of the w 20s with the expectation of commissioner ching ting wan if you don't have it i'll report it. >> and their confirming they have it in their package. >> public comment on item 16 seeing none, public comment is closed. item 17. >> this is you future agenda items. >> commissioner wald. >> i'm so excited i can say this on our future agenda a joint meeting with the puc about clean up power sf.
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>> the meeting i feel i was promised. >> yes. >> yes. >> you were our colleagues over there at the sfpuc all promised we'll do this again, it is coming up on the anniversary so it's time okay. that was a fun one. >> also to share on that note he i've talked to two of the planning commissioners who would be very much in favor of having a joint meeting with the between planning commission and our shop with the cat lyric of working and it's related in up to their shop they're interested and if the colleagues are interested there will be another joint meeting and director rafael i'll excited about the puc opportunity with planning
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they're doing something tdr they've hired a consultant for the scan for the planning department they've interviewed me and the department heads across the city this is very interesting i haven't heard the finding yet but this commission will super interested they're very cognizant of the fact we exist and trying to filling out fought our sustainability. >> commissioner stephenson. >> one of the things commissioner king and i were talked about you look around and see the crimes in san francisco california we get some sort of a report on what is happening on the green building how much of a difference are we making because
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of the policies ♪ the city and county of san francisco because of the building if we were going up someplace else >> i tend to think about our own meeting some ways to build out some the day that's a great idea. >> commissioner king. >> along the lines i want to start diving into how to get the might want single-family dwellings how are we going going to integrate the electric charger for electric vehicles for those folks only for people having $800,000 homelands or only certain folks it that's not fair i want to look at the whole field the green - the reusable
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fields or whatever their called the i know they looked at it and for colored people they couldn't have cement in their backyard it's not concrete but not organic either. >> sounds good director rafael. >> i want to comment i think i blanked out on the first item i said field oh, the evs i've not talked about in my director's report it is important to note the city hall has a city hall fellows program we get high leveled people to work in the city we pitched them on a project that many of the departments did they selected our project it is to look at how
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we bring electric vehicles to low income and moderate income families so once they've started it had been great to have them talk about their finding and have a robust discussion how we bring protect vehicles. >> their burglary to build 10 thousand new homes. >> right and we're looking at a potential ordinance on that thank you. >> commissioner stephenson. >> you know the whole story retrofit because what is happening in the next couple of years the city is providing the financing how to tag that you're going to on up our wallet and do a one hundred thousands of work.
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>> that's a great idea and cover the installation at the same time. >> might as well be a fellow. >> he's a fellow and (laughter). >> public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. item 18 please monica >> public comment >> next. >> the closed session on publish performance and report. >> any public comment before we go into closed session on this item seeing none, public comment is closed. >> item 20. >> vote on whether or not to hold the closed session on this. >> can i get a motion to go to closed session. >> sxhauld and second by commissioner stephenson all in
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favo >> open session reconvene in open session. vote whether to disclose any or all discussions held in closed session. this is an action item. >> commissioner wald. >> yes, i would like to move that we don't disclose the discussions that we just held in our closed session. >> can i get a second? >> second. >> commissioner king i believe. all in favor say aye. opposed no. motion carries. >> adjournment. 8:14 o'clock. >> thanks everybody. thank you.
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