tv [untitled] February 6, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PST
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and neighborhoods used to be self-contained in san francisco you know 50 or 70 years ago each neighborhood has a movie theatre and banks and cleaners and markets a streetcar and somewhere it deteriorated and a lot of the institutions pulled out and made it necessary for people to get in their cars to drive to get basics services night in the potrero hill by itself and ocean boulevard and lower fillmore and other avenues those restraining order neighborhood streets that are in need of not only banks and coffee shops but supermarket or small market maybe we could get gus back to put in a few more it's supported by katrero buster
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and the dog patch and, of course, very good in terms of phil's coffee 17 percentage vacant rate certainly it is a very good use and will help to fill the vacancies and only one other coffee shop in the general vicinity this is a staubz i found it one half, however before my class and local firm i'm in support of both of those projects. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i'll try to move it along to move it to approve both projects gladly on the findings for the bank commissioner richards can you explain exactly what our looking for.
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>> they handed out a conditional approve the city attorney asked we make a finding around that banks offer this at night and the project sponsor is making their space on and the association for a neighborhood group to make that happy. >> yeah. i'm sorry, i do want specific. >> yes. please. here where the reader doesn't establish a direct link between the approval you're taking and the condition it is better to recognize the project sponsors they've offered this as part of the project i recommend that the resolution or the motion state at the gina whereas clause that the planning commission recognizes the project sponsor will be making the space available to neighborhood groups and individuals in the community and actively share this for the leadership identified in the neighborhood groups and restore
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an active scheduled i hope - in addition to hosting events of their own the project sponsors make this space on a first come, first serve to make the evening and during the hearing the project sponsor talked about their intent that's a whereas clause not a condition but something you've taking a look at. >> i prefer your exact language to saying that the bank will i know we're going to say the bank makes the efforts to connect with the actual community organizations i think we've stereotype the map and looking at the area not only is it one of the actual banks in the area not only in potrero hill and dog patch and further south of potrero hill and bayview they're
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the only private companies that has a small program of making the space you've seen a picture of the mayor speaking and i've spoken too so i want that to not be limited to one neighborhood or a select few neighborhood groups who gets to use that space. >> that's itself that point. >> and what you said says that i want to make a motion first motion to approve the conditional use for 415 for aqua bank. >> second. >> with finding as proposed. >> commissioner hillis good i had a question we can do do motion or you want to do the
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motion. >> think bank i was curious i was looking at the plan i have to go hang out at the bank. >> one bank. >> what's going on here there's a bank and - >> the president phone is my personal if you bear with me a moment i'll put something on the overhead. >> i'm going to hang out at the on and on can bank and refresh. >> so, yeah there is kind of like a bat line that goes to the president of, you know, can banks office i personally have never tried it i'm curious to see what's going on there.
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>> that's the neighborhood and refresh quickly. >> i'm going to bring up lindacy to talk about that. >> great good question the phone itself rings into the president and ceo's office i welcome any of you to pick up the phone he answers his own phone by the way, the refresh bar is a refresh station for cookies and coffee and tea and the neighborhood is an hour expression and display we've landmarked for a local artist an art piece to speak to the community and make it local in that way those are to answer your question. >> thank you very much so commissioners there is a motion and a second to approve item 14 a for the bank with conditions as amended to include a whereas clause recording on that motion
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commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards chairperson wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> i'll make a motion i'm sorry if i'm recognized. >> commissioner richards would you like to make a motion. >> i'd like to macho motion to approve phil's coffee. >> on that motion commissioners to approve with conditions phil's coffee at this locations. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards chairperson wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero expirations that places you under our discretionary review calendar for item 15 at 1760, 2 tellingth avenue this is a
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discretionary review. >> good afternoon marseille with the department staff r you have a discretionary review to construct a anthony hundred 3 story sfwnl a proposed stack above the third level of guardrail and this is exclusively surround it has dead-ends with the adapt grateful that splits traffic into two lanes at the top is a single-family unit property is zoned as rh1 the zoning is
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15 feet south if the subject property and having unreasonable impacts on the public safety in the san francisco general plan and the section of norway regular we have a massaging it is uncharacter of the pattern and fits the pattern to he'd those concerns the dr suggests to reduce it for the single-family unit at 1758 12 avenue following publication of the packet the department has hearsay evidence 4 letters for support and one obviously to the earth scale pops o copies of those are available for your review if you like
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department recommends that the condition match the discretionary review and approve the project as property because the drawing scale is compatible with the surrounding buildings go and the view from norway regular street will not be impacted by the project building depth has open space and the gap and the in the matter adjacent building 430 noreaga those are private raiders that are not protected under the guidelines additional the height that is conceptually appropriate as the street runs south and this new construction nonsense to the stepping in height as the tape grateful of the height increases the proposed roof deck is in an area
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and the guardrails have transparent material that that concludes my presentation. and i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you dr requester 5 minutes. >> hello commissioners. i'm tim, i said to can i have at monitor please i wanted to talk about the urban context with the proposal noreaga street the borderer is the cap of the grid and borrowed between neighborhoods and also a collector it brings together
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pedestrian traffic and a lot of people walk along the promenade the views from noreaga have going to say a unique condition because the house and the roof deck in particular is because you see this wedge shaped lot that is separates the proposed site from noreaga street has a house on that to the east and the narrow part of the wedge is unbuilding so this is a defect in block conditions it has a severe impact on noreaga street because of the impact on the street besides grandview park you'll see noreaga street splitting it is listed as wonderful public views i know
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myself this is an example of the views to the bay to the ocean to the bridge and the residential guidelines state those views are for those given their public open space a theirs water and suggests that massing can and should be modified to a degree to respect the view from the public space i understand that this is private property and we are totally respectful to the neighbors we're trying to mitigate the massing of that house on public space surrounding to say the back and forth from the sidewalk and the house itself height of the house has been somewhat lowered already known as to our concerns some elements
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the roof deck and the overall depth of the house i feel are still detrimental to the experience along noreaga street the roof deck is above the agreed upon roof deck i feel it has a significant visual impact and designed with solid portions of par fit included here's from another prospective mid block bay and the house itself it is the longest house on the block and the tallest on the block in the block are stronger mid block patterns to which the rear projects the slide didn't come on particularly clear there are a lot of a front terraces
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those exhibits if you wish and the design of this house excludes a front terrace we don't have in opposition to in terms of roof deck there's only one and it's a multi family development which the upper unit don't have access apart from the roof deck the roof deck is their open space i understand on this project there's a full rear yard and a front rear terrace and full terrace combined with the in block position of thirty this site creates a noise nuisance and visual cluster from the street and privacy issues as that roof deck can be seen from adjacent properties on 3 sides recommendation measures are
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modest and - especially the removal of the roof deck wouldn't have a significant impact on the rest of design we think reducing the overall depth of the house will help to mitigate the views started towards the bay that will require redesign on the part of project sponsor but the loss of roof deck will have a beneficial effect on there thank you you. >> speakers in support of dr requester. >> hi, i'm eve i live on 12th avenue and support mr. moore
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heads his motion to make changes to the house that i shortening the house as well as removing the roof deck we have several issues one is the proposed architecture explicit respect the vintage of the neighborhood this is the top of noreaga looking at down this is where the house will be built and this is gives an example of looking up noreaga the different rooflines i have other examples of the characters of homes on noreaga i'll go through quickly those are just the different housing styles the different characters one more
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then come to my house which is two lots over from where the houses will be built this is my house and next to it is 1752 which is this house where the planning to be built which are right here in this so - this is the proposed plan which does not look like the vintage characters of the neighborhood those proposed houses will be significantly larger than the houses in the neighborhood and just to give you an idea those houses - (inaudible) house here will tower way over those houses and the result will
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be they'll be impacting the sunlight and let's see privacy of those of us who live below those structures in fact in any house we will let me just give you an idea of your backyard this is any backyard and this is our nightclubs backyard as you can see the plans are to extend way beyond our backyard and the 30 stories will be significantly higher and remove the privacy and sunlight and having a rkd will significantly impact our privacy as well as more removal of our sunlight so i hope you'll take into consideration thank you.
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>> hi, i'm tom hope i live on noreaga i was born and raised in san francisco and raising my family living in this house for the past 8 years the thing i loved about our neighborhood i didn't appreciate when we bought our house how noreaga is a community and i didn't royals tom sits in the corner on the curve with his dog and my kids play in the front yard and the roof deck the higher roof how far back it goes will impact the views and the neighborhood character and the feel we have when we spend time on the street it's important for the character of the neighborhood take into
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consideration especially the roof deck it sits down slightly it is at street level but you can nearly jump up and see people's feet when people are throwing a party and it's right there from our front yard when everyone is walking but i don't think the roof deck is a critical component to this house how that plays in and how the noise comes off that roof deck i think it is important to how our neighborhood it put together so thank you very much. >> hello my name is rob to my husband and i live in the neighborhood we take daily walks and enjoy the public views when
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i first saw the pictures of this house i thought that belongs in diamond height. >> next speaker. >> it's a strange mammogram not onlyly for our neighborhood it is a done deal but what is not a done deal is the roof deck if that can be adjusted so it fits better into the neighborhood it won't obstruct the public view i think right now it looks at as though the houses that are costing in the two and a half, $3 million it was done by the same developer for $3 million it went down and down in practice those price and entry now i think that's a misunderstanding of the neighborhood and what the neighborhoods seeks to the inner sunlight and gotten height this
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house it seems to me it is way out of the line so what the commission can do that be presenter by all of us cut down on the debt and work with the architect there's not a family living in that house that is impacted by the decision made if it were a framing family they wanted to have extra space that's something else but a family wanted to come in is speculation we're raising our own families and don't need this for someone who won't know that a roof deck was supposed to be up there i please urge you to take into consideration and not to have a negative input on the
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neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please >> hello my name is katrina i live on noreaga immediately across the street from the proposed project i'm concerned buyout overall bulk of the design but about the height of the proposed structure with the roof deck that exceeds the agreed upon 27 feet when the neighboring project on 12 avenue was under review we worked with the owner and his architect for both properties and the planning department to negotiate a compromise for both buildings as a result of those negotiations the owners agreed to respect the height for 27 feet at no time difficult owner mentioned a roof deck or one, if one we are added steady the height agreement i
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was told roof deck are not considered in buildings overall height better to be safe than sorry but as neighbors negotiating no going to we've not included that in our agreement in addition to the agreed by an limit it will intrude on our privacy the steep incline our house is sit what did you do and that will be in line with our dining room and living room that interesting will provide a unobstructed view and any activities will be seen and heard and due to the on corner on 12th avenue will be felt lying by several of our neighborhoods and other
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neighbors as well as by the fire chief owners of 430 noreaga for the reasons i've mentioned i ask that the roof deck be removed if in the rechld i ask it be redesigned to fall within the agreed upon height limit of 27 feet thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm steve i live in two doors down i just wanted to bring up the triad thing the height and debt and the actual acre it's itself it was built in the 30s and 40s the odds used to be sand dunes when my wife was young that stuff was built in the 60s and 70s there's a discretion so all
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the homes are two stories you've got the garage and the standard sunset home and once you get up to this from the street those are third-story theirs humane homes didn't fit in as far as the architecture didn't try to match the spanish you know stucco and the housing authority's house is next to the original home that is like an old cap code vintage home which is still there and things like only 50 feet from that they doesn't incorporate anything and nothing with the homes coming up the street as well so i think the architecture really need to
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be looked to make it blend so it didn't look like a box store height i want to reiterate what everything else said about the deck i don't know what they're going to do build a tense court or whatever but start putting umbrellas and pots and plant and throwing parties and casing on and that center little whether it's clear or not the railing this is going to go around increases the height it constitutes a fourth floor and then the depth of the house shouldn't go any further from our deck looking setting this
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house is already going to be taking away half of our view looking this way so we're getting cut down also this house needs to be back in line with all the other homes and keep that into c that's it thank you. >> any other speakers in support of the dr seeing none project sponsor you have 5 minutes. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm shawn the porridge architect here with the project sponsors today dr requesters principle of opposition centers on two issues
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one the roof deck with the par fits and number two the fact the rear of the houses is not imperfect aligned with the adjacent neighbor 1758 was approved by the planning so it's not yet constructed dr requester says reduce the height of the proposed building for both locations through negotiation and agreement it was my understanding they first were dealing with the 29 foot number down to 27 feet at the request of the dr requester so there's significant negotiation on this what i guess a misunderstanding or i'm not sure what the issue is but it was also intend and
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