tv [untitled] February 4, 2015 11:00am-11:31am PST
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vote to dismantle 8 years of the community work all the other recent community plans were written by the planning department staff as far as the attempt goes in the word of dan schneider oh no, we're not going to open that can of worms there market and octavia and dog patch the north mission so on you've got nothing about in western selma a process that involves hundred of neighbors who live and work and play south of market we met plastic on entertainment more than 60 times that's 6 zero times not a perfect plan you want to do some meaningful
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medi-cal take on the eastern neighborhoods where entertainment is frozen in place or better yet district 8 the entertainment is use status and how often in c district take a investigated look at supervisor wiener district for all our hard work it wouldn't hurt to say thank you every now and then. >> thank you our next speaker a jerry roam newton. >> good afternoon commissioner for those of you i'm the technical guy in this room who take care of our meetings overwhelm here to speak about the 8 hundred bus route i am one the people that use that bus routed
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i frequent a lot of the entertainment venues during the week monday through friday and a lot of those venues hold shows they're typically run past midnight you lose the connectivity i live in oakland you lose people and part of our entertainment revenue i'm not the only one there are multiple people as you can see at the show that set their cell phone left arms because we know what time that 8 hundred bus is going to hit market they do want to stand out there for an hour it's individualized you pass this and implement it and it if you have congratulations it's very very useful and very, very appreciated thank you. >> thank you any public comment on item the direct and staff report.
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>> i don't see any public comment is closed on to item 4 police department questions or comments. >> hello commissioners and staff steve from the central station i want to discuss one in the meeting we had with the inspections from the entertainment commission as well as some the incidents that have occurred in the central district inspector jordan talked about the meeting with the seller club we had their director of security there and the management from the parking lot the sfpd permit bureau and the alleyway the meeting with two-fold to go over the issues the seller brought ultimate you u up as well as swrs how the
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police department can help with the security at the club and the other part we want to go over was the best practices for the club the meeting was two-fold they talked about the incident that have occurred over at the parking lot we ran the staff there are that a few not too many but the ones that were just recently at the commission hearing we talked about the robbery with one the patrons that left the club at gun point and there's a food illegal food vendor in the area not a big deal but as far as people coming out of the club now, it's time to go they'll go to a restaurant or home new sunnydale 20 or thirty people around a hotdog vendor and some of intoxicated or loud it's a disturbance for
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the neighbors and also increases the exposure so for fights if someone is cutting in line we're making sure to step up the enforcement of the vendor i personally went out on fire hydrant at 1115 before he set up shop not a lot of hot plates and food they needed to shut it down and not have permits for that i said if you can be he'll be sited the other thing is the parking lot i talked with officer from the permit bureau they're to mandate security on friday and saturday night we looked the security from 12 midnight through 3 clock in the morning on friday and saturday night as well as best practices we've noticed our concerns as far as
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some of the bottle services going on the bottle service there's a couple of different issues one he's got a bottle on the tackle could be used as a weapon as far as people president you you know the feeling of a special occasion maybe a crock bottle not glass that can hit someone but we'd like sewer and not a bottle san francisco sfifrs they said they had a waitress that will serve the drinks but having the bottle is a temptation for someone unless the hospital 'tis test is sticking around it's difficult to monitor that that's some of the different things they'll look at their bottle service
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as far as incidents in the district there was threats by a doorman at the salon on grant street and we're looking at this matter and we'll look whether he has a guard guard to make sure they're properly trained there was aggravated assault on january 17th there was a person hanging out for a couple of hours when we went into the establishment they kicked him out and that point he became violent and picked up an ash tray at the same time the police took him into custody the club didn't do anything wrong but i would like if someone is a problem outside they're not a patron but bothering the patrons
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give us a call maybe other issues but we'd like the club to be able to you know have a good time for their customers as well as not have this person out in front of causing problems we had a disturbing the peace the police responded to a noise containment we looked at it 8 to 10 people with loud music going on the owner claimed they were having a private party with family members it was sent to the you entertainment commission and the a l you and at 10:30 in the morning we have an operation of a club we've had quite a few of the problems with drug dealing and use and a lot of
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violence based on people being ramp up on different drugs this morning we had an undercover officer to get a drug buy who observed mroornz leaving the club they went around the corner and they went back into the club the undercover officer approached the drug dealer and negotiated a price for meth and the officer declined the drug and it turned bad at this point he said man, you disrespect me you're not going no where we're going to take our money it was going to be a physical alteration the officer took action and shoved the person away and gave the sign so the team in the area placed him
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under arrest he said he had a 45 it ended up he didn't have a weapon it's the kind of you know we talk about the night life on broadway but have the moreno a lot of people it's - i'm it's pretty hard to stay up and party all night on booze so people on stimulants one club on on sunday morning and another sunday night any questions or comments. >> in thank you very much any public comment on the police report seeing none item 5 our permits. >> good evening commissioners we have two tonight
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the first one is the great start theatre which is located at 636 jackson looking for a place of entertainment permit this is a decades old 80-year-old theatre that's been used for the theatre and chinese theatre they'll like to continue those uses and add other entertainment, however, we've run into a planning issue we didn't have time to continue it on the agenda so mark is here to discuss it. >> commissioner tan and commissioners mark for rosenberg and bloom could we get the overall this is the chinese opera house in 4925 had the original seats and the ageism per sin wall it's a deep thing
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going up is is 50 foot fly tougher you can see the proposals up and down it's a historical landmark buffalo place original necessary on from 1925 in chinese so the problem we're going having the planning department and i you know, i want to take issue with the planning department because this is a historical landmark from chinatown been there since 1925 they said well, we don't have complete reported so it's not allowed entertainment and theatre use is no longer or movie theatre is no longer allowed in the district it's going to be i'm assume we will get the permit, however it's taking my clooiz client a lot of money and time i've been beating around the fire department we
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have to pretty much show continuance use in the fire department with no longer then than a two year break in permits bruce lee is a famous kung fu artist and the first movies in america where at this theatre my client got a reasonably and for me it's something important for the arts community alu your paging paying about happening half i want to see the planning department use logic it can't be torn down let it be a theater or let it sit there vacant you know vacant guess so cause a problem it's a great project i'll ask
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the commissioners continue this for two weeks so we can get something from the planning department their unwillingness to get a permit. >> so your request to continue it. >> to continue it for two weeks until the next meeting. >> you can't take action if we have a denial from the planning department so mr. ray will be working with the people in chinatown so should them there's a continue use so for the february 3rd hearing. >> i know in the past we have not had the ducks in a row but approve the permit. >> the planning and police are the to me need.
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>> a motion to continue. >> second. >> there's a second any public comment i don't see any on that motion to continue to the february 3rd and commissioner frost commissioner lee. >> commissioner perez commissioner moshoyannis commissioner tan that motion passes next up is whole foods. >> all righty so this one is doing business as whole food effort to revitalize ocean avenue and do their second sunday event first one in january whole foods times to get in on the action so we have a lady for the live permit here not past 10:00 p.m. >> hi you want to introduce yours and let us know. >> i'm the store manager on
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ocean avenue and we are applying for the permit to senator of o m a and revitalize our cultural in the neighborhood we did the test to program with the painter last month and our customers like it we would like to add live music as well. >> can you talk about the type of entertainment and i've been to this whole foods. >> the last one took place in the cafe it will probably stay in the venue we can use the top window at the top of the ram for folks to buy groceries and have a shopping experience not anything loud or crazy it will enhance that experience as well potentially continue to support other businesses to maybe get
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folks to come in and venue hope and maybe buy diner. >> you looking for more than the second sunday. >> because your permit will allow you to. >> we will go crazy with it commissioner perez. >> hi i live in the excelsior i go to our store so glad you're participating in the second sunday's project and providing live entertainment ocean avenue it's well needed there thank you for being part of the project. >> oh, our pleasure. >> i have no more questions or comments. >> great it why don't the - the police have not here to speak on it. >> the terry bell station provided their recommendation
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and couldn't be here. >> great i think that's all the information i need why not have a seat any questions on whole foods. >> i'm with the ocean avenue association last sunday was our first second sunday event a good time actively e actually, two sunday's ago we had art and basketball as presbyterian church and but the most successful activities were the music's performances two from limited live performance venues we got the last time i was here the at bar and the bog lifter cafe a jazz try and had a variety of events they were you know packed it was a lot of
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people there a lot of people buying food and could have at the 0 fog lifter that's what we want to continue doing with whole foods jenny is great to work with and a marketing person at the store we were talking about footed events like sometimes samples actuate the whole store a great place to have a second sunday's event i support them getting the permit. >> any further public comment? >> good evening, commissioners my name is steven fan i want to echo neal and he's been a integral part of connecting merchants and customers to
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create a synergy i found out neighbors are talking to neighbors and keeping a captive audience so neil and no mr. weaver and all the other folks are really out through connecting people and i can see a bright future for ocean avenue thanks to their efforts. >> great is there any additional public comment public comment is closed. commissioner any motion to - >> i motion to approve i know it's kind of cool that finally corporate is getting involved with entertainment you know a lot of save ways have their delis and their food things and seems like starbuck's and he applaud whole foods to have
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limited live is very unusual it maybe start a persistence around town we'll get more entertainment for the shoppers in the afternoon i'm going to approve this. >> second. >> let's take a vote. >> on that motion commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner moshoyannis commissioner perez commissioner tan. >> all right. good luck with that. >> we're going to move on to item 67 is the discussion and possible action 0 for the approval of the special action jocelyn. >> yes. that's me another memo that looks like lee the other memo on this item just to be brief there's a part of 1060 that was passed some
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years ago actually that allowed this commission to create a special permit for certain things this conversation is going to center around which dates and understanding what we mean by this procedure ultimately breaks down to the city gets busy on certain 40i8dz this is a holiday so and there is especially new years eve the intendedcy for people to do parties in odd places and people to do thing you you know a little bit last night they ought to that trickles down to our office and the police department in various points to respond with our permission implement a special procedure for whatever days you think are appropriate
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so we can approve with conditions we don't normally approve or disapprove and again this is coming from a code section that is attached if you want to read the actual code section behind the memo that allows you to do this no one wants to disapprove a permit but there is common places not giving advance enough or stressing out the sources that the city has a particular night you can allow up to 12 days we've got them out to 9 device if you're counting it is really 9 and, you know, there could be more but those are typically what we see and st. patrick's
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today not syncould demay it is new years eve really the ticker so the law requires before november one this b be approved we haven't had the ability to do it since 2010 i i think so bringing it to you to have this conversation and then you know impose our will how we implement it so the law contemplates 40 day cut off and it also requires sfpd
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occulttion i sent it to the lieutenant and asked if he has any comments we might ask him to come up and the outreach is important as well as but obviously if the population out there that applies for things doesn't know those are required we'll do our best using the e-mail list as well as the social media and any commissioner wants to assist us in getting the word out so we don't disappoint anybody if you have - i mean it's that simple to give staff direction and we begin implementing that. >> so are you looking for us to determine cost and like the last deadline is. >> i don't think your - cost it
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is not in our purview there's a way in the memo to change or in some what you add costs to late permits sort of late i'm looking to the various folks inside the light wells to see if that's allowed it is difficult the rules around - this is supposed to be all permits cost recovery so the work we do is covered by the fee so we might have to provide more extensive description of the kind of work to expedite something that comes in late and justify my own that will cover this is about you allowing us to create a special procedure what things you think are appropriate and then oozing us implementing
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and cob to you with some report as to whether you know we've had bumps from the road this has or not worked well in is part of purview of the entertainment commission. >> you guys are on the ground day to day i don't feel like i have enough information is it a cut of 2 weeks or 5 days we'll have to have the extra resources do they get committed i have a bunch of questions why don't i formulate those questions and see if other commissioners have comments. >> commissioner lee. >> you're saying 40 days. >> that's what the section actually says specifically i
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don't come up with that the code section says 40 and the process in large part does the police department you know your big partner in a lot of those events have adequate time to figure out where resources have to be supplied especially on some of the bigger event days. >> i think our two commissioners that 0 do those kinds of event are more apt. >> what is motivating it did we see a rise in request this year or more of them unusual in the last 40 days i want more information from the office to know if we feel - obviously you feel like there's a need to enact this authority i want the
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information that substantiates that. >> well without the exact numbers i feel that really this is the only time we're going to have serious positions - i think in 2014 i'll say as halloween this year and new years eve every year as halloween gets closer to a weekend it generates a tremendous amount of activity that looks like new year's eve i know we've recorded there was a lot of events i don't know if halloween was on a tuesday or wednesday if this is going to happen but new years eve it also happens other than that this request i'm sort of coupling to you with does that impose this procedure on this dates it
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allows us to implement if we feel for whatever reason there is an e no matter amount of activity expected and without your approval to you know obvious this power we can't in the office so i am not i'm having to come back to you and say yes there were this many special events requests for this new years eve and that new years eve and this halloween and that halloween i'm going to ask you with the instance we'll trigger that and knowing around 11 years it is likely to be new years eve and one other you know holiday it end up 0 getting into close to a 3 day weekend. >> it's about the
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