tv [untitled] February 7, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PST
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could i didn't buy a risk when our about to ludicrous. >> what time is it. >> it will cut back him or her. >> 325. >> when i was closed and somebody's is knocking at my door for an order to be picked up i'm going to have to definitely on up the door and give me a number what time. >> at friday we dine at 3 o'clock so saturday innocent a little bit longer than so like the gentleman said 3:30 we had to get people out of there for the past 3 months we've been very generous they've been generous but i'd like that i
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made it this far with every single one and i have no more to say. >> what time. >> done by 3:30 that's our focus the whole time. >> i did abuse that we're going to move on to commissioner frost and then i'll try to wrap up the comments from the commission. >> staying on the timeframe on the permit it asked our last meal to be served at 5 but your partner asked i be allowed to keep people in there until 5 what is it you want to serve your last meal at 5:00 a.m. part of the issue was 3:30 were up asking people to leave do you want to serve the last meal at 5 or close the door? in respect to that we have
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5 o'clock permit because at some point they start cleaning up the past we have a labor the same cus crew has to leave by 5 we want to be there that they 5 if someone comes by that 4:30 we want to utilize that space wisely i know it was loss going to serve a person >> do you want me to amend the request you stay on until 5 and serve the last food at 4:15. >> foukdz is awesome thank you very much. >> so this commission is completely supportive when we have good birs before mentioned of late night food we know that people are hunger we say support all kinds of people and the diners and that kind of thing so it's not a matter of do we have
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support it or not we want to see responsible before mentioned that pay their tax and work with the police and the inspectors when we ask for permits and not give round about answers that's hard to feel like you're going to run a business responsibly and not questioning the questions we have the power to revoke our permit what reason do we believe you'll comply with the rules stated here just know i feel for you. >> a brrn and want to make a bigger profit and you supply to our customers. >> but have to work with a city commission and department and work with the police and have to
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be clear and direct and responsive and i haven't been getting that here this is not to say we're not going to productive that i present our manager much more than you who's been clear about answering the question you don't have to respond i'm going to call on the police and have more time to think about this thank you so far. >> please have a seat. >> thank you hello officer torres. >> i'm officer torres representing the police station let me give you a little bit of clafrtd how this whole thing can about age as a result insides the nan curry restaurant sometime in november officers made a complaint to me
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and said the operators at the restaurant refused to show their permits and they were completely uncooperative i connected the tax collectors office and did an investigation as to their permits calls for service and report and so on what i find out was that, in fact they didn't pay their tax licenses for the 3 reinforces and i have the receipt right here this is dated december the 26 and shows tests outstanding for the 3 years and clearly the code reads that he can't operate his extended hours provided without paying his tax licenses i substantially went out to nan and curry in a few days and
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spoke to the operator at the restaurant no permits displaced and not able to produce any permits at all and then let's see i called to try to get ahold of the applicant 3 times and he never received any kaldz back from him you have copies of the calls for service at the restaurant just for information there are other restaurant that stay twenty-four hours less than 6050 or cafe mason that's there twenty-four hours and laurie's diner and jackson just a second in the box no place to eat kind of issue there there's none we shouldn't allow this bits 0 operate until 5:00 a.m. he's not paid his taxes, of course he
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paid his taxes he knew his taxes were outstanding when he got a temporary certificate to operate new years eve he was well aware at this point he didn't pay the 1700s dollars he's owed september 26th to get that temporary license not until january the 12 did he pay the full amount he came by the station and dropped off a copy of the paid bill so we ask that you disapprove that and that this business if they want to stay on until 5:00 a.m. they have to show when the police come out for the permits they need to show their business tax
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license and health license and they have no permits on display just for information this business lost their liquor license for non-payment to the state of california and this happened probability two years ago for non-payment and this is just you know irresponsible operating on their part so - >> any questions. >> thank you commissioners any questions for officer torres? >> sorry you said the initial when the burglary or the assault happened and the report i said the sergeant asked to see the permits and then later a couple of days later and. >> i went out to the site in the daytime there was nothing
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displayed i called his cell phone and never a call back from the applicant. >> thank you sure. >> any other questions. >> thank you very much i'm going to open this up to public comment anyone who wants to speak? >> thank you. >> hi i'm michael nolte the executive director for the lions of district 6 they know all the facts until a committee member has to show up for the facts you commissioners get all the facts or at least you see in our report alliance wanted to request the continuance we felt they haven't done outreach and sure they
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haven't done outreach 15i789 if you're not going to grant a continuance we're going to then ask you grant to grant the denial because their seems like two many hurdles that are to convince people they're operating in a manner that works. >> and i really you know it's a shame because you know people do put a lot of people into restaurants and restaurant are needed in san francisco and they're right across the street from the hilton a lot of tourist i wanted to say on television i eat there that woke everybody up so i mean i appreciate them being in business and i love them having a dinner it's important i come with my guests
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they have to follow the rules it's up to you weighing everything you have to weigh to make a decision if you can grant a continuance that might help them to do outreach the community needs to know and be aware of them with an extension of the permit thank you. >> thank you any other public comment? all right. public comment is closed. >> commissioners this is an interesting one. >> so i think ignorance of the laws or ignorance of the laws and ordinances are no excuse my father taught me that there's no excuse you run your business you need to know what you need to do
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to run a business not only ordering food when i had any club the most important thing was the permits including my as an absent permits that's how i had money to operate on the permits and also the lack of outreach to the community any part of the community is is a negative for me as well and the fact that the applicant felt that he did not have to answer any more of our questions and stuff we're a regulatory agency and very friendly to business and the questions we've asked were not out rankle so if this comes up for approval i'll not be voting for it.
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>> we have to act on that we'll have to continue it but any more comments or points of view we put out there before entertaining a motion. >> all right. >> just to clarify this request is for the additional time between 3 and 5 it doesn't in my way impillage upon their ability to continue until 3; correct. >> correct. >> i think there's a lot of permits in the city and a lot of paper to get across and some would say there's too much and we can't blame a brrn amendment from the burden from the city i'm not trying to excuse i would like to have seen for straight
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answers to our questions we didn't get tonight so you know, i want you guys to succeed we all want you to succeed on top of that i remember the first time we were dealing with our permit there were incidents you were not addressing like speaking out it's not good to see us to continue because ultimately we're the ones that enable you to run our business so the buck does stop i with you but the neighbors and other agencies and from the neighbors that exclaimed we hear and we have to deal with that if we're going to extend a business to run until 5 in the morning or 6 the truthful permit allows you, we need extra responsibility
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because the city services are less and there's fewer police out to respond to call so you're in a bind when you're not showing you you can be responsible with the permit you currently even have so - i don't know if people are ready to move to deny this that means they have a year before they can come back to us we can continue it i don't know what will happen if you want to see more neighborhood outreach or potential to meet with another communicated organizations or we can approve it so we could approve it with many conditions those are our options. >> someone has to make a motion.
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>> and someone massachusetts has to make a motion or sit here in silence. >> or we can continue this until march third so have no more time to craft a permit condition. >> i'll make a motion to deny the permit. >> okay. the motion to deny a second? second >> the motion and second any further discussion someone want to punish. >> your permit is like you have to consider it like gold if we take our permit away you canned serve fast food i don't know why an operator i know there's a lot of people that go to our place south of market you've got a
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great after-hour service i don't understand the disregard of that and so if we deny today it sound like we're going to do that we have a year for you to productive it to us but right now i have no confidence. >> just for clarification i'm not entirely sure if the year holds a permit we know this is an original application is denial would be a year before you could reapply i'm not sure whether that holds for an amendment to a permit so i can found out but not this evening. >> reapply in 6 months. >> that's possible so as far as the intention of this commission or the wish of the commission take a look at and see if you go
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ahead and do something we find out shouldn't have done this will bring this back to you to make a change it seems like i don't know the answer try something that feels right to you and fought the consequence. >> maybe not a year but at some point in time so we have a motion to deny and second that they other comments? or the let's take it to a vote >> all right. on the motion to deny the amended request for this permit commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner moshoyannis commissioner perez commissioner tan. >> that motion passes which means the it's done.
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>> the more i think about this is a condition so you have just simply denied the amendment of the condition i don't think the prohibition of the years is really. >> actually - >> in play when we are talking about him coming to you, in fact with a change of condition you said no which is in our right to do that but i don't think he now is barred from coming back to you in summary. >> he can come back. >> he can reapply and come back whatever. >> i hope he comes back because i'm sure we'll be up there watching and driving by the restaurant more. >> to say to you guys if you're able to reach out to your neighbors and do proactively
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community outreach show us you can work with folks in advance of those hamburger i tinting intend to get the community feedback and put in the time and energy and effort neighbors to neighborhoods it is going to reflect better. >> it is meaning talking about with what you plan on impacting the neighborhood okay. >> sorry we can't talk anywhere i recommend you work with officer torres to see how you know kind of work with the police especially around the issues of the - so we are going to move on we don't have any more time to discuss that item 78 a hearing on a rule change all the commissioners received coordinates over e-mail it is fairly mosaic active cleaning up
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up the language and words that needed to be cleaned up. >> for the purposes of being clear with record there's. >> memorandum on page dated the second of february there is a draft a clean what we're calling a clean draft of the rules and the red line version showing the changes that were requesting that you approve tonight for again, the rolls and procedures for the rules of entertainment the extended hours and limited live performance permits simply put since 2007 when is the last time those rules were in front of the commission there's been 3 changes to the code sections we work windfall tax police code
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one 09 that was fairly steven and refined and processes for the permit extensionss another in 2010 to expand the grounds for revocation and lastly in 2011 to create this new thing called the live performance permit the code the police code the sections 1060 and 70 are our bicycle those rules promulgate more in a specific way how the commission precedes in terms of hearings when someone comes in front of you to you know be suspended or revoked and so those steps you take are outlined in those rules and in 2007 maintains in 2015 they
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didn't so the clean version in front of you simply makes the changes so they reflect what the sections in the code say and i'm asking kindly that we approve those. >> thanks for putting that out and cleaning up up house. >> so commissioners are are there are clarifying questions it is pretty straightforward any comments on this. >> comments thanks for the work reading it was kind of i imagine you trying to write it. >> you can they can our st. >> i want to make a motion to approve those changes. >> moved and seconded is there
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public comment i was sometimes i forget that no public comment public comment is closed. >> let's take a vote. >> commissioner perez commissioner moshoyannis commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner frost commissioner tan and the motion passes we're going to move on to item 8 commissioner questions or comments this is a free-for-all commissioner joseph. >> i'd like to take this time to offer a closing this meeting in memory of eddy bell cookie dough cookie dough was an iconic san francisco person who spends his time not only entertaining people in san francisco but raising money for charity and other causes
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eddy passed and i away this past thursday in port authority advert they're still raising money at go fund me to cover expenses he died in port authority 51 art they have to bring his body bank serves on march 4 to once again i'd like to adjourn this meeting known to us as cookie dough. >> thank you commissioners other comments? all right. any public comment on this lovely memorial meeting no our final thing any new business items item 9 agenda for march third or future dates
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>> commissioner. >> i want to tell you march second at the regency it is the cocktail the show starts at 7:30 and you can begin with a party that is nor the public as well you can buy our ticket at 90 see you then no agenda items if i have any let us know any public comment no one that means our meeting is adjourned have a again night.
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>> hi i'm brandon the mist at sfpuc my role to support the employees between our yosemite location to san francisco and the typical things we deal with are puc recommended and network relate an telecom i like my role it varies day to day it is a unique challenge from providing in that user conclusions i solutions on their computer or a the president on a task they're trying to complete the training is very important there are many
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things to stay up to date my manager has helped me making sure any skills are up to date with the skilled in my field it is about right time of day and about you know the percentage of resagsz for water and power are posh to the citizens of san francisco and keeping those systems up and running for this is one of the challenge to progress within the organization and commit count i commit to the local government is where i want good afternoon, everyone. the meeting will come to order. welcome to the to the
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february 5th, 2015, meeting of the neighborhood services and safety committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. my my our collect is mr. derek evans and i'd like to thank the staff of sfgtv. items acted upon today will appear on the board of supervisor's agenda unless otherwise stated. >> item number 1 is a hearing to consider a liquor license. >> thank you and i know we have a report i think lieutenant is not with us but we have the
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report from our alu staff. >> yes, good afternoon supervisors and thank you for having us. my name is al duarte regarding 5030 fillmore street and this is on behalf of mr. nae moon has applied for a type 40 on sale beer license for 1530 fillmore street. mr. park has opened a billiard hall. it should be noted that during the application process a notification of and mailer was done on on april 8th on april 8th, 2013, , and posted march 28th of 2013.
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