tv [untitled] February 2, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PST
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s item and will present and lead the discussion. >> thank you, madam chair i called for this hearing on the xachlt program to receive an update on the program how it's pressed and this champs and make sure it is succeeding in the philanthropy as i'll recall the pavements and parks program is a innovative program that was start in san francisco about five or six years to make sure that we are creating great new public spaces both by taking underutilized street spaces and thank you for the opportunity it into plaza spaces and one the great parts about the new urban itching we're seeing in san francisco and throughout the country is a renewed understanding of public
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space and our park system and large amazing parks are critical it is also important to have those smaller neighborhood gaeshth spaces whether a park let or plaza whatever having terrific you public space in the middle of a neighborhood can have positive benefits and add to the vibrancy of the neighborhood we want to insure that the program succeeds you've called for the hearing today and i'd like to with the chairs permission ask the gentleman from the planning department to provide an update from the department on the program. >> great, thank you welcome we appreciate our presentation. >> thank you, supervisor for hearing us today, we're very excited about the opportunity to
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present 0 you today an update on the parks program i'm here with another clearing up from the department from the planning department and we should be joined by public works cal and the mta staff so i'm sure you're aware of we're an intelligence agency group we work together on this program die i'd like to give you an update on the program and go through the project before you and give some case studies and we close the presentation with our strategic plan that illustrates our goals for the next 10 years sorry so the program is based on the idea we think about our streets our san francisco streets the land of 3
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percent of land of the city is made up of streets so this presents an excited opportunity to we think streets as a resources for our public spaces as supervisor wiener was saying they're not only parks and open spaces but smaller spaces that make life to improving people's lives your general strategy in the this program so really look at short time action and how this small project with the short timeline can effect long term changes in the city we'll see in a few minutes our program seeks the larger policy fraction of the city the pedestrian safety called for one park plaza
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per year and one circle and this is exactly what we've been working on in the past years of the program also our work is based on the plan this it talks about the streets and illustrates how it is designed in the future and guides new streets design our goals are many and we mostly our baseline is working with the community we foster neighborhood interaction and make sure that the neighbors work together and bring the program acts as a catalyst for neighborhood to grow and become stronger community we courage transportation we looked at the
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pedestrian flows and bicycle and transit first policy and all this is enter would have been in the program we imagine the potential of public streets and vision zero the mayor for vision zero we also, of course foster the approach and courage the public safety in our neighborhood we support the local businesses and are strong with partnerships and working with the stewards so businesses are part of the process so we also support the local business we have the program has many functions and generally our idea and our work is reidentified and facilitated through the community issues to create the public spaces we assess the potential we look at the
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geography equity and moetdz modes of transportation below our capacity to the strpd we offer the design and work with all the agencies of the city and the elected offices and the stakeholders we do enforce the very thorough and strong standards design standards for operations maintenance also and we do quality controls to look at post elevations and provide leadership nationwide as you'll see in the rest of the presentation our criteria they're both physical and social so it is important to us to look at places that have very wide roadways that are underutilized and look at the neighbors the green spaces or they have lack of greening in general and we
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also take advantage of the leadership to improve public safety we want to make sure that any projects we initiative is is strong i want to ask robin to present another part of the presentation were going back over the principles and we'll talk about our project portfolio. >> good afternoon, supervisors so as laurie mentioned be moving forward we're meticulous about examining where in san francisco we can focus our effort to maximize our goals of providing open space throughout the city this past year the paperwork alliance helped us to identify a number of facts and circumstances where we might
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start looking at specific areas of the city we also work with a variety of sponsors and sponsor types of we're familiar with the cafes but particle moving forward we're looking forward to creating deep and meaningful relationships with nonprofit we have projects with the museums and art galleries we will get into later our response depended on the types of projects they're working with the city we have a dive type of responsibilities to their installations, of course, pavement to parks is an interagency program and planning works closely and work with public works as well as mta to administer many of the functions related to the projects also moving forward we recognize that it is really important to understand what the impacts of
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our projects are what are the community generated installations projects doing for they're neighborhood and the potential impacts to public safety and activity this past summer the program launched a citywide life survey across the city this forms the colonel of the first study to study those on a more consistent basis as was mentioned we provide technical assistance to programs that have emerged around the world and staff has met with representatives if the japan and loped and australia to second with those urban planners about their programs as well in general pavement to parks helped to facilitate 30 types of
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projects a cross generation against the 3 buktsd we'll go into case studies of those types of projects a bit later we showed what pavement to parks has proud 6 pedestrian plaza 2 of those have graduated on and become permanent plaza 3 of the 4 which are currently in demonstration are on a path to becoming permanent we have a map we'll look at the a little bit later almost 3 dozen in some stage are permitting and expecting the rfp over one hundred applications so the demand for the parklets is high we have a number of prments to
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get a little bit deeper into the portfolio we can look at a couple of the prop tips we've helped to produce in 2013 pavements to parks with the coalition of bikes spur and the y cd launched a competition for a coral we've received over 60 design applications the winning entry was summit by a art academy out on the street being operate by the w b c, d, and spur we've helped to create a street stage this was out of a festival for the arts a couple of years ago a mobile venue for poetry readinging and
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performances and finally the park let that represents really shows how we want to move forward and the types of collaboration and work this is a park let designed by high school students through the 4th of july exchange and schoolteacher sponsored by this district this installation will move around the district of 6 months host by a different merchant and currently by the fog lifter cafe and the ocean branch of the library will be hosting for a while and moving around the neighborhood we're all familiar with our park let program the iconic program in san francisco the goal to provide public space throughout the city and in 2013 the program took all
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the lessons learned from the first three or four years and created some design guidance and technical assistance for the public and we're taking more of those lessons learned and creating another parklets the second version evolved and matures we said to make sure that everyone has access to that guidance our graphics this is a flow chart by gary chin that as inspired people our guidance material has been yes, ma'am lasted by other municipalities around the fwloeb where the workflow they've received and released in 2014 also parklets are increasing as a tool an instrument that really
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aligns with our puff and our transportation officials recently coded the park let and the urban street guide and that was being currently created it is host by bikes and shops and, of course, cafes and shops in the gallery that works with are arts and these others to create a new version of the park let working with sculptures to add more art to the street a really wonderful example of what the park let can do here's diagonal parking in the outer sunset and we also see how the park let form can be adapted and malleable here on powell street for two blocks on both sides of the street having an acute
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pedestrian population a couple of the parklets rep where we're pushing the program and the exciting collaboration like the annex it north beach and the path and design in the dog patch and laurie will talk about our case studies. >> thank you looking at our plazas we we mentioned easily we have 6 plaza installed for the administration stage and 3 are upgraded to permanent and we have done a lot of work around those and the idea of the plaza to take a process that minimum ice cream
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the planning process by accelerating in terms of prelims we have rather a robust community outreach and the week traditionally starts with within demonstration that helps to like a seed for recipe to see change coming to their neighborhood it helps to visualize the street corner or a block and we 10 typically have a 10:00 to 3:006 month really to trial for the design prospective loouth the traffic patterns and how the design works or doesn't work and it is almost like a phase of signing the design and should the final become available typically some of the plazas can be yubtd to permanent we start the plaza designs for community
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plans community interests or plans that are developed and sometimes planning on the arrival it takes shock so it is sometime that is doing implementation we brought a couple of example this is one in san francisco today we put it on just to show you how the process works there it is the first pilot so it's the first temporary plaza in san francisco we've build it built it is something that brings a lot of answers to pedestrian safety and it is a broad intersection we traffic signal it into a high pedestrian slope so the idea start with the phase demonstration in 2009 followed by 3 years of upgrades temporary and today the plaza is folded
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into the street bond plaza of the district it is a development from one idea to the city and county of san francisco and another project i've worked on the persia triangle it's an area in san francisco triangle destined by mixed use and ocean avenue and persia as you can see it is i know didn't have a lot of height or a lot of features but this was a heart of the neighborhood so we worked for the committee to envision a new spaces that brings upper design ideas to fruition to implementation a corner plaza with the intersection an mission street and ocean and to bring a
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central places to the neighborhood we had an intern design that looked did corner ass also the street where the crosswalks and we formed throughout our trial design an implementation the real permanent process which is an upgrade of the bouts around the triangle and beyond by mta so they were funded by mta to build them we were able to influence some of the decision making thanks to our temporary space so to the vision we went to a one-day trial in 2013 doing the excess festival it was incredibly unaffordable trial with blue caulk it was the
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essence of the work working at the corner just to do a few changes we installed the plaza this september a year later and the plaza s has a lot of components there are a strong participation and collaboration with the mta traffic design shop we were excited about improving the student and bringing in a new type of crosswalk we work with the public works yard to install those project with our systems so the plaza was on it will be on from september to approximately march and we'll upgrade the site to a permanent condition starting this spring we'll conclude the prediction with the plaza and then talk about our substitute plan shortly thank you very much. >> just another recap of one of our plaza project the alley was
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just a banner alley in the south of market in district 10 we know is the district of at least mulch of on space now the alley from the diverseable improvements in november of 2013 a cultural event place for the weekend and week days we've got a huge workforce that comes during the week and because people who live here there's a large senior population so the need for public space is just as necessary as any place else similar to those facilitated we've seen one week demonstrations that shows you what value this can delivery to
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the residents and everybody that comes both to work during the week this this is a couple of benefits from the yerba buena as moving forward we want to make sure our projects are tied to a larger corridor for streetscapes and one the alleys was one the projects produced by accident yerba buena community district that was issued in 2011 the graphic here shows all the alley spaces that were identified as part of the community planning process for potential experiencetion with creating open space a lot of many of those ideas were fold into the central selma program that planning & zoning economic development committee plan is going electro the eir and subsequent to the yerba buena benefit street light plan our
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team launched a community outreach process that took almost two years we went out into the community to talk about the design and for the alley which results in what we see a place for us to celebrate and expand on all the things he'd love to see in our public spaces yerba buena has a robust calendar that takes us to the end of the summer that excludes cultural events and other events quickly wrapping with the strategic plan in 2013 our interagency team got together to take a look at the first three or four years of pavement to parks existence and try to understand how we can set up the program to be sustainable and to really effectively and
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efficiently deliver the process we came up with 4 goals that represent the core strategic plan for the directors in february of 2014 this is a two year strategic plan we're about halfway through it really the main points of our strategic plan are to real understand what the city and the participating departments will need in order to deliver on our pedestrian strategic goals the one plaza of 20 apartments and understanding from the pilot plans between 2009 and 2013 how we could formula lists the exemption between the departments and also when the public formula lists the staemgz for the public and want to understand the permitting to
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understand if there's a way to address the policy framework to make those promotions important sustainable especially for your sponsors that's those. >> great thank you very much i actually have a question i know that dpw and mta are here so i don't know maybe for one of the departments we've been hearing if the members of the public that staffing constraint and departments have really slowed the process in terms of creating those new public spaces we all want pavements and parks program to say succeed that requires the departmental resources that supported the success of the program so can whoever would be appropriate maybe comment on that in terms of the staffing resources and what the stent to its impacting
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the programs expansion. >> thank you so as you saw from the goals on the screen we have been working together being other departments so we have the presentation last year to the director working group to access what is need for our program to be successful so the many functions of the program we think that it is our goal 0 now to work together and bring more clarity of rules the projects before implemented more like a dock so project to project as we're growing and becoming stronger we need each agency to have their role and to staff the
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location for the fiscal years so fiscal year 2015-2016 so a need for staff and also for a clear interagency rules as we implement the. >> staffing for which department in particular. >> 3 main departments the training department you've met our staff and the department of public works and then landscape and the dpw yard that implements so the situation is having all 3 departments working together and we've been working with the mta and have a staff located there they've done an evaluation and
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in terms of the 3 and this is not a criticism of any there are staffing resources is there a particular department it is having the most challenges? my sense is that dbi has is a >> the dpw has a program they are permitting functions design functions and implementation few minutes that's the one department that has the most in the project is make the projects helping happy right now, we're understaffed in that department. >> in terms of where and point in the budget it's not come to the board yet but goes to the mayor's office with their requests is dpw or any of the departments potentially raising this issue those are not
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dramatic staff increases is that a part of the budget discussions within the departments so that the mayor can at least consider and the board consider what to do? >> i don't know if dpw wants to comment on that ms. short. >> carli short department of public works bureau strait mapping i think what we've found from the permitting side we needed additional staffing to help particularly with some reviewing of the permit requests and tracking some of the administration active functions to make sure we're getting the data into our programs and the city entities are understanding that a park let might be in the future or a temporary plaza so part of the our budgeted eave identified additional fat on the
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administration active side to support. >> good afternoon and welcome to the transportation authority special meeting of the subcommittee on december 11, 2014, my name is supervisor jane kim i'll be chairing today's meeting unfortunately supervisor yee will not be present we want to acknowledge the staff jim smith who records our meeting as he transcribes them on line and our clerk steve mr. clerk any announcements. >> none. >> please call roll. >> supervisor breed supervisor kim supervisor mar
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