tv [untitled] February 8, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PST
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ave portions between 90 and one hundred and 60 feet with mission bay you're allowed a little bit more to protect the views from the freeway that have maintain the 2 hundred foot separation of the majority of the height of the elevators for the small scare that encroaches 40 feet but the majority is within the 2 hundred feet and on the right hand side the floor plate for the towers is more than 20 thousand fiat square feet the variance allows them 6 hundred plus thousand feet to help allows them to keep the shorter areas short and the 2/4ths up so the breakdown so along 16th feet only towers with
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16 hundred feet it allows them the block lanes and from the keeping of the urban feel not having the break with the buildings keeps with the street concept with the long block we're not going to be able to have a long plain clothes we feel this is a perfect location for where their fitting in with the triangle last year site the design was designed for circulate site in mind this is triangle last year this is what we hope the staff will support those variances with the katrero boosters in the past we recommend approval so we took this specific design to the cac 2, 3, 4 detectives generally they feel p felt it
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was a better improvement one was a concern to make the southern area more interesting and babe bob that they're working on this there's a recommendation of approval and the other issue that was raised and corin wood will address that we have fedex illegal parking there there's a condition for the developer to work with the design internal drop-offs inside the garage as well as they have tenants lined up to make sure they enforce people to use the back deliver road so we feel the condition of approval to work and address that issue the planning commission reviewed the 2013 and the planning director with the staff thought since we've kept with the
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massing that is required for office building this design didn't need to go back to the planning commission it was provided as an informational item on the 17th of this month or the informational packet there's no additional actions required more work change in mission bay i'd like to have an update what's going with 0 mission bay so we'll be going back in the next month this project will be required to knee with the diversity they've done a grand canyon great job achieving 50 percent participation as of the sbes the total 45 will be sbes and almost
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11 percentage women that's a subsection also what's going to happen in mission bay there's payments from 9 master developer to go towards hiring for the job training program so the next pavement of half a million dollar will go for commercial the occurring between the hospital when they finish we have to take a look at so next year's the kaiser building we'll turn to that one and the next is the uber building in the next few months over the next 12 to 18 months we'll have the remaining one million dollars for job training that concludes my presentation. and we are available to answer any questions as i saw in our resolution commission packet
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there's conditions we've continues to work with them and address any additional issues with the construction drawings thank you very much. >> thank you do we have any speaker card. >> we have one speaker card corin woods. >> good afternoon happy new year. >> happy new year. >> my name is corin woods the chairman of cac i want to echo what commissioner bustos said about the staff their fabulous we're very, very lucky that they hung in here with us throughout the trials of the dissolution of the agreement on that project the cac rectified it we like it better than the original plan we support the variances we
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support the new design and we also support the conditions in the staff recommendation katherine mentioned our concern about this on the street parking issue not only this building all of owens street no parking on that street but people use it to drop off and pick up and deliver and the project sponsors has been very very responsive to the idea their trial try to work out some way to minimize the incursion of vehicles into the no parking zone on owens street in particular one other thing that the cac mentioned is that the corner building in the north seems to kind of be two separate building vertically we're concerned that
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they be tied together by color or whatever so they feel more like the same building even though the concept of separation is a great one we just want to make sure there's a consistent color pal late that ties the it up u toup top and bottom together we're looking forward to having them as neighbors thank you very much. >> thank you any other speaker cards. >> good evening, commissioners and audience i'm here to support this you minority know me i was here from the black history he was one of the first consultants since then so many owners i'm going to be asking for an overview to see what's happening in mission bay you guys know that treasure island the
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shipyard and the candle stick park all the projects that are under the ocii one thing that's been left out intentionally with the western edition i'm here to tell the developers under the new developers same name different game you guys and the pressure on them to talk about the first project in the consumption those developers i'm going to approach them they've got to be held responsibly so there's a remedy we have in the western edition that mary rogers did a long time guarantee ago was protest and it file a injunction there's reasons for an injunction to be filed on the urban renewal we call it the negro renull you've got to spend
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millions and millions of dollars in the next 10 years you've going to be booshtd are guaranteed like the city huggers and the ocii is internal right now as we speak so all the developers be aware ace is phenomenon the case you'll be able to contribute to the fillmore in which we've been eliminated we're called obsolete i'm here to therewithal from my family and their kids kids that ace is on the case i'm sitting on something that's burn all you all as was said in the song if there's a hell below it we're you'll going to go the asians and latino and all they call middle-class see god is bigger
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than all of us and make you on your eyes because we the blacks have been replaced displaced by another races because of our own race it has nothing to do with to do with you you'll back in the herman days how we're going to re-evaluate this city we're in the 2015 we want to know what's going on in 2050 so you developers think you're going to spend all our money thinking about what is happening in 9 beginning - >> thank you. >> oscar resident of bayview hunters point. >> this is a wonderful project i supported it one hundred percent my only concern is the residents the people in the
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community not having full sclipdz with the professional jobs in the hospital like decreases or especially those who want to be nurses what have you would it be possible for the million dollars to go to full scholarships for one or two residents many of the hospital can a lot into seeing it dream come true for the native residents of that community thank you very much. >> thank you okay. no other speaker cards okay so the public comment is closed commissions questions or comments. >> sure. >> commissioner bustos. >> thank you staff for providing the detail and the folks who have put together a
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pretty remarkable project i wanted to make sure you know that we acknowledge ms. woods concern about the color pal late and making it something that is more so that it looks like a building although i see why you're doing that but people pga it are going to see it everyday they having - their opinion should be heard so if there's a way to work out that it would be great local hire i'm delighted to the fact almost 50 percent of the folks you guys are engaging are from san francisco it's something we also pushing and something i know i feel like it's my sort of thing i'm also talking about it is valuable since you guys are coming here for the first time and we're
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paying attention to and the higher the numbers the more happier we are because we know that san franciscans are building and contributing to the project it's very, very important to us same thing with the local art you have a beautiful building i'm sure is going to need beautiful art there are many, many artists in san francisco especially in the bayview hunters point mission district that could contribute to that so we have measure i was and sculptures you name it, we have it in the city i'll encourage you to reach out to the artists and through the chair some point i'd love we have so 34 projects through the redevelopment and the agency scope it would be great for us to have the
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developers come and maybe take them on a tour ever do some sort presentation to allow the local artists to shire with everybody and you may see something you may like a sculpture that fits into what you want to do and if it's local great make the connection maybe a measure lift that has a style that fits what you like awesome we happy to make the contexts for folks so as we consider doing that soon but it's a great project i love the fact you want to incorporate it in a way it allows 0 people to walk around and really enjoy our beautiful city so i'd like to move this item. >> thank you before i hear a second do the other commissioners supervisor mar or commissioner singh. >> i really like the color
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coordination it is very good and want to know - yeah. when i when is it going to be start the project >> i'm going to ask the developer to come up and answer that question. >> when we plan on breaking ground. >> when it is started. >> yes. early spring or late summer this year and the completion. >> approximately two years of construction. >> and what is the two project value of the project which it is completed. >> the actual hard costs and yeah. >> approximately $200 million. >> approximately $1200 million okay how about the parking i saw that how many parks is provided.
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>> one space for 68 hundred and 67 parking spaces. >> one parking space per one thousand parking feet. >> i don't think that's enough parking for one thousand. >> it's regarded a max by the city code so we're complying with that. >> okay. yeah. >> thank you. >> i second the motion. >> commissioner mondejar. >> alluded to childcare potential what do you do. >> the potential in the sense i'll have to come back and discuss this a lot of times the childcare they've set sighed spates in mission bay or the lack of planning ahead for the outside spates they've designed the building to allow childcare
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to go in and i've asked todd to talk about that and the potential tenants. >> thank you. well as katherine mentioned we have designed and plans for but that's a place holder until we determine the chevrolet so we have a set base option for the design of the project. >> so it's to be determined. >> yes. >> uh-huh. >> in terms of. >> until you have actually, the received or determined who the tenants are. >> correct and what their appetite and demand for childcare. >> and the tenants are who are your target market. >> our target market is office,
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tech and live science so we could entertain any one of those tenants. >> you said something about the sponsor for the childcare is that what do you mean. >> it is subject to someone that - >> who the tenant and who the tenant and demand and the operator would be and so in the event there's no childcare what a our plan b for the location for the planned space. >> an open meeting space like a concept for informal and formal meetings and also as bob men's is a restaurant component in that area. >> my 09 questions is are you going to have bike spaces. >> yes. >> and how many. >> i don't know the exact count
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but the maximum is 50 percent for bike parking. >> the 64 bike spaces parking spaces and only 64? okay thank you and mr. on the other hand, really a question about the staff recommendations you have all work lists are you going to come back with an update of the recommendations if they're completed >> a lot of these are looking at what's in front of you what we tell the vendors it looks like a lot of verbiage but once built it has to look like what is designed if we come back and change it like it's not going to look like today, we can could be with an update we don't come back during the construction
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because it is being massaged by anything specific we'll come back. >> thank you it's beautiful complex looks at very invites. >> a second katherine and i can't remember on the childcare there is no other childcare facility in mission bay. >> no there are. >> okay. >> let me grab the overhead. >> there are a few in victims e developments we've sponsored. >> and this would be more for the employees of the - the commercial tenants. >> yes. or. >> or anyone i guess. >> mission bay north in one that's common sense that is subsidized 1184th street about to open and maybe 12 slots i have it here.
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>> okay. >> director bohe was saying this is one of the first affordable housing we had a head start program 84th street has two standards and have 12 spots about 80 percent and ucsf has a childcare on site it's part of their long-range development they're looking expanding it and actively anytime who someone comes in it's hard to fit into the market rate it's the outdoor open space player they have a single podium we have it for children it is included during the daytime we're hopefully one of the things we've identified for 6 west so right now we'll be coming for 6 east for the next
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affordable housing project they have retail on site as well as a child after-school program it was not its best location but the one next to it 6 west was the next chevrolet facility and one of our affordable housing projects and pushing as hard as i can for the commercial spaces that has for open space potential to have explorer options going back to the sponsorship a lot of times the larger facilities at city hall they pencil out because they have guaranteed a certain amount of spaces from a supported tenant that's someone willing to work with the childcare a portion of the
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spaces are on to outside people that have done work but the childcare they need to have the commitment financially for them to be able to open up. >> xharthsdz through the chair that is compatible the mercy family development it is underway after block 6 on block 7 after block 6 in the summer it's a mixed rate and there's in seensz we're the sponsor we're willing to do it so the sponsor has to be willing to do it. >> uh-huh. okay. >> and we're pushing as hard as we can and okay in terms of the design i think it's beautiful it's when i kind of looked it on paper i thought to myself i thought that is a lot different than last time it is appealing to the icy drive past this piece
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of land if burdening no heights to downtown i wonder w when we're over with going to do something. >> would you like to ask. >> is that james baldwin in the design that face. >> i don't know. >> it looks like james baldwin i was going to is he looks at great. >> yeah. the color both the visual arts culture and naturally color. >> it looks like commissioner bustos face cute. >> they up wouldn't do that i don't want to scare nobody. >> can i make one comment about the childcare this might not be the forum but it seems like we're dependent on the tenant is that something we can require like affordable housing you
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because the children of san francisco you know are you mention at stake here i wanted to make that comment and is if there's a possibility we could look after the children of san francisco and the families 0 there's childcare places available. >> certainly if the project sponsor hears the discussion and the commission preference i think they've heard you in e and your desire to include childcare and no commercial building other than ucsf there's not that many opportunities. >> for the employers and the employees and the city attorney of san francisco who is running at that time it is more perm be once is had a lot of attorney mothers to be announced they
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wanted maternity leave they wanted to keep the warriors color to homes and children it's also a good business decision to support of childcare onsite okay. we have a motion by commissioner bustos a second by commissioner singh please call the roll. >> commissioners announce our vote. >> commissioner mondejar that i commissioner singh commissioner bustos madam chair rosales. >> i have 4 i's. >> thank you. the motion passes thank you very much i'm assuming the model is two heavy to pass around or the okay. please call the next item. >> the in connection the next order of business is 5 f workshop on the recognized
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obligation payment schedule for jill first 2014 to july 31st, 2015, and 2015-2016 a related to the major approved projects and affordable housing discussion madam director. >> thank you, madam secretary commissioners we have a requirement under state dissolution law to submittal a so-called rocks or recognized obligation payment scheduled which has to list every single payment we're going to make over the next 6 months the governor proposed as part of the budget annuity to streamline that to make that submittal from twice a year so two halves of the fiscal year to once a year no legislation has passed but in the meantime we're continuing on we've done this for the 6
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rocks in which really in essence a productive so with that i'd like to ask leo levenson to start the presentation and he'll be joined by director sally worth as well. >> thank you director bohe and commissioners let's see if this is working we can go on the screen i'm pleased to submit the first of two workshops the first one is going to be - i'll start out with a accountant of refresher on the background and covering the major projects and affordable housing projects and in the next workshop we'll be covering the administration
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debt services and the portion of the rocks on february 14th in terms of the background i'm sure you remember we're required to submit this ever 6 months for now we're hopeful to move to the rocks a year from now the period from july through december and january through june this must be submitted by march first we're going to do two workshops to the oversight board and hope to have the final oversight meeting on the 23rd well in advance of march the funding sources listed on the roster are in the categories of the reserve balances that is older property tax for from the dissolution on that is all the
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disbursements and not bond rp t f the property tax trust fund that is divided into 2 categories that are non-admin and we're not talking about the non-admin cost there will be next but the another o on the property tax we're allowed to use the non-admin for project staff but not for administration active expels and with that, i think i'm going to turn it over to my fellow director to talk about this. >> thank you good afternoon commissioners so i'll do an overview of the approved projects and the housing program and the staff is here for sequesters but first, we'll give you an overview of the property tax
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