tv [untitled] February 4, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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. >> of the commission on environmental review authorization the successor agency to the redevelopment welcome to members of the public madam clerk call the first item. >> the first order of business is roll call vote pr commissioner mondejar commissioner singh sxhooufrt madam chair rosales all members of the commission are present next order of business is item 2
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the next regularly scheduled meeting it tuesday at one p.m. at city hall c announcements of prohibition of sound like producing sound please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones mrs. bradshaw please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room meeting room responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. c announcement of time allotment for public comment please be advised a members of the public a has up to 3 minutes to make comments on each agenda item i'm
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available for questions it is strongly recommended that the members of the public fill out a speaker card and submit the completed card to the secretary the the next order of business is item 3 report on actions taken care of at a closed session there are no reportable items the next order of business is matter of unfinished you business conditionally arthur's the director to enter into a amendment with the city and county of san francisco for use up to $526000 for street light pedestrian improvements per obligations for the scheduled item 384 subject to approval by the oversight board and department of finance discussion and action resolution number 2
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dash 2015 madam chair. >> yes. for the record i'm going to need to recuse myself my business company does business that sfmta i'm going to turn the chair duty to commissioner bustos and i'll need to leave the room. >> madam director wait until our chair leafs. >> good afternoon commissioners and good afternoon to the members of the public thank you for joining us commissioners now that we've completed a number of steps with the department of finance xhugd paying the fees under the dissolution laws we're able to extent unexpend bond precedes
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this is for safety improvements along 6th as you recall the commission previously approved fund for public works along 6th street this is the balance of the funds in south of market on the project area i'm going to turn it over to walk you through the scope for this grant agreement with sfmta. >> yes. thank you very much director bohe and commissioners thank you i'm pleased to be here for the second of our series of using the older bond prudes that are outside of our major project areas which the department of finance has allowed us to program and with the assistance of the city we're working with the priorities this is the second item on the south of market that was determined to be
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a priority with the 75 thousand dollars with the department of finance they concurred and we've transferred those fund recently so this is up to 5 hundred 26 thousand depends on the interest i have alice in wonderland from the mta that will be speaking about the details of the work that the mta plans to do with the fund this grant is will comes down with reporting requirements where the mta will have to report back to us on the use of fund and mayor those are tax exempt those are tax contempt bond for the capital work a work that complies with the irs guidelines they will if there were to be inexpended bond precedes they will be returned to us i don't
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expect that there of the extensive community outreach to the input with that i'm going to turn it over to adam. >> we have the screen we have - >> good afternoon director bohe and actic chair sxhooufrt sfmta this is a larger project with the pedestrian safety on 6th is from market to 40u6rd we have the top three or four intersections of the you are occurrence of pedestrian injury so anything we can do is greatly appreciated we've been working with the neighborhood extensive to identify priorities and put into action a plan to work on
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the whole corridor from market to fulsome to conclude the pedestrian safety with the vehicle not too much traffic cadging but prioritization of the safeties over the vehicles the grant before us a has two preliminary items one to improve the pedestrian safety on the sidewalks environment augural driver's license are a number which tree grate - go ahead. >> i'm sure - i'm going to step back so i'll start with the
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intersection improvements at howard and 6th street can you remember the signaling allows for the traffic on howard and 6th to progress we want to protect the pedestrians as they cross and allow a certain movement we would like to make a left turn protecting the pedestrians at the cross and the way we do that we change the intersection 3w0ub9 the intersection to add more signal time the pedestrian bulbouts provide a shorter distances for the pedestrians as well as an opportunity to be seen and and from the traffic their using u using the information they're able to be seen by traffic and the idea to make pedestrians as visible as possible
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benefits i just kind of went through most of them also showdown or shounz traffic they're not able to cross faster one of the major thing is the speed at which vehicles are going if you're hit by a car by thirty mile-per-hour say 25 you have an 80 percent chance the window of speeds slowing down is important next item for the grant to cover the existing tree grates wells they've the streetscape project was done many years ago the tree grates provide on uneven smas surface the proposal to make the tree grates safer and also at the same time protect the trees and allow them to be a little
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bit more robust in the area and that's about it i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> i know think we'll hear public comment first. >> we have one speaker card. >> where were you going to say something we have one speaker card. >> mr. ace washington. >> mr. washington. >> do you want to say something? >> is there anyone else that wants to speak on this item
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please come forward. >> yes, sir. if you can - >> you need to hurry up on that. >> if there is no anybody else that wants to speak come up because ace is a regular we'll hopefully give him a couple of seconds to come. >> yes. we did ace. >> when you all started this ocii i claimed about your asked me i'm here to speak on public comment on the agenda you see you have people that want to speak 2, 3, 4 public comment we thank you all that you come and i notice maybe out of context
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we'll have public comment but we're here respectfully and i'm going to share so - anyone else public comment there seeing none closing public comment i'll go to my fellow commissioners. >> i move. >> commissioner singh moves commissioner mondejar yes, please. >> just a clarification so right now howard is one way westbound so your; right? >> a that's correct, yes. >> so, now right now you don't allow left turns on 6th. >> i pass by that all the time and we allow left turns on 6th with when howard gets the green it's the same that the
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pedestrians get even though green the idea to split it up to let the pedestrians go first a whole phase dictated to them a way to isolate the conflict. >> how many seconds. >> from 3 to 5 seconds enough four pedestrians to get established and he kind of take the spates is that's one scenario other scenario would be that the vehicles on howard are held until the clearance so you'll have through traffic to go straight and left turns on howard will be held and after they're done the left turn will be a green arrow if i'm not explaining that perfectly a way to isolate it. >> it's an intersection i'll
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glad mta's addressing that thank you. >> i have a question so when i drive through 40u6rd street and that intersection there's a lot of folks in wheelchairs how much time do they get to get across from the bulb out. >> yeah. they go beyond our standards 2 and a half feet per second from this location i'm not sure but we don't companions on it if you have to envied wheelchair and pedestrian seniors specifically okay. >> and what are the the number of accidents that happen in this chiropractor. >> quite a few of the off the top of my head i don't know the numbers in front of me it's substantial i think in the 7
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year windows we last looked there were maybe 12 at each intersection and that's substantially higher than other location our highest location in the city is 18 and that window when we have one or two sits a concern but when we are way over that it's enough to make a high priority enough 2, 3, 4 line with the vision zero policy with the fatalities to zero the mta is taking on that policy. >> why great this is great you guys are doing this. >> okay any further comments from the commissioners? thank you madam secretary please take roll >> thank you, mr. chair members please announce our vote commissioner mondejar commissioner singh
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the minutes meeting of january 6, 2015, and 5 b authorizing the fourth amendment to a personal service contract with the ink of california corporation to extend the term date for an additional year from january 2014 to january 2015 with no change aggregate amounts of one million dollars plus to provide for yanl licensing fees for the ocii and labor complaint system action resolution no. 4 dash 2015 do we have speaker cards on either of those items. >> we do not. >> okay. let's take them one by one do any members of the xhigsz commission have comments or questions on the minutes?
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yes >> i was not here that date. >> second. >> moved by commissioner mondejar and second by commissioner. >> please announce our vote. >> supervisor mar commissioner singh i abstain commissioner bustos madam chair rosales i have 3 i's and one abstention. >> minutes are adapted we can move on to item 5 d. >> nope i'm sorry 5 b as in boy person services contracts with the regulations system do we have any questions for staff? a motion? >> i'll move
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so it's moved by 13w50u6r9 u 1k3450u6r9 and seconded by supervisor mar arrest commissioners commissioner mondejar commissioner singh commissioner bustos. >> madam chair rosales we have 4 i's. >> okay so that matter passes please call the next item. >> it's a closed session okay. >> the commission is going to go into closed session so i need to ask i apologize for the inconvention i need to ask everything that is not part of the closed session to please leave the room at this moment and i'll make the announcement the commission will go into
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closed session to talk about the labor negotiators to care of >> welcome back everyone thank you for your patience the commissions closed session has been clicked and no reportable items madam secretary call the next item thank you, madam chair the the next order of business is 5 c and d related to the ocii employment contacts will be presented together and acted on separately the execution of a memorandum of agreement with the federal technical engineers local 24 bargaining occupant for
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february 2015 through 2017 discussion and action resolution number 5 dash 2015 and dictionary 30 years the execution of a memoranda agreement local 1021 bargaining unit for the period of february 3rd, 2015 through january 30th january 30th, 2017, madam director and commissioners after 3 years without formalized contracts amended contact with the 1021 and local 1021 this was due in large part of the listing dissolution a number of questions raised we have now bringing before you amendments to both union contracts that provide for a number of changes
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including providing raises for employees so with that i'd like to ask jim mary moore asl he lives to walk through the background and significant terms and conditions of both of those proposed contract. >> thank you madam chair rosales and members of the commission i'm jim morales you have before you two resolutions with draft contracts with agencies have negotiated with 1021 and to approve hopefully as director bohe indicated it's been a long time in coming that we've not had labor agreements before you the last time the agency xhirthd the last agency xhirthd considered for the labor
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agreement was in june of 2011 we have a traveled a course that involved the dissolution of the agency and change in city back to successor agency there's a number of events that have occurred the memo tries to capture i'll notary state those except in the last evidently months a major break through with proposition d that granted certain rights to agency employees that were compatible rights and benefits compatible to similarly situated city employees as health care and with the passage of proposition d the city as we
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said and the union negotiated over the terms of that city offer of employment might look like and we understand that those offers are imminent to ocii employees in the last month the unions and executive management met to negotiate and try to resolve the remaining issues for ocii employees this is important to give the police a meaningful choice between city employment and ocii employment we wanted to just want our labor contracts and make sure that to the greatest stent possible their compatible to similar city contracts with local 1020 and 21 that principle has guided our negotiations over the last month
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and the result is the proposed agreements before you today and i will briefly summarize the major provisions of those agreements perhaps most 1ib9 is the salary increases that are compatible to those salary increases that city employees have or will receive for both unions effective in the first pay period of february 2015 there's an increase of 6.121 percent in october of 2015 an additional increase and july of 2016 there will be an increase between 2.5 percent and 3.125 percent depending on the rate of
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inflation i should not as part of the salaries the performance incentive bonuses that were previously provide to management superiory managers that on one of 4 bargaining unit received those proposals those were eliminated as the city eliminated them so they were not part of the local 21 or 1021 contracts and have been removed from the salary provisions another component of the new contracts is requiring employees to contribute an additional amount for their pension benefits and the retirement system a system with what go city employees must pay so this
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contribution which will total 3.5 percent over the term of the contract will be provided by employees on a graduated basis over time that means that when the first salary increase is made an increase contribution by employees of 1 percent when the second salary increase was given in october of 2015 an additional 1.225 percent will be contributed by the employees for recommended program and finally in july of 2016 at 1.25 percent will be required to be contributed by the employee parties with the unions and the agency intended that the contribution of employees to
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this should be on a pretax basis and we will need to amend our cal percent contract to chief that we hope to bring that contract amendment to you as quickly as possible so we can effective i cannot that pretax reduction for the contribution new proposed labor arrangements with the ocii bargaining units will match the city similar city contracts for fiat holiday 4 fleeting holidays per calendar year and additional renovating holiday over the term of the contract city workers in 1021 and ton 21 don't have the benefit of the wellness incentive program that the city flez employees have provided a cash out value for
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sick time for retirement that's a value of 2 hundred 5 percent unused sick time also city employees don't have a separate beraechlt leave for the death of a family member associated with the employee instead the city workers are provided with the opportunity to use sick time so the proposed agreement before you today provides the wellness incentive program as well as the current beraechlt leave benefit for the ocii employees will continue through the next two years basically until the end of 2016 and it sunsets goes away so that in the future the benefits will more closely corridor to what city workers receive
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in terms of contemplatey time i'm sure you're aware of is time and a half for overtime work you don't receive paid over time the current city rules require for local 21 place over all cap of one hundred and 60 hours and cap of one hundred and 20 hours to be used in my given year under the city rules the unused copying time cannot be cashed out the proposed agreement for other low and behold 21 employees will match that program for the city in terms of the commentary time for that new employees is the one hundred and 60 overall and in a given year no cash out value, how
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